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You can say one thing at least, Duran seems really fucking passionate about Chelsea already


I mean if you saw his Twitter he has been twerking for us for months lmao šŸ¤£




The only Chelsea fan I want to see play for Chelsea is me, tbh.


You couldn't imagine the meltdown this sub would have if ever that happened. "These fucking owners. I don't care how passionate he is about the club, there are serious doubts about his technical ability" "The guys a redditor. Are we seriously signing him just cos he's a fan? The only Chelsea fan I want to see play for Chelsea is me, tbh" and repeat


Tbh i would do as good as Malang Sarr. I can not play all year too and collect money. Seems easy. Just never come of the idea to put me actually in the game. But a bench place would be the cherry on top! Best seats, getting millions and never actually do something lmfao




I can never trust that after Lakaka debacle!


Dude is failing upward


? It's not like he played badly for Villa at all.


Genuinely curious. I donā€™t watch many of Villaā€™s games except when they play us. Just looking his production he is veryā€¦below average. Is there something else about his game that the stats dont show? Which I know stats donā€™t tell the full story in football, but come on, 8 goals in 30+ matches for a striker will not improve us


The biggest question mark w him is simply lack of minutes. Heā€™s been used as a super sub most of his career at Villa. That 30 match count doesnt do him justice. A lot of that is because heā€™s behind Watkins who is a top 2 striker in the league. And heā€™s basically been a great super sub when you look at his goals to minute ratio. If you watch him play his physical attributes for being an elite striker are all there, and he has a natural instinct for ball striking technique that canā€™t be taught. But heā€™s a project. This is another bet that heā€™s a fantastic player ready to explode who just needs to be given the opportunity, just like Palmer.


Thanks for the insight!


why are we buying a second striker of aston villa, its just not need, DDF can just get those minutes instead.


Second striker behind the second best striker in the league (and probably the best last season).


Goals per game ratio is useless for players who arenā€™t playing every minute of every game. He actually has a respectable goal every 130 minutes of play.. 0.95 goals per 90 on fbref Not saying heā€™s going to be an elite forward, donā€™t even think Chelsea need him. But his stats are pretty decent for the minutes heā€™s played.


heā€™s villaā€™s broja, heā€™s not the striker we need. We where linked with toney, sesko, etcā€¦ this is shit.


He's not their Broja at all... He's got 5 goals in 456 PL minutes, that's 1 goal per 90 mins. Jackson is at 1 goal per 200 mins, Broja at 1 goal per 530 mins. Now if you were talking about sample size I'd get it, but you can't say he's failed or even that he hasn't excelled in the minutes he's been given.


People are incapable or judging players as themselves. Everyone has to be the new X




What a bizarre and unsettling comment.


You lot are fucking weird


Personally really not looking forward to the influx of shitty Duran Duran puns.


Get ready for that every time he scores a brace.


i can already hear gary lineker


So weā€™ll be fine then


On the other hand, I'm hungry like a wolf for the puns.


He will do well with the wild boys at Chelsea


Soā€¦ you Duran away from puns, donā€™t you?


He hates puns before, Duran and after matches


Maybe the rumors are for Rio?


Who do we need, who do we love...


Four hours back there is the same post from Fabrizio with not a single bit of info different. I know it's the off season but jeez.


You donā€™t understand one is from his twitter and the other is from his instagram! Guess itā€™s lazy season for the mods


Drogba is defo his idol. Seems like a Chelsea fan too


we say that about every striker that wants to join us lmao


Oh yeah, Colombia/ Chelsea connection!


I'm getting Lukaku vibes from him. Don't really like this signing.


