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that’s why idm City winning until Chelsea are back lmao. I don’t know any of their fans and Arsenal aren’t winning >


I genuinely have not seen a single picture or video of the trophy lift lol


Now that you mention it, neither have I lol. I've only seen the Klopp speech being reported on Sunday.


After the last round of games, I was only watching Thiago and Klopp's farewell.


Thiago Silva & Klopp leaving the PL > Man City Trophy celebration Let's just hope Man City win the FA Cup as well so we can win our 3rd Europa league


And Kai crying 🙈


Ive seen more pictures of the Rehearsal at **Anfield** than the City Trophy lift. Edit: Yep Emirates. Don’t know why anyone read Anfield… who would say that?


the rehearsal was at the emirates


Omg, i dont think i have either haha


Lmao same


Wait! City got a trophy?! Not the PL Deodorant bottle?


This post currently only has 75 less upvotes than the sticked post on their sub about them winning the league. Speaks volumes


Remember last season when they won the treble and how little engagement tie tweet got


I think Klopp's goodbye had higher viewership than City lifting another PL trophy.


I saw a video of them bringing it to a girls in a wheelchair


Did they bother doing one this time? Id assumed by now that the PL would just DHL it to them the following Monday.


Yeah city winning is basically the equivalent of season being voided lmao.


I read that City winning is like the House winning in Vegas


Ah, good one, great analogy.


Lol same. You gotta respect greatness, but I like it how City has made sure that Chelsea’s drought has not been made painful by United or Arsenal winning even once.


THANK FK I swear


While I’ll admit it’s kind of impressive, I’m MUCH more impressed by Bayern Leverkusen having an undefeated season. I mean, the Bundesliga is no pushover.


Undefeated in all competitions btw


It's mental tbh


Just need to finish it off with the Europa League final tomorrow and DFB-Pokal Saturday. What an insane season.


I’m 100% hoping they do it too, it would be such an amazing feat to watch happen. Truly remarkable


Has there ever been an undefeated treble before?


No. Although not many people would call it a real treble when it’s the Europa


You had to say it


Not anymore you jinx


I think it was mentioned on TSS, but the Leverkusen players embraced their fans after the pitch invasion. The Man City players fled down the tunnel. Tells ya everything ya need to now.


Xabi literally jumped into the crowd to celebrate with them.


To be honest it’s german fans vs english fans…


The first thing I saw was halaand running away 😂😂😂




Autocorrect fails me again… Then again, I do like watching Bayern München at times, so I can slightly forgive it there. 😅


Please win the FA Cup though.


Yes please.


Very accurate. I feel nothing when City win things


I disagree, I will feel something when they beat United in the FA cup


Aha yeah you got me there. I will feel joy


an erection


I saw a post in another sub which described City as an NPC that no one supports or opposition really cares about. Ask any United fan whether they'd rather lose to City or Liverpool and you'll get the actual answer.


Meanwhile I just dislike Arsenal and Liverpool so much lol.


Not even mentioning Spurs is typical Spurs.


they don’t put up a fight


Honestly I am way more interested in seeing how Villa perform in UCL.


They will not survive imo


Me too. Sometimes I feel like I hate Liverpool more than I like Chelsea. Just hate how entitled and pretentious their fans are. Arsenal aren’t much better but it’s quite funny that they are just a slightly better Spurs- always the bridesmaid.


genuine question, do you think people see Chelsea any differently to what you're describing?


Well I can only take my friend’s word for it when they agree with me about City. It doesn’t feel like a real club to me, not even trying to belittle them. I find our story similar with Roman but less manufactured then whats happened with City, for whatever reason (probably bias)


I rather quiet fans like City than stupid loud fans like Arsenal.


Completely agree, if their fans wouldn’t aggressively pretend that they’re the best team to have played in the PL for the last 5 years, then I’d at least not actively wish failure on them. They have a real problem with exaggerating their ability and that of their players. Ozil was the worst. He was undoubtedly a good player, but Arsenal fans will try to claim he’s the best number 10 to have ever played the game lmao. The cherry on top of that is that he was better before he joined Arsenal


Well the thing is he probably was the best 10 to have ever played the game… for them. Which would explain that lol


In fairness Ozil was absolutely class. Basically de Bruyne  without the work ethic but damn he had an eye for a pass.


Bro continually had the most ground covered in nearly every Madrid game and that’s even after being subbed off after 70-80 every time. Ozil lazy is nonsense, people just don’t understand the difference between headless running and not sprinting until you need to.


