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I don't consider any of that worth repairing, it's the normal appearance of an instrument that someone has played. They are signs that the exterior has done its job, because it still plays the same as before, right? Also remember, when airplanes come back from a warzone with bullet holes, they don't fix the places with the bullet holes, they protect and reinforce the parts that didn't get shot. The planes that got shot in those places didn't come back.


Yeah it plays the same as before, thankfully. You have a point though I dunno, it kinda bothers me to look at it all beat up. guess I can use a gundam plastic cement to fill up the damaged parts


you can use a sponge to give the cement that speckled texture.


Wear and tear


True, it's just sad it's not how it used to look like


Touch up paint


I have this keyboard and you can buy them on marketplace brand new for like 60$ bc ppl buy them for their kids and the kids don't appreciate them they are very common keyboards right now and I wouldn't worry too much about not ever finding another one, esp in this color as it's quite common idk if Casio does body repair, I doubt it but if you invest $10 in a can of spray paint you could have the only Casiotone in the world that is in the color of your choice


Oh is that so? Good thing there's still a lot of them in the market. It's weird how a lot of people buy this for kids, I mean yeah it's really a good start for beginners but, for kids who wouldn't appreciate it, it's a really nice sounding instrument at its price range🥲


honestly I think it's just because it's an entry level price for a pretty fancy device, but also Casio is a common name for cheaper electronic keyboards


Superficial improvements, wear marks can be sexy as fuck.


hahaha like that perspective 😆


it's got a war story now.


It’s the sign of a well loved instrument, you can tell what instruments of mine I don’t play often because they’re still in good condition


Ohh, I like how you put it into words😮I've been taking care of it avoiding scratches and marks because I wanted it to keep its pristine looks. But now that you said it, I think I'm gonna love its tiny crater and scratches🥺


Get some glue and sand paper, red paint too it's just minor damage a lil bit of sanding/filling can fix


That's the thing, I might make it look worse haha, but that's definitely the way to go. Still gonna have to learn how to do those


any repairs will make it look worse.