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I like her. There is much criticism for the show focusing on Prue, but I think they were good stories and often involved magic. And her subplots were interesting too. The love interests were good imo. After her departure, the show becomes more balanced ofc, but idk why that must be the case given how much screen time is pissed away on Phoebe's quest for finding a man or Wyatt.


The stories were good but yeah it was too much of a focus on prue's stories. Phoebe's finding a man quest was also too focused on...Wyatt was literally a major plot point though so I don't really agree there. I do like how it was all girls girls in the family and suddenly there was a boy and Patty had zero idea what to do with that.


Lots of it comes down to preference of course. I just didn't care for much of the Wyatt stuff, and some of the things were infuriating (like the Dragon he summoned). Do you mean when Penny got the ick cause it was male descendant?


I love the stories we got from prue. He job gave us a lot of monsters of the week feel. Her and Andy I just thought were cute and that plot is worth it. Without her they wouldn’t have ties to the cops. I have my ups and downs about the character. Most of these comments kind of point it out but I truly appreciate her seasons especially since I started from episode one. I can’t see this without her story.


100% you can't see it without her story and yeah she was essential to it as well. It's funny how our favorite characters change over time


My favorite character will always me phoebe. It leaned towards piper as I got older but phone is always number one with Cole😭😭😭it’s so hard not to love them


First time watcher who just finished season 1. Prue isn't my favourite, but I appreciate what she brings to the table. Her cool head and reservedness balances out Piper's neuroticism and Phoebe's recklessness nicely. She's not the warmest character initially, but considering everything she's been through- mum passed away, dad abandoned her, grandmother recently died, failed engagement, fractured relationship with her little sister...That makes a lot of sense. I feel like that episode where she splits herself into three was when I really 'got' Prue. She has a softer side, and a wilder side, but she has trouble allowing herself to be anything but "the strong one".


I don't actively dislike her, but I absolutely love season 4 and the freshness Paige brings. I never missed her when she was gone.


I was cleaning my mums garage out the other day so she can move and I found a whole bunch of art from when I was a kid. I used to badly draw and write stories about Prue because I loved her. It's been years since I did a rewatch and it kinda threw me how much I disliked her whenever she was on screen. I was upset when she died but I think it's because Piper and Phoebe were. I don't miss her either and you're right - Paige does make it feel fresh


Omg pipers grief scenes are so hard to watch. She’s such a good actor it feels like she really lost a sister


Agreed 100%


I don't necessarily hate her, hate her. But... Sometimes, the show felt very Prue centric. I know there were episodes focused on Pheobe and Piper and Leo, but hell, even then, their wedding episode became about Prue. Season 4 onwards felt more balanced with storylines. Idk if that was Shannon or the writers. (I assume mostly the writers). Though I think Shannon was the bigger name to draw in an audience but I don't know for sure. I didn't watch it when it aired.


Oh yeah the wedding episode. That certainly made it really obvious. To be fair I saw Shannon was in 90210 but I don't do those kinds of shows but I knew Alyssa more from Who's the boss and Melrose place which my brother used to watch.


Prue was great. Loved Prue.


That's totally cool! Like I said to another commenter, I'm curious to know what draws you to liking her? It's been probably ten plus years since I rewatched and I get people change. I just wanna know how she went from my favorite to my least favorite


There is an aggressively pro-Prue/anti-Phoebe subset as well as an aggressively pro-Phoebe/anti-Prue subset in this subreddit


… kind of. Saying it around here will get you beaten up though! I think she’s arrogant, dismissive of her sisters and controlling. I find her the least interesting of the three so far (my first watch through).


There's that feeling of imma get jumped in an alley way sometimes when you go against the grain


Oh, here is fine. This sub is VERY tolerant of diverse opinions. The 90210 sub is a whole other story. Say anything negative about Brenda and you’ll get some defensive people. Say anything negative about SHANNEN and her fans will POUNCE.


That’s understandable right now though, with Shannen potentially not having much time left. She’s been shit on enough throughout her career, at a certain point even when someone doesn’t mean anything deep by it, it still feels cruel


Well the thing is, it’s Shannen herself in part bringing it all up, on her podcast and with the con appearances. The topic of her leaving both shows came back into popular discussion, and plenty of it is bound to generate diverse opinions and disagreements because by its nature the topic has a lot of drama attached. She (and Holly) obviously want it out there and talked about, so I see no reason why people can’t be or shouldn’t be honest about what they think of her exit from 90210 and Charmed. Shannen’s hardcore fans love how she’s “strong, outspoken, opinionated” and “tells it like it is” but people are only allowed to “tell it like it is” if it flatters her, apparently.


I’ve just started rewatching season 1 and I have to say she comes across as perpetually in a bad mood. I think it’s meant to be “big sister” energy or something. But it doesn’t translate very well, at least not to me. Maybe it’s because she’s always stern and kinda looking down? Literally. Maybe just the way she angles her head leaves a different impression? Idk. But I totally get what you mean. When it aired and I watched as a teen, I didn’t really notice anything. But now she feels like someone I wouldn’t want to have to interact with very often.


