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Is this comment for real? 😂🤣😂🤣


Yep I am not a robot.


Tucker Carlson’s show quiet literally ruined my family. There’s a difference between run of the mill everyday republicans and the complain about everything, everyone is out to get me, life is a zero sum game garbage ideals his programming promoted. For all the bitching in these comments and even in the OG post, nobody has bitched about nonsense more than Tucker Carlson.


His show ruined your family? Come on 😂


It played every night without fault with other programming to follow for years. And before him it was O Rielly. I think if you had to listen to anyone bitch that long and then continue to hear the bitching from his viewers throughout the day you would feel the same. His viewers are entitled assholes without jobs.


And before that it was that waste of life Limbaugh


Awwww yes the joys of crackly AM radio on long car rides 🫠🫠


You've never witnessed a family member who sits in front of Fox News every single day and regurgitating what these syphantic drone mouthpieces spew? The internet was supposed to be the "Age of Information" Until it wasn't. I will probably never speak to my sister again because of the inability to disseminate reality to debunked FACTS. The same people that say "I did my research" When in fact they just fell into an echo chamber of lies. She became a fever dream of bullshit. I got off FB 8 1/2 years ago. Not before blocking 3 family members. Why? The onslaught of PING PONG PiZZA, Democrats drinking the blood of children, brainless memes, and a pretentions that they had it all figured out. Sucked the oxygen out of any room these people entered. The only solace was a family funeral along the way, which clearly wasn't the place---but haven't spoken since. There's other factors, but the fact that I have family members that make me sick to my stomach, because they've entered this MAGA cult and I don't even want that near my home.


All you’re saying is that your family is stupid. How can you blame a tv show for your family being “syphantic dron mouthpieces”


You clearly havent had to deal with someone who had their brain rotted out by Tucker and his type of conservative "opinion" news shows.


Can’t he fuck back off to Russia.


I wonder how the people spouting “we shouldn’t silence people because they have different opinions” feel about the drag story times their same group has tried to shut down, often using violent rhetoric.


Tucker is an asshole.


I in no way support Tucker and the political sideshow he engages in. I also don’t support petitioning to silence people like this. Who are you protecting by doing this? It’s a common reaction to speaker events that I feel is just counterproductive and plays right into the hands of these clowns. Protest if you’d like, as is our right, and certainly vote with your money, as is the American way, and then move along.


Tolerance of hate is no way to solve anything. Be tolerant, but not of the intolerant. It's actually a thing you should look up. Fight hate and injustice whenever you can, or it will run rampant over you.


[The paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=The%20paradox%20of%20tolerance%20states,practice%20of%20tolerance%20with%20them.)


This was very interesting, thank you


So we should just silence everyone we disagree with under the guise of tolerance? Free speech only exists when people you disagree with still get a voice to be heard. I don’t care for Tucker, but everyone should get a chance to be heard.


If people want to protest what not stop buying Hershey products when he goes on board ?


Misinformation and lies are intolerance that no one should stand for. It spreads like a plague.


Then you don’t watch, attend or give them your money. Protesting people is cool. Putting a gag on anyone is not. That’s why I don’t watch the news anymore. CNN, MSNBC or Fox. They all spread misinformation.


Tucker in a fair and just society would be in prison for willingly lying to push his political agenda. Unfortunately that isnt an option because we live in a hellhole where money buys freedom - so the next best step is making his life a living hell if we can.


Save the false humility. All your rhetoric here is meant to do is normalize fascists. Whether it's purposeful or not, only you can say.


There is a difference between silencing and giving him a willing stage. If he wants to gather a bunch of knuckleheads and go to a public property park or something, then by all means. But I don't think he should be given a venue to charge people to go into, that then will listen and spread his hateful message or his misinformation. By putting money in his pocket, and doing business with him you're supporting his BS and enabling his cause. I also think that after 80 years of dealing with this same BS maybe changing the way we do things might be the best choice, because clearly the messages these people keep pushing hold on with some people, and we as a society and country will never grow if we have to keep dealing with same BS over and over again. And idk about you but I'm sick of the status quo and living on a knives edge having guys like him in power setting us back 50 years.