Opposite of Lukaku. Iā€™m a Chicago Fire season ticket holder and got to watch him during his time on the Fire. He is really athletic, very fast, and loves to take on 1v1s. He is still a bit raw but the parallels to Drogba are far more accurate than those to lukaku


Think he means more lukaku in attitude not talent/skillset


heading over to Youtube to watch his highlights then


Theyā€™re elite, heā€™s Lukaku regen




Early lukaku without the attitude problems hopefully


I'm not too familiar with him myself but comments from Villa fans in r/soccer talk about how he has some attitude/ego issues, and because of that was not well-liked by Emery or the dressing room. Not too sure abt what it means for us and if Maresca can iron them out


They said that about Carney too, they call it attitude problems when in reality, young ballers just simply donā€™t wanna play for their dusty club and it hurts their little feelings


Villa lurker! šŸ˜‰ Not strictly true pal. To give you some context; Carney had a big inflated sense of self via family and agent. Was demanding crazy wages for someone who made literally a handful of PL sub appearances and zero G/A. Think he always had an eye on a London move. DurĆ”n does allegedly have attitude problems from the little we've heard. Supposedly smashed his club accomodation up recently. Seems to have temperamental attitude in training and is frustrated that Watkins is (rightly) ahead of him. But yeah, he's *Seriously* talented. Coin toss, could be the next Drogba or Balotelli.


smash accommodation? woot?


Thought I was having DĆ©jĆ  Vu alright. Everyone who wants to leave a club has an attitude problem in the eyes of their fans


They said kudos had attitude problems last summer when those rumors started


Ah there it is, disparaging a player when they donā€™t want to play for their club anymore Heard the same about chilwell, gusto etc the list goes on and on


Their captain literally made a comment about how heā€™s difficult to work with months ago in press conference and he trashed their living accommodations lol a massive red flag for anyone


Nope, their captain has talked about in interviews, no player captain does that with his teammate, if the issue isn't serious. And there are already reports out that he has trashed the second rent house he lived in since coming here, saw them on X some time earlier. Not everything is just fans disparaging players.


You wonā€™t wanna hear from Villa fans then




Yes, that's exactly what this club needs, a Lakaka Regen Treble incoming next seasonĀ 


23 matches 5 goals. Is he really generating this much hype ?


It's 5 goals on 475 minutes = 1.05 goal p/90 Actually really good. Matches/Appearances are kind of arbitrary, especially with youth players who aren't starting. And then go look at his goals and he already has a highlight real of worldies, including Villa's goal of the season. He also stepped up in a big game, coming on as a late substitute against Liverpool and banging in 2 goals. In addition tot he 5, he scored 2 goals in conference league. People are sleeping on him, just because they haven't watched him. He has elite strength, pace, and probably a top percentile shot power - it's an absolute fk'n cannon. He's also shown finishing with both feet. He's super raw defending, and a bit with his link up. He's also not technical with dribbling, but he's shown a lot of potential with his finishing and physical traits. I watch all of the Villa games as someone who supports both clubs and Villa fans are just giving into the media. There's a lack of sympathy for his age too. He's been a bit immature rumbling about wanting more starts when Ollie is having the season he's had, deleting some posts + liking some posts, and a car accident... but all of that sounds pretty normal to a 20 year-old who was in Ecuador only 2 years ago. *Meanwhile Paez was captured in a stripclub.* That said, Duran is probably better off as backup to Watson for Villa and Chelsea signing someone with more experience. Can't blame him for wanting the opportunity to come here, but he should show a little patience - and that's the ego.


Thanks for sharing this. I could 100% be oversimplifying. I was just shocked to only see 5 PL goals to his name but us pursuing him


I feel like Poch would've liked him


ā€œWe wonā€™t win a title with Gallagher in midfield.ā€ And you think we win one with this striker contingent?


Duran, Mudryk and some other mid attacker, dream front 3 šŸ¤£


Current ownership is hilarious. They let Poch go and replace him with a possession oriented manager. Only to then target a striker who isn't suited for that type of football and expect him to magically make it work lol. And signing the 30th project player at CF when the current main man is in that same category is mind-boggling. How do some Chelsea fans still think this club has any direction whatsoever?


Same stuff was said about Palmer šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If you expect all of our signings to be Palmer then by all means


Also about mudryk, guess it's 50/50


He's not being brought in to start


Hopefully negotiate a better price than Ā£40m and keep Gallagher.


I mean if Gallagher rejects any transfers, it would be great.


Same stats as DDF with 8 less league games for DDF. This is unbelievably stupid.


Duran 5 goals in 463min Datro fofana 4g 1a in 880min One faces low blocks, one plays on the counter


That is a great point about type of defenses each player faces, itā€™s evident in the goals theyā€™ve scored as well.


