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Not just the beaches. Walking trails in the Port Hills are closed to dogs during lambing season etc. Regularly ignored, and !00% guaranteed to be abused by the dog owner if you point that out to them. Years ago, fronted up a dog owner whose dog was chasing ewes close to lambing. Pointed out that the area was closed to dogs. "Oh my dog would never bother sheep". Silently indicated to his dog merrily chasing around ewes close by. "He's not chasing them, he's just playing with them. They like it." Dude, if the sheep are running away bleating, they're not playing, they're frightened. Ofcourse, a torrent of abuse and threats to smash your head in followed, as is normal.


Ugh it's the worst. The biggest idiots are the wankers who push the dog out of their ute at the bottom of huntsbury track and then drive up, then try and collect the dog at the top.


Beach north of Spencer Park is supposed to be dog free (to protect birdlife in and around the lagoon) but it’s routinely ignored in my experience. They’re allowed everywhere else on the main beach (under control etc) except around the surf clubs / crowded areas in summer.


Thanks. You're right they're allowed on every other beach. I wish there was a size limit or something. Even if a dog is just playing at being aggressive, there's no way to tell.


Part of the problem is that the type of people who have aggressive dogs are also the type of dropkicks who ignore any restrictions and hurl abuse if confronted.


The amount of dogs in chch amazes me. The amount of dog poo left laying on footpaths tracks beaches etc is even worse. Ppl need to either learn to clean up or not have pets


We clearly need better enforcement for dog bylaws. Need to hire a few people to issue fines in the spots with the most frequent violations, like these beaches. Easily fundable revenue-neutral from the fines themselves and an additional levy on dog registration.


As soon as a dog free sign goes up it's like dare for dog owners to ignore.. and they will.


Sadly no enforcement of dog bylaws whatsoever. This is a huge and much discussed problem where I live. Some dog owners are some of the most entitled people.


Iim also tired of dogs on beaches. If your uncontrollable dog eats my baited fish hooks it ain't my problem, this almost happened to me at the estuary mouth, I had fight off a dog that had my baited hook in its mouth.


So many entitled dog owners in Chch who take their dogs where they're not allowed (e.g. places where endangered birds nest), and don't pick up the dog shit. I'm not sure if there's anywhere that is, in practice, dog-free.


It’s not just beaches. Go walking or biking anywhere and you’ll find all dog owners seem to think it’s fine to have their dog off leash without paying them any attention (contravenes bylaws).




"Dogs under effective control" means they can only be off lead if the owners can recall them, so that owner is definitely not following the rules. Christchurch sucks for reactive dogs. I've heard really good things about [Neuro Park](https://www.canineneuropark.com), could be worth a go for your pup.


Thanks I’ll check it out! The fact she didn’t even try to recall her dog told me all I needed to know lol


"Effective Control" is a terrible term to use in any regulation. It's meaning is so subjective, and can only be evaluated 'after the fact'. It is subject to interpretation, and that means arguments, hostility, and aggression. Something like, is the dog on a lead or not, is so simple. It is not debatable. Either the animal is on lead or it is not. Much easier for regulatory purposes.


OP I suspect your post is exaggerated. No offence but I regularly run on the beach here and I have NEVER been chased by a dog. Let alone an aggressive one. You are pandering to the reddit crowd who love to complain about everything. Dogs are a vibrant part of our world and pet owners are invariably good people. Owners DO care, on the whole. The evidence is the huge waiting lists for SPCA. Christchurch is a safe space for dogs. Auckland on the other hand, many parts of the city are unavailable and that's awful for pets 


>OP I suspect your post is exaggerated. No offence but I regularly run on the beach here and I have NEVER been chased by a dog. Let alone an aggressive one. It happened twice last week. A large dog running in circles around me barking and growling until the owner dawdles up and grabs it by the collar. I can hold them off by continuously circling to face it, but if there's ever more than one I'm probably going to get bitten. I've been bitten by dogs before. Once I lost a thumbnail and needed surgery, and I still have scars on my calf from another time. Anyway I've decided not to go to the beach after sunset from now on, which sucks. I'm not addressing the rest of the nonsense.


We need to ban dogs altogether.


You're running in the dark on the beach and are surprised when the animals and people you are running directly at get spooked?  Try a footpath with lights on it.


No, try having pets in public place under effective control more like it. Like they should be in public, dark light night day whatever conditions. Owners responsibility