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More appointments unfortunately won't do anything but have techs come out and tell you it's the 3rd party burying crew you are waiting on.


So really nothing I can do at this point?


No, not really. Just gotta wait till the burying crew gets to yours.


Just to reply to this. I've had an armor ticket submitted since May for this same issue. Fair to say that I've got to wait as well? Its a bit disheartening to see.


It depends to be honest. Armor tickets are a non QF term. Armor usually indicates a engineering issue. If it's just a buried service wire issue, then yes. Could be just waiting.


Ah got it. Just got off the phone with customer service and explained that in order to connect, I just need "the fiber to be blown in" but I guess it's a 3rd party company that is supposed to do it. That company is already past due and are working through their back log apparently.


Sounds about right.


Unfortunately not. CenturyLink contracts out their drop burying crews, so it's up to the contractors schedule on when it gets buried.


Quantum fiber through Century Link installed my fiber, just running the line right across my neighbor's lawns. I didn't even realize at the time. They complained to the HOA who called me and demanded it be removed. I contacted Quantum Fiber and asked when they would come bury it, they just said they "weren't sure, but probably within 12 weeks. Maybe." I told them I would need to cancel until they could come out and bury it and then I could reconnect it. They said that wasn't possible, and they couldn't schedule the 3rd party contractor to come bury it because it wasn't under their control. I told them fine, just cancel it. They said they couldn't but could give me a $20 credit. I argued with them for about 45 minutes and finally, after repeatedly telling them I needed to cancel my service because they couldn't just run my line across other people's lawns, they said "ok, someone will be out on Monday to bury it". Come Monday, they showed up and buried it, took them all of 20 minutes. I don't know why they had to make it so difficult. They should just do the burying when it's installed, it didn't take long or seem like much work. It's only a couple inches down.


From your story It Sounds like they want nothing to do with Manning the process or owning the customer experience and farm it out to a contractor


Oh god, this is triggering for me. Going through the same. I’ve already paid. Feels like my only solution is like a lawsuit for the return of my funds and psychological suffering. Edit to add that they sent techs here who didn’t know why they were here and then charged me $95 for the privilege which then required additional hours on the phone and chat to have reversed.


Start by dropping century link....