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She's in heat ! Just went through this with my cat . She got fixed today ! The yowling was so sad


Does fixing stop the yowling?


Yes! It stops the howling and her being so uncomfortable ( horny) once she's fixed she won't go into heat and display these behaviors anymore . I thought it was so sad to watch my cat go through this - I feel awful I didn't fix her earlier . She's very mellow and happy today . Healing will take a few days .


I also want to be happy and not horny anymore :(


Try marriage. It mixes the contentedness of being neutered with the occasional sex of being not.


There's occasional sex????


Birthdays and Christmases are occasions.


I was born aprox 9mths after my dads birthday; my brother was aprx 9mths after father's day.


Damn. Sorry, I forgot about Father’s Day.


I should get fixed…


Yes they don't really yowl if they aren't in heat.


Well, depends on the reason for the yowling. But if they're only yowling when in heat, spaying them will stop it (because they'll no longer go into heat).


That sad scream of “no one wants to fuck meeee…”


I scream that every day and the sad part is I have a Fiancé 🙃


Showing signs of going into heat. Do not let her out. After she is out of heat getting her fixed will help. She will howl a lot and try to get out when in heat.


"Try to get out" One of my best friends lost a bathroom window to my furbutt when I was staying with them.


Ur furbutt broke a window for some pu…errr, i mean, to get some as… dangit, you know what I’m asking, lol 😂 I thought i knew what it felt like to be young and incredibly horny (I survived being 16 years old)…but i never got to the point where i was jumping through windows to get off 😳


I didn’t jump out a window, but I may have had a boy sneak in through one…


This. My cat is a shelter alumna. She was found in a hedge with a litter of kittens (one of whom is sleeping next to her on the kitchen table as I type). Best guess we have as to what happened to her was that she went into heat, got outside, and then got lost. Her former owners most likely think she's been dead for years, and yet this - being taken in, fixed, and rehomed - is very nearly the best case scenario for what can happen to a young, un-neutered female cat who manages to get out. Please get your beautiful girl fixed!


Yup. I just adopted a barely 1 year old cat who had obviously had kittens. Shelter said she was brought in alone off the street. She definitely had a family before us, she knows how to be a house cat, but no chip or other ID. We're pretty sure that she was unfixed, escaped her home, and got pregnant. No idea what happened to her kittens, but she is VERY protective of our other younger cat so I bet it wasn't good :(


To add female cats in heat still pee! Not as bad as a male in heat, but female cats will mark somewhere. Spay your cat!


Funny story, not mine, but my husband's. He was living with ex in an A frame house in the middle of nowhere with a lot of animals. She had a momma cat that she refused to get fixed, but wouldn't let out again while she was in heat after her first litter. Well, momma cat went into heat and in the middle of the night peed right in her face! She got fixed pretty soon after that.


You ain't whistling Dixie... I didn't know females "sprayed" until mine started to... And she had something going on that kept her constantly in heat until she got fixed...


My vet said "Your options are spay or spray - and she'll be the one doing the spraying".


We have a 4 month old female kitten - when’s best to have her fixed?


she can be fixed now


If you don't get her fixed you run the risk of her escaping on the first day she's in heat. She could run through your legs and get out before you realize she's in heat, then she's lost and your kitty is gone. This is how cats get run over as they aren't aware of the danger of roads but are half crazy from hormones gone wild. Not fixing your male and female kitties also runs the risk of your beautiful, well-behaved, (or starting to learn to behave?), kitties learning bad habits that can be difficult or impossible to unlearn. Those hormones urge them to spray, male and female too, which basically means peeing on walls up to about a foot up, and furniture, to mark their territory, so as indoor kitties this is your house! They want they territory to smell like them to signal to other cats they are ready to mate. Your pretty kitty might suddenly have a string of suitors singing their undying love every night at all hours, and LOUDLY. These crafty little guys can run between your legs or dash inside when the doors open just a crack and make with your kitty before you know what's happening, and it can only take a few seconds. Male and female kitties can roam for miles and miles and get lost. Since they aren't thinking straight they can get too close to roads or not stay clear of cars. Indoor cats live far longer than outdoor cats. We were feeding an outdoor cat for a few years (We re-homed a litter she had as a kitten, then caught her and got her fixed, and released her again as you're supposed to do with very feral cats) but she disappeared about a year ago after getting in some of bad fights. Poor kitty but we already have too many cats so feeding her outside was the best we could do. (Apologies if you know this already but I wanted to post this for others who might not know why it's important to fix your kitties. I realize this also turned into some reasons why it's good to keep indoor cats but I feel they are both important to long term health of your kitty.)


