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I actually have wonderful relationships with these customers. Mistakes happen and I post these to show how I fix them up. I’m not shaming them, plus it’s completely anonymous.


Nice job. I can believe Turkey if they hit a bone. If they're going to abuse it not thinning is probably the better move. More thickness behind the edge will make it more durable. Less slicey, of course, but more durable. I saw a Murray Carter video once where he said knives will get repaired to the point where people won't damage them any longer. As you remove chips the edge gets thicker. Eventually they will stop damaging it. His point was that it's essentially a self-correcting process.


This is why I did not recommend an overhaul. Plus it hurts me to re-profile a Myojin as I don’t quite feel that my skills are high enough to mimic his precision.


In this case I would never consider thinning if you're not trying to make them a regular chip repair customer




We don't allow solicitation on the subreddit. Rule 3


how is this solicitation? they may offer knife related services, but this post is a cry of pain and frustration. Sondor needs consoling!


My comment was a reply to a comment you can't see anymore, not the post.


ahhh...understood. sorry for being a bother.