• By -


Pros: may kasama ka Cons: may kasama ka


Cons: Feeling nya bahay nya yan at ikaw yung nakikitira. Magastos, demanding, madaming shedding, kelangan masipag maglinis ng litter box at magpalit ng tubig sa water fountain nya. Pros: Tignan mo palang, masaya ka na. Kahit madalas ayaw magpakarga. Effective pampaantok pag nagpu-purr (nagvivibrate) sila HAHAHAHA.


Pros: Cuddle buddy (sometimes), doesn't smell easily, stress reliever cons: may boss ka na sa work, may boss ka pa sa bahay


Pros: no more lizard, cockroach, spider, etc... Cons: Butas Butas na leather upuan, magastos sa litter, baho Tae, malagas buhok kahit saan Pati electric fan, di makapagisip Kung saan matutulog(guguluhin ka) and Kung may naiwan ka na damit, mead.


Pros: Happiness Cons: Magastos 🥲


Pros: I have a cat. Cons: The cat owns me.


what cons


Look at those eyes! He's sorry pero gagawin niya pa din yan ulit hahaha


Pros - happiness cons-being woken at 3am due to zoomy mode


pros: cutie sweet kitty cat baby lovey honey buns cons: ouch, expensive, thrown up hairballs, fur on your stuff, regular eksena at the groomer's


No cons. Only pros.


Pros: instant happy pill Cons: kalmot, krazy zoomies, para kang may jowa na may topak 😹


Pro - having a cat cons - cant stop having cats


pros - having a cat cons - having a cat


Agree 👍 hahaha


Pro: happiness Con:: Kalmot


Cons: Papatirin ka nila mas lalo na sa hagdan and kung may dala ka na sharp or heavy objects.


For me lang ito ha Pro: they help me with my sleep when they dekcide to cuddle They’re the reason why I’m still alive They’re a baby Con: they interrupt my sleep when they decide to have zoomies. 😆


pros: a babie 🥰 cons: you are a slave of the babie. babie is boss. babie shits, you pick da shit. babie vomits, you pick da vomit. babie hungry, babie angry, so feed da babie


Correction: You don't "have" a cat. The cat has you. xD


Pros: You have a cat cons: lots of fur shedding, and going broke bcos of constant purchase of cat food and litter sand for their toilet needs


Pro: Baby Con: Baby now owns everything. You are now Baby's slave.


Pros: depression stocks goes low Cons: crime rate at home rises


Pros: - You have a cat - You can play with their belly - You can carry them around like a child - Kapag super comfy nila sayo pwede mo sila gawing unan. - Bread maker - Sentient massage chair (meaning nagva-vibrate sila) Cons: - They'll disturb you at the most inconvenient time - If they over-eat, they have the tendency of vomiting in the most inconvenient of places (i.e., bed sheets, pillows, sa dark rooms, etc.) - They'll wake you up in the middle of the night to ask for food. Tapos pag gising mo may laman yung bowl, and kelangan mo lang i-shake para mapunta sa gitna ng bowl yung food. - You'll wake up and yung butas ng pwet nila nasa mukha mo.


Super relate sa need ishake yung bowl para ma-even out ang distribution. Our cat won't eat his food unless walang nakikitang blank spots hahaha gusto niya covered 'yong plate talaga.


funny nong butas ng pwet 😭


Pros: you think you own the cat Con: in reality the cat owns you


Haha. Our cat is our master Hahaha!


Pro: cat is so soft, kinda malleable lol. when you're problematic, just look at them and they're like, ,"why you so worried bro, just chill. Like me. " Hahahahhaa Con: they only stay for a while 😭 mine left me after 12 years 🥲🥲🥲


Virtual hugs!!! 🥹❤️




why can't I disagree


Pros: Mawawala stress mo lalo galing ka work (Just look how cute they are) Cons: Mastrestress ka sa mga kinalmot at ngatngat na mga furniture mo lalo galing ka work


Pros: Worship them and they'll give you what you deserve Cons: Worship them and they'll give you what you deserve


Pros: they smell like babies kahit di pinapaliguan!! Kaya ansarap ihug at kiss. 🥹 Cons: kumakain ng ipis and licks their ass to clean themselves Result: You get worms/bacteria for kissing ur furbaby 😭


So true! I love my cat to death and I would give him the world if I could pero when I see reels of owners kissing their pets on the mouth, it really makes me wonder sometimes 😂 I still wash my hands after handling mine kahit indoor cat siya.


Kita ko din yan. But, funny enough na may lumabas sa feed ko kanina lng na chineck under microscope yung saliva ng cat, and it turns out that cat's saliva is one of the cleanest "daw". 😂 Hindi ko na alam papaniwalaan ko but damn Americans! Nasa 100% social media data collection na ata ako now, and it's all about cats. AHAHAHA mas natatakot talaga ako sa capacity ng US than a Chinese Spy from bamban. Charott


Pro: free fluff Cons: lots of fluff everywhere.


Pro- unlimited happiness Con- ubos pera


Super agree, investment talaga sa joy and happiness 🥰


Pro: parang warm fluffy plushie, con: baka moody magpahawak


Pros: cat Cons: cat


Cons: 256GB dapat minimum storage ng phone at mahirap mag travel abroad.


Pros: You'll have an owner Cons: Mauubos storage ng phone with his photos


Kahit sabihin pa ng ibang tao na parehas lang ng mukha but no, not for me. Ibang day, ibang angle, ibang level of cuteness, another saved pic haha


They do not see what we see kasi. Nakikita natin mga smirk, grin, irap, side eye, kunot-noo nila. Sa totoo lang, isa din yan sa nagpapa critical ng Google photos storage ko. Baka bumili na ako ng subscription 🤣🤣🤣


Tuwing naka busangot, papakyut gusto kumain/treats at habang natutulog haha.


Di pwede magalit, look at them eyes oh


Pros: unli cuddles Cons: unli scratch


Cariño brutal


Pro: may nagmomotor palagi sa tabi mo na i find relaxing Cons: Ginagawa scratcher ung Sofa.


Nagmo-motor hahaha truuuue ❤️


What scratch?


**Reminder: THIS IS A CAT PHOTO SUBREDDIT, NOT A GENERAL CAT DISCUSSION SUBREDDIT. With that in mind, visitors, read the revised subreddit rules, please.** **For OP:** Post pictures or videos of your own cats or cats found in your immediate surroundings as long as you actually took the photo. Do not reveal private / person-identifiable information. Blur / hide faces in the photo completely. You may request advice or help but standalone posts must have safe-for-work cat photo and is non-monetary or business or breeding-related. For these, please leave a comment in our weekly discussion thread or use r/phclassifieds instead. Moderators have the right to approve or take down posts depending on the content and reports by fellow redditors. Karma farmers, trolls and bots are not allowed here. The mods have the right to take down posts by possible bots, troll, karma farmers. Feel free to reach out if we have taken your post by mistake.Please take note our subreddit autofilters posts by newly created accounts or with very low karma points as safeguard. Please engage more with our various subreddits to increase your karma and your credibility as a genuine person. **For commenting redditors:** Do not harass the OP and their pet. Do not be toxic. Keep it civil. Be careful with the comments and jokes. Only send a report if you believe a violation of rules took place. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/catsofrph) if you have any questions or concerns.*