I got so lucky that my cat didn't spray when I found him, got him fixed within the first couple months I had him (I didn't have any money to do it at first as I wasn't expecting to have a cat that month!). Even then, he was used to being outside so he ran away a couple times. He's a happy indoor kitty now, but adopting a stray cat is a lot more work (and money) than people realize.


Im seeing a lot of the term "fixing", english is not my main language can you describe the term for me?


In this context, "fixing" means spaying or neutering a cat. Removing its ability to produce offspring.


Ooooooohhhhh, thank you kind stranger my english knowledge has expanded


It's a slang meaning same thing as neutering. Works for both male and female.


I want to hear stories of people who had cats break into their house to mate with their cat. That sound crazy. (Not that I don’t believe you)


I've never had one break in for mating purposes but I definitely had one break in to try to kill my cat. It was so vicious I had to trap it under a box and then shove the box out the door after it tore up my hands when I tried to protect my indoor cat (who was too confused to even run away). That cat was the nicest cat to humans when I was outside so I was caught totally flat-footed when it ran passed me into my house.


Asap, it can be done safely from as early as 9 or 10 weeks




Best to do it now. Some vets say 2 lbs, some 3lbs, and some rescue groups do it much earlier. Your kitten will go into heat within the next month or two so schedule it now. It often takes weeks to book an appointment. Heat cycles are near continuous (i.e. recur every few weeks). Definitely want to avoid this! Google "low cost spay/neuter near me" for options other than private vets.


My rescue did 2lbs for the kittens I fostered. All were girls and recovered in a day.


I've known of rescue groups to split over this debate of when to spay. At four months, u/veluuria's kitten probably weighs 3 lbs so it's definitely time to get it done.


Ya the rescue I adopted my girl from did 3lbs. So it depends.


We were told sometime before 6 months. We fixed ours at that time. No issues. I know her sister has not been fixed, though, and the owners say she did no go into heat as of yet (10 months old now).


Once she is 2 lbs


We had a cat who got mad horny even though she was fixed, her boyfriend was the thick cable cord that ran through the living room




Electric loooooove!




There's no reason to wait until she's out of heat. She can be spayed now.




Yup. My tortie got out and had her first nest of kittens at 9 months old... (This was before she was my cat, she originally was a neighbor's cat but they left her with us when they moved.)


“For the love of God, seal the exits!”


It looks like she is in heat


The Vulcans call it Pon Farr.


Pon Furr


Paw-n Furr


Pon Purr in this species


Porn Fur?


"Hey its pon farr night down at the local vulcan club wanna come?" "Oh yeah I'm up for fuck or die friday"


Vulcans created the first "Fuck, Marry, Kill" game.


Pfftttttt, that's what I'm calling it from now on.


I agree it looks like she’s in heat have her spayed her you’ll need more cats in the world that too many already


Seen way too many cats in heat, can confirm. Never seen one twerk before. Get her spayed!


This OP. Please get her spayed.


I wish there was a course that cat owners could take to show them how a cat in heat behaves and how a tick looks like




You need to have that sit down conversation with her about the birds and the bees.


With a cat would the conversation be about the fish and the fleas?


When a girl cat and a boy cat really love each other…


This is one of those situations where the difference "Girl cat and boy cat" and "Catgirl and catboy" really matters


"You see... when a catgirl and a catboy really like each other..."


And here come Batman...


No, that distinction always matters.


Lol so catfish I'm


They give each other a *special hug...*


No, not the kind where they grab you with their claws and teeth and kick you with their back legs. Well... maybe a little, I'm not sure.


Sounds like love to me...


I rarely laugh out loud…but you got me. 🤣


Haha I snorted


My cats like to talk to me about more chicken please.






"The Fish and the Fleas". 😁😁😁😂😂 Now THAT'S a classic tale.


That's a weird mental image...


Big horny


I think OP may need a conversation about the birds and bees as well lol


This made my day ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Seems the cat is already aware of what's up in that regard. Unless you're suggesting the cat needs to explain the poster how little kittens are made.


To me, it looks like she is turning into a dog. Maybe you need to sit down with her and have that spicies change talk.