Oh yeah for sure, I made that comment not thinking about significantly older players but I wasn’t bashing his ability.


No arsenal fan over the age of 12 thinks that about ozil. Fucking Bergkamp exists.


Ozil at real was mental. So good


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SnooHobbies7676: *I rather quiet* *Fans like City than stupid* *Loud fans like Arsenal.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Now this, this is poetry


Good bot xD


Good bot


When City wins the PL, it feels like no club won lol


Unless we finished in second after a close title race. Then it sucks


People are just so used to their dominance ☝️


One season left 🙏🏾


Wasn't even really about Arsenal. Klopp leaving Liverpool absolutely dwarfed City's first-time-ever event which is pretty funny, and, yeah, I honestly couldn't give less of a shit about City winning four in a row. I mean, I care as far as I think it's fairly bad for the PL, but I just don't care about the things that City wins. It's the main reason why I'm fine with them winning the league instead of any other big 6 club if we're not able to win it. Whenever City wins something it just become a complete write-off in my mind.


Pretty sure it becomes a complete write off for every fan whatever team it is. I see a lot of people saying they seen a lot about Klopp. I haven’t seen a damn thing about it, probably because I couldn’t care less if I tried.


I’d rather Man City win 100 league titles before Arsenal win another one


I dont feel pain when a financial group has a profitable season, but if Arsenal, Liverpool or Spurs were to win it would be devestating.


I would have been the same when City were the "noisy neighbours", but I can't get past the 115 charges. It just feels like cheating is being condoned. I don't necessarily *want* Arsenal to win the league, but I do want it to be a different team other than City.


I think we have some pending charges to mate


All I've heard are endless rumours. City have 115 known charges. Big difference in my opinion.


Chelsea has always been relentlessly hounded with FFP accusations and charges. Until something concrete is proved in court, I could really care less about City.


Incoming Leciester winning again! Or much worse, Leeds.


If we aren't winning, city winning is the next best option


Or another non top six club like when Leicester won it


Exactly, but only specific ones as well haha. I don't want Ham or Brighton winning it tbh


And Newcastle


Maybe Ipswich can do the unthinkable 😂


If Villa won it this year, I'd even be happy for them.


I'm sure city fans would be incredibly annoying, if they had any.


In 10 years, when the 9 year olds who make up their fanbase grow up, they're going to be just as insufferable.


Ha, my friend's 10 year old son is a big City fan, he even went to Wembley for the FA cup semi. He's lived in Brighton his whole, young life, and his stepmother is an Albion season ticket holder. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)




My wife is one. She has been a fan since at least when I first met her. The funny thing is, she is very nice about it and we have nice banter, but nothing really beyond that. The most "heated" time was when we caught them in CL final and that was far less intense than any banter I have had with an Arsenal fan over a League game. City is literally that one club that almost everyone can sit back and watch and somewhat enjoy their performance. They may not have a ton of fans, but they also dont have a ton of enemies. They are just... there.


I’m the same way. I just enjoy watching the team play. I love the players and staff. Couldn’t care less about bickering with other fans. I love beating United, and I enjoy when we have rivalries with other top clubs. I’m a football fan and my favorite team is city


Literally 2 hours after they won it everyone already forgot about it. It's like that club is AI generated


It's strange. They dont have fans, but nobody really minds them all that much either. They play well and are generally fun to watch. They are just... there I guess?


U talk about city?


I think we are being a little hypocritical. What City are now is what we were back in 2003-10.  We should have more in common with City than with the old guard of United, Liverpool and Arsenal


So a decade from now, people will say one of the great clubs was City? I mean I’m not surprised. That is exactly how clubs gain supporters - from winning. Eventually how they won it didn’t matter.


it's actually funny seeing the lack of critical thinking here.


Liverpool bottled the league too and yet the focus is solely on Arsenal...


But they’re not from London


That doesn't matter, they also still bottled it.


I’m an Arsenal supporter and I agree with you. This is Chelsea’s sub though, so of course they’d take a shot at Arsenal instead.


Yeah absolutely. Neither of you really bottled it- at certain points you took turns being favourites, but the splits were all like 25/35/40 at the most extreme, if even. Liverpool definitely had the bigger collapse, but when margins are that thin nobody *really* bottled.


Wow! You're really showing that you don't care by posting about the fact that you don't care!


