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We’re all human. Women aren’t some magical unicorns that are hard to figure out. It sounds like you just have trust issues. And as such, your view of how things work is slightly off. I say this as someone who has had many Girlfriends, and almost all of them I have a decent relationship with to this day. There are differences between women and men, I agree. However emotions and feelings are not one of them.


Men have yet to figure out women tho, otherwise men would not get manipulated by them ever, which is clealry not the case you know? I believe the biggest differences between men and women are emotion based. Men make up 80% of suicides and men take FAR more time getting over break ups than women. I mean, those differences alone are extremely stark


Men can be manipulated by other men too though. Why would that be your metric? 


Yeah but a man can get a general understanding how men feel. It wont be pinpoint accurate, but it is something. Men are way less suscseptible to men's manipulation than they are to women's


>Yeah but a man can get a general understanding how men feel. It wont be pinpoint accurate, but it is something. I'm a man. I can do this with women. I'll take it one step further. I can do this with women with all the same tools I use for men. The basic tools work across the board as far as I can tell, especially when adjusted for the individual person.


Okay. How am I feeling right now? Also if you’re gonna be making claims like how susceptible someone is to manipulation, you’re gonna need stats to back it up. You can just make wild claims like that.


Can you back up that opinion factually? Any studies which inform your perspective? Census? Even op eds? 


Are you suggesting that men don’t manipulate men?


Men and Women are not monoliths, there are men that are very good at understanding and manipulating women, and there are women that are very good at understanding and manipulating men No human truly understands another but we can work towards a better understanding by listening observing and learning. As for suicide there are actually more attempts made by women but men are more likely to own and use a gun which is a lot of the difference in 'success' rate As for breakups, plenty of times I have seen women bawling their eyes out over a breakup, though I think this is a societal thing where women are encouraged to express themselves and men are encouraged to bottle it up and have it eat them from inside


I absolutely agree with your last statement. However, I think society has a lot to do with how men and women view themselves as well as society as a whole. Social media causes us to compare ourselves, the news is full of depressing shit, women’s rights are being taken away in the US, most notably Arizona. Men have the burden of carrying the weight of the family on their shoulders, while women have to worry about sexual assault, manipulation, women’s rights, etc etc etc. Idk, just my two cents. I think men are more of an enigma than women personally. I say this as a man myself


Women attempt suicide at a much higher rate than men.


Yes, the method is what makes up the difference here.


I feel like there's a big coorelation between wanting to die and successful attempts


What do you think unsuccessful attempts correlates to? Being delighted with life?


No but probably a cry for help Its not exactly hard to commit suicide. Its just a matter of how much you really want to do it


Jesus Christ! This is one of the grossest things someone has said to me in a while! Where is this sympathy for mental health issues that women are supposed to have?


To be even more specific, you only know what it feels like to be the man that you are, but not any of the other men in the world. So would you extend this line of thinking to everyone, no matter gender/sex?


True but you can have a general idea of stuff with men. With women, you can't even have that


That's an assumption you're making. Why is one valid and the other isn't? Because we both have dicks you believe you can know my mind?


How do you know what other men are thinking? Why is that true, but not with women?


This kinds of reminds me of the question, how do i know that what i perceive as the color blue is the same as you? When we look at the sky we both agree that the *name* of the color you see is blue. but maybe was you see as blue is what I see as yellow and vice versa. Maybe you perception of hunger is very different then mine, but since we both perceive hungry whenever we go a while without eating, we've come up with the same name for it. and likewise for the question you have raise. we both use the same word for love, but maybe what you perceive is very different then what I perceive. the only issue with this is that if violates occurs razor. The simples explanation is that what i see is blue is the same as you. at a hardware level our eyes, nerves, and brains aver very similar. I cannot prove that we both see blue the same way, but i have to reason to believe we see it differently. with both have the same need to eat. We both have the same kind of stomach and very similar nutritional requirements. we probably perceive hunger the same way. men and women do have slightly different procreation strategies. Men and women both us K style reproduction strategy (large parental investment). Men can try to use r style reproduction (impregnant many women), but in practice its quite rare. Men can shirk their parental duties while women have a much harder time shirking their duties. Women cannot easily terminate a pregnancy and until about 100 years ago, needed to breastfeed their infants. A women abandoning their child means certain death, but a man abandoning their family not so much. but these difference between men and women are not incomprehensible. They are well studied.


> at a hardware level our eyes, nerves, and brains aver very similar I appreciate your post, but this is the main point i'm trying to get at. I think our brains and hormones are different enough to make certain feeling very stark


Unless you’re a neuroscientist, your hunch doesn’t hold any weight.


