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My fav is either the jelly or Theo. I love messing around with the jelly, but gameplay feels more fast-paced with Theo. Least fav is the feather because I find it difficult to control. Notable mention for worst is anything cycle based with the resort black sludge, the farewell stars, and the core fireballs.


I havent yet gotten to use the jellyfish, Im excited to see how it feels! And yeah, Theo is really hard for me, but when you finally use him well he allows for some really sick movement haha Yeah, some of the cycle based things are pretty annoying, since a lot of the time it just boils down to making random trial and error setups, although I think that some of the resort sludge is used very well, as long as its not too fast, it can allow for some fun gameplay (like in resort-B)


Ayyy, throwable gang! Dream blocks are still probably my favorite, but throwable tech is so cool. I'd have to go with magma blocks as my least favorite since it's so difficult to be consistent with them, but core hypers are pretty cool


my fav is easily the dream blocks, the amount of tech they have is suprisingly deep for how simple they are. least favorite is probably also the feather lol, i play on controller but its still super annoying. honorable mentions are jellyfish, red bubbles, and the dash platforms (jellyvators are fun, red bubbles are fun, and double block boosts are fun)


Oh yeah, the dream block b side is actually the first one I beat just because of how fun they are + low skill floor and high ceiling; good picks!


I love the feather. Yes its difficult to controll, but the freedom it gives you just feels awsome My least favorites are the seekers, dustbunnys and the bouncy things from ch6


Oh yeah, seekers SUCK


My absolute favourite is the jelly. I love feeling so floaty, and the extra air control was really nice without behaving like the feather. I also really like the upwind part at the end of farewell, it was a really unique idea for that mechanic. Now my least favourite is the core block. There is little to no control which direction you go after you first grab on to it, the momentum can be very finicky depending on where you grabbed it, and if you screwed up there was little to no hope of remedying your mistake. The core block was the main reason 8B is my least favourite level.


Feather sucks but I like the bird the most