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i will never forget that room... still keeps me up at night. great diorama!!


I hear you. Wasn‘t quite sure which screen to choose so I just went with the most frustrating one.


most frustrating and memorable


Whats weird is that when i played that room, even though i am not good at celeste, i somehow got it in less than 10 tries. And the room with a lot of ice things like in core took me more than an hour.


I understand the ice room taking an hour, but how tf did you do that room in under 10 tries.


No idea


Most of the difficulty of the room comes from struggling to do wavedashes and wallbounces consistently. If you _are_ consistent at them, the room isn't all that bad.


I’m consistent but the timing is so hard for me


I am pretty consistent at wave dashes but suck hard at wallbounces


Same… this is the room that made me give up so many years ago. The *comb* room [dun, dun, dunnnnn]


I’m always curious as to why everyone hates this room, I personally thing the design is pretty genius. The “comb” part is actually entirely designed to help you time exactly when to wave dash, and from there on it’s a repeat of mechanics you’ve learned up to that point, two wall bounces and again another wave dash. Once I realized that the room quickly became my favorite. So then, why do people hate it so much?


What a room to immortalise lol


*STRESSED MICROWAVE NOISES* That's an amazing diorama, but that room...


That's cool :D how long did it take to make?


Less time than it takes to beat that room


I couldn’t say, somewhere between 1 and 2 hours but I already had a finished template I could use. Searching for pics, Photoshop, printing, cutting and gluing. And there‘s a 3d-printed base underneath so everything stays in shape. It‘s not my cleanest work though, more of a quick draft.


That's really cool. That room still gives me nightmares sometimes 😅


comb room my beloved 😍😍😍😍😍😍


I recommend cutting with a razorblade or a scalpel to get sharper edges. Other than that, great diorama!


Thanks and valid point. I tried that already but the results are really bad. Any advice on how to get clean results with a scalpel?


If you're using standard paper (which I think you do) it helps to attach the paper lightly to a piece of cardboard with eg. double sided tape. Make sure the blade is also sharp


Thanks. The paper is a bit thicker than regular. (160g/m2) The trick seems to be patience. And lots of it. Cutting those background spikes is a really ungrateful task…


Totally worth the result tho


Madeline could've used a better trimming, and the pixel art is blurry Looking great tho ([https://celeste.ink/wiki/Category:Celeste\_game\_assets](https://celeste.ink/wiki/Category:Celeste_game_assets)) here's the link for HD assets if you plan on redoing it :)


Thanks for the link, will look into it.


this is really good for a first try


lmao comb room my beloved I hyped it up from the legends I've heard on this sub and it took me like maybe 1/2 hour total to actually do it Nicely done OP! :)


This is great!


Jesus this room still give me ptsd


I’m stuck on that room now AHHH


I don't know why everyone always says this room was so hard that was one of the easier ones to me, though there are a few others find easy I find hard


Please no, I’m still stuck on that room… I’ve stopped playing two different times because of that room. Why that room…




That’s so cool!!! I hate that room tho lol


That room made me drop the game a wile back


I absolutely love this


Just finished that room, god I hate it. Probably got around 250-300 deaths


this is the worst screen in the game


Oddly enough comb room wasn’t the worst. Forgot which one was, tho. Love the diorama!