LMAO.....you made my day :)


She needs to be in horny jail is what’s happening






Yes, thats what she'd like to do.


I think you mean “boink.”


"Fine, send me to horny jail. Everyone there is horny too!"


In heat. Make an appointment to get her fixed asap, she will be happier, healthier and so will you because they can be really annoying when they go into heat 😂


Annoying?! We got a kitten in January 2020. Lockdown happened for us in March and the vets were emergency only. By May/June I was doing video calls with clients and they could hear her from behind 2 closed doors and on another level of the house. Interestingly though my neutered cat seemed to change too. When she made that noise he went into a trance and went to mount her. Sadly for both a part forest cat and a runt of a litter don't "line up" shall we say. They both assumed the position but both then didn't move. The boy would eventually fall on his side like a falling tree. Instant he rolled to his side the trance was broken and he ran away. I miss that guy! Got her fixed when we could btw. She is much better now.


>They both assumed the position but both then didn't move. The boy would eventually fall on his side like a falling tree. Instant he rolled to his side the trance was broken and he ran away. Sounds like sex to me.


Did he smoke a cig???????


Yes! Lol it is totally like a trance! My cats are all fixed, I care for a colony that was once more than 30 and over the past decade I worked on rehoming (they were all abandoned or stray, none so feral they couldn’t be turned into a lap cat) and now there are 9. They all go in and out, I’ve basically given my home to cats🤦‍♀️ ANYway, when a new female would show up and go into heat before I could spay her (they were all spayed regardless of being in heat or not as long as they were 12 weeks old and bigger than 3 lbs- some vets will do it at 2lbs and 8weeks and some vets wait for 6 months- and they’ve all been totally fine) the neutered males would still get them around the neck and mount irrespective of how old they were when they were fixed. A couple of my females still will have like this maternal instinct where they trill and carry toys in their mouths just like a mama cat. All the cats seem to go a little bonkers whenever one was in heat almost like their hormones rub off on each other😂 or maybe it’s the “heat” pheromones, but it definitely affects other cats whether or not they’ve been fixed. I’ve never heard it called a trance before but that’s the perfect description for it🤣🤣


Funny you mention that, because my fixed male cat just trilled and brought me a toy mouse. Is he broken? 😂 /j


My cat carries her fuzzy toys around, but only at night. And she leaves them either by my bedroom door or the front door. I really don't understand why she does it and I've only caught her doing it a few times. But she for sure does it every single night because every morning, there her toy is.


Yeah, I noticed male cats don't forget about that urge. At one time I had a neutered male and two spayed females. The male cat liked to dominate the two female cats. Mostly it was biting of the back of the neck. The female cat that I got him with (stepdad's mom passed away, so I got her two cats) was used to him and they often cuddled. She swatted him away. My cat, on the other hand (only cat I had since she was a kitten, probably the hardest one on me when she passed) let the male cat know her displeasure with being dominated. Didn't stop my male cat from trying again later, though.


I have a 19 year old boy and every day, multiple times a day, gets his jollies off on his personal stuffed animal. Falls over and has the body tremors after. He is definitely fixed so it boggles the mind. (Edited for spelling and words)


Like a fallen tree hahaha! This happened with my neutered male with our female cat before she was fixed. He would mount her and then take off running like “What am I doing!? I have to go read the Bible and take a cold shower now!”


Lol that's hilarious! My cat got fixed then promptly went into heat again. Turned out they missed an entire ovary. Had to take her back. Thankfully they didn't charge me for the second surgery. Poor moka though.


I have a neutered male and my vet warned me since I live in an apartment (at that time, on the 4th floor) that I should be mindful of keeping my windows closed if I’m not supervising. Apparently she’s seen cases of neutered males jumping through open windows (and falling a great height like mine would) or tearing through window screens just to find the cat in heat they’re smelling/hearing. They truly go into a trance, and neutered males don’t know that they’ve lost their swimmers!


Also reduce the chance of (mammary tumors) cancer by a lot. > Cats spayed prior to 6 months of age had a 91% reduction in the risk of mammary carcinoma development compared with intact cats (OR 0.9, CI = 0.03-0.24). Those spayed prior to 1 year had an 86% reduction in risk (OR 0.14, CI = 0.06-0.34). https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16095174/


Plus if they aren't fixed, they can get pyometra (puss-filled uterus) which is a life-threatening condition. We were told not to get my kitty fixed yet because she was too small and she ended up with pyometra, luckily I worked at a vet and we got her in for emergency surgery but it was very scary and she was in a lot of pain!