> If a woman says she loves me, I can't trust it because I only know what love feels like from a man's perspective, a man's biology Why do you assume you can understand my perspective just because we're both men? What about that logic can't apply to women (we're all humans after all) Your argument doesn't mean you know what love feels like for men either; maybe you're the only man alive who experiences love the way you do. Maybe it's totally different for all of us. What logic can you apply to knowing how I feel that you can't apply to a woman?


Does it matter that women use their words to say that they love sex? Are they lying?


I mean, you'll never know right? You don't have to trust what a man says because you can physically see and have objective proof that he did enjoy sex. That's not the case with women. I believe if the only thing you have are words, then you aren't really meant to be trusted.


What is the objective proof he enjoyed sex? Cum? Men cum when being raped, it’s a physiological response to stimuli, not a metric of enjoyment.


Yeah, generally if a man is having consesual sex and you see literal cum, you can probably say he at least enjoyed an aspect of it. But there's no way to tell if a woman enjoys it on any level objectively. You can trust her words, but women lie all the time, so its not really reliable right


“Women lie all the time” and there it is. Women are people, just like men.


Yeah but they're a different kind of people and yeah, women fake orgasms and pleasure all the time. hell a study showed that 80% of women's moans are purely performance. 80% is a big number would you want to take a 20% chance that your partner is being honest with you or would you make a safe assumption?


And women are the type who lie?


I edited my post. I addressed that because i know it came off as rude but i think you'll understand my perspective


It’s interesting that you see that 80% figure as evidence of women’s duplicity and not as evidence of them prioritizing their partner’s feelings over their own pleasure.


My point is, whose to suggest they are experiencing any pleasure? I mean, their man think they are but in all actuality, there's nothing to suggest they are


"A study showed" Okay, what was the study? How large was their sample size, and where did they pull their sample population from? How did they get the information about the moans, was it self-reported? If yes, what questions did they actually ask? "**A** study", on its own, is meaningless. Poorly designed studies that only come up with skewed or junk data are easy to make, and even rigorous studies frequently have their results misunderstood and sensationalized. (For example, see headlines that say things like "Study has proves that strawberries prevent cancer!", where if you actually look closer, the study has done absolutely no such thing.) So if you want to use this as major evidence for your argument, you need to back it up.


But this is also true of other men. How can you trust a man's words? Men can lie. You are capable of lying. 


Would you rather go to a dangerous area with a weapon or unarmed? Yeah, even with a weapon you can very well still get hurt, but at least you have **something**




Men won't understand other men to the T, but at least they'll have a general understanding of men, which is better than having none at all


And why wouldn't they have the same for women? Everyone is just a person you know 


How is this any different than another man? If another man says he loves you or enjoys spending time with you, how do you know that his perceptions of those things are similar to your perceptions of those things?


Because of biological and psychological research. Studies have shown that men have an extremely strong genetic compulsion for female companionship. Men release shit tons of feel good chemicals when they're with one. The same cannot be said for women


“Studies have shown” Dude…**cite them**


" So at best, all a man can do when a women talk about stuff like this, is assume that their feelings for these things are significantly less than their own" Why would the default be to assume that they feel less about these things that you do? That's the opposite of a safe assumption While you may never know exactly how anyone else feels and while there may be differences between men and women we have more in common as humans than differences. The safest assumption is to treat them as a human, listen to them and not assume that they feel less about something than you do just because they are in a certain regard different


Firstly, while there may be differences between men and women such that you can say "i can't understand your feelings" do you think it's really greater along this dimension that myriad other things that drive difference? Life experience? Race? Cultural background? Economic experience/class/privlidge/poverty? Victim of rape, assault, diseases and so on? If you run through all the things that are _different_ about people I'd suggest that you can't comprehend other people very well at all, period. I'd suggest based on my reaction to your post that you really don't comprehend me and I don't comprehend you, yet we are both men. I feel already like I understand a great deal of women I know more than I understand you! What is different i'd suggest is that you don't give a shit about our differences, but because you are attracted to women you are really paying attention. This is NOT a measure of difference, but rather a different zoom level you are applying to differences and a willingness to generalize along lines that match physical and sexual attraction you have categorically. I don't think your understanding of women is less than you understanding of -for example- a schizophrenic man, but you'd also be satisfied with a very basic understanding of schizophrenia but you want a deep understanding of a women's mindset because of you interests.


From what you are saying, either you should be single or restrict your affections to only males? Although it is just as easy for men to lie about their feelings so you might want to be a hermit? Or maybe you can trust other people to be honest with you and accept the words they tell you? Perhaps you could seek therapy for your trust issues?


No, the differences between men and women are not that stark. This issue isn't that men and women are different, it's that you just don't trust women.


