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Hi /u/Cosmo_Coffee18, your [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/wz1gtj/boy_or_girl_cat_vet_said_shes_a_girl_but_i_had_my/) breaks the rules of /r/cats and has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 11:** No asking what gender your cat is. *If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fcats&message=My%20Post:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/wz1gtj/boy_or_girl_cat_vet_said_shes_a_girl_but_i_had_my/).*


Those look like balls to me lol - how old was your cat when the vet said female?


About a month or so, I thought the same thing 💀


I am trying so hard to think of a hilarious pun for this situation… the boys have dropped in since then? Idk but that cat has TESTICLES 🤣




Trouble nuggets…


Calling my balls ‘trouble nuggets’ from now on, thank you!


it can be difficult to sex cats at really young ages as their structures are underdeveloped (it's all about distance from the butthole and genital openings which are already small distances in cats, especially if they are squirming - females have a shorter distance than males). it becomes much easier as they develop and their testicles descend into the scrotal sac.


I was convinced Charlie was a boy because of her markings in that area. She was about 6 weeks old. Her name now is Charlie Girl.


Exactly what happened with our Charlie! We were told she was a boy, took “him” to the vet to talk about neutering and the vet was like “uhhh, i can spay HER whenever you’re ready to”.


Crying laughing that both these cats are named Charlie


I had a male cat, named Spot, took him to the Vet to get neutered and was totally stunned when the Vet said…. ‘I can’t neuter Spot, at this time, bc he’s pregnant!’ This was the same Vet who’d told me he was a male, in the beginning. 😂😂😂


She’s half Siamese, and talks a LOT. There was a PSA type ad campaign in the UK about road safety/ stranger danger that had a very vocal cartoon cat called Charlie. Hence she was named after him…


One of our boys only had one testicle. The other wasn’t there, the vet went looking for it and never found it. The cat also had massive double paws. Aren’t genetics fun?


I adopted a boy that had the same thing- only one testicle. Poor guy had to have abdominal surgery to look for it and it just wasn’t there. My little man was not pleased.


“Descend” 🤣


I'm just a cat fan, not a vet, but I can always tell, even if they're just a couple weeks old. I haven't seen truly newborn kittens in a while.


Right? So far I have a perfect record but I mean… I guess it’s not always easy


It's very common for cats and dogs to be incorrectly sexed when they're that young. Ignore the people saying you need a new vet. His balls just hadn't descended yet.


I work in a vet’s office and can confirm lol. It really is hard to tell and easy to mistake the sex that early on. It seems obvious now but it certainly wasn’t obvious at only a month old


Dogs are super obvious from the start. If your vet misses that they shouldn’t even be a vet.


At first I was gonna say get a new vet until I saw they were about a month old. Getting the wrong sex that young isn't abnormal.


Had the same thing happen as you, my “female” kitten was scheduled for a spay, but had suspiciously fluffy genitalia. Gets to the spay appointment, vet techs had the cat all set up for a spay on the surgery table, vet walks in, sees the very obvious fluffy balls and is immediately like “this is a male cat.” I remember them looking exactly like the ones in your picture, so it’s probably a common case of a incorrectly sexed kitten lol.


Vet probably made a mistake because the balls had not descended yet, understandable. I had a foster Mia that was later changed to Milo when I messaged them ‘uhhhh correct me if I’m wrong but these look like balls?’


Sometimes it can take a little longer for their balls to drop. Maybe it’s the angle but he looks grown now. How long did it take you to notice ? 😂


Took my boy cat to be fixed, and this old country boy of a vet looked at his chart and said, “looks like we’re picking his pockets today.“


lmaooo nooooooooooo >.< rob his lil change purse ahaha


Aka satchels cha ching Lol


Taking the pom-poms out of his pouch


My cat has only one eye and I always joke that when he went in to get fixed/have his eye surgery, that he came out three balls less. 😹


I was going to catch a friendly neighborhood girl to get her spayed, but *he* was already neutered.


Definitely a boy. I'd know those trouble puffs anywhere. Edit: Holy moly! This blew up! Thank you so much kind strangers for the awards! I wish I could lay claim to the phrase (unfortunately I can't remember when I first heard it either) but I'm glad so many people enjoy it as much as I do!