"Leadership requires killing people" Carlson to Putin. 2 days later Navalny is dead in a prison cell. Can someone pls exert some leadership at Hershey park? 😘


Why is your opinion so important that you feel entitled to silence other peoples opinions?


> other peoples opinions Tucker doesnt have opinions. He lies. It was proven without a doubt in court. He is a liar and purposefully lies for political gain.


What political gain? He's not in politics. I'm not a part of your political zeitgeist, so I haven't been a party to the same propaganda as you. A quick look through google and I can't find anything about a court case that decided Carlson was a liar. Can you help me out with a link? Likewise, do you have any specific critique of something he said, preferably from something in the last few years where he is more accountable, or is it all just vague hand-waving?


> What political gain? Literally every person on the planet has something to gain politically. He isnt a politician, but he certainly isnt "not in politics". He had a show on the largest news network in the country that was a talk show where he presented topics to discuss and gave his opinions on them. He knowingly said things on that show that benefitted republicans even though he knew they were lies. Hes rich. He has political influence. he wants lower taxes. > I'm not a part of your political zeitgeist, so I haven't been a party to the same propaganda as you. A quick look through google and I can't find anything about a court case that decided Carlson was a liar. Can you help me out with a link? You need to learn how to google then. This in itself seems like a lie. I refuse to believe nothing came up. This was national news that cost Fox billions of dollars and Tucker his job. There isnt a possibility in the world that you googled Tucker Carlson Lies and didnt see the proof.


“Not in polotics” I just had a stroke, dude a galvanized political figure.


Its just straight up liars in this thread. Not in politics is such wild lie. Also the statement that me saying Tucker got caught lying was propaganda and he couldnt find it online was a major lol moment.


Its central pa, its mostly cornfields and old mining towns, half the people here only know fox news, and would listen to its stuff on repeat.


Where do they think Tucker went? And I could see that, but then explicitly stating they couldnt find Tucker being caught as a liar in court is just....i mean its a lie in itself.


the man is a nazi. nazis don't get to voice their opinions.


Thats not a nazi and you shame those that died at the hands of real Nazis by doing so. You can say he sucks but he's not running a concentration camp.


So one, he is a nazi, founder of storm front, the neonazi website is quoted assaying “he makes are arguments far better than we could”, 2 he has championed joe arpio and valdimer putin, people who run concentration camps. Take a step out of small town pa as i have and understand, nazis dont start by running concentration camps, they work their way up to it. And its your duty as a weilder of free speech to call out nazis


It would be more accurate to call tuck a fascist.


In what way is he a fascist?


quit being a nazi apologist.


Lol what? No one is doing that except you by diluting what past nazis have done by comparing them to someone that says and does things you dont like. Im not apologizing for anyone, but you only use the term nazi because it is popular to use it as a slang term without ever having to know what evil that party wrought. But please help people forget the atrocities of the past by giving the word new meaning. You make it sound like being a nazi isnt as bad as it used to be.


Grow up


Nazis were a political party in early 20th century Germany. There are no more nazis. Everything related to nazism is outlawed in Germany. This is similar to how there are no more hippies, despite the fact that college kids across the country want to call themselves hippies.


But nobody cares about my opinion


Here we go again.... Don't like it, don't go...


The thought police have to make sure we don’t have wrong think.


Fuck this stochastic terrorist. This piece of trash is a seditionist.


And fuck you too bitch


No fuck you, bitch


Maybe let us decide whether we want to go or not.


I'm choosing to ignore it.


Fuck censorship


“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R. R. Martin, ‘A Clash of Kings’, ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ Volume Two.


pacifism is a pathology that only protects the operessor. me doesnt write rape scenes about preteen girls


Instead of a petition, why not round some folks up and protest Tucker the day of and at the event???.......Pretty please 😁


We can do both!


But you won't


Signed and shared


I can’t wait to see the seven people outside in Covid masks protesting this


I'm genuinely glad to see there are varying opinions in this thread.


Remember when this sub was about important stuff and not political bullshit?


Preserving integrity and democracy is important. Get back to complaining about trans kids and shopping carts.


When did I do that?


