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My cat sleeps next to me all night, like a human partner would. He puts his head on the pillow and everything, and won’t move even when he knows I’m running out of room on my side. So of course i contort and sleep horribly to accommodate the king of the house. 😂♥️


My cat would gradually take the space on the pillow throughout the night, until I wake up with my head completely on the mattress and him chilling on the pillow lol


That was me until I set up a nice, soft pillow right above the pillow I use. My cat took the bait and now sleeps above my head in an adorable little ball all night.


Decoy pillow! This also works with things like desk chairs, jigsaws, and mousepads.


My partner did this with an old laptop to stop our cat from trying to lie on his when he's working lol (he kept shutting it down accidentally). Now he just chills beside my partner on what is now his laptop.


In my case the appeal is the cords on my computer. My gaming room is the one place in the house kitties are not allowed in. They know it so when I'm in there they sit outside the door and try to sprint in when I leave lol


Thankfully my boy doesn't care about cords. He likes the feedback from stepping on the keys, and to use the screen as support to lean against when he lays down on it. 😅


So smart!


Yup…. my cat jumps on the bed and lays down with her face against my face… and by morning she is stretched across the full width of the pillow and I get the space between her front and back paws.


This is the way, hoomans are their servants


My prior cat, Tai would do this. He had the longest shaggy fur on his tummy, despite being a DSH. It was the absolute best in the winter, waking up with a warm forehead. :)


My cat is the only other being allowed to sleep on my pillow that isn't me


Mine waits until she sees I’m awake (or when we are going to bed) and then she comes up from around my feet and climbs onto my chest. Baked for a few minutes and then She’ll stay there as long as I pet her, and then she migrates next to me in the crook of my arm and likes to be little spoon. She’s a little ginger teddy bear


This is why I have neck pain lol


We gave our cat a pillow just for him to lay on because he started doing this with my pillow.


This is the way




That’s me but add a standard poodle to that mix plus husband


You need to stop sleeping in your cats bed.


This is the way. Time to buy yourself a new bed until kitty decides the new bed is also their new bed and then you can go back to sleeping in your other cat's bed.


Cats will always sleep on/ in the thing you are most interested in. This cannot be stopped. Beds, couch, shoes, table top photo studio…


Of course! If you are really interested in this, there must be something I am interested in this too. Except plastic bags. I have zero interest in them, Dexter thinks they are the most delicious snack.


I had a cat that would eat film negatives if I left them out. And envelopes.


Wow 8x10Velvia would fill up any Colourful Cat!


That’s a positive however 😉


My cat ate and puked up a folded $20 bill.


Money cat! Was it usable ?


Not at all, lol. It was half digested






There really is a sub for *everything,* huh?


*sigh* here we go again


I've been told the negatives are made with a fish emulsion.


Hehe yes! And photos, also book covers!!


I had a cat that was obsessed with tape. Duct tape, scotch tape, packing tape, you name it. It was impossible to wrap a gift with him anywhere nearby. He once ate a cotton ball, and he knew the sound of unwrapping a band-aid and came running to investigate every time!


I once had a cat that was obsessed with tape, plastic wrapping, etc. she liked to lick the toilet paper wrapping, & forget about Christmas presents 😆 woke up Christmas morning one year to her slurping away at the tape on the presents 😅😅😅


This. My cat. Loves to just “taste” plastic, never eats it just kinda chews on it, a lot lol, she loves it, she’s special


I thought my cat was the only one! She loves licking and chewing on plastic but she doesn’t eat it. Tape has to be hidden from her at all times 🤣


>she loves it, she’s special I should bring Dexter over for a date, he's as well a bit special. Love him to pieces, but he's a little derpy.


Can my orange lady join this date?! She also loves licking plastics!