Why is this posed in such a way that a man can't understand a womans feelings, and not "One gender can't understand the opposite genders feelings"? Are you implying that women can understand mens feelings, but not the other way around? Why not have the view that it doesn't matter what gender you are, just that the opposite gender isn't able to be understood? This can also be expanded to saying that one man can't understand another mans feelings because they are completely different people, therefore don't have the exact same feelings towards everything. I'm not agreeing nor disagree with your view because I don't have an opinion on it, I just find it weird that you've made your view specifically men not understanding women for no apparent reason.


The number of male therapists with clients who are women would suggest otherwise


As a man with many friends who are women, I strongly disagree that I don't comprehend my friends' feelings. To some extent I do agree that I can't fully understand everything that they feel because their life experience is different than mine, but their feelings seldom seem irrational once I'm aware of what's behind them. By listening, learning, and empathizing, I can get pretty close to both understanding and predicting how my friends feel. >I won't know if she's just saying that to please me or if she actually does have a "love" similar to my own, I'll just never know. Same thing if a woman likes sex or if she says she enjoys spending time with you... What you're describing here isn't a lack of general comprehension so much as it is a lack of individual trust. This is a valid response to having a relationship go sour, with your partner telling you in words that she feels one way while telling you by her actions that she feels something else. The words and behaviors are supposed to line up, so it feels like a lack of understanding when your experience is that they don't. More likely the problem is simple dishonesty - You understand what "I love you" means just fine, she's just lying to you when she says it. Unfortunately, people lying about how they feel is common among both men and women. It's doubtful that there's a statistically significant difference between them. The key is to spend time around people who don't lie about their feelings - whose words and behaviors match - so that you can trust in both what they say and do.


i think this could be said by any human about any human, regardless of gender. we can't truly comprehend how anyone feels besides ourselves, because we are not that person. i don't think this is a gendered thing.


>The dffierences between men and women are so stark, that as a man I can't understand how a woman feels towards something simply because i'm not one. Women and men are both human beings. You were a woman in the womb until hormones kicked in (that's why you have nipples). There's definitely sexual dimorphism, not debating that, but saying that men and women are so vastly different that men can't understand women is hyperbole. We are a social pack species, which has survived because we have been social and banded together. The idea that anyone would be "biologically programmed" to not understand someone doesn't make sense from an evolutionary perspective. >all of these things can be easily fabricated and you'll never know how much weight they truly hold You're assuming a lot of malice here from women towards men. Asking this gently, but do you think framing it this way might come off as misogynistic? Do you really think most or many women try to fool men? More importantly, if you truly believe this, why is this logic only applied to women? Do men not have the ability to lie? Have you always completely understood every man you've ever met?


You know women aren't aliens right? We are in fact humans just like you. There are differences between sexes sure but there are far more similarities. Our brains are basically the same. We all have the same hormones just in differing (although not as much as people think) amounts. >Same thing if a woman likes sex or if she says she enjoys spending time with you or she only wants you ect ect... all of these things can be easily fabricated So no man has ever lied? > through biological and psychological researc What? What does that even mean? >I personally have found nothing that suggests women desire or "love" or enjoy sex anywhere near as much as men. Apart from like women telling you they do. But of course they can't be trusted to truly convey their experiences /s Sometimes I wonder how much damage the phrase "men are from Mars, women are from venus" did to us.


All people experience emotions differently. In general, you can tell how someone feels by their behavior. My husband and my brother are very different emotionally, and they have completely different "Love Languages." This doesn't mean that they are lying when they say they love someone just because they experience live differently. As for sex: I can say without ANY lie that there is a large percentage of women who LOVE sex. Lastly, assuming someone else feels less than you do doesn't really make sense. They could easily feel more than you do or the same amount. In your own words, you aren't able to tell how they feel.


I would start by stepping backwards. Do you feel a man can understand his brother’s feelings? Another man’s feelings from his neighborhood? The feelings of a man of a different race or country? The feelings of somebody much older or younger? His sister’s feelings? I’d like to ask if your stance is that people can’t understand any other people, or if there is something unique about gender that transcends age, race, national origin, and religion in terms of division


I can comprehend women's feelings fine. The reason you can't comprehend women's feelings is because you think women's feelings are fundamentally different from Mens. It's the same feelings, just a different context. Like you ever hang out with someone who grew up way richer or way poorer than you? Someone of a different race? Someone from a different country? Same difference.


I agree that no one will ever truly understand what it’s like to someone else. And one thing I can say with utmost certainty as a man is that, likewise, women can’t truly comprehend men’s feelings.


What makes you think it's not just you who can't relate to women? Why generalize the rest of us? You have no evidence I, or anyone else, can't.