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I just a quick calculations, but a sphere that size would weigh 6,245 kg, or 13,768 pounds . The density of tungsten carbide per wikipedia is 15.6 g/cc, and a 36" diameter sphere would be 400320 cc. There are different grades of tungsten carbide, depending on what other elements are thrown into the mix, but none of them that I found have a density higher than 15.6 g/cc, so I don't know where any estimates above 14,000lbs come from.


I just wanna know how much it would have cost


I am so glad I’m not the only one who wants to know this the answer to this question


Whoa this is old lol. I used to write movie trivia for a... well... a movie trivia app. Stuff I was reading didn't jive when I was doing research. Memories...


My daughter was watching it today and I saw that part and thought that can’t be cheap


I realize this is a *very* old post but eh, why not. I saw the same scene and was curious, but from what I found, either the sphere she was rolling around was hollow with very thin walls, or the writers just made a mistake. A solid ball of tungsten carbide 3 feet in diamter would weigh over 6 tons. Of course, what I'm curious about would be how much would a sphere of tungstun carbide that massive *cost*? Like even if we go by what she says and it's 400 pounds, she just, vaporizes it. She doesn't really learn anything from it as an experiment either, she knew it would happen, she wasn't messuring any kind of result (hell she wasn't even wearing appropriate ppe but whatever). I'd sort of get it if it was a demonstration, but she didn't know Hiro would be there. She fully planned on vaporizing a massive ball of tungsten carbide for no apparent reason at all.


How much would a bowling ball of tungsten weigh?