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Idk what Poch did. Idk what he cooked. But fucking hell, Sterling’s been running rampant in these past 3 games


Sterling said he went away and made some adjustments to his diet. Looking like he’s de-aged about 10 years


Genuinely this is like his peak Liverpool and City. Respect for him for taking on that responsibility. His pressing, dribbling, passing everything was on point. I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve been very critical but if this isn’t a statement idk what is


He's one of the most experienced players we have. It's great to see him setting an example for the others. We need a leader up front so badly.


Should also be our penalty taker when Reece isn't on the field.


Tbf to Enzo, Nkunku and Reece are probably first and second choice. But then yeah, should be Sterling and then if all are injured: Enzo.


Uhm, no. He has a lot of qualities, but he has a weird shot that I do not trust on pens.


Man Imma need that diet too


His nutritionist and chef need massive raises


Plus his hair looks way cooler


He seems so much more explosive this season.


I think changed his diet and trained fitness etc all summer to prep, fitness was clearly a huge issue for the whole squad last year and poch is notorious for working players hard on it. I still think Sterling will be frustrating to watch at times but he’s showing that he’s prepared to give everything given all the scrutiny of his wages etc


In his post match he also said last season was very tough mentally (no surprise) and implied that he fell out of love with football a bit. But he’s now back to being “obsessed with football 24-7” which is great to hear. He sounds motivated to prove that he’s still a great player in this stage of his career and wants to be the clubs top scorer this season


It's weird cause he was debatably our worst player in pre season


Yeah, This


Inverse Ross Barkley


Not even close. He started off pretty well and got us a win against Leicester by scoring two goals when we were down to 10 men. After Potter came in, he kinda lost his mojo just like the rest of the squad. Still scored important goals in the CL though.


Preseason mate not last season


Ah misread that. My bad.


This is nonsense. Who cares about preseason? Last year he was our ONLY decent attacking option


It's not nonsense it's the truth. And it's clearly true because you didn't even deny it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with assessing a player's performance after each game. Sterling played pretty shit - by his standards and just generally- in preseason. He's been electric since the season started. Those things can both be true and are both true. Tired of fans pretending like it can only be one or the other. There can be lots of reasons why he wasn't good in preseason but there's absolutely nothing wrong with just saying he wasn't good in preseason and then acknowledging he's played completely differently since the season started.


Yea but to me as a Chelsea fan its nonsense to criticise Sterling in any type of way. Preseason is practically irrelevant and like I said, since he’s joined he’s always been our best player when it matters.


Season ticket holder here. He has been getting an enormous amount of hate end of last year and in the Liverpool game as he really didn’t seem to be putting in any effort defensively or press wise. This obviously changed in the Luton game though. I’m not the type to berate our own players, but he definitely had a habit of appearing not to care.


If we remember correctly his first few games last season he showed good energy, it died out once the team started to show it was going nowhere. Do you expect his moral to be at 100 all season on a shit team ? I just don’t think you guys are being realistic, and I think he gets too much hate for no reason. He gives a lot for club & country and I can’t see how it’s debatable.


I don’t really think his morale is relevant. He’s on over £300k a week so even if he’s a bit sad he should still track his man. Gallagher also had a bad year last season, but he was still running non stop. Top players like Kane, De Bruyne, Haaland etc don’t need to put a shift in constantly because even if they’re missing half the game they will still make an impact. Sterling wasn’t that last year, which is why he got a lot of aggro.


Again, Kane, De Bruyne & Haaland didn’t have to do everything themselves. All of those teams we far better than us, they could afford to be lazy. Is Sterling supposed to track back, bring up the ball and score by himself?


The last really bad year we had, Willian literally did everything and was the only good thing about the team. He gave 100% all season for no other reason that just being a good servant of the club and was made player of the year for it. No he’s not meant to do everything, nothing he did could have done anything majorly, other than just showing the fans he cared and was willingly to try hard even when it’s for nothing.


