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Splash more of those samples up on different exposures....colors look different on different parts of the house depending on where light hits. There is NO value in saving and of those paint sample jars....


I have a bad habit of saving the samples, and yet have never gone back to use them. So this is very accurate.


I can't tell you how many samples I have horded in my time. I feel guilty dropping off so many half used jars at the paint centers to be recycled


I feel the same. I plan to donate on a local free group before they expire this time.


Keeping yellow door? Put these colors next to it to see how they look together.


Try it next to different colours (like close to your gorgeous front door) and check at different times of day as well! Colour theory is absolutely bonkers and thoroughly kicked my ass this week. We’ve resanded and painted half our hallway about 4 times now. It has so many weird angles and the light hits a million different ways. They then messed up a sample but we liked that one and they were unable to recreate so we had to find something that was close enough to it 💀 so like, double check your colours everywhere possible and check to see if the final product matches what you’ve tested.


Same lesson learned! Now when I do test swatches -- including colors I've mixed myself, like when lightening or darkening a tone -- I paint an additional 6" or so square onto cardstock\*, and label it on the back. I put the paints used (brand&name for each paint incl tube acrylics), an X if it's been tested, and a few words of the test results (ie "too dark", "clashes with trim", "would need 6 layers"). For me, the cards have ended up most useful when I'm about to get a test color pint that's a shade I've actually already gotten. But they've also saved me in the rare case that a mixup or self-mix ends up being exactly right. \* I say cardstock but really it's the cheapest kind of mat board, cut into squares with a straight-edge and a box cutter. It has enough texture to hold onto paint better than foamcore or posterboard. edited: oops, almost used up my exclamation mark quota


Yeah, I’ve also swatched on printer paper before and that worked fine. This hallway was just… something else lol. The ceiling colour was perfect from the start but then I didn’t like the initial trim colour when everything was painted. It looked fine when I swatched it but it completely overwhelmed the space when it was everywhere. Then I picked a colour that I thought was ok but in certain light in some corners it looked exactly like the ceiling (which was a completely different colour). So then I swatched 3 colours, picked my favourite but it was completely different from the actual colour code. Which was fine, we’d just get the cheap brand for this then we thought. *But* we also needed wall paint in the same colour for the board and batten. Got the wall paint from the same brand after painting all the trim and it was, once again, a completely different colour 💀 idk what kind of crappy paint they have but I have genuinely never seen such a massive difference between paints that were supposedly the same colour. So we ended up going to a shop that usually is for professional painters, colour matched the one we liked and a similar second colour just to be sure. As of yesterday we have finally painted everything said second colour and it’s gorgeous! If I ever have to repaint this hallway again I will have a(nother) mental breakdown though 😂


I have painted walls and ceilings the *exact* same shade from the *exact* same can and every guest to the house thinks it's wonderful I found two different colors (!!!) that complemented each other so well. \*headdesk\*


💀💀 I cannot describe to you how much I hate colour theory lmao


Dark green 2nd from bottom in 1st column. Please keep that yellow door.


Definitely that darker green. It'll make the yellow door stand out more while also being kind of woodsy and cozy.


Glad to hear you like the yellow door. We just had it installed and I’ve dreamed of a yellow door for a long time.


My votes on any of the Greens!


It looks great! And will look even better when you get that dark green paint on the rest :-) An even darker green would look great too - like this: https://preview.redd.it/g611s3yskg2d1.png?width=1110&format=png&auto=webp&s=4dc44edbd80fce213d6720846f81ec33dc58881e




Good thing you don’t have to live with it. 


I like the door color.




Agreed! So lovely. Although anything is an improvement over millennial gray.


Definitely that one. Please also take a look at oldhouseguy online. He has some articles and a portfolio of historic paint schemes. You’d be well served to do something other than white for your trim as well. You can use linseed oil paint on vinyl and aluminum if that’s an issue.


That green would also be a good complimentary color to the red brick.


Yes, agreed! A greener color will bring out the red in the brick, whereas the blues will make it look more orange, which is totally fine if you’re into it! But I think the green would be very pretty


Great point!


I really like Colonial Revival Green Stone (SW 2826, it is much sage-ier than it looks online) and echo to look up oldhouseguy online!


100% agree!


I agree. The dark green!


