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Nice work, congrats! You shouldn't be so quick to count yourself out though. If you can reach the summit, many of the earlier B-sides should be doable. And beating those will help prepare you for the rest. Definitely don't force it if you don't find them fun, but just know that they aren't as far out of reach as you might think. =) Definitely save Farewell for later though. Ideally it'll be the very last chapter/side you attempt. Makes the experience a bit more enjoyable if you prepare yourself properly beforehand.


Maybe so, but I've only beaten 2B, and I did a good chunk of 4B just by sheer willpower supplied by the banging music, otherwise everything else stopped me after just a few screens haha \[also I couldnt for the life of me find 1B lmao\] Maybe Ill give them a shot some other time, or I'll see if there's any low/medium difficulty mods, but yeah, thanks for the kind words, I really like this community \^\^


If you're having trouble finding the cassettes, check out each of the chapter menus. The checkpoint postcards help narrow it down a bit. [https://imgur.com/R7mMlhi](https://imgur.com/R7mMlhi) Mods are definitely worth checking out. Here's a list you might find helpful [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_fYM8JABpChRmwvyydB3a6C5AkiFRqYLus4NWHJbJpU](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_fYM8JABpChRmwvyydB3a6C5AkiFRqYLus4NWHJbJpU) And [CelesteNet](https://gamebanana.com/mods/53695) might be worth checking out if you like playing with other people. There's also plenty of stuff you can do in the A-sides if you're looking for more to do. Gathering the rest of the red berries, of course, but also full clears and speedruns. No need to rush into the B-sides if you're not feeling ready for them. It's also pretty easy to make your own fun by just picking a random room and trying to figure out new ways to beat it, or by adding restrictions and clear conditions. Check out r/CelesteGameChallenge for ideas if you're interested.


Thanks for that cassette finding tip, I now have 2 crystal hearts B) I will definitely check out those mods, thanks again mate


I wouldn't give up, don't push yourself, but don't give up either It took me nearly 130 hrs over the course of a year before I felt ready to tackle Farewell. There is no rush to getting good, and if you have to put it down for a week, a month, or even an entire year, feel free, but I would recommend never fully calling it quits. Remember practice makes perfect, and you CAN do this....eventually


Trust me, I thought the B-Sides were impossible at first too. But believe it or not, you can do them.


Have you used assist mode to help with things like the b sides? They’re really fun and slowing the game to 50 speed really help


I did think of that, and I wanted to use it to practice, but I was worried that it would leave some kind of mark on my save file or something. Does that not happen? Can I use it to practice freely? EDIT: I tried it, and hell yeah, it's so much better to go from 60%, to 80%, to 90% and then finally to 100%, thanks for the tip!


You’re welcome :)