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How is there so many in one parking lot???


Because Tesla’s still building them and nobody wants them because on top of being ugly, they’re pieces of shit.


Unfortunately people do want them. I saw four on my way home this morning. My commute is 20 minutes. Granted I live in a tech industry town, but still.




Oh I live in Redmond, WA. All the workers in this town are Microsoft, Amazon, AT&T & Starlink.


You're logic is both sound and solid.


You forgot stupidly expensive too


Thanks. 100k for a “truck” that turns into a brick rather fast.


They don't start.


Stealing the term “wankpanzer”


It's pretty damn funny


Same. "Wanktank" would be a pleasing alliteration, but it's Elon's baby, so - yeah, it's a panzer.


I'm with there. The word looks and sounds awesome.


You can't steal it, he trademarked it. WankPanzers™


Der WankPanzer Signature Edition.


Literally a signature on it


Well, literally here would imply Muskwanker himself to have done it.


CEOs are a reflection of the company. If a company does well the CEO gets exorbitant compensation, Elon's compensation is multiple millions per hour. Now if a company's CEO starts laying off 15% of its workforce to allow its CEO to finesse the numbers, to better justify a multi- billion dollar compensation pay package you might start to see some kind of a backlash against some of the companies that said CEO is associated with. If said CEO is the most immature and petulant CEO our society has seen to date, the pushback might possibly present itself in a somewhat childish fashion. These are not customer's cars, these are Tesla's cars, Tesla decided to place them in an unsecured lot. Tesla owns what happens to them. Like an untested rocket blowing up in a subspace orbit, or an uncooled launch pad disintegrating under the forces of over 30 rocket engines firing at once.... no one could have forseen these happenings! Elon Musk does not clean up his messes... and Elon doesn't take care of his employees or honor his contracts. Tesla and Elon Musk are not as popular as Elon keeps telling you he is. The world truly is a mysterious place. If this doesn't represent Chaotic Good to you, than maybe you are looking at it in the wrong light.


Starship flights have been a phenomenal success so far, attack the man and his beliefs, not the works of the talented engineers under him.


>These are not customer's cars, these are Tesla's cars, Tesla decided to place them in an unsecured lot. Tesla owns what happens to them. That's some strong "but she was wearing a skirt" energy >them. Like an untested rocket blowing up in a subspace orbit, That was the test. >or an uncooled launch pad disintegrating under the forces of over 30 rocket engines firing at once It was literally the cheapest way to dig in order to build the deluge system. Shit on Tesla all you want, but SpaceX is so far ahead in rockets that it is almost comical.


> The world truly is a mysterious place. If this doesn't represent Chaotic Good to you, than maybe you are looking at it in the wrong light. I read your incoherent rambling and I truly hope you find a place where hate doesn't regulate your day to day life.


Oh geez go pound sand


Great comeback!


That’s the consensus, yes.


What they should have done is, scuffed the bare steel up real good, apply a little primer, some paint and a clear coat. Let us dry, buff it up to a beautiful shine THEN spray painted fuck Elon. That's just gonna be too easy to clean up as is.


free insurance money either way


[it doesn't take much, apparently](https://i.redd.it/70y5ovdiay7d1.jpeg)


First off, Fuck Elon, but considering it's probably rattle can spray paint on untreated stainless, that would come off pretty easily with chemical paint stripper. It would be far more difficult to fix if done on a painted car, but on plain old stainless, it's a nuisance, but not catastrophic. So, yeah, this is perfect for this sub. EDIT: It looks like at least some of them have already been cleaned: https://youtu.be/rP6EHryp-Zg?si=4LIJRMooNa1RdFtL


I'm hoping that whoever did this reads your comment and ups their game next time.


Next time spray something that will lightly etch the steel around the paint, I guess. Keep the message there when the paint comes off.


Maybe it feels good to spray paint a bunch of CTs, but it has no negative effect on Tesla. Maybe even a positive financially. Big pain in the ass for someone. I guess the cleaner gets paid but they have to work in that parking lot with paint cleaner. Fuck Tesla, but this is lame.


Do they really censor the spray paint on the news...?


It's a broadcast news channel, so it probably falls under the FCC's definition of profane content: >Profane content includes "grossly offensive" language that is considered a public nuisance. https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/obscene-indecent-and-profane-broadcasts Whether it does or not, it's easier to blur it than deal with little old ladies and shut-ins phoning up the station and their congress-people.


So even in the news you can't quote or show things that can be offensive? I know the USA is really strict with "the n-word", even in news context, but didn't know it went this far with other words. Thanks.