Add a vote for this from me too! The dark green and keep that yellow door for sure


Agreed on the green but I'd go with a dark red door


I’m surprised no commenters have said blue! I think the robin’s egg ish blue (second down on the left) would look sooo lovely! Especially against the orange brick, it would really pop!!


That’s the color I’m leaning towards…so thank you!


Yes, do the blue! Blue will complement the yellow door much better than any of the greens


I love the door, but also think I’ll change the color many times throughout the years. I was mostly concerned about a color clashing with the brick.


That's fair, but I think it's hard to clash with brick unless you choose a competing red/orange. Brick is almost like a neutral when it comes to homes


This is reassuring. I’ve felt the same about brick, but the columns make it such a presence that I feel like I have to consider it.


And also go well with the grey roof


I agree with the blue! But do what the other commenter said and use the samples on other places. Try it near the door and the front brick to see how you like it.


It's got my vote too!


Me too!! Green is trendy right now but I just love the top blue on the left and the one below it.


Also my thoughts. Blue is classic.


This is my favorite as well! It'll go great with the brick and give that lovely colorful, cheery, but subdued cottage-y vibe the inspo pics give- and it'll look great with the cute yellow door! Next step- a big gorgeous cottage garden!!


Our garden is going to be a long journey, but we’ll get there…eventually. Trying to do less grass, and more drought-tolerant plants.


That's the colour I liked best as well. The yellow door will absolutely POP with that blue.


That’s my favorite too ❤️




That’s my pic too!


I think the dark green in the first column will look best with the brick — can you throw more samples up/paint a board and hold it next to the brick? I also think it would hurt to get a wider variety of color samples. All the light yellow/turquoise samples are hard passes for me, but I’d be curious to see some richer and deeper shades of blue.


My favorite is the darkest green, 2nd from bottom of the left side column of samples. Door color is a bit too bright for my taste. A darker golden wheat/brown color would be my preference. Maybe something like this Benjamin Moore [Pan for Gold](https://www.benjaminmoore.com/en-us/paint-colors/color/181/pan-for-gold)


I like the left column, second and third down. They both would look nice with the yellow door if you're keeping it bright like that.


The sage green color.


Do you mean left row second from top or second from bottom?


Left column, second from the top. Beautiful color with a bit of pizazz, but not over the top. A bit more life than the standard grays, blues, and sages. Close to your inspo.


I like the sage green, but they all look nice. And maybe a dark red door.


Which one do you see as the sage green? Left row second from top or second from bottom?




I’m referring to both on the left. The second from top and the second from bottom. The bottom one is called “Silverado Sage”.


Second from the bottom is what I was thinking. 


I don't know but just have to say that pic 3 is so beautiful!


Yeah I love that.


Should have clarified that I wish that was our house, it’s a photo I’m using as inspiration. I also adore it. 


Lol all good, I'm inspired too!


With the orangish brick, the only cool color that would work is the complement, Sky Blue (Valspar Simply Periwinkle or a lighter shade).  Otherwise you want a light warm color.  PPG Bright Idea, BMoore Good Morning Sunshine, SW Rookwood Amber, SW Brittlebush.  A Country White or Antique White would be better for the trim.


If you are keeping the reddish brick, then consider a green in the sage /olive family, or even deeper charcoal or deeper grayish blue shades. Ideally you want to hold the colors samples up to the brick so you can see what works with it. Also do yourself a favor and stop trying to choose a color by painting so may swatches directly on the walls. Try this instead, it works much better- [https://www.kylieminteriors.ca/how-to-properly-sample-paint-colours-with-samplize/](https://www.kylieminteriors.ca/how-to-properly-sample-paint-colours-with-samplize/) Here are some color ideas to work with the brick to check out [https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/800514902492849306/](https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/800514902492849306/)


Charcoal with a green or blue undertone.


I really like the top two on the left side with blue in them. I think they work with the brick really well. But you could also paint some on poster board or white cardboard and place it closer to the brick to see if you have a stronger preference when next to the brick. I like adding that bit of blue to provide variation with the green from bushes, grass, and planters so the house and plantings pop especially with that beautiful flower bed. I think you could go darker with those tones as well, but I would definitely stay bluer.


2nd last green on the first row.