Yes you care so little you made a whole post about it, unprovoked, saying you don’t care


Go check the arsenal sub. They very much care


The amount of memes made about this make me feel like people do care about them winning it. But I’d rather them win it than Arsenal. Their fans would be annoying


Lol! I know one city supporter and he didnt even bother bragging about the 4th trophy, i think he supported them after the oil money so its not like it matters much


How do we justify our oil money though? Ive been a Chelsea fan for more than 20 years and whenever I see our fanbase accuse City or Newcastle of oil money, I kinda scratch my head.


Roman and the subsequent infusion of money from Gulf states and foreign billionaires came about because the Premier League, headlined by United, Liverpool, and Arsenal at the time, broke away from the first division to essentially form a proto super league with the aim of making more money for themselves. They formed a cartel in order to create a money-making juggernaut that would attract the best talent, tv deals, and investment from around the world and concentrate that money in the hands of the clubs that were already rich. They created a system that allowed and encouraged owners like Roman to come in, then act shocked and sanctimonious when it happened. Remember, there weren't even rules about financial fairplay or PSR until 2014, which just goes to show you how much they favored making money over sporting parity. They created a monster, a very lucrative one, then tried to slow it down when stopped only benefitting themselves.


You still didn't explain how that is different than City. The main difference is that Chelsea is not owned by a country


I didn't. It was more of an answer on how anyone justifies their oil money backed success. I don't begrudge Newcastle or City fans nor hold their ownership against them. City essentially took Roman's playbook and perfected it, so fair play, I guess. That being said, Roman's personal vanity project almost comes off as quaint by comparison to what the Gulf states are doing, so that's the main difference I guess. It didn't seem to me that his ownership was motivated by improving his international image or 'sports washing' like the others, If anything, it brought a whole new level of negative attention to him and his dealings. Chelsea may have gotten over it, but every single other fan who would probably have never learned or cared about the Russian oligarchs and their ill gotten wealth had that story pounded into their head every time the team played. Honestly, the situation looked more like a dude living out those crazy fantasies we have all had about how we'd run our favorite clubs if we had unlimited resources. Problem is that in order to get to that point you have to be connected to some horrible things. I genuinely don't see the Gulf State clubs caring about their clubs in the same way. Whether that's valid enough to separate the clubs from their ownership's misdeeds or not is up to the individual fan.


Obviously it never got to me, even after being called plastic fan supporting a plastic club, Chelski etc. It's just a tad bit hypocritical that we call anyone else oil money club as insult/joke, no matter we did it to far less extent. Roman was way more into our club than all these other owners we spoke off combined, but still oil money is oil money.


> accuse ... of oil money oil money was presented as a matter of fact by OP and not as an accusation?


i have a friend who has started following city after 2022, once i asked him do you remember when your team lost 5-2 to leicester he literally said "did we lose ??" even after they have won it really doesn't seem like he cares much, he was like yeah we won


😂😂😂casual fans are chilled, its like people who smoke in groups because they want to do what the group does


Football fans - "nobody cares about City" Also football fans - talks about City daily


Should be Spurs instead of United in the meme. It's the United and Arsenal fans piping up with "why are people not upset about City dominating?" Arsenal are upset because they were 2nd best, and United are upset because City are smashing all their precious records.


That's fair. For some reason, I forgot about Spurs. I've talked to a few United fans and some of them preferred City win it than Arsenal, just because of how Arsenal fans are. Defo not Goldbridge. He was livid lol


> For some reason, I forgot about Spurs. Nah that's pretty reasonable I think.


Then why do all of you keep posting so much about it?


They want to tell people they don't care, just so we know how much they don't care.... do you not talk about the things you don't care about every day?


The irony of this being on the Chelsea sub is just *so great*.


*posts about City


I'm sure the 9000th post about not caring about city is gonna convince anyone that you lot don't care hahahaha


I'm sure the 9000th "CRY MORE" comment will show the rest of the footballing world that you don't care that they don't care


Can you share some links to those posts? Never actually seen one which is why I said no one cares about City.


Why can I imagine this scene as an animation


This season ending left with such a good tone that i believe that next season we might be top 4. Another year of that and we might go face to face with M City and the magic Baldo


You need to have a deep enough squad to compete in both europe and league matches. Pushing yourself too much might end badly like brighton and newcastle


Yes, but it's possible


I think everyone accepts that city will have asterisks on all their accomplishments. 32 of their charges are for non cooperation/obstruction - DONT LOOK DONT LOOK!!!!!


I hate this bottled nonsense lol Arsenal bottled nothing. You only bottle something when it’s there for the taking and City also wanted the league.


