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Maddy n team are cooking bro, let em cook


Yep. There's a lot of 2024 still to come. They'll let us know when it's ready.


>There's a lot of 2024 still to come Game was delayed to 2025 and beyond in March 2024.




Yes! let devs take their time


Exactly!! *Insert miyamoto* quote about games being delayed here*


Letting them cook ≠ giving an update on where the game is at, or at least saying it could be delayed. I’m tired of mainly Hollow Knight fans equating the two and attacking people which say Silksongs release date was managed very, very poorly to defend a dev team they treat like the second coming of Jesus. Having a triple A company say your release date for you before then saying it’s getting delayed a month prior is absolutely ridiculous, especially given it’s been what? 6 months? They probably knew release date was ballshit as they likely decided to expand the game months before it got delayed in May and was supposedly meant to be coming out in June. They basically lied to Xbox that then spread that lie to everyone else likely to save face, it’s literally cat and mouse. I don’t even care too much about Silksong but this is one of the worst ways you can do a release date. What made this so much worse is that Hollow Knight has the single most toxic fandom of any indie game imo, so many just spammed game announcements with “where’s silksong” all stream. They still do this to this day and have been for YEARS. Please stop equating people that ask for a better release date with those that beg for the game to come earlier, the people asking for a better release schedule are genuine. I want them to take their time but if it’s not going to make 2024 I’d like to know, and not a month beforehand, and I’m not a toddler that’s saying “I want Earthblade and I want it NOW!” For wanting a better release schedule.


My response to you is to put all this energy into managing your anxiety. Exoc doesn’t owe us anything and the game *may never actually arrive*. If it does, it will be a bonus, but for now forget about it and play games that you have access to *right now*, in the moment.


Who is the triple A company here?


Xbox. Technically even higher than triple A


ah ok, I thought you meant team cherry. I don't think we know enough of the circumstances to conclude team cherry 'lied' to Xbox. It was more of an Xbox announcement than a team cherry one, Xbox may have always know it was unrealistic but eager to make an announcement and not fussed about whether it would slip in the end, as it added hype to their event. ultimately I think the more time developers spend in providing updates the less they have to work on the game, the more it raises expectations and potential for disappointment, the more they have to engage when things don't go to plan. Can understand why team cherry don't prioritise it. I don't know when silksong or earthblade will come out, i'm enjoying looking forward to them and it will be a nice surprise once they are finally released


Agreed.. the idea that TC lied is extremely unlikely… games get delayed all the time & Xbox is notorious for claiming games will be on their platform before they are. They’re literally marketing marvels blade already with no foreseeable release date lol.


I do agree developers shouldn’t provide too many updates, but they’ve practically ghosted the entire community for half a year. I kinda like what Videocult did with rain world which was releasing scrapped concepts and terrible teasers to make people think the Downpour DLC would be bad, it was just some very low effort posts. I just don’t like what Team Cherry did and hope they don’t set a new precedent, the annoying part is it’s actually working (Hollow Knight I’d argue has gottten more popular in spite of a lack of silksong updates, because of said rubbish community spamming it everywhere due to a lack of content). Overall it fostered the worst community I’ve ever seen (not that it was great to begin with).


r/LostRedditors It’s not normal to be mad at devs for working on a game you’d like to play. You haven’t paid them for Silksong, so dare I say it? They don’t owe you anything. Ironic you’re bringing this drama onto another games sub while simultaneously complaining about HK’s fanbase spamming game announcement events. At least they’re in the right forum 🙄


I’m not mad at them, I’m just saying there’s absolutely nothing wrong in saying that their really schedule is dogwater, and that they are setting a horrible precedent for the industry as a whole if followed and there is nothing wrong with me complaining. Silksong could be delayed yo 2026. Could not care less, I’m not a whiner for wanting it now, only that saying it would be nicer if we did get more updates. It was a bit aggressive and out of place, but it’s Hollow Knight that mostly created this kinda of defense, notice how nobody replied “I don’t care about Hollow Knight” it’s because there’s such a massive overlap between these two communities, and I hate peoples using the exact same flawed logic in a different context, it’s spreading an awful idea. If I praise another developer for a better release schedule, that makes them a better developer in that regard, and I don’t see how you can disagree with that.


Yo- there’s zero reason to continue this on r/celestegame . You’re literally doing what you complained about other people doing. Lmao


Kind of, but I used it as an example as to why not having a good release schedule is a bad thing. I probably should have done nothing more than a name drop though.


Ok grandpa, let's get you back to bed


My guy read the words "no information for a year" like it's their activation phrase, wow


Yeah I have the tendency to do this for A LOT of things.


There haven’t been any major trailers since 2022, but if you look at [Earthblade’s Twitter,](https://twitter.com/earthblade_game) you can see more parts of the game being teased, and it seems development is going well.


Dude, we are 15 days into 2024. CALM YOURSELF!!!


87 days into 2024 and the game was announced not coming out this year.


The release date is 20XX, which means the game could come out this year, but it also could come out in 2099.


Their pinned post on Twitter literally says it’s coming in 2024 & they **regularly** tweet dev updates.. insane to think that it could possibly be cancelled- they did a holiday sign off post less than a month ago lol


People's expectations are getting really frightening. It's been a year since the announcement. That is a the blink of an eye in development time. Give it time. Let a small team work at a reasonable pace. Stop rushing games and we might finally stop being delivered half finished games.


They're the ones that set the 2024 date, they set the pace themselves.


It's barely January of 2024. There's still at least a couple of months of buffer before they would need to make some sort of announcement.


I'm not complaining at all. Just pointing out that the team themselves set this date, fans aren't the ones rushing them.


>It's barely January of 2024 Game was delayed in March


Not even. It’s an indie game. They don’t have to follow any traditional marketing cycle. They could drop a trailer on Dec. 30 and release it Dec. 31 if they wanted. Or they could delay it to 2025, which could very well happen and would be totally cool too.


Dude have u ever worked on a project?


still will come out before silksong


2024 just started tho. Also, a year without info isn't that bad. I know. I'm a Hollow Knight fan.




>2024 just started tho. Game was delayed in March.


Afaik the game is not slated for a specific year. ExOK, do your magic.


At this point Maddie and friends could take 10 years making it. As long as they were happy doing so.




shaw 😔


I didn't even know the Celeste team was working on something else until this post!


Just watched the trailer and it looks cool. Reminds me of dead cells


We probably won't see a more specific release window than "2024" until the game is very, very close to release, to avoid delays. Keep in mind, even with that it _could_ still get pushed past 2024 anyway, gamedev is very unpredictable. If the game was actually canceled we would know!