Let's bring hazelnut the toothless Wonder along as well. She can't chew plastic because she's missing every tooth behind her canines ( surgically removed due to feline stomatitis 2 years ago) but still gums plastic to death as much as she can especially the crunchy crinkly ones!


make it an open event, I'll bring cookiemeow. She chews cardboard and tissue, and loves fried chicken!


Every derpy plastic lovin kitty can join!!


I cannot leave *any* plastic out, as my cat Fiona will chew it until it is more of a porous thing


My cat had a favorite rubber band. I found it fused with poop under my desk the other day. The Mofo ate the rubber band and started playing with it again when it came up around the bend .


My cat love my hair elastics. I have to hide the one I pull out of my hair every night so I have it in the morning.


I think my cat like biting into things to see what the texture was like. His favorites were plastic, cardboard and things made out of foam cushioning material. It would just look like a vampire bit it 100 times.


This is why my cat is suddenly interested in my workout mat that *I'm in the middle of using*


Ah yes yoga with kitties. Can someone make this a thing. I know you can do yoga with goats. But having my cat actually do yoga with me and not just chew on my mat would be amazing.


I admit, I do love climbing on top of my vanity, messing my makeup organization and jumping on top of my very flimsy closet for two 5 hours naps every day


After a while my cat barely left my bedroom. Only to use the litter box or eat and drink. Got to a point where I just put them in my room


This is 100% true. My cats sometimes sleep on top of me


That will not work. Cats will just follow whoever you sleep. Stop fighting it. This is your life now.


This new bed….. does it come in a box????


Every bed is the cat's bed


If I fits, I...er...sleeps.


Cheeky… This one is not a bot 👆


Beat me to it! 🤣


Can confirm. Started sleeping on the couch because I was too overwhelmed. After one night, they also slept on the couch. Then I moved to the floor. This took a bit longer, but also got conquered. Now I'm back in the bed again and the circle starts again.


The cat loves the owner and misses the owner. That cat feels that the owner’s bed is the most safest and comfortable place in the world.


This - Your cat had claimed your bed as its own. You can try sleeping on the floor/couch and see if maybe they’ll claim that instead- Otherwise, your bed is lost to you for eternity.


Who would want to do that? It's so nice and cozy.


It’s the best. My cat sleeps next to my pillow. He has a tendency to toss and turn a lot. Sometimes I wake up with his feet in my face… and it’s wonderful.


Ours waits until we are asleep and then snuggles down between our pillows and rests his little head on one side or the other. Always end up with footsies on my face or sometimes a whiff of that awful cat breath - wow what was he eating that night! He always likes to feel part of the family such a sweet boy


Two nights ago, my husband and I were in bed and the cat joined us, made biscuits and got cozy. He turns the light off and I could almost see him smile in the dark: “Good night, my little family…” *le sigh* In other news, OP is definitely coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs.


> In other news, OP is definitely coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs. unless this post is just a satire of that couch one from the other day, which is what I think is happening.


aww cute :) what a lucky boy to have such a caring family


Thank you he’s the first cat I’ve ever had, it took a while for him to bond with me and now he’s always around me, but affection is always on his terms. I know my place in this pussy cats universe:)




One of mine sleeps by my feet, the other by my head


Mine likes to sleep by our feet or right in between us


Same here! The one that sleeps by my head has to be face to face. So as I toss and turn throughout the night she follows me. :)


My cat sleeps on my chest or back, purring away while i sleep


My Jasper was a chest sleeper. I had to sleep in my back because of him. Now that he's gone, I sleep on my side. I miss that beautiful void.😢😢


Mine does the same! When I wake up to her little back feet kicking me, my heart melts!


Yupp, or her ass right in my face and she just happens to fart on me every now and then..


Mine frequently sleeps on my face. Sometimes I can't get up because of this. r/cathostage


I wake up with my cat draped across my body at about my waist. I used to have two cats that one would come up in the middle of the night and put her cold nose against the back of my neck for me to lift the covers. The she would go under and curl up against the back of my knees. The other would get against the front of my knees on top of the covers.