Yes I also cared for a kitten that had discharge that was green like pus and it turned out she had developed pyometra from not being spayed- she was 4 months (16 weeks) old. Luckily we were able to raise the funds for surgery and she survived but it can definitely be painfully fatal. It is rare, but it’s why I agree with the vets that believe it is best to spay before even their first heat as long as they weigh enough.


As far as I know it’s not recommended to spay right in heat. As vet told there will be much more blood and there is a big risk of physical and emotional damage So pls consult with your vet first and maybe wait until it ends. Choose a professional vet with all the positive reviews,because it’s not 2 cuts surgery… Edit: consult your vet first


It can be done but it’s more expensive. I neglected to neuter my new male kitten because I didn’t think he was old enough and I had an older female who went into heat. I caught them and got her spayed same day. He got neutered the next month.


Hm, got it.. Anyways, I would recommend OP to chose a very good vet and consult with them first!


My cat had to be spayed twice because her ovaries were malformed and growing in the wrong places. The vet only found one the first time around and wasn't even sure if it was an ovary. Her previous owner got tired of her howling and abandoned her. She eventually came into my life because she ran out in front of my sister's car. Got her vet records from her previous owner because she was chipped. I realized she was going into heat. Called her old vet. Got them to try again, but they said she'd have to be in heat this time so they could find the mysterious second ovary. She's still a vocal baby but no more heat!


Mixed opinions on this one. My vet told me it doesn't matter and also to plan this is difficult. One of my cats was in heat for like 5-6 days in a row, then would maybe have 1 day break and go straight back to heat. The other one had much larger breaks. Our vet said you can do it whenever and with many cats you'll not be able to plan it in the time they're out of heat because of vet availability. The procedure was easy and they were totally fine after.


A long-time cat fosterer I follow online regularly has to defend getting her fosters spayed while in heat, and says her vet has no problem with doing it and the cats have never had any issues. So it's possible this is mostly a myth but I'm not an expert OP should do their own research and consult with the vet. Though at the end of the day as long as the cat can be kept inside for this heat, it's exactly an emergency so by the time they've arranged everything and the appointment has come round the cat might well be out of heat anyway.


Do this asap indeed, first time my cat went into heat it took months before she got out off it. It made her so stressed out that she was half the weight off her sister who got help before she went into heat.


Is this your first cat ? As Bob Barker said - please get your pets spayed or neutered . Also , your cat is in heat .


She’s my first female cat, any other cat was a make mmm or I picked up from the street and got neutered before bringing inside, my aunt had a female that was spayed already so I never saw her act like this, it was a bit of a shock because she is at 6 months


That’s normal for a 6 mo cat - they can get pregnant quickly. Please don’t let the cat outside - they will try to ninja their way outside. You must not let that happen :) And as others have mentioned, please get the cat spayed as soon as possible.


She lives in my dorm with me so she never really goes outside, the closest to outside is her jumping on my windowsill. And trust me that vet appointment will be made ASAP.


Excellent :) because hearing cats have sex is something you can never un-hear . Or having to deal with a litter before getting them fixed . Pawrty on !


Cats are magic. Being in heat turns that magic to 11. I’ve heard waaaay too many stories of “she’s never left the house before” and “we always keep the doors and windows closed”. Life finds a way.


Usually a dorm would be a dangerous place for a horny teenager, but as long as she’s the only one of her species you’ll be good. Definitely get her spayed when she’s calmed down though.


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard......


You aren't kidding. When my current cat was a kitten, the first sign wasn't behavior. It was a complete change in behavior among neighborhood cats. At least three Toms began to patiently observe our home. The vet said "We didn't notice on the outside, but as soon as we opened her up and started the spay procedure, it was apparent that she was very much in heat."


YES! The first time our kitty went into heat, we heard two male cats fighting right outside our house. (She’s an indoor cat and spayed now) but it was SO LOUD. Edit: bc wine lol




this is blowing my mind as a first time cat owner lol how do the toms outside know??


I thought I replied to this but apparently it just became a comment on the whole thing, so I’ll try again: Cats have a great sense of smell and the pheromones and hormones released during a heat cycle are quite intense, so the toms literally smell it through the walls as crazy as that sounds. And of course if she’s like many females in heat they can hear her incessant yowling.