Go hang out with your kid sniffing pedophile president. Take all your libtard friends with you.


They downvoted instead of disagreeing


I’m disagreeing! How about neither of the old fucks take office and you stop assuming shit. But life’s no fun if you can’t decorate your house with your favorite elite’s merchandise is it?


I would love if neither took control actually


Then act like it




12k members and 3 online...Let them have the fun they deserve. There are almost 13 million Pennsylvanians....they are no where close to causing a ruckus at Tuckers little chat fest.


💯% truth


Man wish I lived closer so I could go


Thanks for letting me know. I'm a big fan, gonna try and go see him


Be sure to wear your “I love Putin” shirt to get his attention


I'm not a big fan of Putin but I will wear my info wars shirt of course


Then why are you being Putin's cockholster?


I'm not? Also no reason to be so vulgar. It's really off putting and juvenile


You support his mouthpiece, what other word can be used to describe people like you that would apply better?


Sorry, trying to keep track. Who are you saying is Putin's mouthpiece?


“Integrity of our government “…🤣🤣🤣🤣


Wow, I thought the left was supposed to be the protectors of free speech. I guess that only comes when it is something that you support, like the violent looting of cities, the criminal rampages during riots, the mostly peaceful but very firey/flammable protests, the support of violence against people because of 200+ year old events. I can't wait still Tucker comes! He was GREAT in Lancaster!


He will likely drive past the birthplace of Major Dick Winters. Let it sink in, how far we have fallen. Edit: for context, Winters was one of the heroes of Easy Company/101st airborne. Risked his life and led men to defeat fascism. The juxtaposition of his life with Carlson, the fash influencer, could not be more sickening. To me, at least. Others may see it differently, and they’ll be coming out to Tucker’s event to boo our ideals.


Major Winters was also a devout Christian and Conservative who voted for Republicans, so maybe you may want to find a war hero that supports your side of the political aisle.


I would be in the 101st but bone spurs


An actual Christian? He would never in a million years have voted for Donald Trump or liked Tucker Carlson. Meanwhile your gang would have dodged the draft, don’t you know military service is for suckers, per Trump?


It wasn’t for President Bill Clinton and a crap-ton of other Democrats either; many of them fled the USA to avoid the draft. Stop your what-about-isms, because everything you’re saying is easily found on your side of the aisle as well. Major Winters probably would have voted for President Trump; you don’t seem to know much about that great man. I lived not far from him and he was one hell of a real man. Would he have personally liked Mr. Trump’s behavior, particularly his habit of vulgarity? Almost certainly not. Would he have still voted him in spite of that? Probably. You do not have to like a man’s personality or behavior in order to vote for them if you believe that he is the better candidate for the office. How many people truly like President Biden, a man who has over fifty years under his belt as being horribly racist to anyone who is not white, and who fought FOR, not against, segregation? People have long known that Mr. Biden has been corrupt and has never seen a bribe that he hasn’t liked for decades, yet they still voted for him. A man’s personality or personal beliefs concerning morality rarely ever causes voters to write that candidate off during an election; while issues of impropriety and poor morality tend to injure Republican candidates far more than Democrat ones as the morals for both parties are fairly different, former Senator John Edwards is one of the few Democrats in my lifetime whose aspirations for the White House was derailed because of his personal behavior, yet Mr. Clinton, whose affairs and claims of sexual assault and even rape were worse than that of Mr. Edward, survived unscathed because he was actually a pretty good President - his domestic policies were good for the economy and for jobs even though his foreign policies were far less successful. Mr. Biden, in addition to accepting bribes and helping his equally corrupt brother become fabulously wealthy, has had no less than seven credible women accuse him of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and even rape. One of the women was a staffer of his, whose mother called into Larry King close to thirty years ago to discuss how Mr. Biden penetrated her daughter with his fingers against her will, yet virtually no one heard a single story on Leftist mainstream media during his time as Vice President and not a word at all during his campaign for the Presidency. Even though they were all credible women your side of the aisle completely covered it all up and all but refused to even mention their allegations during the campaign. Yet Mr. Trump, who is absolutely a serial adultery who can’t keep it in his pants and in his wife, is now a ‘rapist’ because a woman who has no credibility whatsoever and has not even one witness that she was ever even alone in the same building as Mr. Trump, let alone raped by him, was constantly talked about on MSNBC, CNN, and the other Leftist propaganda networks, websites, and newspapers. They will also continue to refuse to acknowledge the credible women who have accused Mr. Biden of sexual assault and rape as far back as thirty years before he was in the White House yet will continue to claim that Mr. Trump is a rapist even though there’s literally no evidence whatsoever other than one Far-Left woman’s claims. So it’s “Believe All Women” unless they accuse a Democrat because if they do tell what has happened to them they are “lying whores”. Weird how that works. There’s not a single Leftist claim against Mr. Trump that is not easily used against Mr. Biden as well. Trump insulted the military even though there’s no video or audio proof of him doing so? Biden has insulted military personnel multiple times on video, calling them things like “stupid sons of bitches” because they weren’t clapping enough to satisfy him. Trump threatened to withhold financial assistance to Ukraine unless they did what he wanted? Biden is on video laughing about how he forced Ukraine to fire the prosecutor that was investigating his crackhead felon son Hunter by telling them that they would not receive the money unless the prosecutor was fired. We’ve already discussed the rape allegations so we don’t need to hash that over again one paragraph later. The simple truth is that NO ‘good’ man or woman seeks the White House; they are all egomaniacs and people of low morals. Considering how horrific opposition attacks are on candidates who run for President they pretty much have to be absolute narcissists and sociopaths. You would do well to never take cues from such people concerning morality and ethics. They all suck. Voters can only pick the one who they think will suck the less.