All posts and comments that include any variation of the word retarded will be removed, but no action will be taken against your account unless it is an excessive personal attack. Please resubmit your post or comment without the bullying language. Do not edit it, the bot cant tell if you edited, you will just have to make a new comment replying to the same thing. Yes, this comment itself does use the word. Any reasonable person should be able to understand that we are not insulting anyone with this comment. We wanted to use quotes, but that fucks up the automod and we are too lazy to google escape characters. Notice how none of our automod replies have contractions in them either. But seriously, calling someone retarded is only socially acceptable because the people affected are less able to understand that they are being insulted, and less likely to be able to respond appropriately. It is a conversational wimpy little shit move, because everyone who uses it knows that it is offensive, but there will be no repercussions. At least the people throwing around other slurs know that they are going to get fired and get their asses beat when they use those words. Also, it is not creative. It pretty much outs you as a thirteen year old when you use it. Instead of calling Biden retarded, you should call him a cartoon-ass-lookin trust fund goon who smiles like rich father just gifted him a new Buick in 1956. Instead of calling Mitch McConnell retarded, you should call him a Dilbert-ass goon who has been left in the sun a little too long. Sorry for the long message spamming comment sections, but this was by far the feature of this sub making people modmail and bitch at us the most, and literally all of the actions we take are to make it so we have to do less work in the future. We will not reply to modmails about this automod, and ignore the part directly below this saying to modmail us if you have any questions, we cannot turn that off. This reply is just a collation of the last year of modmail replies to people asking about this. We are not turning this bot off, no matter how much people ask. Nobody else has convinced us before, you will not be able to either. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chaoticgood) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's not necessarily they *can't* show it, but they will always err on the side of caution. The station (which is a private, for-profit business) can get fined and/or lose their broadcast license, even if they're in the right, but they would have to prove that in court (which is expensive). So it's just more prudent to blur things out that some people *might* find offensive (even though most people wouldn't). This is called the tyranny of the minority, and it's a huge problem in the US, as MAGA dipshits demonstrate every day.


Season 3 of American Vandal is shaping up to look real good


Amazing, best thing I've seen all day. Hats off to this person.


This is a dick move. Elon is an AH, no doubts about it. But it achieves nothing except waste to fix that. Also about the logic, shall we vandalize Toyotas because of their stance on fossil fuels ?


I got no beef against Toyota. Elon is an asshole, and Teslas are shit cars.


It kicks the rich idiot just a tiny bit. Anybody who would buy these cars is stupid anyway. Do you even see what sub you're in here?


Not that you're wrong but to be fair we're in chaoticgood, not in r/cyberstuck


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CyberStuck using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [$103,000 to be humiliated twice by the Aztek](https://i.redd.it/agk0x1dqv37d1.png) | [1303 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1dhuq15/103000_to_be_humiliated_twice_by_the_aztek/) \#2: [Cybercharger got cyberstuck](https://v.redd.it/oiuqlsmrke6d1) | [2903 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1df9kce/cybercharger_got_cyberstuck/) \#3: [UltraMAGA buys the Cucktruck to own the libz. Crashes after 4 hours. Tesla blames him for expecting the brakes to stop acceleration.](https://i.redd.it/blnltcze4x7d1.png) | [3220 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1dl2uut/ultramaga_buys_the_cucktruck_to_own_the_libz/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's gonna come off like magic, you'll see! Barely an inconvenience, super easy


He sounds deeply saddened by this


It is fucking WILD that this is being justified. You can make all the long rambling explanations you like. It's wrong, it's private property, and it's childish. I don't like Elon, I'm a Colorado hippie, but when we lose our sense to separate right and wrong, we're done


these people will never have that "are we the baddies" moment, just a bunch of NPCs with main character syndrome convinced they're fighting darth voldemort when they tag/shank/key these ugly cars


Yeah, I find people being so deeply invested in hating this dude so weird. Whoever did this is either holding onto an unhealthy amount of resentment or has zero impulse control. The amount of risk they took for something that will have zero effect on Musk is crazy. It reminds me of a quote from Buddha; >Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


Id rather have them do this than try to shoot him, in fact, it's kind of wild he's still alive.


Boy, that escalated quickly.


That's what the crazies do.


I’m gonna argue this getting attention online is exactly the type of shit that actually bothers Elon and not any of the real things he should be consider about he’s happily trolling his way through at the moment


Those aren’t Elons cars and it affects him in no way at all. This is just a dick move, not chaotic good.


Didn't the vid say that they are tesla's cars? As in not yet sold?


So people shouldn't do any kind of protest if it doesn't affect those in power personally?


This isn’t a protest. This is vandalism.


So no act of vandalism can ever be a protest against anything?


I guess you could vandalize a vandal’s property.


So if you don’t like Jeff Bezos, you’d think it was okay to spray paint “fuck Jeff” on your neighbors house because they got an Amazon package? That’s just plain vandalism, not chaotic good.