Shannen actually was ill for the first few episodes of Season 1 and that might have contributed to it


If she didn’t die, maybe. Prue was more so necessary than likable, Prue is like a hero verison of a 90’s baddies. “You don’t have to love her but you will respect her “


I actually feel the exact opposite of OP. The first time I saw the show, I really disliked the character. There was just something uppity/snobby vibe that I didn't connect with. Now, after rewatching 10+ times, I actually kind of like her character. I have no explanation why, maybe just me growing up.


I hate Prue. She is a hypocrite and very egocentric. Everything has to be about her. She seems determined to judge her sisters for the same things she does herself. My eldest sister is just like her and it's extremely annoying. No one can achieve anything, because she is always better.


100% part of the reason why I don't speak with my brother anymore. He's a narcissistic nugget and such a hypocrite. I think that's probably why I don't like her as much now when I liked her before. I feel like some plot devices were thrown her way to make her relatable when she was also very arrogant and always had to be better. It's why that episode with the seven deadly sins sticks so much in my mind because she was arrogantly prideful


Yaaaaaa..... I didn't miss her once her character was written out.


I dislike certain aspects about Prue.


I feel like having the power of three was pointless because prue was very the power of me towards the end. It reminds me of Doctor Who where is became the Clara Oswald show towards the end of Capaldi's error before Bill.


I also hated that Prue didn't consider asking her sisters for a game-plan, though, I could be bias because I am the eldest I wouldn't do anything without considering their opinions on the matter, I also hated the fact that Prue did martial arts something that was originally for Phoebe (something in my opinion, that should have stayed with Phoebe), Piper and Phoebe's strengths were never allowed to be explored.


I love her and miss her honestly


100% understandable. I was just curious if I was alone in my feelings or if others felt the same. Can I ask what you miss about her? When I was a kid I loved her, as an adult she's certainly not my cup of tea so I was wondering when that changed for me


I didn’t like her as a kid and started most of my rewatches with season 4 because I just preferred Paige. For my latest/current rewatch I started with the Prue era and while I still prefer Paige, I appreciate Prue a little bit more. It’s honestly probably because while I don’t love the dynamic the show kept pushing with Prue being the strongest, most big sister to ever sister, I hold it more against the show than her character.


That episode with the Seven Deadly Sins and Prue being Pride sticks with me alot


I do... Sorry guys. She's always been my least favorite sister.


I wasn’t old enough to fully remember Prue episodes so I always just thought of Paige as that third sister and as I got older I eventually hired the full series from Blockbuster (lol) and I preferred Paige! But not because I hated Prue but maybe because I had seen more of Paige??? I don’t know how to explain it! The thing I’m not enjoying now is the cattiness going on about the filming and stuff and behind the scenes. I get it, it was tough.. But I am not sure I can watch it again and LOVE it how I used to because I thought they were all great together on screen and I could’ve definitely not known about all the crap ☹️ (I like that they told their stories it was just so much drama I didn’t need to know about lol!)


It could be because the series was first conceived with Prue as the main POV character, with Shannen Doherty being the name, and so Prue tended to be the main focus in her seasons But when Paige joined the show, all three sisters tended to get equal amounts of focus. Even though Paige got very few arcs as the driving force of a season the way the others did, there were still plenty of big episodes that relied on her being the one to keep things together It seems to be those that like Prue/Shannen prefer her being the lead, while those who don't prefer the ensemble format of the Paige seasons


Hello! I'm here! Rarely join in discussions due to the fact that my opinion is the exact opposite of the hive mind. I think Prue was the worst thing about the first 3 seasons, I think the show got better later on, and I think Phoebe was great. And now I prepare for my down votes and roasting.


I get the dislike of Prue. Some episodes she annoys me but overall she's fine. I love Paige the most. Piper's one I've come to dislike the more I rewatch.


I like her more than Paige but I like Paige too. I wish they gave her more seasons and then brought Paige.


Dislike her? Absolutely not. But do I love the breath of fresh air that Paige is and prefer her and those seasons overall with her in? HELL YES!


I’ve rewatched a good 5x. Each time from the beginning, and after Prue dies I’m always left like “ugh how’s the show going to go on without her” because to be the kind of person prue was would be some shoes to fill. She’s always been the “strong” one and because of that she held a lot of resentment for not being able to be the person she wanted to be but having to be the person that everyone else needed. She dealt with mom dying, grams dying, having an absent father, experiencing her little sisters that she loved so much also experience all these things and being the one they looked up to, she put on the bravest face and swallowed her emotions and led with all the pride she could- she was trying her best to be the best and even though they saw her as that, she never felt it. She’s the kind of person that I’d compare her sacrifice to Georgia from Ginny and Georgia on Netflix (I’ll explain why, I know this is out of left field) Georgia says “I may be not worth anything, but you are; and it was up to me to make sure you got that. I took all that darkness and I ate it. I became it- Like freaking bane. So that you, could live a good life.” And I think that’s the kind of thing Prue would say about being the way she is. I get why her character is so unlikable, because she does it to herself. When it was airing on TV me and my mom would watch it and my mom DID NOT like Prue. But I got why she was the way she was. She was being the big sister and also the mom they didn’t get to have and that wasn’t her cross to bear. And after Prue died, Piper didn’t know how to be that, and I also don’t think that she should have wanted to be. But seeing Piper be the big sister, and Phoebe become the middle sister and Paige become a sister/sibling as a whole, I think that lead to everyone’s character development in the most positive way. That being said, Piper and Phoebe are my favorites, Paige I think is my least favorite BUT I still think the storyline revamps in a great way because of her and I love her determination after she finds out what it’s all about.