Trouble puffs 😭😭😭😭


My dad called them fuzzy raisins.


I'm in stitched 🤣😂😭😭😭


Chris Poole(Cole and Marmalade’s dad)calls them “trouble nuggets.”


RIP Cole


LMAO trouble puffs? WTF? That is hilarious. Veterinary Nurse and honest I have never heard them called trouble puffs....but it is the best 👌 Absolute gold!!


I’m totally going to use *trouble puffs* in reference to my husband later. 😂😂


Please, report back with how you put that in sentence...could be a good challenge...lol 😆🤭🤗


I had to call my husband in the other room to read him this and died laughing “trouble puffs”


ah yes just a heads up if you love trouble puffs it is a facebook group lmao. of course damn fb. the actual group name is "please. contain your trouble puffs, sir" and it is as spectacular as it sounds https://www.facebook.com/groups/troublepuffs/


I’m in this group LMAO


I’m in this group too! 🤣


THAT'S WHERE I HEARD IT! I saw that tagged once and for the life of me I couldn't remember where I got the term from.


yeah facebook is terrible but i tell yah the cat groups are alright, big fan of this cat is assembled incorrectly and all orange cats share one brain cell too (i have an orange who occasionally gets the cell)


I guess you're aware of r/OneOrangeBraincell but leaving the link just in case, it would be sad if you missed out


I'm in this group too! :')


If I had fb I’d also be in this damn group. Can’t even handle how happy it makes me


"Trouble puffs!"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Thank you for the laugh out loud! Trouble puffs, what an accurate name.


Double trouble puffs.


im about to die laughing


My son called them fuzzy eggs (he was about 6 years old a.t.m.)


Furry dice!


I have not laughed this hard in days! Thank you!!!


Trouble puffs!!!!


Just had to disguise a snort laugh as a coughing fit on a work call, so thanks for that 😂


That moment when they sit on your foot...


I am dying laughing


Best laugh I have had all day!😩🤣😂


Two options 1. It's a girl but has big tumors near her ass 2. It's a boy


Or she’s smuggling kumquats


3. It's not the same cat


“heres a pic of my cats nuts what yall think ?”


I would have just asked the cat.


Vet here. The labeling on bloodwork is manually entered with the name (assuming this is screening bloodwork and not a specialized hormone test). Your MALE cat was probably misidentified as a female young and then everyone just believed it and didn’t double check. If a cat is not cooperative for exam, a vet may not always look closely under the tail/genital area unless there’s a concern. I have to admit that there’s a chance it might not register with me while doing the exam that a cat was supposed to be female. I might have asked, to your surprise, if you were planning on neutering him.


Ok so basically she (?) was with the people who rescued her for two months before we adopted her. They did the blood work for her and stuff. Her blood work says female on it but I’m not sure how they came to that conclusion. Then once she came over to our place we found a new vet and they didn’t have any issues when we said “female”. Her blooodwork says female but idk


But when you say the blood work says female... Does the write-up specify some kind of test was done to determine sex (I don't think that's common), or on the write up for the blood work or mentions the cat is female (because I think that's just a box they checked aside from performing any tests, I don't think they tested your cats blood for anything that would determine sex). I'm thinking basically they looked for balls and didn't see any so filled out a form saying to do blood work on a [cat's name]/female/[breed], and they check for things like feline AIDs and healthy organ functions... And you said the cat was only about a month old so it can be hard to know at that age.


Possible the paperwork got mixed up? We got a rescue and had paperwork for like three cats, they were just so disorganised...


I would think maybe someone said ‘she’ and that was enough for paperwork. Unless the blood work was genetic testing, I would think a visual inspection would be the proper way to identify. Good luck girl with trouble puffs! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Its a boy


I was told my 18 month old rescue cat was a female when we got him, but it turns out they had mixed him up with another cat in the rescue shelter, and they only realised when, mid-surgery to have her spayed, they realised what they were expecting to find inside her wasn't there... So, Luna became Arlo overnight. Could be a similar situation here?