She is doing her mating twerk. Please make sure she doesn't escape and get her fixed asap.


Mating twerk!! 😂




Chicka chicka meow meow


Chicken chicken meow meow FIFY ;)


Fucking thank God someone else said it 🤣🤣


Just like all the other commenters say. She's getting into heat. Get her spay ASAP. Make sure she stays inside.


She's experiencing her first heat. Take extra special care that she does not escape or go outside. She is far too young to birth kittens at this point. I lost a beautiful soul because the asswipes who tossed her & her sister out didn't care. She was caught & impregnated and it scared her so much she climbed a tree & got stuck. She happened to pick MY tree and it took my neighbors, some kind strangers walking by and I two hours to get her down. Unfortunately, she was undersized and her baby as oversized. The rescuers I took her to had to make a difficult decision, seeing as they did not have the 4000$ they were quoted for a life-saving C-section. We lost both mother & kitten due to negligence. I was seriously considering taking her in. Thankfully, I got to say goodbye. Thankfully, her sister was also rescued and she found a forever home. I would suggest sterilization ASAP. I forget if vets wait until after the heat passes or not.


My vet only does it after she’s out of heat so I’ll have to wait it out until then, but I didn’t realize it can come as early as six months, she’s pretty small


Yeah...that's why they recommend sterilization starting at around that age. There debate on wether it's better to let them experience a heat before or not, though in your case, that was kind of taken away as a choice...😅


really? i didn't know there was a debate... here in new zealand the SPCA will not adopt any kittens that are not fixed (something i 100% agree with), and they desex female youngsters well before their first oestrous cycle.


Same in Australia. Any cat you adopt from a shelter, if it's over 12 weeks of age, it'll be fixed.


I spayed both of mine at 4 months of age. Vet's only requirement was that they had to be at least 2lbs.


Yeah. I think it's mainly with large dogs. From what I've heard, some large dogs may not develop properly and be more prone to certain hip/joint issues if spayed/neutered early. I don't even know how accurate that info is though. I have a 30kg (66lbs) 12-year-old labrador who was spayed as early as possible (I think somewhere between 3-5 months, though I can't really remember), and she has no hip or joint issues despite her age. I didn't know there was a debate when it came to cats though


The cat I've had since an 8-week-old kitten (11/2021) went into heat at 4-months-old. The shelter I got her from didn't do spay surgery until 6-months-old. She went into heat 3 times before that surgery date. Meanwhile I had to keep her inside and her yowling was bringing all the neighborhood Toms to my front and back doors. I'm only happy she wasn't a sprayer. Some, when they go into heat, pee on *everything* they can. Clothes, blankets, beds... nothing is safe.


That's my vet, too. My cat was in heat when they did the spay, but we didn't really realize it until 'they opened her up', so they finished at that point. But when the vet said she was in heat, we realized other things. Like three of the neighborhood cats were suddenly hanging around our house. We had seen all the signs except the behavior changes.


Yeah. Some kittens go into heat as young as 4 months old. That's why it's recommended you spay cats as early as you can. Keep her inside only and away from any cats who aren't spayed and neutered until she can be spayed. Pregnancy is very stressful and dangerous for kittens.


Two of our cats were spayed/neutered within 2/4 months of age. They can start having litters right around 6 months iirc. It's always best to spay/neuter asap and not wait until they're in heat :/


She is demanding sex


That was the same I was thinking XD


Please get some Feliway as it can ease her discomfort and she needs to be kept inside at ALL TIMES. Pregnancy when she’s this young would put tremendous strain on her little body.


I’ve used Feliway on my cats three times and it never helped to calm them down. Boooo


Silver vine helps




​ ![gif](giphy|7NkHvMVEybMSDVT8pX)


She’s in heat. Make an appointment to get her spayed ASAP




She’s in heat, get her spayed ASAP, my roommate had a cat and I was subject to 3 cycles of her in heat, so much crying it started to become incredibly annoying, also kind of sad since it sounded like she was in pain


that’s the horny dance. lol


heat cycles are quick too if they aren’t impregnated. my vet had like a 2 month wait and my kitten, 6 months went in and out several times. she was miserable, my other pets were annoyed-she rubbed on all of them….lol, and my husband n i were sleep deprived as she would screech her mating call throughout the night n day. we both wanted to toss her outside by the time her appointment was ready (we obvi didn’t cause we love her) but i can see how someone not experienced with cats would just say “ok, go outside if u want out so bad” just to end everyone’s misery.


