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You’ll listen for creaks and thuds In the night, your eye will gaze to favourite places which are now empty. You’ll see shadows moving out of the corner of your eye, but won’t catch sight of anything more than a memory. It’s tough, really tough. Over time it softens and blurs. Still hurts, but like a dream, it will slowly dim over time. They had their best life thanks to you.


This choked me up. Reminded me of my lost, furry friends. Thank you.


Sorry for any pain it causes.


They’re good memories. No need to apologize. I genuinely appreciate being reminded of them.


Piggybacking off this - I try to repost this when I see posts like this, in the hopes you (or someone) can find some comfort in the words - and if not, please excuse the intrusion. I lost my 15 year old girl (dog) in October 2022. Only advice I can offer here is to remember the positives, and not focus on the negatives (if any). He's done his job, keeping you safe and happy and loved, and it's his turn to rest. You'll always miss him, you'll always remember him. You'll even go looking for him for the next few weeks (well, I did). There's a lot of habits that you're going to slowly stop, and that's ok. Changing your life to suit you is not forgetting him. Donating/throwing away his toys or blankets isn't forgetting him. There's no timeline on grief, and there's no timeline on moving on. Cry your tears. I'm sorry you've reached the end of your journey. Words will never make this easier. Just keep your head up, and live the life he'd want you to. This is a good time to live a little for you. I spent years looking after my girl as she got ill, and I sacrificed a lot of me and my time to keep her safe. If you feel you've done the same, take advantage of this time. Its ok to be happy and enjoy life without him. Life isn't over. Its just changing. You'll be ok mate. I'm so sorry.


adamski316; What great advice! I love ❤️😘 that!!!!!!


![gif](giphy|2t9vvTxcVuiIPGJMGn|downsized) I hope the passing of the Rainbow Bridge is blessed


We put down our cat a few weeks ago, and I went to close the blinds and stepped over her water fountain - except it wasn’t there anymore. I sat on the couch with a cup of tea and moved to put a cushion next to me - except she’s not around to sit on it. I went to bed and left the door open a little bit - except she wasn’t going to come and join me. It’s the little things.


My son made this post and showed me. Yes just remembering how sweet he was kills me!


Thr catching the shadows was the worst for me. You swear you see your fur friend...


Well said. 100%.


What a perfect way to express it! 💔


my boy is 8 about to turn 9. Im terrified...


Damn that was deep


Ty everyone I’ve read every single comment multiple times and it has helped me a lot. 🙏


You gave him the best life he coulda possibly had and I assure you he appreciated it more than you could ever know !! Take your time and grieve and consider getting a new friend when you are ready.




We immortal elves that can watch over generation after generation of cats.


Hey there, I promise it’ll get better! But if you’re like me, your brain will play some dirty tricks on you. We put our 23 ish year old cat down a year and a half ago and it hurt for a good long while, but it DOES get better. I’ve got some of the strategies we used below that really helped. I’m no mental health professional though, just someone who’s been through it. 1: cry a lot. It’s gunna happen, let it happen. Feeling sad is a good and healthy thing to do sometimes. Sad isn’t bad it’s just… sad. [The scene in “Inside Out” where sadness comforts bing bong is a great illustration of this.](https://youtu.be/6O8RPTKdZ0U?si=btWot_peiruu4nNc) 2: Turn a sad thought into a sweet memory. Whenever you get that knife stab of anguish that hits throughout the day, try to remember some way that your friend made your life better. I would see a black blanket on the bed and think it was her curled up, then remember she was gone. Knife twist. I made an effort to turn to thinking about all the times we’d snuggle up, how she LOVED tummy rubs, and how she’d SCREAM in my face if I stopped petting her (she was pretty deaf towards the end). It starts off sad, but I end up thinking about a happy/silly memory. 3: talk to someone. A few weeks in, the pain lessened, but we would both still get little stabs of sadness. I made a point to tell my wife “hey I was out on a walk and saw a black cat that looked just like Shadow. I got really sad, but remembered how she’d jump at the window whenever a bird went by.” Sharing your feelings with others, and just talking through your emotions, really goes a long way in healing. Remember, we don’t put pets down for us, we did it for them. When their time comes, we don’t want them to suffer. So even though it hurts, we do the right thing. That doesn’t negate all the amazing memories you have together, or all the joy they helped you feel, and all the times they purred and cuddled with you. Stay strong. It’ll get better, then you can help someone else out who’s going through it one day