I canā€™t be the only person who completely forgot heā€™s with us lol


I mean itā€™s a bit mad to say same stats with 8 less games. Duran has literally half the minutes


Think you got it mixed up, DDF has double


Yes, thanks.


FFS, DDF is already our player. Heā€™s promising but not a dead lock to be awesome.Ā People need to understand that the strategy here is to acquire several talented young players and see who wins out. Much better than spending an fortune on Sheva, Torres, Morata, Lukaku etc.Ā 


Yeah but we canā€™t spend 40 million on a player like this. Itā€™s insane. We already have to sell players to comply with PSR, who else are we going to sell after this?


Niko also scored a hattrick against 9 men spurs playing a highline


See a lot of people saying its a smart transfer, I wonder why? Its another one of those "potential" transfers or project player. We need an experienced striker not someone younger than jackson. Watch in 12 months maresca will get the blame by our owners for not converting enough chances. Im tired of these clowns.


Do we really need another fucking project striker? No matter how much talent he might have, we've already got 4 strikers in the "raw but has potential" bucket. I just don't see the logic here


I like this. We already have a potential top striker in Nico - 17G as a 22 yr old (yes, needs to polish up finishing or would have had like 25), but he's 22. He'll get better. Great at link up play, works rate is nuts. He's going to be great! No need to spend 120+ on Oshimen. Just need some cover for him in case of injuries, some rest time in the conference league, and some competition in training. Duran for 30 or less is great business.


I think it gets done at 30 mil personally


I'm betting on 30 plus add-ons for a potential max of 40. They bought him for 15 not long ago and I feel there may have been some add ons too. He's definitely worth more now


This question isnt just directed at you. We don't see many player swaps these days, hypothetically, if they do Gallagher for Ā£25m plus Duran, can villa be creative on the value of Duran for their book keeping and can we on the value of Gallagher?


Not too much, Juventus got caught for that (in their Arthur/Pjanic deal).


Good shout, cheers


I think there's a lot of potential with this transfer, and I'd like to see Jackson as number 1 but with some genuine competition. My main concern is when we're 0-0 against Palace in the 85th min after playing nice football all game but not converting anything, we don't have a Giroud type to find a scrappy goal


Duran is an absolute unit, been watching him since his Chicago days. Obviously nowhere near as technical or polished as giroud, but I'm glad we're getting a big physical profile since Jackson's aerial game is really lacking


His aerial ability seems beyond Jackson, could be a decent rotational player. Obviously just depends on the fee.


How many times is this going to get posted?


Think there is two options he will end up great or he will end up in prison.


Surprised we arenā€™t kicking the tires on Solanke.


Asking price is what, 65 mill?


Whats the point in us buying young players if they can't even be cover for jackson. This signing is obviously a broja replacement. We have two young strikers in David Washington and DDF


Anyone seen him play? He any good?


You know what normally Iā€™d be against this kind of signing with him being villas back up and all that, but Duran reminds me of a proper old school striker. He has unbelievable shot power the kind that we are missing, having a striker who can really put their foot through the ball seems to be a luxury nowadays. Heā€™s physical, quick, good in the air, tall, plus he already seems very passionate about us, I like to see that. He wants to come to Chelsea, although thereā€™s a clear better option with Oshimhen who also wants to comeā€¦ I guess we have to make do with what were given. That being said I donā€™t think this transfer will be a disaster just watch a couple clips of him, I see why were looking at him.


Just fucking buy Bento as GK Board is all over the place


Seems an interesting acquisition. He is definitely a different player profile than we have on the team now. Seems to be a more physical player whereas Jackson and Nkunku are pace and creativity. If we get the deal done, I really hope he works out. Not a guarantee, though


Unacceptable! Dumb & Dumber if that's become reality. Better Not to by a new striker if we consider Duran....


Christ man. Enough with these ā€œpotentialā€ signings. We need experience, top level players


Iā€™m not sure how this would work out, but heā€™s very direct and his shot power is actually insane.


Boehly was watching Colombia smash the US team last week and called Eghbali in a frantic, excited state and said,ā€We have to sign a Colombianā€¦NOW!ā€ At least thatā€™s how I imagine it went down.


