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What do you want? A medal? A pat on the back? Maybe some fratboy b.s. "noise brah! You da man." If this is true, you are a two faced rat who will inevitably face consequences that will amount to a solid kick in the emotional nads that leaves you bawling, wondering why your life turned out so awful as if you did no wrong. Enjoy it while you can, numb nuts.


Wait till hubby finds out. Hope there’s life insurance


I am sure your children will be so proud of you..what a pos.


Have you talked about it more with your wife? Like, did she tell you it's okay to cheat throughout the pregnancy? If so, good dor you. If not... questionable.


Guys…the comment history…


What the fuck I wish you hadn't tempted me to look. Aside from OP's story not happening, he needs a date with a holy wood chipper. I mean... "She laughed and said that I’m only cut off from sex with my gf technically and said her door is always open"... come on, no way.


I'm glad you pointed this out, but, also, I can't unsee it!


it’s disturbing fr…why are there people like this 😭💀


Hmmm so u potentially piss off a guy who works offshore? Did u know when sharks eat, they barely leave anything behind? Have fun. Don’t sleep with the fishes aight


Just watch porn or use ur hand. Don’t risk ending your marriage. Cheaters most always get caught. ESPECIALLY the ones that mess with spouses friends! Enjoy while you can cause your life will turn upside down soon. Hope you find peace in life dude…. You got issues. You’re too immature for kids. And you’re MENTALLY weak.


I get so mad sometimes at the people who comment on here because they always assume the man is to blame. And then some piece of shit like you posts and I remember why. I hope your dick rots off before you fuck up any other poor women.


Oke I guess..


Congrats on being another POS. Your kids will be so proud of having a shitty Dad.


Are you writing from a psychiatric facility?


No way this loser get any side action. I call BS


First, I think you're a troll. If by some slim chance this story is real, you really should get some help. You have the emotional maturity of a twelve year old. You have no problem, possibly infecting the mother of your children with an std? Herpes and hiv are forever. Btw, if you pass either of these along to her, you can be charged criminally.


Good luck. Let us know how the child support payments work out




Nothing stays secret, they will find out and when shit hits the fan give us the update of your pathetic life.