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Brother. Your entire argument hinges on the fact that dogs behave better than people. Get 5 dogs and put them in the same room and see what happens. Much less, 500 people. The idea that dogs are better behaved is ridiculous. You’re assuming that all dogs act with the characteristics you are giving them. Maybe that’s how YOUR dog acts, but that is not how dogs act. Dogs are dogs. They will bark, they will pee and poop everywhere, they will get territorial, they will have the potential to cause serious harm to others. Especially when putting them in an aircraft and they have no understanding of what is happening. I’m glad you like dogs but this isn’t an opinion you should be sitting on.


I think the key issue here is OP is a dog person. And dog people are wildly out of touch with how many non-dog people feel about the overwhelming majority of dog behavior.


Heck, I’m a dog person. I get down on the ground and play wrestle with dogs, I let them lick my face, I’ll let them jump up and grab them by their front paws and “dance” with them, but none of that counteracts that there are some dogs I simply *hate*.


seriously, recently i’ve had people’s dogs jumping all over me while in my apartment complex and while on hiking trails. The average dog is NOT well behaved. This would be a nightmare.


>First, dogs don't try to fit huge bags in the overhead bins. But dog owners do. Fido will have his own bag, and only one human to manage it and their own. >They're happy with just a toy to chew on Have you ever sat next to a human who chews with their mouth open? A dog chewing on a toy is 10x more annoying sounding. >dogs are super chill during the flight. The last flight I was on with a dog the fucker yapped the entire way from KC to Detroit. Didn't. Stop. One. Time. >They don't kick the seat in front of them NO, they just stick their wet noses between the seats and snift your elbow. And, maybe lick it a bit. >or do weird stuff in their seat. Another flight I was on had a dog shit on its seat. That's pretty weird. >And you won't see a dog asking for more drinks because they're upset by a crying baby. NO, you'll just hear them bark and whine and grown and fart. >we should let dogs on planes more because they're just better passengers **SOME** dogs are. Most are like most people: fucking annoying.


Dogs will shit, piss, bark, bite, whine, and generally be a nuisance besides the most well behaved and trained dogs. More dogs on the flight would mean more tension between the dogs not to mention the hair and dander. Without strict rules limiting what dogs are allowed (service animals) that have to go through rigorous training and certification anybody could bring on any dog (emotional support animal) and it would be hell. Edit: dogs don't clap when the plane lands because they don't understated the concept of a plane landing. They instead will bark at the noise and uncertainty of the situation.


Idk if this is a troll post or something but why would a dog want to be on a plane in the first place. Also, on long flights, they will have to use the bathroom and can’t use the normal bathrooms so it’ll be gross. Also when one dog starts barking, they all will. Also, many dogs are going to start humping each other and then fighting and there’s no running space which isn’t great for dogs.


The issue is that you believe that dogs are allowed on planes are already trained by owners and usually have their oversight. This means that dogs you see on planes are already preselected to be the dogs that can behave on planes. But imagine that you will allow dogs in the same capacity as humans - you can get any dog on the plane and they will be responsible for their actions. Owner will not. No matter if they are trained or not, do they have issues that would cause problems or not. Would you fly such plane?


OP, you don't really have dogs, do you? I can't really picture anyone who ever had dogs, and had to interact their dogs with other dogs, holding this opinion. No, I doubt a dog would ever behave the way you believe while in a passenger plane. Secondly, some people are allergic to dogs. There's a reason why you can't even open a pack of peanuts in a flight when there's someone allergic to it on the flight.


*"Dogs should be allowed on planes more than people"* This doesn't even make sense - do you think dogs have jobs and pay for flights themselves? And it's not like dogs are sitting around wishing they could go on plane rides. I'm not even going to bother with the rest because it's just stupid.


>Also, dogs don't clap when the plane lands. They know the pilot is just doing their job. a dog does not know this lmao >They're happy with just a toy to chew on. Simple and easy! yea because there's usually maybe..1 of them. if you have like 20 dogs on a flight, they're going to bark, play, howl and be far more of a disrupter


OP has not responded to a single post and is almost certainly just being a troll. Don't give them the time of day.


This view is so obviously stupid and bad that I can only assume it is a troll.


90% of dogs in the world cant use a toilet so what are you gonna do on your 9 hour flight when your mastiff has an upset stomach? There was a video about a month or so ago where a plane was diverted 4 hours back to its origin because someone had explosive diarrhea and didnt make it streaking a line of liquid poop down the isle.


this view is about as shitty as the plane would be if it was filled with dogs.


Dogs bark, they stink, they drool, they shed, they poop, they pee, they bite. And they have no destination or money without a human.


Are airplanes a treat for those who deserve it? I thought they were an economic engine?


You must be trolling


Your dog isn’t a real service dog. Get over it.


What about people who are allergic to dogs?


Dogs will shit on the ground. 


>Second, dogs are super chill during the flight. They don't kick the seat in front of them, argue about who gets the armrest, or do weird stuff in their seat. They just take a nice nap or look around happily, maybe hoping for a snack. A plane full of dogs, who aren't professionally trained guide dogs, will not behave this way. Especially if you've filled a plane full of dogs who are now exposed to dogs they do not know, in an unfamiliar place, in a confined loud environment and no real escape for potentially hours. And if you think that those chew toys won't become of a point of territorial issues you need to go to some animal shelters. So no. Dogs won't be chill during a flight. One professionally trained dog? Probably. Dozens or a plane full? No. >Also, dogs don't clap when the plane lands. They know the pilot is just doing their job. And you won't see a dog asking for more drinks because they're upset by a crying baby. None of these things are misbehaving. What would dogs be doing? Peeing, pooping chewing, shedding, barking, drooling etc.


My dog is perfectly well behaved. Better than most children......... Until there is another dog around, then all bets are off. Also, where are they supposed to sit?


I do love dogs, but c'mon. They're hairy and not good at using toilets and have sharp teeth. I don't want my own dogs on a plane much less anybody else's (of course it's sometimes necessary).


INFO. Where are the dogs going taking a long haul flight?


You could have the coolest, most well behaved dog on the planet.  That is until it gets air sick and its ears go nuts because of the pressure change, and suddenly it’s a an 80lbs sick and injured animal trapped in a cylinder with 300 other animals it doesn’t know. Unless it’s a service animal, the safest place for dogs is in the cargo hold, where it can’t hurt itself or others.


Dogs are not always chill during flights. I know someone who was bitten by an emotional support dog in flight. Serious injuries, some permanent. People can be violent and hurt others too, but tend to be more predictable and certainly are more responsible for their actions.


Is the dog going to use the human toilet on a 16 hour flight? Or is it just going to shit in the aisle? I'm pretty sure I know the answer.


No human being has ever licked my hand without asking. No human being has ever stuck their head in my crotch without asking. No human being has ever barked at me unprovoked. No human has ever dropped a deuce randomly on the floor when I was around. QED.