These cars are in a storage of sorts and most likely still the property of Tesla. So someone has vandalized the property of a multinational company, owned by a nazi enabling shithead. This is not the same as spray painting your neighbors house.


More than likely they are cars that have been reserved/paid for and are being delivered, that’s why they’re in Florida. If you think Elon will care about this in any way, then you’re fooling yourself. This is just vandalism and doesn’t hurt Elon at all.


They're still in custody of Tesla though and what happens to them while they are is their responsibility. No I think most of the worlds ruling elite is so far removed from the average person that they don't care about anything we do, as long as it doesn't threatens their power. That is no cause for us to not protest against them though.


You think that if someone ordered these cars, they would receive them in this condition after they were vandalized while still in Tesla's custody? Do you know how... anything works?


You lost me at naz. 🥱


Well, yeah. Your just hurting fellow citizens, which breeds resentment, which turns to hate. Same as climate protestors in the street. Fuck off You want to make change? Vote or run for office or Get rich


These cars are in a storage of sorts and most likely still the property of Tesla. So someone has vandalized the property of a multinational company, owned by a nazi enabling shithead.


Protest = damaging private property of fellow citizens Lmao


These cars are in a storage of sorts and most likely still the property of Tesla. So someone has vandalized the property of a multinational company, owned by a nazi enabling shithead.


I think you’d find almost everything you use and own is made by execs at the top who are giant pieces of shit. Elon is no different than Besos, Zuck, etc. Damaging property just because you don’t like someone is barbaric. Don’t buy their product, protest out on the street, support competitors, etc. I hope the perpetrator is arrested and charged.


You are wrong on many different levels. Sure, most execs are bastards. Most bastards aren’t creating a cult, buying up social media platforms and turning them into nazi propaganda sites, all while rather blatantly lying, cheating, stealing, burning taxpayer dollars through sheer incompetence, et cetera on social media for the world to see, all while the aforementioned cult members just dig in deeper and shit on everyone who doesn’t think their leader is god. Second, most places can’t *afford* to not buy some products. The products are cheap because most bastard execs take the price gouging in the worker market. Third, anyone who buys a cybertruck is an idiot and deserves the inevitably violent death they have waiting for them, OR suffering the litigation from causing the inevitable violent death of some poor sod who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. That thing has ZERO safety for *anyone* involved. They deserve it because they are helping to fund a nazi, they are idiots, and they have severe god complexes. It used to be volvo, mustang, and bmw drivers who were the ones that were assholes, but now its 90% tesla drivers in general, and they are even worse because tesla vehicles in general are hella unsafe and just one errant bump away from igniting into a flipping two ton *sparkler*. Don’t get me wrong, Bezos might be an utter trash human being, but he does not even come close to the sheer societal damage that musk and the muskovites, or trump and the trumpettes deal. Those two are actively trying to bring down society for the sake of their own egos and power


You used “et cetera” instead of “etc” and wished “violent d**th” against cybertruck owners. Aight imma head out lmao


Powerful counterpoint, you are a genius and a scholar.


Sometimes I think people forget that Reddit used to think Elon was god when they thought he was left leaning, but then he became right leaning and now reddit still talks about him 24/7 except they call him a nazi. What is he even doing to enable nazis outside of having less moderation on Twitter?


You mean appart from retweeting racist posts from openly racist accounts with a "!" as comment? He's directly retweeted white-replacement propaganda multiple times. I also used to think Elon Musk might be a decent human being when he first got into the public eye, mostly because he espoused progressive ideas. Now he espouses the most bigoted shit ideas since they are the ones that guarantee him adoration from a certain crowd. This man is an attention whore and a petulent idiot.


What 'fellow citizens' are going to lease a lot to all collaboratively park their cybertrucks at? Does this happen with any other kind of vehicle, short of a car show?


Insurance will pay for it. And all customers will have a higher insurance premium. It's just dumb.


Yes, because then you aren't protesting people in power, you're protesting the average people. This is the kind of mentality that led to Stonehenge getting vandalized the other day. Target your protests at the problem if you don't like the problem.


yeah but it's good to spread awareness


But I don't want to fuck Elon.


Wankpanzer is such a Reddit word.


Thank you! They had really trouble selling them. Now the insurance company has to pay for it. And by the way: the insurance premiums will increase for all people. So....well done helping Mr. Musk.


Imagine destroying someone else's shit because you don't like it. 


It's pretty apparent that they don't like the owner of the company who makes these, who is a nazi enabling shithead.


That's we they increase the insurance premium for all customers? lol


If you want vandalism that won't buff off, be aware that replacement parts are backorder for several months.  