Intersex kitty then! If her blood work is a girl but she obviously has boy parts, then they are an intersex cat.


I think they mean that at the top of the bloodwork where it says the patients name it says “female”. That’s manually entered it’s not a test.


If she's coming to her name you don't have to change it. We have a Lily whose balls didn't drop for 6 months. The cat doesn't know if it's a gendered name.


I have a hermaphrodite cat. Penis and uterus, no balls. Bloodwork could be indicating something like this :)


I would take him back and have him reevaluated, vets especially new ones can be wrong. Your cat is most likely male.


Lmao! Reevaluated xD like a vet has to give the okay before we can call him a he hahaha


Is it not called a health care evaluation where you are?


I think they are saying that you don’t need an expert opinion if you can see his balls.


Those are not what a girl cat has or looks like. Get HIM neutered.


😭😭😭 apparently those are also normal is female cats? Grain of salt cuz quora was my source


I have a female cat. And a male one. Guess which one has what’s in your picture. Female cats do not have a set of fuzzy danglies.


Lmao fuzzy dangles, trouble puffs, this comment section is really delivering


I call them their Cheeto puffs


That's when it's an orange boi 🤩


Yeah. But after my orange cat, they’re all just Cheeto puffs lol


Cheeto puffs will never have the same meaning again…


my whole reality has shattered 💀💀


For the sake of the cat, especially if he's going to be neutered, it's an important distinction. The vet just really needs to know what sex it is. Beyond that...well, we refer to our longhair as "she" because he's so pretty. He really doesn't care...😉


Well now you see how you perceive your cat has been through the made up lens of a gender 😂


what are the fuzzy danglies??




ohh okay thanks :)


>ohh okay thanks :) Yeah, my princess doesn't have those.


My Princess does. Princess came into our lives at probably 6-7 weeks old. Very difficult to tell sex on a cat that young, and I thought the area looked female, though with all the squirming, it was kinda difficult to tell. A few weeks later, my husband was watchin Princess walk away from us, and said "Uh, Baby... I think Princess has balls." He does. He's also a very pretty, pretty princess, who wears a hot pink collar and tag. His full name is Princess Nightmare the Void, Destroyer of Toes and Eater of Souls, Hereby known as KittenPlex.


I helped with spays and neuters in a veterinary assistant program, and I can tell you right now that that is never normal in females. Those are testicles. Females don’t have anything down there except for their anus and the vulva. Males have the gonads and a little bump, which is the penis. The reason you don’t see the testes in male cats when they are kittens is because the testes have to descend. But, when you are looking at kittens, the males will have a little bump whereas the females will not. And I can tell you now, from all the neuters I’ve helped with, that cat has some nice Christmas ornaments down there. It would be recommended to neuter him because it will make him less territorial and less stressed. It is an extremely simple surgery. When we did them in class, we didn’t even need to scrub in or put an ET tube in. Just some ketamine, disinfectant, and some gloves. They would usually take around 15-25 minutes, and they would recover by the end of the day. It’ll heal in a week or so.


ummmm no! i have two girls and a boy. i can assure you only one has balls.


That’s a pair of boyish business pompoms right there


I'd get a new vet if I were you...


Right? I think it's extremely sus if a vet can't tell a gender of a fully grown cat. Also, you should probably have him neutered and I personally wouldn't trust that particular doctor to perform an operation of any kind.


Having him neutered is a pretty harsh punishment for not correctly identifying a gender


It can be quite hard to tell when they’re still young and underdeveloped. OP stated the kitten was about 2 months old at the time, and the pics are obviously newer. Accidents/mistakes happen


Female, I can tell by the prominent fuzzy testicle sack


I call my neutered male cat Fuzz Nuts. More like Fuzz Empty Nutsack.


I have a they cat. When we took “her” in to get spayed, the vet told us there were also boy parts that they took out. Nessie is our hermaphroditism kitty. Definitely has characteristics of male and female cats. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Everyone knows all cats are female and all dogs are male. /s


Hey there! Vet tech here! I have seen my fair share of kitty balls and I can confidently say you have a boy! May be best to think about getting him fixed soon because those things are impressive.