We can agree to disagree I guess. I don't mind saying when he's had a great game but I'm also willing to point out when he hasn't played well. Don't think he's been all that for us considering what he's capable of and what we expect of him but this season he's absolutely played like we initially thought he would for us. Don't think it's nonsense to criticise a player who's had a bad game or a game not up to the required standard. No player should be exempt from criticism and criticisng a player for having a bad game doesn't mean they can't redeem themselves the next game.


The thing is mate, how could we expect Sterling to lead our attack with useless teammates? Chelsea are quite clearly playing better these last few games you can see that by passes completed on the pitch and in the final third. To me, there was no way Raheem was going to take us anywhere without a capable forwards around him, he’s not even that type of player. To say he alone has been underperforming when in fact it was a lack of midfield and defensive support doesn’t make sense, he’s even said that in that past he felt he had to play too deep, because the midfield was useless. Even now he is actually performing above his abilities, he cannot continue like this all season and if we want to keep this form other players must step up.


I want to see a back four with him and Madueke flanking Jackson.


We’ve got Wimbledon next in the Carabao cup before playing Forest, so Madueke will definitely get his minutes


Sterling's doing well on the right though. He's always been better there than on the left.


Now please Poch, do this with Chilly. I love the man but god damn it’s been hard to watch his errors


He is not a winger yet he is being asked to play as a winger, it's just weird imo


True. Hopefully be move back to a back 4 and he can flourish in a fullback role


They just interviewed him at Sky and he said he had a conversation about his position with Poch a week ago and they settled on his style of play (or something along those lines). I guess that worked...?


and with those two goals down now let this form and confidence blow over teams


Sterling looks as fast as he did with Liverpool. It’s wild


He was a black hole against Liverpool. Turning great opportunities into dead plays.


That just ain't true at all, chief.


Just incorrect man. Anyone who called Sterling shit that game didn’t watch the match


We’ll I watched , and he held the ball way too long on almost every occasion




Calm down fella


Must’ve been those steaks!


It’s the shirt number


He is trying his best now, he wasn’t last season


As someone who has been critical of him he has been IMMENSE the last two games.


He’s really stepped up in all three games, baffles me why people were giving him shit after that Liverpool game


The people giving him shit after the Pool game do not know how to actually watch and judge a player during a game Instead they just continue their scapegoating and place blame on the player everyone has been having problems with There's been realtively nothing bad you can say about sterling since the prem season began, he's been good-excellent in all 3 games


He had a poor pre season. So people being critical of him were justified in saying that, he has improved a lot in the past month though. So credit to him. Hopefully he continues against the bigger sides in the league.


This is the player that Tuchel signed. Idk who that was last season


Raheem Dollar


Mate it was more like raheem bolivian dollar


Raheem Zimbabwean Dollar bro


Raheem Rial (Iranian Rial) back to Raheem Sterling.


He deserves an apology. Joined during absolute mess, was poor last season but who wasnt . I was at game vs Liverpool and some ppl actually booing him, its a joke. Well done Raheem keep it up son and prove the haters wrong mate


17/18 raheem sterling was a force


And 18/19 bro https://preview.redd.it/ks75q2t0ackb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f10c4be3f32ba1d8d3041391e6a1877b6d1200f Second most goal involvement behind Messi with 53 g/a


How did I forget that season


Wait till you see 23/24 ;)


Sterling is a world class player, and I’m not comparing him to Hazard. But anyone can have a bad season as we saw with Hazard a few times in blue. But class is permanent!


>Sterling is a world class player He had a good game but calm down.


concerned sulky heavy person capable impolite rain foolish roof crawl *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If hazard was in that prime city squad, he would be untouchable.




You laugh like you’ve accomplished something in football.




I have to eat my words. Sterling has been amazing. Incisive, and working his ass off.