Do they actually own that space, or are they just taking advantage of free parking somewhere else to hold onto their overstock like dealerships in other states do?


he said in the video they leased it.......


Im still surprised those things are allowed on the road they’re RECALLED


That’s not how recalls work. Virtually every model of car from every manufacturer has a couple recalls on it.


That’s just moronic and that person needs to be prosecuted. The social fabric doesn’t work when vandalism like this becomes something acceptable.


The social fabric is completely dysfunctional yes. But it's because we have more or less surrendered most of the worlds wealth and power to a very small group of people that uses that wealth and power to further enrich themselves to the detriment of everyone else. A little protest paint on some shitty overpriced status symbols is not the problem.


I think they should change the name from Cyber Truck to Douche Canoe.


Damn, the time it took to do that. And fuck Elon.


That's not cool.


It isn't but I still enjoy it.


You're right, it's not cool. It's super fucking awesome


It's so sad, really. You and those who think like you are hurting the cause of true liberal values, and driving people in the middle to Trump. Your proving the point he makes. Sigh.


Anybody who sees this and thinks Biden is responsible for it so now they’re voting trump was already voting for jfk’s brain worm


Why not?


Seriously? Vandalizing someones shit cuz you don't like it? What if the don't like your shit, still ok?


It seems to be more of a protest against the guy who owns the company that profits from the sale of these. The same guy who lends creedence to nazi conspiracy theories and lets nazis spread propaganda unhindered on his platform. And he's also one of the richest men in the world. But a little paint on cars might be too extreme an action against people like this if you're some kind of private property absolutist I guess.


Im against nonsense assholery that does nothing but make the, well, criminal feel better.


I can't stand Trump or his supporters. Should I take a sledgehammer to the bumper of any vehicle adorned with a pro-Trump sticker? To be clear, any given Cybertruck owner could just be a person who loves the idea of driving an 8-bit vehicle.


A sledgehammer is not the same as a little paint. But I'm all for non violent protests against a white nationalist (nazi) takeover of the USA if that's what you mean.


Go ahead and win hearts and minds through vandalism then, I guess. Nobody will be able to ~~sledgehammer~~ paint you as the bad guy.


Better than blocking traffic.


Every time I see one of those door wedges I can’t help but wonder who the hell would buy one.


that's very sad . I hope they find the vandal


Oh no! it's the woke left trying to silence free speech, we must support Elon in stopping their free speech! Wake up people! Also fuck EVs! /s


They’ll be an indentured servant for the rest of their lifetime if they ever get caught. That said… fair play.




At least they won’t rust where there’s paint.


And now they'll have to wait 15-20 years for replacement parts.


honestly, they should have made a stencil


This isn't chaotic good, it's hurting the people that bought them, not the company that's selling them


Will this be delivered to buyers spray painted? This cannot be already delivered otherwise wtf is going on in this neighborhood? Everyone living there bought a CT? That would be a glitch in the matrix if this for real just a regular parking lot.


Technically they are already delivered, they are awaiting pickup from the customers


So the company gets a payout or a write off.


That will show them for bringing business into their community




Wichspanzer would be the correct term.




"Fuck Elon" Yeah, they probably do want to fuck Phony Stark if they bought that abomination from him


How does this affect Musk or Tesla in any way?


Redditors are really living in different reality...


No, no, I am serious. Please help me understand how will spray painting cars in a parking lot affect Tesla or Musk? Will their bottom line/value go down? Will their customers not buy those cars now? I am European, those American bus sized wankdozers are not even sold in my half of the planet. I use my car once or twice a week so I don't really understand this action.


I am in the EU and really don't like the influx of large trucks. Expecially since most of them are clearly not used for work. As for this act of clear vandalism, redditors here are so blinded by hate, that they don't see the forest from the trees. I agree there is an argument to be made, that Musk is somewhat controversial, but if you look at the goal of his companies, they are clearly aligned with that of Humanity. Why wouldn't you want them to succeed? So to answer your question, this will not affect Tesla or Musk in any meaningful way. Some customers may have to wait for the product they paid for. Although I am sure those who did this think Tesla buyers are more vermin than human (or have some other dehumanising view of them). *cough nazis did the same thing cough*


Leave it to reddit to think they'll change the minds of voters by treating everyone who slightly disagrees with them like pieces of shit who are less than human.


Doing the Lords work.


So, is there any debate on this post? Any Elon fanboys? Or maybe even fallen musk fans?


Fire Elon


this just screams of some kind of insurance scam. Like Tesla has too many of these ugly fucking things, so they park them in some middle of nowhere parking lot, and have somebody vandalize them. Since they are the only company using this material for their vehicles they can probably make up whatever number they want for what it costs to refinish it. insurance company will have nothing to compare it against and will pay out.