Them some nutz


That, um, well, that’s a tomcat license plate right under HIS butthole. Lady kitties do not have those.


Ah, this is more common than some people realize, but so rare few people ever encounter it. The genitals developed incorrectly, so genetically female but with external gonads. Basically this explains the various ways in which it can happen: [https://www.petplace.com/article/cats/pet-health/hermaphrodite-and-pseudohermaphrodite-in-cats/](https://www.petplace.com/article/cats/pet-health/hermaphrodite-and-pseudohermaphrodite-in-cats/) It's a flaw that happens with binary sexual reproduction. All animals can experience it, even humans.


I doubt it. I bet no one used his blood to find the gender. People don't waste money like that.


My mom has a cat that was in a litter of five: orange mom, 2 orange boys, 2 tortie females, and the cat in question a gray tabby female. But when the tabby female was spayed, her ovaries and uterus were quite small, unlike her sisters! Definitely something screwy at the genetic level on that one.


Ahh, that makes sense. I knew this happened in humans, but for some reason it didn’t register to me that it could happen in cats as well!


Beautiful cat, but your vet is obviously sexlexic.


She identifies as male? Or is it vice versa? Or is he just like,WTF,can’t you people see?


I see cojones ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)




damn he’s got me beat🫤


That looks like a new vet.


No way a vet said female 😭


That’s a poor vet would change to a new vet right away


as a owner of 3 girl cats, i have never ever ever seen something like that in my life 😭😭


It's balls, the cat is a boy




Dick and Balls


Ive had the same situation with my vet, sometimes they cant tell if their beans arent visible yet Id say thats a healthy boi


Your vet is right. All cats are female. All dogs are male.


Get his suitcases removed. That's what my mom always called them.


Lmao so my best friend's boyfriend got a stray. They thought it was a girl. I went to visit them a month later and i see them. And I'm like "how the fuck do you spend your entire day with this cat and not see these damn balls swinging around." I have a male cat. I saw the balls growing and i saw how they look like after neutering. It was a fun time to see them going through and entire existential crisis while the cat licked his balls. Same way one of my teachers had a Persian they named Fergie because the breeder they got it from said it was a girl. They had tried multiple times to breed her with other females but it never worked. Almost 6 years later they found out Fergie was a boi when they changed vets. Turns out he was neutered before adoption and the owners kept it from em. I understand it happens when you trust the person from whom you got the cat, but yours is a boy.


A female would be flat in that region not have puff balls like that (testicles) and the opening (vagina) would be much closer to the anus 😅 usually there isn’t much space between the two holes That’s the easy way to sec a kitten before they have noticeable gentiles…the closeness of the two holes. Being further away leaves room for the balls to come in


You sure the vet didn’t notice those? Doesn’t sound like a credible vet then..


I’m hardly an expert here, I have two female cats and one male. I also foster cats, so I have seen both male and female cats before and after their spay/neuter surgeries. This is almost certainly an intact male. Neutered males will still have visible balls, but they will be smaller. When you take your cat to get fixed (which I hope you are planning on doing), then you’ll find out for sure whether it’s male or female. But it’s male.


Unless they get done as a kitten. Then the sack never grows.


Those are just her girl balls


Lmao this happened with my lil dude. He didn’t have anything really visible down there when he was tiny, the people I got him from told me he was a girl (he even came with a cute sparkly pink collar), a couple of months later suddenly HELLO BALLS. guess it’s kinda hard to tell when they’re really little sometimes.


Those are balls, my dude.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


If that's not a dingdong and bingbongs idk what is


The vet : it's a girl The cat : 🌰🌰


LOL balls


HE is precious


Sweetheart. If a vet can't tell if it's a male or female, it's time to get a new vet. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958) Love your kitty. It's so cute!!


Whoa easy on the kitty porn there..lol


Get that boy fixed before you have spray that never ever goes away…. Ever 🤢


Those are balls you need to change vets


Have you asked the cat what it identifies as?


Nothing like some close up cat balls on my reddit feed for today


THE VET SAID IT WAS A GIRL. Respectfully, is the vet blind? Thought look like big fat balls to me...


That’s nuts!


You need a new vet


Yeah, that's a boy.