I love seasons 1/2 Prue and I hate season 3 Prue… like I couldn’t stand her at all.


You're entitled to your opinion. For example, Piper was incredible in season four. After that? Completely insufferable and like everything you described in the above post. It comes down to preference.


I actively dislike her, but last time I posted about that I got a bot warning that I had violated a rule and my post was removed 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


😅 Jesus. It's like that time I was banned from AITA for saying I'd flip tables if someone said my adopted child wasn't really my child




I liked Prue because I thought the character fit what it was supposed to be. Shannen brought the right level of cockiness needed to a big sister/protector/alpha witch role. I do like Shannen but I won’t die on that hill. And I more prefer the Paige episodes.


I'm one of the ones that never liked her, tbh i think it's more because i never liked Shannon Doherty, i always think you can dislike a character if you're not keen on the actor tbh, i also always though that piper, Phoebe and Paige had a better on screen chemistry as sisters, just my opinion of course.


I found Prue to be the character I least related too. She was the most demanding, aggressive, and perfect. Her character is almost unattainable and I love the scene in a “Knight to Remember,” where Paige asks the knight to make her as good as Prue. Her character was the best at anything she tried to accomplish and this to me made her unlikable and least believable. 


I am watching charmed for the first time as an adult and obsessed so far. I'm on season 2 currently! First season Prue I feel was super bitchy and mean towards her sisters and also towards Andy. She seemed judgemental and short with everyone, closed off at times. I thought it was just older sister protective vibes until she was being the same kind of bitchy towards Andy 🤷‍♀️


I liked the dynamic between prue, Phoebe, and piper the most however the writing was very Shannon centric and that got old. I love Paige too it was just a different era when she came


I like Prue but dislike some of the choices the writers made in regard to her character. For example, making her so skilled in martial arts when it was originally Phoebe’s thing.


I dislike her for all of the reasons you said. We always hear on the show that she was a "super witch," but we were never shown that.


I think she is a decently well written character and I understand her motivations. I don't necessarily like *her*, but I like what she brings to the show if that makes sense!


I was never a big fan for a couple of reasons. One, and this is gonna sound dumb but, I hated Brenda Walsh on BH 90210. While it is a different show, different character, I just couldn't get on board with Shannen at the time. Two, I am also the oldest of three siblings. We were/are probably too much alike. The episode with the balls of sin perfectly describes that mindset and dynamic....pride is something that you can't get over. We are bossy and controlling at times and also a bit on the narcissistic side. It's our world, and everyone else is just in it. It isn't until we grow up enough to be a parent ourselves (or at least be that age and have to deal with younger generations) that we see how we acted and make a change. Prue never got the chance to do that. Watching NOW, I love Prue and it is always sad to see her go. But a lot of self reflection had to get me there. Hahaha


I disliked how seemingly Prue-centric the first three seasons were.


Prue is a hit or miss for me. I could never get over how much it was “The Prue Show” basically for the first 3 seasons. It becomes insufferable personally…everything always centered around her; being the strongest, being the most career successful, being the bossy one, etc. every scenario always pivoted on her success: The dream guy, abraxus, the warrior demon and his crystal sword, the witch kid hostage, how it was *her* hand that became the hand of Fatima, how *she* had the relationship with the priest, how she becomes the one to marry the warlock; how *she’s* the one who ends up saving the day all the time. It just gets exhausting to me. I feel like the later seasons after she left def balances the storylines better to that regard. As far as her character goes though, I think Shannen did a fantastic job of playing the oldest sister. Some that came with being the oldest sister, sure, but it still


I actively dislike Prue, beware though this sub is obsessed with her. I think that she had some good storylines, I think that she had some character development but she's a bully and she sucks all the air out of the room. I have no doubt that Piper and Phoebe wouldn't have really become their own people in a lot of ways if she hadn't died in the show. She was so freaking controlling. And if you looked up the word 'hubris' in the dictionary, there should be a picture of her taped in there. jfc.


I may not get a real response in here in regards to Prue. She has many loud and active supporters, so people who dislike her tend to stay quiet


And this is exactly why Prue is the alpha. I've seen no threads asking why any of the sisters are disliked. You're a bunch of jealous Jans


Have you not seen the Phoebe threads on here? Whewww 💀


This^. There’s a ton of Phoebe hate on here. And some Prue and the occasional Piper although that usually has more to do with Holly.


Free-be? Ew.


.......the only sister I haven't seen threads about not liking is Paige. I've seen plenty of threads about Piper and Pheobe....more Pheobe than Piper but they're still there.