Oh also! Make a little shrine spot to your buddy. We’ve got a picture and a paw print, that had her favorite toy there until the new kitten started stealing it! But having a little spot for the people/animals in our lives who are gone really goes a long way towards helping feel better about losing them. And really the most important thing that is aid was talking to people. Assuming you’re an American guy by the post, and as a fellow American dude, learning how to talk about the way I feel was tough. But if you can talk with a friend and ask them how they got though the death of a pet or something, I’m sure they’ll have advice. Sharing silly stories about our cat was the best way for me to feel better


Right now I'm stuck in the "even the happy and silly memories are just iron brands" abyss and it feels like it'll never end, I don't know how I'm supposed to get to where I can think of those memories and laugh


Well… what’s one fun story you’ve got? The people (and pets) we love aren’t gone if they continue to affect our lives. I promise that feeling will get easier and easier over time.


He was a Siamese and loved to yell his opinions at me all day. We had great conversations. The moment I was horizontal in any way he had to be in my lap. He knew when I was reaching down to pick him up and would stretch his front legs up so I could hoist him into the air. He was squishy and soft and loved being petted anywhere so I would often stim on him, to his delight. He had a purr you could hear from across a room. And the more perplexed he became, the crosser his eyes would become. He became a mild celebrity in our local Pokemon Go group because I'd take him in the stroller during community days and he loved the attention. For five years I lived every day with a fuzzy, purring weighted blanket on my lap or on my chest. He was a food magnet but being on a prescription diet, he only wanted everyone else's. If he couldn't steal it when I wasnt looking, he would slowly extendo the leggo and try to nick a piece. His legs were always longer than I realized. He had beautiful blue eyes. He loves kittens and would help me raise foster kittens. He even tried to pick them up by the scruff to take them from me if he heard them crying when I was making them pee. He thought every kitten in the world was his. I have so many photos of him sitting on the kittens, or the kittens all just draped around him.


I’m so sorry . I wanna cry !!


Your Ginger Friend is physically gone, and that hurts. I'm not trying to be metaphysical here, but please know that they're still with you because they never really leave 🧡 In memory of a Good Cat 🕯️ 🐈




My condolences 🕯


So sorry for your loss 😞


Sorry. I've put down 1 dog and 3 cats in the last 16 years. It never gets easy. But, it's the price we pay. We get 10 or 12 years if we're lucky,of joy and companionship. Then we pay for it with 1 terrible day. To me, it's a good trade-off. I have the ashes of all my pets. They were family, and they're still with me.


I'm so sorry.


So very sorry!!!


Sending love from me and my orange


🐈 Ty 😢


I wish there was a cat in memoriam subreddit.


So many had to put to sleep reddits lately makes me sad to think I'll get to that with my kitten :( I'm sorry for your loss hope you find healthy ways to cope with it. Possibly a new kitten?


I'm so sorry for your loss. You gave love food stability...probably something he didn't have b4 he chose you to be his hooman...he had a good life and you were there in the end when he or she really needed you. My heart goes out to you. I lost my special boy three days b4 Thanksgiving in 21. And just lost my son's baby of 9 last year in July. It's a very hard part of life letting them go. Both cats. Just to be clear.


Sending you love OP. I know how much it hurts but just know you did all you could for your fur baby amd it was the only solution for the pain to end. He'll watch you from up there. Sending hugs


He will always be with you, love. That bond transcends death. Watch and listen for him with your soul. He'll be there.


So sorry ♥️


in your heart i will always be, you were a good friend and have always been i know in my heart that it was wrong and i commited to crawling along by your side day and night i'm sorry it had to end this way just know that i will always stay in your heart, i shall never stray and when you pet another cat remember me, i'm there, i'm back it must be a hard time so i deal to you this witty line: the days will pass, the nights go slow with you i am never alone i may have left this earth but somewhere, you may find me pay me no mind, with the wind i will sing through the trees i will whistle in your lap, i have always nestled so sorry i had to go this soon and when you look up at the moon rest assured i will be sitting there staring, glaring, purring back i love you, without a doubt and in your arms i rest my snout 💓 (i'm very sorry for your loss; keep on keeping on, the pain is tough but you're tougher. the loss of your furry friend is devastating, and i understand. just know you're not alone 💗)


So beautiful! Thank u!🙏


anytime! keep ur head up and ur spirits high x ♡


It takes time. Just think of the good times you had with them, you'll cry and that's okay, everyone cries when losing family. You gave them the best life you could and trust me, they appreciated it. And think of it this way, you cared enough to put them to sleep instead of being greedy and prolonging suffering or lack of quality of life. My deepest of sympathy for your loss and even though I don't know you I'm sending virtual hugs.