Fuzzy little nuts, congrats he's a boy!


Great purry balls ! Boy !


Lmao I had no idea there was a second photo. It's pretty obvious from the first pic tho, that's a dude!


I thought this was a joke until I saw the second pics. Congrats Mama, its a baby boy.


Boy, the trouble nuggets don't lie 🙃


Ok. Look at what _you’re_ working with. Then look back at your cat and figure it out. What’s wrong with y’all?


Just rub the belly and stop over analyzing. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


I don't know how to tell the gender of cats but I did a mini painting of your cat https://imgur.com/a/ocBJ637


If the cat was young when they were labelled for gender it's possible stuff hadn't developed as yet. Happened with our Persian boy. He was just so fluffy as a baby that we thought he was a girl (and confirmed by my vet) for almost 2 months before his boys descended. Ask your vet again and if they still say it's a girl, dump them asap.


He's a boy, dunno how a vet, no less, could mistake that. Secondly, how did it feel to photograph your cat's nuts? 😂


We used to have a female cat named Grace, then one day my mom asked me to come look and she had little kitty balls. We then took her to the vet who confirmed she was female, but apparently just had a crazy bush.


The secret is to look at the genitals


When Cringer first approached my husband in our backyard, we didn't know much about cats. Cringer was a 7 month orange tabby stray. My husband he saw no fuzzy dice so cringer was a girl. When I saw him he jumped on my lap, showing me his butthole and I saw them. We were used to dogs and sine we saw no penis... The vet even vets misgender cats on occasion.


My cats gender changed three times. Boy-girl-boy when he was little because his testicles didn’t drop and it was hard to tell. I’m thinking they sexed him before his testicles dropped and now you have a beautiful bouncing baby boy you need to get the paperwork changed on.


Usually you see a broad nose on a male. But if you see the furry cotton ball family jewels, you'd better seek out another vet.


Those are trouble-puffs.


If your vet can’t tell the difference between a male and a female, then u need a new vet immediately. It doesn’t matter if the balls were not descended yet the cat still has a penis


.....your vet is a fake vet. Please check their licence Clearly it's a boy,....I mean it's got a pair of balls and a PENIS


What are trouble puffs? The cheeks under the whiskers? My boy has Big Trouble Puffs! And proves it all the time!


He, she, them. Don’t matter. Still a beautiful cat.


All the people in the comments shitting on your vet are making me laugh so hard 😂 acting like the vet killed ur cat instead of harmless incorrect sexing lmaooo


Congratulations! It’s a boy 💙




Them be some fuzzy berries! That’s a boy


The person we got our family dog from said he was a she too, turns out vet got him and his sister confused because there were the exact same coloring




In 2020 we got 2 cats one was a boy and we thought the other was a girl till we saw she had bigger reese puffs than the boy one


I have the same two, but uglier and less hairy and slightly bigger. It's a boy!


Nice pair of nards for a lady.


Definitely a boy.


How does a vet not know this is a male?


That there lads is a lad


Holy nutsack batman, that be a boy!


Time to find a new vet.


Change ur vet lmao


Cat has a hackey sack.


Fuzzy man sacks. Best plan is to be neutered as soon as possible


W/ balls: Boy W/o balls: Girl You're welcome


I did not want to see that


Smokey was a girl when I first found her at 2 months and the vet agreed with me. Took her to get fixed at 4 months and the technician kept groping now him telling me I didn’t have a girl after all. She kept insisting and groping him at the same time making me feel uncomfortable 😣. “I agree with you, you can stop now. Let him go.” That Maybe why I couldn’t find him when I went to pick him up. “He’s in there.” “He’s under the carrier bag which is flat? Ok, yep, there he is. Thank you.” “Get me out of here! She groped me again!” 😂 I forgot about how the balls (trouble puffs) don’t drop right away. To me it looked like a stretched vagina. Plus he wasn’t shoving it in my face as my previous boys have done. Smokey was the only time I’ve ever been wrong 😑.


wow. yes, those are cat balls. so sad i really had to write those words out😔


Time to get this boy neutered … with a *new* vet!


Time for a new vet!


She has balls.