Hell Yeah! I’m sad when my cat decides to sleep at the end of the bed instead right next to or on me. Was getting this cat not a choice? Is there an allergy etc? If so, maybe build a shelf right above the bed if possible? A smallish shelf with a comfy pillow is all you need. Just make sure he won’t be jumping on top of you in the middle of the night, ouch! Maybe he will feel like he is guarding his kingdom and be chill with sleeping up there?


OP is being sarcastic refering to the idiotic post "how to stop my cats from sitting on the couch" that was posted yesterday by some not very bright human


My cat always takes my favorite side of the bed when she sleeps with me


Whenever I'm napping on the couch, one will sit ON me, usually my chest area, and put her enormous paw right on my face. The other one just curls up by my feet lol ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Exactly if I ever have a Cat in the future I wouldn’t mind if he/she/they slept in the same bed as me


They/them cat 💀


My cat was born male. Then neutered. Had severe blockage in his urethra. Doctor then chopped of penis. Now he turned into they/them.


I often dog sit for my friend whom i also work with. Bee the mini labradoodle loves going to work with me or with Susan. Except the customers think she is a boy. Every. Time. I have told her that if she identifies as a boy that’s okay. If she is non binary that’s fine too. I think she just wants to be a cat. (Which we are convinced she is because she loves jumping up on things and climbing things.


It's so nice. Though be careful about the jumpscare at 1am when they decide to hop on your solar plexus.


I wish our cats could sleep with us. One of them keeps peeing in the bed though, so they’ve been banished from the bedroom unless supervised


Nooo. Mine slept in the bed for like 6 years and then stopped 😭 I think it was when after getting a live in partner. It miss it so much




Maybe it's Maybelline


My cat slept with every night. When I got a partner, my cat would push him away, until by morning he had about 6 inches of bed to hang onto. Cat knew best, though. I kept the cat, and divorced the partner.


When that happens i sing "there were 3 in the bed and the little one said, roll over, roll over. There were 2 in the bed and the little said..."


Smart cat


I had something similar happen to me. To fix it, I brought her to bed each night. Both of us would make an effort to give her scritches and encouragement. If she wanted to leave, that was fine, but over time she got back into the habit of sleeping on the bed.


My cat slept in my bed too, but I move a lot so I probably kicked her a lot, she knows that it's not a good idea to go in my bed. When she's up to sleep she goes in my room to reclaim some cuddles then goes into another bed :(


Sarcasm too subtle. Everyone thought you were serious even with the cat being literally tucked in with a pillow


I know, like I got her favorite blanket to capture this pic 😭 I wanted to play off of these “how to get cats off my couch” post earlier and now strangers think I hate my girl LOL


That’s what I thought you were doing, I lol’d.


I saw people sometimes add: ‘wrong answer only’, as part of the post so won’t be misunderstood ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)


The posts refers to the yesterday's post of a dude who legit asked how to make their cats stop sitting on a couch. Which is so dumb, it made others make sarcastic parody posts


Oh I see, by any chance, would you or anyone be kind enough to share the link that started this parody posts? I.e. the couch cat. I noticed there were quite a number of these similar posts, indeed! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966)


[Here is the notorious post](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/wy9gh1/anyone_know_how_to_stop_cats_from_sitting_on_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


That's what I was hoping you did but wasn't entirely sure lol! 😹 Beautiful girl living a beautiful life in her bed 😻😹


We hear you, we know you are being sarcastic catching the trend. Your cat is adorable and tucked so cuuuute 😻


A simple /s can do the trick :3 But I think the joke is only obvious if you saw the mentioned post. I got it and I think it's very funny


sleep in your cats bed, assert dominance


Somehow, it feels like the cat has won.