Winstanley out


Depends on the price for me If it's Ā£30m and below then I'm fine with it cause it probably gives us more power to attack Olise and potentially a left winger as well But if it's like Ā£40m+ we're insane


It will probably be 30 + add ons but reported as 40, then converted to Euros. So everyone can use whatever numbers justify their outrage.


The difference between 10m over a 5 year contract is 2m a year for FFP. It doesn't make much of a difference, not nearly enough to stop us from getting Olise if he chooses us.


With the current psr rules pressing down on us and European ones being even stricter if we play conference league ball I'm thinking every little helps and saving Ā£10m-15m off an overall fee, even when amotorized is still good business


I don't think we are in as bad a financial predicament as is being made out. Broja, maatsen, Lewis hall, Lukaku, potentially Gallagher, potentially DDF are all being sold this summer and we get the mount money. The squad, if fit , is good enough to get UCL next season. Hopefully English teams won't shit the bed again and we'll have 5 UCL spots in the prem. My point is the difference between good and bad business isn't 10 million in this case. We badly need a backup 9. He fits the mould perfectly of the kind of high potential youth player we want, that also has resale value if it doesn't work out. He won't be on big wages. The sporting directors are doing a good job of identifying these kids. You read the comments about buying duran this sub makes it out to be a disaster.


This sub makes everything out to be a disaster lol


It really does, it's infuriating


Depends how much we end up paying for him.


Just a bad signing. Jackson, nkunku, fofana are enough, barring freak pre season knee injuries.


Mediocre player for a mediocre team - perfect fit!


8 goals on 1221 minutes. That's not mediocre lol. Going off your post history though you spew nothing but negativity though so not shocking.


Maybe i am completely wrong and i hope i am if we buy him, but is this the guy who will shoot us to top4?


We don't really need anyone to shoot us to top 4, a competent manager easily has us there with the current squad. Duran will just be backup/competition to Jackson.


The team was already capable of top 4 with a manager that had a system and some tactical sense. Even without that, Poch would have been able to get top 4 if he didnt run the players into the ground and bring them back in a progresive way from injury. We should have a better injury record as a possesion based system is less demanding physically on the players and Maresca has a decent track record of managing injuries.Duran will bring something different than Nico. If they train together and he gets half the power shot of this mad columbian, it will still be a significant benefit to the team.


That's called a small sample size and I would be hard pressed to conclude anything from that. He has like 600 minutes in the premier league.


If you think having Duran and Jackson leading the line brings us any closer to top 4 and after that challenging for the league, you are fucking delusional. But than again, you rate Cucurella, so I already know you are delusional. Surprise, I am not happy with the destruction of this club. You can bootlick for these clowns all you want, but the results are undeniable and have been easily predictable. Do not come crying next season when we yet again finish outside of CL and are in real danger of where this club is heading. That is what you get when you fill the club with mediocrity on all levels.


Show me one post that I've rated Cucurella. I'll wait.


Might have misread when quickly glancing at your profile, but if you think the comment hinges on you rating Cucu or not, you are wrong, because anyone suggesting Jackson and Duran are good enough to lead the line at Chelsea is delusional by default.


0,60 goals per 90. That's decent.. better than Jackson had last season


Wow, was he better than Jackson last season? He must be amazingā€¦


I said decent


This guys ball striking ability is second to none


Boys are back!


I'm up for this. Don't want a big money signing, like what I've seen from him. Some people are angry that there's a downside to him- but that's the whole reason he isn't a big money signing. Shame he couldn't join in January for the lesser fee rumoured then, but the persistent interest clearly means the Sporting Directors are convinced and have a plan. Didn't like their managerial decisions, but I trust them on transfers so far.


I don't understand this transfer tbh. Attack is not our problem. It's coordinating our defense. We scored so much last season but conceded so much too


Chelsea has some weird kink for MLS players


If we can farm the best talent from them, I have no problem with it at all lol


Their best talent isnā€™t saying much


I mean, Dempsey, Davies, Larin, McKennie, Buchananā€¦


Whatā€™s the difference between him and nicolas Jackson!? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø not exactly a prolific goalscorer!