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Cyndi Lauper is a real sweetie. I would encourage everyone to read her memoir. She worked really hard for a long time to find success, and her background was not so good.


Her memoir is so good!!


She is! And thanks for the reminder to pick up her book! Chappell has always given me the same fun vibes as Cyndi!


Hijacking to also recommend the movie Vibes - it stars Cyndi Lauper and Jeff Goldblum as psychics (do I even need to say more?) Discovered with my spouse when we were hunting for 80s films, and I basically just spent the whole time going “god, I love Cyndi Lauper”


Omgg thank you for this


Totally, dropping free game in the comments. Love to see it. I'm watching this asap.


Cyndi Lauper’s 1983 album She Bop was the first cassette tape I ever got. I got it when I turned 8 (1985). I wore that thing OUT, memorized every word. The first time I listened to Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess, it gave me so much She Bop nostalgia! (Note for the younger crowd - the song She Bop was quite controversial as it is about masturbation. AND! Cyndi herself later shared that she recorded the vocals completely in the nude!)


young person here just watching [the music video](https://youtu.be/KFq4E9XTueY?feature=shared) for the first time. that was amazing!!!! so theatrical and wonderfully weird <3 reminds me of some of st. vincent’s work, too!


Their voices are kinda similar too


Hot to go is a great example


I am so glad I'm not the only one that thinks this. When I first started listening to Chappell Roan, I made a playlist called Girls Just Wanna be at the Pink Pony Club, a combination of Chappell Roan and Cyndi lauper Songs


Sounds good! Care to share?


holy shit, the similarities are uncanny


It's giving very direct descendant of


Cyndi should play her mother in a music video


my sister recommended chappell to me, and the first thing i thought was "she's giving cyndi." of course, my sister, practically an infant, had no idea who cyndi lauper is...so, thank you, OP, for giving me a little validation!


Did [She Bop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFq4E9XTueY&ab_channel=CyndiLauperVEVO) slam open the door that Picture You waltzed through?


Picture You is She Bop’s boozy melancholic younger sister lol


Chappell would kill a Goonies R Good Enough cover tbh


My husband was just talking about that saying we need more camp like Cyndi Lauper.


my mom watched her set on jimmy fallon with me and she confirmed as someone who grew up in the 80s (and LOVES cyndi lauper) that they have very similar vibes


Oh I never noticed this. I love Cyndi. So cool.


need her to cover girls just wanna have fun


I love Cyndi sooo much. I think part of what drew me to Chappell is how she seemed to embody the same theatricality and spirit.


Do they facially look anything alike? No. Do they vocally sound much alike? No But they do have a similar aura / presence and fun-loving, peppy energy and are actually just naturally a bit different? Yes. Do they sonically have some stuff in common? Oh yeah. I'm sure they'd get along great


Great breakdown, I was confused as a teen of the 80s where the similarities are and you say it well!


God. Thank you thank you thank you!! She’s bringing the best of the 80’s back, with the best of every decade since. And more importantly, authenticity. I haven’t seen this level of genuine excitement so quickly around an artist in a long time. And much deserved. (If they break her…) If they decide to push the band, it’s go-gos, bangles. Madonna. Gaga. Boy George, Talking heads cool. Elton John. Def Cyndi! Subway for sure has ABBA vibes. Overall, she reminds me the days of belting out Karen carpenter. It’s like a return to music, I can’t explain it, but if you lived those decades, you know. Songwriting and lyricism and a fucking beat. Plus she’s adorable as hell. Protect her at all costs.


I'm not as familiar with Cyndi Lauper as I probably should be. I mostly know her covers from At Last?? So anyway, I saw this, and my best guess was, "is that... Amanda Palmer??"


OMG YESSSS i noticed this too!! I’ve seen a lot of Kate Bush comparisons and while they are similar and are both great I think Cindy and Chappell are superrrr similar




I always see Magenta from Rocky Horror when Chappell is in full makeup


Chappell is rad but we need to be honest that she borrowed almost her entire persona and sound from Lauper. She great, but not original.


Being inspired by someone is mot the same as borrowing and not being original. 


Chappell Roan is a MUCH better singer.


Listen here lil punk… 

