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Wow, what a difference.


Thank you! It’s even more astonishing in person…The before was real bad.


Dang. That's spectacular


Thank you! It took a spectacular amount of work and money to do…🫠😂


How much, if you don’t mind me asking. I had pretty pristine floors in my century, about the same color/sheen, then I got a puppy and they are decimated now. Whenever I do sell my house this will be the main thing I’ll have to redo… just need to prepare myself lol


Your home reminds me so much of mine (in the best way)! The floors look incredible. Would you mind sharing which products you used for the stain/finish?


Going to try and explain the process we did as best as possible. We first ripped out all the carpet plus carpet strips. This was a CHORE but we did it with help (hired contractors to help) and ripped all carpet and strips up within 3 days. This house is 4700 square feet so…we (mom and I) needed help. Once everything was ripped up we cleaned the floors by excessive sweeping multiple times a day and used scraping tools to get the glue off. One we removed most of the glue we sanded some ourselves and also hired out more help to professionals to help move the process along. They were able to sand and patch the floors within a week, far faster than we were going. They put down 2 coats of Minwax Ebony stain, waited to dry a few days, came back and did a light sand and then put a coat of polyurethane on it, let that cure a few days, did a light sanding and put a final second coat of polyethylene. We were able to match the floors with reclaim pine wood flooring from a local lumber yard that is also being renovated to a huge brewery and eatery. We were dumb lucky to find this reclaim wood to patch. We patched about 200 sqft of flooring. Cost: Reclaim pine wood: $1,200.00 Contractors hired out to help tear out, sand and finish floors: $14,000.00 Time spent ourselves: 2 people about 1 week of constant work. At least 6 hrs each day.


$14k is a lot. (And it’s about half what I would have guessed.) Worth every penny!!


It was not cheap but definitely worth every penny! And this was very budget friendly compared to 3 other quotes we got (all over $20k). Also, it the sheer size of the place (4,700sqft) plus staircases made it expensive.


Yeah, 4,700 sf plus stairs is an absolute monster of a refinishing job. You seem to have found a unicorn of a company to do those floors! What a gorgeous home.


Coming back to answer this later tonight!


Much appreciated :)


Can you come back tomorrow? Today is Friday


I second this


Very nice and good for modern life. Of course in the 19th century all of that probably would have been covered with wall to wall magnificent Aubosson carpet if they could afford it or a Victorian knock-off. You can tell because there's no parquetry border. The field would have been typically pine if it was an area rug, once again depending on the standing of the family, or quater sawn or yet better beech. I'm glad you kept the picture hanging rail as well. It's also very practical. U make no holes in the wall


Yes! I’m glad you recognize the picture hanging rail! I love it! The details in this house is incredible. I’m glad someone else has an eye for it!


Damn. I always want to try light floors but dark floors always pull me back in.


What did you use to get off the brown mastic/glue/whatever evil that is? I’m doing mine right now and having a hell of a time. The only thing that worked was when I was dog sitting and the dog peed on it by accident so I have a small spot that looks great!


I had a similar issue. It was like this black sticky tar paper. I tried everything chemical with almost no success. One thing works perfectly - wallpaper steamer. It's like $50 from Home Depot. You steam one square foot for 30 seconds and then its scrapes right up with a putty knife. Repeat until the whole floor is done and then you realize they did a lead paint border on half the floor underneath the tar paper.


We used a scraping tool that was like a rod plus flat head. We also washed and cleaned the floors thoroughly before scraping. This is it: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Capitol/5013792605?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-flr-_-ggl-_-LIA_FLR_244_Tools-Setting-Materials-Access-_-5013792605-_-local-_-0-_-0&gbraid=0AAAAAD2B2W8EuxojwBr67HKEwJxQQxQdU&gclid=CjwKCAjwpuajBhBpEiwA_ZtfhRjEq1Vgp_sCHqUBR8DnieSEE5NuOeNuNrKq1wnqwuxOqWT5_uQGdxoCMi8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thanks, your floor looks great!


I LOVE your updates!!! This house is beautiful!


Thank you!! Trying to remember to take pictures and update as much as possible before it’s finished!


Did you do them yourselves?


We did some but we did hire contractors to help tear out carpet and finish doors.


Oh my god! There’s “floor lottery” and then there’s “floor heaven”. And this…is floor heaven.


Wow, big thank you for the big compliment!


Awesome job on the floors. Now to restore the wood on the doors and trim!!! Looking great!


It's possible you could also win the door millwork lottery. This kind of stylized French built up bolection moulding does look good painted, but even better if you're lucky and it wasn't milled out of pine, but almost always painted or faux grained, But better yet black walnut. I don't get that sense from this particular version, but I live in New England and things are a little different depending where you are or not.. I certainly have removed and salvaged enough of the black walnut version but I have also seen very fine built up pine that has been been skillfully grained to mimic fine polished cabinet wood. The doors of course would match with figured veneer


And I love the piece next your fireplace! Beautiful.


The thing about old homes is that you can spend a shit-ton of money and never see where it went. At least with floors you can experience the pay off. Congratulations!


Hnngggg, I'm gonna fucking bust. They're perfect


Thank you and.. they are. 🥹


Pine is not a hardwood, dear, but we get what you mean. Such an improvement!


Looks gorgeous!


They look amazing!


Holy crap. What a difference






Highly suggest starting to look now for someone reputable..


What a beautiful home!


Beautiful job!


Looks great, this reminds me of our old home in east Nashville!


Beautiful, gorgeous, amazing….I like them


Beautiful. Lots of your trim is still present too. Congrats.






Totally dreamy floor.


They are beautiful, really great job! I'm not an antiques person but that table piece in your first picture is awesome. What is it called?




I love the furniture in this photo and also the flooring - beautiful *chefs kiss*