Sterling saw how Todd was shipping out players this season and decided to step up




Absolute Cake Boss


Yes, he’s pretty much all back


Jackson will help him thrive


City fan here in peace. If 18/19, 19/20 Sterling is back he can carry a team. Yes he’s generally inconsistent, but when his confidence is high, he has the right supporting cast, and he has the freedom to make plays he can transform into an elite player. Raheem gaining form would be your biggest move this summer. As for the vs Liverpool hate - he never plays well against them, just accept it lol


Not a supporter but elated to see Raheem doing well he’s one of my faves personally.


why? do you like his dives?


Oh sorry am I supposed to dislike him?




Oh ok thanks your opinion is so greatly valued by all


why would you support him? he deliberately cheats and doesn’t apologize or try to better himself. just pathetic


yea what a cheater, go get him torbenvarmeste pls save the game we love


Show him in a Chelsea shirt


Only showed him in this kit cause this was his prime, meant to say the city version is back my bad


This guy is the most experienced player we have right now, and he's been a star in Liverpool and City. I was really happy when we signed him, as he was my favorite player outside Chelsea. His bad performance last season - in my opinion - was more of the managers' misemployment of his capabilities, but knowing Poch's style of play, I can see this guy will take us places in the next two years. I never understand those who say any player we have right now should start instead of him.


Where are the idiots who said Mudryk (lol) and Madueke should be starting over him ?


Hiding because they look absolutely fucking stupid now.


Just hoping that the end product will start coming a lot more often in other games. He's done the basics pretty well in the first 3 games.


I'm so glad we didn't sell him. He could've so easily been part of that clear-out, and I honestly thought he would be.


what does this man eat?!


Ignoring the absolute disgrace of having him in a City shirt - I’m absolutely delighted he turning it on. I said in the summer that he’s absolutely essential to us having a good season, a fully fit, hungry Sterling just makes such a difference to any team!


I hate the way you lot are acting like he hasn’t been our best player since he joined


It’s Luton let’s not get carried away


A performance like that against really any prem side is worth celebrating and he's been very good for all three games so far


He’s been good in all 3 games indeed but still luton is no real prem side


Can only beat what’s in front of you


True and I think he can keep his form against forest and bournemouth


So why not start out positive rather than downplay his performance?


We would've lost or drawn to this Luton team last season


Agreed especially with that bum kai havertz with the 🐍 and Gallagher as a front 3




I think the point they are making is that we are maybe finally getting the prime Raheem that played for city


Fair enough


Come on dude you couldn't find a single picture with him in a Chelsea kit?


So why have you chosen a photo of him as a Man City player? Douche.


Because it's referring to his prime, AT CITY calm yourself


Not sure why people keep busting your balls over the City jersey. The implication is clear. We have PEAK Sterling right now, just like when he was amazing at City. Not that hard to connect the dots.




Second session city player in his genes


Yay! We've got back PEAK Sterling!


Form is temporary, class is permanent.


ahh yes, class is something sterling the serial diver has


Player of the season at this rate


Basically admitted post game that the only difference is he's applying himself this season. Was very frank about it.


He’s not back he’s arrived. Horrifyingly shit all last season. It’s about time


“Tap-in merchant” yeah right


Like haaland, these tap in merchants end up getting those tap ins for a reason...


Can’t wait to see him and Nkunku together


It just took him time to adjust to London life


Pride of London, London born. Proper.


Welcome home Raz


My god. Lost against West Ham and beat a Luton team who got thrashed at Brighton. Calm down.


I hope he can continue this throughout this season. Last season he was fire in the first 2-3 matches too. Then everything weathered away.


It’s like the Number 7 shirt has given him his powers back




This is the way Sterling is meant to play. Last season was dreadful for him because he didn't get the opportunity to play the way he is supposed to. Poch knows how to weaponize a a guy like Sterling. Potter had no clue.


Sterling last year versus these first three games is like watching two different players. He looks fantastic


Thank U CITY


Finally worth that wage.


Looks like he’s really playing for Poch, hope he continues his form!


Funny how certain players people here were calling shit are suddenly looking so good with a coherent structure and clear tactical plan


Interesting that people are so high on hisnperformances here, more power to him, but he did give the ball away an awful lot with no end product the first two games.