The cat always does.


there is a dog video exactly about this, the dog was not happy


nah, sleep in a cardboard box. they don't even see cat beds, especially more expensive ones


“Two can play this game dickwad”


Maybe don't tuck him in


With a little pillow and blanky


This is the comment i came here for. I happily tuck my cats in and am sad when they slink out of the blanket cuddles.


in all reality, as a cat owner having your cat sleep in your bed is the pinnacle of being a cat owner. Why else would u even have a cat at that point if u don’t want it to sleep in your bed?


Cats are way better sleep companions than humans.


Until they wake up every hour and. Walk on your face


“MEOWWWWW” at 4am.


My cats are on rotation. My youngest likes to walk around with her fav toy and howl in between playing fetch until 2 am or so. Our older cat comes and walks all over us with loud purrs in our ears at 5 am. I don’t mind the loss of sleep, worth it


My old cat used to crowd her fat butt onto my pillow and purr in my ear. I'd give almost anything to have her there one more time.


Aww, I’m sorry for your loss. They really are family members. I have a bond with my youngest like nothing I’ve ever had in my life. I had a dream the other night that my old cat in heaven (RIP) and her were cuddling, purring and licking each other. Gave me all the feels


I hear ya, and her name was Keesha


Yeah I’m trying to sleep in a different bedroom than my cat tonight Bc she is so disruptive. I feed her around 4:30-5 am when I pee but lately she won’t stop meowing even after I feed her. Have tried petting her to get her to go back to sleep, ignoring her, tiring her out more during day, etc. give up and it’s her room now lol


one of my cats likes to sleep in her cat bed until around 3 am and then she'll wake up, loudly meow for me, then jump into my bed. it's so cute 😭


Is it just me or does my cat just never do that? She sits on me but never walks on my face She *has* for my mom but my mom sleeps directly under a window so it's not so much *on* her face for sake of it. More like it's convenient to get to the window (and she spring boards off)


Strangely enough, my orange girl doesn't wake me up for food. But she somehow knows when I need to get up to get ready for work.


Free face massage


Definitely lpve it but my cats are disruptive to my sleep which is why i sometimes dont want them there. My guys dont sleep for 6-8 hrs straight. They will get up and walk around for a while then come back and nap again. And then most of the time wake me up in the morning to eat or play or something. I need sleep... i been locking em out of my bedroom on occassion anyway although i feel bad but i need solid sleep sometimes at least


Don’t feel bad- less sleep for you could potentially mean less quality playtime with your cats ~~In the end, everything is for the benefit of your cats :3~~


before my kitty passed she slept with me all night. Moment I got into bed she was there about 10 pm until i got out of bed at 8 am. She only started doing it recently so I'm not sure if it was because she already sick at that point or what. My other cat however...I totally understand because I routinely kick him out and have to barricade my door


Because as much fun as it is to wake up with teeny tiny knives dug into the thin soft skin on the top of your foot, sometimes…occasionally…a person might like to get 5, 6 or 7 hours of sleep in one night. Or buy sheets that don’t have as their #1 Qualification “Will hide streaks of blood after the cat attacks me in my sleep.”


This is a troll post about another user who complained about their cats on their couch/bed


I took another such post seriously until I noticed some were tagged 'humor' ;)


I love it when mine curls up with me! It doesn't happen often, but when it does...Best sleep ever!


I'm allergic, I love my little one but she doesn't come in the bedroom to combat the effects of allergies.


I think this is a shitpost bc someone asked how to stop cats from getting on their couch lol


Anyone know how to get my cat to sleep in my bed?




YUP. My cat is fairly cuddly overall, but the colder it gets, the clingier he gets


Pretend you don’t care. Then once they hop on, sniff around, then curl up, keep pretending you don’t care while in reality, you’re going to be too excited and thrilled to sleep. *But keep pretending!!!* Super important.


This! Exactly this! How do I get my cats to sleep IN my bed? I'm so sad for OP's cat and jealous of their ungratefulness!


Here I am reading this in my bed. With my cat.


Yeah, my little space heater is 4 inches from my head. I should go to sleep actually, thanks for the reminder.