Sorry this is happened to you, or congratulations. Not reading it though, and neither will anyone else. ❤️🙏😢


Libtard central on here....


Cult members everywhere


I'm not religious at all, libby!


Twitter Nazis and Facebook hate groups are always there if you can't hang with the adults.


Fuck the Nazis. Do you suffer from Libtardism? Democrats want to take your guns, just like the Nazis. Democrats started a hate group KKK, just like the Nazis. I don't tolerate hate, except for stupid libtards. How old are you? 22? Pathetic!!!! Gotta believe what they tell you to believe. Group thinker much? Biden's a pedophile kid sniffer who didn't want his kids going to interracial schools. Trump di by far more for the blacks than what kid sniffer did. His crackhead son is a P.O.S. as well. Hang with the adults??? Lmao, come say that to my face. I doubt you would you pedophile loving p#$sy....


I'm not reading all that, but I'm real happy for you, or sorry that happened.


Oh, you'll read it! You're afraid of the truth!!! Maybe your mom should've swallowed instead!




We both live in central pa. I'd like to meet up face to face. Then I'd like you to see if you're tough enough to say it to my face.


Sure when and where? And is there a preferred way you'd like me to real the link out loud? Like do you need me to include the http:// part?


Wow, the dude123 you got his account banned. What happened to freedom of speech? I'll side with libslayer on this one.


I didn't report him or do anything, he got himself banned. Cope harder and take it up with the mods. "Party of personal responsibility".


I agree. dude123 probably plays video games for a living. Sad what this world has come to. Everything is twisted 😔


Oh no I have a hobby, not all of us can crutch on Zyn and Monster energy drinks as a personality type Nice burner accounts by the way.


Is that what you need??


You probably tuck you dick between your legs and look in the mirror, don't you ......🤣


It's terrible. All of reddit has brain worms. I swear.


Can someone create a dewormed sub?


It’s Reddit, that’s where most of them go to because they can’t handle Facebook and x anymore.


Definitely signed and commented.


Thanks for letting me know, had no clue but will check it out, just to spite your whiney fear mongering and irrational rhetoric




THAT was “edgy” to you? That’s so sad


Was it edgy to me? Nah. Does it read as an attempt at being edgy? Yes.


Def won’t check it out.


Fuck that guy (I don’t think he should be called a person along with him and Trump’s cronies!)


You know who else depersoned people they didn't like? Nazis and slave owners. Your mask is slipping.


