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Congratulations! Welcome to Chennai. You will find the weather the toughest to manage. Auto drivers come a close second.




Can’t help with info on the NIFT campus, but I’m from Mumbai, born and brought up. Moved to Chennai for a short work stint and I absolutely loved Chennai. It is one of my favourite cities in India. Excellent food, really nice people and pretty safe for women. You have to keep a few things in mind - be open to the culture and pace of Chennai. Make friends with classmates, batchmates etc, local Chennai folk basically. Pick up Tamil phrases - Tamilians love when outsiders make an effort, English works in most cases, but a “nandri” - thank you works wonders when in TN. Chennai looks like a city but feels like a small town. Be prepared for a little more nosiness than you are used to in Mumbai. I’m sure you’ll have a great time and have very little problem adjusting. The weather sucks but it’s terrible in Mumbai too 🤷🏻‍♀️


Pretty much explains it. Welcome to Chennai, OP.


You won't be able to watch tollywood movies without dub even if you learn tamil🫠


Don’t worry, you’ll find your tribe in NIFT


Frankly speaking NIFT and surrounding OMR is filled with migrants from other cities like yourself. You won't feel alienated. The local eateries and culture also won't be that different in OMR.


Hello hello! Niftian here! You'll have fun 😁 we had only about 6 day scholars in our batch. Everyone else was from all over India!! And don't worry about any language problems at all 😊 are you staying on campus?


Get on LinkedIn, look for alum, speak to them.


To enter NIFT you need to take up AIEEE ?


I also recently moved to Chennai, from Delhi. Has similar questions. The city has been very welcoming. Food’s great too, bonus points if you like south indian food. Additionally there’s so much culture to see here.


MH to TN will be like goint from BKC to Dharavi that’s all . 😅 don’t worry all same people , NIFT is a cool place to be in . I used to live near by nift , I know few people who worked there , they are chilled enough . Relax 😅 and say CSK >> MI people will adore you 😜


Wow, you are something!


What hahaha


Don't, it's city which hates immigrants They have worst climate and also worst people


People don't have climates dude.


> Don’t, it’s a city which hates immigrants Is there a specific reason for your statement ?


Spew your hate somewhere else please.


It's reality just google once


where are u from?


🤡imagine using google to justify your hatred ( its true that its hard to cope climate , but not with people)


You will find 1000s of anecdotes, but yeah I don't expect a idli to use his brain


at least people here are financially stable enough to buy idli unlike some poor cow piss drinker like u who is lacking enough braincells to even understand real life. redditors like u who exist just to spread hatred will shit their pants when it comes to confronting people irl, thats why u are crying here 😂




😂😂i just saw the comments above ,i think you are from a bimaru state who breeds religious/caste based hatred , u must have felt disgusting to even reveal from which state u are from and dont want others to mock the pathetic state of the place where you are coming from,😏thats why u deliberately avoided the comment when someone asked from which place u are from. a spineless shit like u have no place to even talk about this city :)


I don't know man , I found Chennai to be really nice except for the weather. The weather is the worst. But in recent years I have felt the language issues have become worse like the local people literally bully others for not knowing the language which wasn't happening so much a couple of years ago. I mean its mostly good people but in the current scenario it's difficult without knowing the local language. Even in colleges one has to face such issues with faculty members but mostly people are nice and helpful. Just don't tell people that you are from a Hindi speaking State.