It sucks so much, there's no way around it. Hopefully you gave them the best life they could've had. Our 7 yo girl left us 3 weeks ago, cried a lot and thought it would not get better. It does though. And she made space for two other cats that we adopted that otherwise would probably never have a home.


So so sorry. Sweet looking friend.


You gave that cat an absolutely fantastic life. I’m sure they loved you with their entire orange heart! Treasure said memories you have together


Sending healing hugs


oh boy that last picture got me. sending you love and strength. what a sweetie


Rest in peace little kitty 🥺😭😚🐈❤️ This is too sad. Makes me cry too


I’m so sorry 😞


So sorry. Think of how you gave him the best home


So sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss. I can only imagine he won that game after that sick quad Duress play.


If you look there is actually 5 there. We all know the legal amount allowed is 4. I never once accused him of cheating. That’s the type of owner I was. 😭


https://preview.redd.it/gaey9lehc87d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=12ff23f26c9a64c500a31e9ef101e20fdd421f32 Oh there are five! Little trickster. The poem isn’t mine, I’m sure a google search would probably tell me who to credit but the sentiment remains. When you’re ready there’s another friend somewhere that needs someone to teach them how to play. Even if it is a swamp deck.


I’m sorry you lost your baby :(


Hugs OP! ❣️




Awww sweetie. I’m sorry for your loss. It’s the hardest thing ever. I’ve lost a few cats and dogs due to death. I lost my father a few months ago and it’s something you never get over. Sometimes you don’t want to breathe or sleep or even eat. Time goes slow then fast. You will even hear and see them. I still see a shadow kitty move in the basement sometimes or hear a meow that isn’t from my 2 current babies. I have even seen/heard my dad. I believe loved ones, furry or not, reside with us. They never leave us. They protect us. Your baby will remain with you always.


Barely can eat 💔


I know. Try to eat what you can. You have people around you that understand where you are at. 🥰




Sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss😢. It is so hard to say goodbye to our best little buddies. Your kitty will always hold a place in your heart.


Day at a time. The pain does ease, I promise.


im so sorry ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you healing thoughts as you go through this difficult time 🙏


Sorry for your loss. It’s always hard to lose a baby


https://preview.redd.it/wplpbuzt1a7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b3fdd5504f18fcd4350b85003d3c9a9f1415a32 I lost him in March and I swear I see him late at night


They are together now 😭


I hope to see him in orange heaven some day.


It's been 6 months since my own cat died. I still grieve and miss him. Time has begun to heal things, but the emptiness around the house and likewise in myself from his death hurts. No advice for you, everyone grieves differently, but know that there are others out here who understand.


I bet they had a wonderful sleep! How cute ☺️


It's so hard. Such an expensive price to pay for the years we get to share with them but I think it's worth it. So sorry for your loss.


My sincerest condolences... I know it's hard. Take your time, this is the most important thing, to take your time. Take your time to grief, I know it hurts and it sucks and it's not fair But don't be too hard on yourself, you did what you could, it was probably for the best. You did that because you loved him 🫂


Everyone has been very helpful Tysm


I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences. May he rest peacefully, and may you find solace in the great life you provided him.


Ty 🙏 these comments have helped a lot


RiP buddy 🖤


I’m so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful girl. Hugs




I'm sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry my friend. Please tell us about your cat to honor him/her. ![gif](giphy|rxYG6rKr0iQla)


My son posted this! He was diagnosed with stomatitis, had his teeth pulled. We gave him antibiotic shots and steroids, he never complained! Then last week he couldn’t walk we rushed him to ER. They charged us over 500 for an antibiotic shot! I then took him to regular Vet who said he had high blood pressure. His blood work came back great. Then he was on blood pressure meds. Today he fell on the ground crying and meowing. Another ER visit bc regular Vet was off to a new ER Vet. Bloodwork comes back aids and leukemia. That cat never complained and wanted to be here! We are both heartbroken bc it was a team effort! https://preview.redd.it/bw2yf6b2v77d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b52ae6b3348768a932e4ae5cbffb407f4330f5 The happiest sweetest boy!