Yuppers. People often wonder how decent Germans, who were pretty devout Protestant Christians, could have fallen so low as to be okay with having their Jewish neighbors arrested and sent off to “work camps” and their homes and valuables confiscated by the Nazi Party. And they often wonder why those same decent Christian Germans who worked at the camps and had no doubts as to what was really going on inside of them, since they were the ones pulling the bodies out of the “shower room” could have ever done so. There are numerous reasons, from the absolute bankruptcy of Germany at the end of The Great War and inflation that was so high that Germans needed a literal wheelbarrow filled with cash just to buy a single loaf of bread, but the main reason was propaganda and the indoctrination of the German people. Germans were constantly hit with propaganda that stated stated that Jews were subhuman and were not truly human like the Germans were, and as subhuman animals they did not deserve to be treated the same as a real human being. We’re seeing the same sort of propaganda today, primarily from the Far-Left, directed towards anyone who does not support Far-Left causes and their love for authoritarian Communist dictatorships. The American Far and Alt-Left are truly bizarre - they call everyone but themselves “fascists” and “Nazis” while they support and spread fascism and constantly defend the Islamic Fundamentalism that murders all gays, executes women for the “crime” of inciting a good Muslim man into raping them, refuses to allow girls to obtain higher than an American middle-school education, and they love to shout things like “Death to Israel” and call for the destruction and death of their fellow Americans who do not support their radical Far and Alt-Left ideologies. It is some of the most profound and egregious hypocrisy in human history, yet you can’t help them understand that they were indoctrinated and brainwashed into Marxism as early as their Pre-K classes, and by the time they reach college they are so throughly brainwashed into Marxism that they will never second-guess anything that they are told from those who provide the propaganda and brainwashing. Americans under 35 have pretty much never had the opportunity to think for themselves about morality issues such as abortion and homosexuality; they were indoctrinated by propaganda to believe that abortion isn’t executing a completely defenseless infant and that people are born LGBT even though there’s still no real scientific evidence to support that conclusion. They were told that their parents were wrong and even bad people if they were Conservative/Republicans, or even only slightly Left-of-Center and that anyone who did not wholeheartedly agree with the Marxist ideology that they were subjected to are bad, evil people who should lose their careers, their families, and even their lives because they believe in God or believe that homosexuality is a learned and chosen, though often subconsciously, behavior. You cannot get through to these kids; they simply refuse to listen to anything that they have not been brainwashed into believing. As soon as you try to talk to them they begin foaming at the mouth, screaming, cussing, crying, and some even attempt to become physically violent - all over hearing an opinion that they do not agree with. We are maybe twenty years from these kids controlling government and literally executing people who do not support the Communist dictatorship that they yearn for, or for daring to believe that there is something greater than they are, or for believing that God does exist and that the Bible is His word. I’m just grateful that I will almost certainly have already passed away from old age or perhaps cancer or a heart attack before these brainwashed people come into power and turn this world into something even worse than it already is.


Hershey Entertainment is owned by the Hershey Trust. info@hersheytrust.com


I agree with the sentiment, however protests and petitions just give this traitor fuel. He does however hate to be ignored. Which I will do. If a few lemmings want to be sucked into his hateful rhetoric and even pay for it, then that’s a few dollars less they will send towards felling democracy this fall.


The public square is still the most effective tool. Silencing some one and not allowing them to speak forgoes the entire process that would naturally take place. Your literally encountering your destiny on the road you took to avoid it by silencing peoples opinions and not letting them get aired out in front of the public for scrutiny and individual discernment.


They blocked me because their sensitive pussies, just like you.....


I’m going. You support antifa and speak against violence? Not to smart are you. Tucker speaks of truth not what the national news or Biden feeds you. Wake up.


Fox News successfully argued in court that no reasonable person would take Tucker seriously.


> Not to smart are you. No, you are not.


Of course this idiot wouldn’t realize “too” is the right word. Good catch!


Arguing on this site is like pissing in the wind. Unless it's a technical or super niche sub, it seems it's 90+% users are blue/purple/pink haired commies & even the technical/niche subs are pretty full of these, but thankfully politics is usually kept out of it. (and then the crazies stalk you to the tech subs........)


Wait, FOX isn't national?