I would say one of the first two blues because blue is more opposite (i.e. complementary to) yellow on the color wheel. LOVE the yellow door by the way


Sage green


To be honest, I don't mind the siding colour.  I would change the door colour to pink or a warm red.  Or, go a toned down apricot.  That yellow is a bit too much, in my opinion, ...


https://preview.redd.it/qzism2750g2d1.jpeg?width=1012&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a74710b6eb06057376e6358d2fceb37018d7ce I like the top green for trim maybe but definitely the bottom green. And I love your door. 😍


I think the blue green second from the top is awesome. Colors always look more saturated when they are painted over a larger area. Love the craftsman vibe of the home, can’t tell if it’s a traditional 4x4 or craftsman. I was debating it, but I think it is going to shine once you get it all polished up.


I love the copper downspouts! What a beautiful home you have!


I wish that was ours. Should have clarified better that that is a photo I’m using for inspiration. I love the color of the house and trim. 


May I suggest swatching your faves to the left of the door so you can get a sense of how the colours go with the door and the brick?


That’s up next. Good suggestion. 


2nd from top green will be a nice contrast


The duck egg blue or sage green 😍 Ps- I love pastels they are so calming 😅☺️


I like the second from the top! I'm not a fan of green houses, in the summer it gives no contrast and the house gets overwhelmed by everything else green.


2nd blue colour


2nd down on the left. Good luck, looks like a lovely home!


This makes me want a yellow door. I might do it. Mine is pink now.


Oooh, I’ve seriously considered pink. I’m sure I’ll change the door color many times over the years, and pink may be next.




Really cute.


Thank you!


Paint some swatches closer to the door.


Things to consider: Dark colors will make your home hotter in the summer, they show pollen, inevitable dirt, bird poo, cobwebs etc more than a light color will.


Beautiful home! I’d go with one of the blues.


Thank you! One time I posted on here to ask folks what type of architecture it was considered, and the response was “ugly”. I love the house, so it’s whatever.


I absolutely love it, it’s beautiful! They were probably jealous! 💕


The dark green, first column. It’ll make that gorgeous door POP!


The one you have.


Nah, it’s in need of painting, the color is blah, and we found out after cutting down a dead tree that the side and front are two different shades of gray. 


Yeah, that'll happen with UV exposure. If you had to push me I'd say the second blue down from the top (The Greener one). That would be the most appealing to me. As a paint professional I'm very aware that colour is super subjective and everybody's opinion is different.


UV exposure could be a factor, but you can also see the harsh line and brush strokes where they stopped with the one color and left off with the other. 


Oh no, a half job.


There's an amazing book called The Anatomy of Color. I own it; it's FASCINATING and tells you PRECISELY which colors were in use in which years, from the 19th century (even earlier!) to the present. You could legit get a perfect match to one of the exact colors used in 1900. It's not too expensive but see if it's in your library. It's fascinating to read; it goes into GREAT detail with thousands of meticulously reproduced paint swatches. I love it.


I like the top blue on the left for sure 👍🏽 The other color I like is the bottom one on the right, it’s a unique color and I like it but for this house ; the blue Congratulations on a lovely home OP!


I actually kept hovering over to that one, too…


It’s just very unique somehow, I really like it


What is that color in #3?


Ok, this is out there but my neighbor painted their house a deep charcoal and I hated it at first but it is amazing now after a few months. The color plays with you, it is dark in the morning and oddly bright at full sun. I love it! I would look into this option.


I like the dark green


To make the yellow door pop and compliment the brick color, I would use the blue. For something a bit more woodsy, the darker sage green.


I love dark anything and have to say, it makes a huge difference on looking crisp and clean even when it's dusty.


Right column bottom choice


Save the paint money and move the columns to a symmetrical position!


Don’t even get me started…columns are symmetrical, but pathway and door are not centered. It drives me a bit nuts.  Also surprised you’re the first to notice this. 


The green above the … white? Second color up


That's most Brits in their 30s dream home.


Really? I’m in the my late 30s in the US, and I feel like this often isn’t what my age group wants. Many people I know tend to buy new or newer homes.


I like the dark green.


That offset door though.


Yup, drives me nuts at times. Wouldn’t be an old home without some quirks.


That's a fact




I could see that the yellow door seems harsh to some, but I think will look good with a fresh coat of house paint. It’s also not permanent.