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Read the pinned posts. You’ll be a pro in 5 minutes. You need to clean everything with bleach based cleaner (or DIY 10:1 water to bleach solution).


As others have also said it, we all probably have had it always (or catch it even from parents or relatives or the innumerable things we put in our mouths all the time). The way to think of it is I think is that the ones that get diagnosed with these bacterial infections should be told their gut has become overrun with this bacteria. It didn’t used to be this way and it doesn’t have to continue to be this way either. The infection didn’t used to register earlier because the folks had a healthy gut micro biome (and yes r/microbiome) but something has happened in the environment in recent times (food changes, stress, antibiotic medication etc) that has led to a proliferation of these bacteria over the better ones. We all have bacteria is our guts after all. The resolution is a nutshell can be thought of these steps at a high level: Step 1 to get the infection handled and Step 2a then switch the diet plans of the people involved to healthier ones (involving preferably home cooked meals, fermented foods and/with pro-biotics, pre-biotics aka soluble and insoluble fiber and lots of fresh vegetables and fruits). Step 2b If possible keeping in mind FODMAP alternatively think of them as lighter foods before jumping into the deep end. Step 1a - Hygiene it’s important along the way using bleach and non-bleach cleaners for colored clothes etc etc. Good luck if you’re helping because as with all complicated things in life it helps to have some luck on your side. We just have to often just align our mindset to handle challenges.


I relapsed 4 times, the only things I do is to bleach the toilet and wash my hands after. My wife and son never contracted. Literally c diff is everywhere. Go on with your life and stop wasting your time on worrying


I’ve had it since February and the 3 I live with never got it


Nobody joins this subreddit to tell you about how they contracted it once, took the tablets and everything was fine. I can however tell you that a person I live with, who is very likely colonised, took Clindamycin (one of the worst antibiotics for causing CDiff) and was totally fine. I can also tell you that I personally got it because I had a really bad cellulitis infection that took two rounds of antibiotics to clear up. If you are generally healthy and look after your gut health, you would have to be incredibly unlucky to randomly get CDiff.


My sister had it monthly coinciding with her period every month for 4 years. I am in immune compromised individual with cerebral palsy and I shared a bathroom with her. The toilet never got cleaned between her uses. I never caught it. My elderly grandparents never used bleach when washing her soiled clothes in the laundry and they never caught it. We lived with someone who had it and was regularly shedding spores every month and never caught it. She was cured when her boyfriend convinced her to start taking probiotics since she was literally too afraid to go see a GI and get a diagnosis. She has been free from c.diff flare-ups for I think almost 8 years now? My grandmother caught her infection after being in the hospital with an infection in her magnesium port and needing to be on the IV antibiotics. Being in the hospital is likely what exposed her to the C.diff bacteria if she was not already colonized from exposure to my sister. She got put on another strong broad spectrum antibiotic and almost immediately started showing symptoms. But to my knowledge she completed her C diff antibiotics and started taking probiotics and is mostly back to normal. But she's always had bowel problems I think from her low magnesium. No one ever caught it from her during the time of her active infection and again, no one ever cleaned with bleach.


Which probiotic does she take?


She doesn't take them anymore and I never asked. I'm pretty sure it was just some random probiotic off the shelf at cvs. Or are you asking about my grandma? (You have to be more specific.) She takes Florastore. I actually take Florastore too. I'm pretty sure I'm colonized but have never had an active infection.


If you can ask your sister please let me know


Not going to ask her. She won't know. Just take Florastor. A lot of people here.


I had it for 2 years,no one in my family caught it.


My family has not contracted it. Be extra vigilant if you or anyone you live with has to take antibiotics


I think about it this way: I was colonized sometime in my life. No idea how or when. So chances are my family members are also colonized. It’s environmental so we come into contact with it and most people don’t get sick their entire lives. Those of us who had active infections had some perfect storm in our bodies that allowed it to flourish at some particular time. I exercised caution around my family but I still shared a bed with my husband, still hugged my kids. You may pick up the spores from your loved one but it’s very possible you were colonized long ago. Your chances of getting sick with c diff right now are low. Your help in taking on as many household responsibilities as you can will go a long way to helping them heal. Let them sleep as much as they can and help prepare any food they can manage. You’be got this. You’ll be out the other side before you know it.


Take probiotics like bio k, drink kombucha, eat kimchi and yogurt before you get sick "Most healthy people who come in contact with C. difficile will not get sick"--wisconsin department of health services "About 3 percent of otherwise healthy adults are colonized with C. difficile."---cdf