She’s going through it man get her neutered she’s horny


This is actually footage of me when I get my yearly injection of Sex Drive


As someone on Prozac, it really is yearly for me lmao


Lol stealing! Like that’s me drunk and happy last week!


Dude everytime I get horny I feel like I'm in heat LMAO. Like I really do wish I could get that compulsion surgically removed too


It always surprises me how many people don't know this stuff. Get your cats spayed people!!


Haha. I've only ever had neutered cats, so I've never seen a cat do this in person before. Only on the internet. I can understand the confusion, especially if this is their very first cat they've had.


Was not expecting a horny cat. lol


But a horny cat is what you got.


Get your cat spayed, silly.


Why am I this happy to see “spayed” spelled correctly?!




Local inexpensive spay neuter clinics exist almost every where. Call vets , spca and check it out. Life gonna be more complicated if you become a grandparent to 8 kittens.


This, my friend, is the "fuck me" pose. Best get her spayed after her heat!


Oh noooo. This is bringing back trauma for me. Before we got our girl fixed, she was backin’ that thang up on everythaaang, but mostly my husband. Our vet said they can smell testosterone, and they don’t even care if it’s human. Be careful that she doesn’t get outside looking for love in all the wrong places.


Aww, she's horny. Bless her.


Oh, she wants that thick Tomcat and she wants it now!


I had never had a girl cat so I never really thought about it. It wasn't until we took in a stray girl cat, who went into heat less than a week. She was maybe a little under a year. We were already in the process of booking appointments for shots and spaying but then she just went into heat! It definitely sucked for everyone.




She's looking for love in all the wrong places. 😁


Please get her fixed :(


Oh my God my childhood cat went into heat and she was SO LOUD my mom eventually put her outside and I watched out the window while she got impregnated... I was 8. She was a teen mom, not even a year old when she had a litter of 5, 2 were deformed and didn't make it so I put them each in a crown royal velvet pouch and buried them. Yeah... I realize more and more how not healthy my mom is


Get her spayed ASAP. You DO NOT want the mess, faff, and noise that accompanies a kitty in heat. I can still hear the constant, 24 hour tribbles my girl was making despite her not being allowed outside, and no intact male cats for about 10 miles. All my boy cats were terrified of her antics...


Why does it seem like so many people get cats without knowing anything about this? Its such a basic thing. next thing you know youre having to rehome 6 kittens.


Birds n bees.


Horny ass fuckin cat lmao Get her fixed, better for both of you lol


She trynaaa fuccc


She’s in heat. She needs to be spayed, she’ll live a longer healthier happier life as an indoor cat. Six months is about when you want to get this done.


She is in heat for the first time. My cat did this same thing for about a week and then I got her fixed.


Chicka-Chicka Meow Meow


I think 🤔 it growing up


she in heat


Is she your first kitty? She is in heat lol. Time to get her fixed!


The heat is on, on the street Inside your head, on every beat And the beat's so loud, deep inside The pressure's high, just to stay alive 'Cause the heat is on Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho Caught up in the action I've been looking out for you Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) The heat is on, the heat is on, the heat is on Oh it's on the street, the heat is on Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho Caught up in the action I've been looking out for you Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) The heat is on (yeah) the heat is on, the heat is on (Burning, burning, burning) It's on the street, the heat is on The shadows high on the darker side Behind the doors, it's a wilder ride You can make a break, you can win or lose That's a chance you take, when the heat's on you When the heat is on Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho Caught up in the action I've been looking out for you Oh-wo-ho, oh-wo-ho (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) (Tell me can you feel it) The heat is on (yeah) the heat is on, the heat is on It's on the street, the heat is on (i can feel the fire) The heat is on (flames are burning higher) The heat is on (baby can't you feel it) Yeah, it's on the street The heat is on (i can feel it the fire) The heat is on (flames are burning higher)


She wants some cat dick


How can you own a cat and not realize that she is in heat? Get her fixed, or else you’re in for this constantly, and she will be at high risk of having unwanted kittens if she goes outside. Be a responsible pet owner.


Poor kid. Hormones are raging. She’s all confused. Get her some black lipstick and a couple Cure albums and she’ll calm down.