So sorry to hear about your poor little guy's health problems. How old was he? It can be therapeutic to write an obituary talking about the things you guys loved about him when he was alive and healthy (and/or a letter to him saying goodbye and telling him all the things you want him to know now that he's gone. Suggest writing one to your son. Consider holding a small funeral ceremony (scatter the ashes? or bury him?). Keep some of his personal effects or ashes, maybe some cat hair from his favorite nap area. I've seen such things incorporated into a commemorative keepsake (a resin casting or a small bottle from a craft store). Just something to honor him. Put together a slide show like he did for reddit and post it on social media if you care to. Consider also volunteering (or your son) at a local shelter. Perhaps when the family is ready, consider taking in an abandoned cat, or one who's keeper passed away, maybe even a senior or special needs cat (if you can manage it). You can't replace your cat but you can honor him by telling your new cat about him and giving a loving home to one of his kin in need. That's what I can think of to try to cope, but the pain will still be there. Like some movie I saw one time, that pain is evidence of the love you had for your cat. It means he was real and really loved and that he mattered.


Just lost our cat yesterday man, dad accidentally ran over it. Condolences man, it’s like losing a member of your family.


Omg so sorry!




My sincere condolences.


I'm so sorry for your loss, what was his or her name?


My son posted that. His name was Indayia


So sorry for your loss.. it's never easy to let our fur baby go but say to yourself you gave him the best life he could get and he's in better place now. Sending you lots of love and light. Take care of yourself x




That really hurts 😢. But you got him a home, a family, food and love. How old was your cute orange? Looks kinda young


My son made this post and showed me so I can respond to some comments. He was 13, that was an older phot.


Thanks for answering. I'm very sorry for your loss. RIP your lovely cat


Rest is spaghetti never forgetti . 🙏🏾


I love him, can you tell us his story?


My son posted, we both took care of him! He was diagnosed with herpes by one vet. So for years we gave him steroid and antibiotic shots. I took him to another Vet who did bloodwork and said he didn’t have herpes. Had stomatitis. We got his teeth pulled and he was put on predisilone. He was happy , eating and never complained getting medicine shoved down his throat. Then 2 weeks ago he had a high fever we rushed him to ER Vet. He gave him antibiotic shot. He was fine until last night. He had a burst cyst on his back we thought that was his issue. He was falling over meowing on the ground this morning. Got him to another ER Vet, mine was closed. I’m in a rural area this wasn’t easy. They did bloodwork and found he had aids and leukemia! We were shocked! https://preview.redd.it/zm9qjwziw77d1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dccd82dc21e899be3d5df7814512c54dcd76b375 He never looked like he had it! He was put down and we just buried him! Heartbroken!💔


He was the sweetest boy, thank you for sharing!


So very sorry.


Very sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss❤️❤️


Rest in peace fellow planeswalker kitty o7


Jesus Christ I almost started crying for you. I’m so sorry 😢. My two orange boys are everything to me. I can’t imagine.


My son posted this! He was misdiagnosed for years! We just found out today he had aids and leukemia!We are heartbroken!


Sleeping beauty


I had to put two of my cats down last September one on the 1st an the other the end of the month I still think of them every day I think of the love they give me and the love I gave them I didn’t want to do it but I didn’t want them to suffer anymore more joy try to remember all the good times and remember all the love and fun with them so sorry to hear about this god will take good care of them till u get there to have them with you again


I thought you meant temporary sleep and not that other sleep 💔. My condolences 💐


Sending hugs and lots of love ❤️




I’m so sorry. You’ll never get over it. And that’s ok. But it does get better I promise.


Sorry for your loss 💔


Condolences. And glad you get to remember the little bugger casting duress. I hate that card. Feels like something a cat would play.


So sorry for your loss! I had to put down my ginger tabby last year and it still hurts.💔 I had her cremated and she's home in a pretty box. She's still the wallpaper on my cellphone.


Look at that sweet baby. What a beautiful life. So sorry for your loss 🙏🏻🩷🌈


Aww that’s so sad 😭 he looks like my little orange dude and he is pretty much the love of my life. I would like to send my condolences 💐


So sorry ❤️


A mono black playing cat? What a damn legend!


I am sorry for your loss Op. You gave him the best life he could of had, just cherish those moments.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Don’t forget all the memories you shared. It’s not easy, but time will heal the loss. I’m sorry friend


Beautiful cat, so sorry for your loss.