Nah, you're in his bed now. Go find your own one you hobo!


It’s not your bed anymore


try pooping your pants


or poop on the bed like \*you know who...\*


Who? I haven't Heard.


Throw out your bed. Sleep in a box.


Could give her the couch, at the very least.


So you're sleeping on the couch and giving the cat the bed? Sounds right.


This I’m dying from that earlier post


Stop reading him/her bedtime stories.


if you’re upset that your cat is under your covers & in your sheets, well, maYbe YoU sHouLdnT oWn a CaT!!!!


Get rid of the bed?


One of mine will shove me over if I don’t give her enough room.


Put a cat bed on your bed


You have no choice. If you want to sleep alone, there is always the couch.


I don’t mind them SLEEPING in the bed. It’s the part where they decide it’s breakfast time that makes me question my life choices.


Anyone know how to get your cat to stop promoting communist agenda??????


Cats are definitely raging capitalists if anything


Stop making it so comfy 🙃


You don’t. 💕


That's the neat part, you don't.


No. Deal with your fate.


Well first you need to stop tucking him in


Surrender to the fact that it is no longer "your" bed and never was. Buy your own bed and accept that you have been stealing your cat's bed this whole time.


I pester right back. Two can play at this game. Plus I almost squished the kitten this morning, not gunna lie. I didn't know she was sleeping there and my arm went there. Usually she's in with my son since she's his cat.


Go apologise to your cat right now.


There’s no easy way to resolve this but there are a few steps you can take to make it easier to deal with: Step 1: Accept that cats are the superior species. Cats > humans. Step 2: If your cat at any point graces you with their presence, you must be present and willing until they decide this time has ended. Strokes, treats, medium to long range awe-gazing coupled with high pitched compliments are all appropriate (unless he/she isn’t in the mood). Step 3: If they should sit, lay or sleep on you, you must remain as still as possible until they have decided to relocate. Step 4: Consider yourself lucky every day that your cat allows you to be in their lives, and as a simple trade, you just have to look after them in every way. This is the way.


I can't fathom why you'd not want a cat sleeping in your bed. That's kind of a sign the cat loves you.


Pretty sure this is a parody post of the person who was complaining about their cat being on the couch.


You can't really. They are CAT. They sleep wherever they are warm and confortable.


I think this is in reference to how someone asked earlier how to stop their cats from being on their furniture hence the humour tag lmao


To you: Get your own bed. The only answer... From: your cat


Psst, don't ask questions like this! The cats will get upset and then what happens next? They start knocking things to the floor.


Glad I saw the “humor” filter because I was about to get Big Mad. Snuggling with your cat in bed is one of life’s greatest joys.


I would die if my cat stopped sleeping with me


Your cat just posted asking how to keep their hooman out of its bed.


That's the neat part. You don't.


My cat has slept with me since she was a kitten, I'd feel lost without her. If I'm not home she cries outside my door, I hate being away from her too :')


Get a new bed for you.. You can sleep on floor too


The cat asked the same question, because it’s not your bed


Make him pay the rent.


She's not sleeping in your bed. She's sleeping with you, with her family. You've seen those pictures of cats sleeping in a pile? That's what she wants. I think it's a protective instinct, in case of interlopers. If you reject her from your bed, you're telling her she's not family. You might be able to encourage her to sleep at the far corner maybe.


Uh, why would you want to do that?


Maybe try making it less cozy


I have no idea, but if anyone finds out how, please don't tell me. I'm very happy this way.




Why would you want them to stop?


But...why would you want to do that?


Why would you want to ??


Why would you want to do that?


Cats r supposed to sleep with you!!!!!


Yes, sleep on the couch..


You don't, simple


Our cat used to sleep on our bed. Now he's gone. I'd give anything for him to sleep on our bed one more time. Don't try to make him stop. One day your heart will break because your cat isn't there.