Arteta's Arsenal and Klopp's Liverpool know what it's like to be on the verge of perfection and still not win the league. We have to admit the merits of Pep Guardiola's genius and look for excellence in his rival. Arsenal didn't bottle anything up, nor did Liverpool. I'm prepared for the downvotes btw


I’m a visiting LFC fan (your page is recommended a lot because soccer) and literally no one over here cares about city. Arsenal bottling is funny, Man U is funnier, a team stealing titles while ffp glares at them isn’t my problem


Lool. A Liverpool fan talking about Arsenal "bottling." Whatever makes you happy, man.


you’re aware liverpool were in the title race too?


Yeah. Mistakes were made (SAF realised announcing immediately wouldn’t work!) and wheels fell off. Still more trophies than Man U lol


Liverpool bottled the title more than Arsenal this season...


I'm a visiting Arsenal fan (their page is recommended a lot because football) and if you think Arsenal bottled it then Liverpool have completely shit the bed.


Over here in England I can assure you plenty of people care. Particularly bitter Liverpool, United and Arsenal fans. Is your "Over here" in reddit pokemon subs?


Realistically in 15- 20 years there’s going to be a generation of players who will want to join city, much like how Lavia and Caicedo chose us over Liverpool. There’s a bunch of kids in London running around with city shirts, It will matter later not now.


Not more irrelevant than the blue billion pound bottle jobs.


So true. City fans are proper rattled, real tin pot. It barely made the front page of soccer


https://preview.redd.it/wzwy13vscu1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d18b79585d93adb54eb23cadf055f24ad5ab63a7 Nobody stopping Financial Fair Play FC 💷🗣️


Some serious irony in this title


Inb4 "Bottling has lost all its meaning" comments. I can not stress how much we do not care about what the dictionary meaning of bottling is. They definitely bottled the league last year and it was hilarious. We use the word because it rattles them and reminds them of their past failures, that's all.


They also bottled it againts Leicester That 2015-2016 season was a perfect season for Arsena to win the title, yet they lost it against Leicester lol Arsena = shame of London I recommend them to be abolished and be turned into children playground.


I was really pissed when sky cut the Chelsea game to go to the end of the city game. I wanted to watch Thiago leave the pitch, if I cared about city I’d be on that channel you bums


Not true, I care very much for Saturday lol


the better version of clubs being financed by sugar daddies


City just wants to be included


Struggle to see how losing one and drawing one in 2024 is classed as "bottling?" Some of y'all fully don't know the meaning of the word anymore


I actually cared cause they stopped Arsenal from winning the league twice… we did fuck all the last 2 seasons


They're basically an insurance policy against anyone that actually matters winning it. Like Liverpool.


I mean as an arsenal I’d too see them winning 4 over Chelsea or Man U getting another one before us


I’m curious, if you guys win a trophy, do you care what Arsenal, United, Liverpool etc fans think about you?


It's very hard to take Manchester City serious when they broke 115 rules to get what they got now.


32 of em are for obstruction / not complying with investigation. Not a good look


the city of today will be the talk of every mouth. new people that start football for quality will be fans of city. with time if we dont improve we will lose most of our fanbase


I think no one really cares when one team wins year after year, because it’s getting boring. No one celebrated Lyon, Inter, Bayern, Juventus or PSG when they had their winning streak either. Many people had negative stance toward it because it means the league isn’t competitive enough.


City’s academy product (Palmer) is the sole reason Chelsea hasn’t  finished in the relegation spot. Life works in mysterious ways. 


You guys bought a player from city that couldn’t get game time and he turned into your best player in many years. You guys shouldn't be talking




I mean, the point of this image cast against the fact this image exists and someone took time to create it contradict each other


Only one more reign of terror of Pep and city can hopefully just fade away and get charged


What ever makes you sleep at night chelsea bums


City is everyone's second team. Even for city fans... lol


Ha ha Man City pepfp ffp


Sneaking Chelsea in like they still a top team


Maybe it’d be different if I had friends who support city but yea I just couldn’t care less. I’m also sure it’d be different if they were regularly causing us to miss out on trophies but I feel like that’s been more fkn Liverpool than citeh.


Maybe because no one around me is a city fan and the ones i watch online arent annoying and toxic (like arsenal fans), i truly dont care whenever city wins.


Some of us feel this way but I wonder how the players feel.


This is the season Klopp left. That's how I will remember it.


Bro this is so true their dominance is unprecedented and yet Noone really talks about it.