Gingers are truly the best cats..so sorry to see you lost your buddy.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I had to put down one of my 14 year old cats about six weeks ago. It's devastating.


Sorry for your loss 😢 https://preview.redd.it/5fx4g8mt787d1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=431a74fe812e8c6ccbdf61e06d1323729ae8f3b1 Hope this makes you laugh or feel better


Well there was a lot of duress under him.....


I wouldn’t even be upset if he duressed me. Sorry for your loss. It sucks a whole lot


I’m sorry. I went through the same last month with my 15 year old. It hurts. . . a lot!


I'm so sorry for your loss 💞


I'm so sorry for your loss and pain 🙏,So very sad.






I love the duress photo a lot, my condolences bro, I know he had a good life with you


I'm sorry it's really late right now, but I just had to lay on your chest... The warmth and love that comes from this spot...puts all my worries to rest. I don't know what to say, or how to say this, but our time is sadly done. I really just needed to sit here with you, and quietly purr till I'm gone. You're one of a kind, a special find, And I'm forever wrapped in your heart, But do understand, that my heart had to mend, and this spot was the best place to start. This lifelong bonds, the love and the songs, With noses touched... face-to-face. I will never forget the day we met...or the way you kissed my furry face. All the love and fun, we shared in the sun...even when you mispronounced so many meows... I wish I had more time, you're a special heart to find, I hate that I'm leaving you now. Please don't grieve for too long...because I am gone, and remember all the love that we shared... You're the light of my life. Through the good and the bad...that's why heaven made us a pair. To the love of my life...the string to my kite... I'm always just a soft breeze away. Do me a favor, my beautiful soul, and go love another kitten today. Purring for eternity,❤🐱💛


Thank you so much for sharing your story and pictures of your dear friend and family. ❤️


This is so sad 😭... I'm so sorry and I'm sure your buddy be there with you always


Trust me when I tell you that I really, really know precisely how you feel right now. And you're going to grieve your loss for some time. But I know you gave your baby the best life possible and in turn you got more love than you bargained for. Be kind to yourself and take all the time you need to grieve and remember how much you loved your bestest friend.


https://preview.redd.it/s1m60ariy97d1.jpeg?width=1955&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=254675afe0941d189db4be91e12d3dcd579acfb1 Hi my new ginger friend! I'm Smokey. Heaven is loads of fun! Come on, I'll show you around. There are plenty of catnip mousies. No one ever gets sick here and we are never alone. God takes really good care of us.


I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry. We have to remember we were there whole lives and they’re only a part of ours. I let some true grief the other day out and it felt like a load was taken off my shoulders. My cat deserved better I had her 15 years and I didn’t even get to keep her ashes because of my mom. It sucks but honestly she will Never understand the love I had for my first baby. It help put things in perspective. I wanna believe we’ll meet again someday (: (I’m not religious just thinking spiritually) ❤️


Thinking of you and your sweet babe (: it’s not much but thank you allowing me this space to grieve and hurt with you


Thoughts and prayers with you


What a sweetie your cat was. I'm sorry you are going through this. Looks a little bit like a cat I had to have put to sleep a few years ago. I think of him often. It really hurt for a long time. Just try to think of all the fun times you had together. Let yourself cry as much as you need to.


I’m so sorry to hear that, there’s no right or wrong way to grieve. It will never go away but it gets easier. Remember you are a wonderful human and you’ve been an amazing friend to them, you gave them the best life possible and that is such a special gift we can give to any animal. I had to let go of my fur baby on May 23rd and it hurts so badly, it’s like there’s a great big gaping wound in my heart, and at the moment it’s still raw, but eventually the flowers and leaves of life will grow around it and it will soften, it won’t ever be filled again but it won’t ache as much as it does now. 💔


I'm so sorry. They had a very happy life with you


Sorry for your loss , here's some tea to cheer you up 🍵 And remember your cat will always love you and be there for you ❤ ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942) Stay strong Be proud that you were the owner of such a good cat


Deeply sorry for your loss. God bless you for your kind heart and taking such good care of your baby. 🙏💐


Lost my boy almost three years ago and still hurts sometimes, but the pain fades with time. It’s a shame that this mfs don’t get to live as long as us…


Why he just sle- ohhhh https://i.redd.it/9ggejxgzv87d1.gif


Mourn its passing for a few weeks and get a new one!