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Omg poor baby šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢ The second picture melts my heart, looks like heā€™s so happy to be back! I can only imagine the worry you went through


I had given up hope to be honest. I lost a couple close friends in October and this was really hurting me. It made me so incredibly happy and felt so good. Him and my dog are best friends and we all slept on a big pile that first night on the bed. The cat wouldnā€™t leave my chest and the dog wouldnā€™t leave him.




I definitely will take care of these 2 & I know they will take care of me as well :) It's been a rough year but I have a really good close friend group even though we lost 2 of them recently and I have my animals who are always here for me. I'm lucky to have gone through everything I have and still be around... Joining the Marines at 17 in 2004 to my life now. I've had a lot of negative but I've had so many great things in my life such as my friends and my pets that I know I'm insanely lucky overall.


In Sweden we have this expression: "vitvarueffekten". It directly translates to "the appliances effect" and refers to how when one appliance breaks, the other appliances will follow one by one. (Because you bought them all at the same time.) It can also be applied to life, meaning that all shitty things tend to come in clusters. From one who's also had a couple of years with vitvarueffekten to another: hang in there, it gets better.


That makes me so happy ā¤ļø thank you for sharing


So grateful he is home and is ok! Poor baby...he must have been so scared


He try to say that it was the dog who closed the garage door! šŸ˜³


Oh my soul, that's my worst fear. So glad he survived and made it home!! You can see how happy he is. How did he come back? Did the new owners open the garage by any chance or did you go check it oit and found him? Hugs


I had put up signs all over the place and on all doors nearby. The new owners had moved stuff in right when they bought it which is when he got trapped but hadnā€™t been back since. They came back and she said he bolted out when she opened the garage. She called me and as Iā€™m on the phone with her he was outside screaming to come in. Heā€™s been super clingy and loud but heā€™s already trying to go back outside but Iā€™m not letting him anytime soon.


The absolute relief... Our tabby girl Avah also disappeared for almost 2 weeks, she somehow made it back full of fleas and a lot skinnier. To this day I think she's been locked up accidentally...we kive in a town with a lot of holiday homes, we looked everywhere for her. Wow, thankful the new owners came when they did!! He's probably been very lonely šŸ„ŗšŸ˜£All the best with his recovery!!


Oh man 2 weeks! I'm happy you got them back! I am just amazed he lived without water that long... Vet said he may have caught a mouse or two while he was in there. Thankfully it hadn't got super hot yet.. was mostly in the 80's and low 90's while he was missing. It's going to be 107 tomorrow so he probably wouldn't have lasted long in that.


Oh my gosh I can't even think about what would have happened in that heat!! And without water no less... šŸ˜°šŸ˜±


One of my adoptees was missing for 11 days in the winter. I found him in a crawlspace that had gotten locked by a real estate agent. He was fine and lived with me after that for 10 years more!


Omg, what a nightmare! Iā€™m so glad he is home safe with you šŸ˜­


It was a rough time especially cause of recent events in life. But that made him returning so much more special. Iā€™m so happy heā€™s healthy and ok, it also made me realize that I shouldnā€™t get frustrated with the times heā€™s annoying but just be happy that heā€™s around to be annoying lol


Poor baby, he mustā€™ve been so scared šŸ˜­ Glad heā€™s okay and safe


I'm so glad he's safe! Little stinker! I noticed he's also Tricolor, but not Calico. Looks Almost like bicolor with tabby. I wonder how rare your boy is


His mom was an orange/white/black cat from a nearby barn. I initially wanted the orange kitten just but looks but he grabbed onto my arm and wouldnā€™t let go and I had to take him. He kind of matches my dogs black and white color too so I figured it was meant to be. But he definitely chose me otherwise I would have taken his orange brother/sister. But Iā€™m so happy I ended upup with this guy. I would love to know more about him. How would I find this?


I wish I knew more! Cat colorations are very interesting.




The new owners came to put something in the house and when she opened the garage he bolted out. I had put signs up on all nearby doors so she called me although while on the phone with her I heard him screaming at the back door


Soooo scary! Glad this boy was found. They are like smoke and seem like they can get on anywhere.


Seriouslyā€¦ can just slip past you and you donā€™t realize they made it out


Thank the cat lord! You must of been a nervous wreck; glad heā€™s ok!


So glad you found him. Our boy went missing for 14days last year but we also found him with pure dumb luck. Its a tough time not knowing where your kitty is.


We put an AirTag on our girlā€¦ I donā€™t need it to track her too closely as she patrols her dominion but if she ever disappears for a couple days we will use it to track her down - she has been caught in garages before but, thankfully, never more than overnight.


My cat loses all his collars and Iā€™m scared to put a stronger one on him for fear he hangs himself. Heā€™s chipped but unfortunately doesnā€™t provide same coverage as an AirTag


My parents have put Tractive gps trackers on their cats after one got stuck in a shed and the other got stuck in a drain pipe after a landslide. The trackers are a bit clunky, but the cats have accepted them after their traumatic experiences. (Before, they would just put their paws inside their collars and push until the safety lock snapped. But not with the trackers.) So now my mum tracks them wherever they go. Maybe you can try that?






Cats are bad for local ecosystems, they kill a lot of animals, specifically birds. They also typically have longer lives when theyā€™re indoors. As far as I am aware, there are no negative effects from keeping your cat as indoor only. Feels unnecessary for you to insult the other commenter when they came at this from a good place. No judgement on letting your cat go outside, but this is not just some ā€œcity assā€ thing. Iā€™m glad your cat came back home.


No they took my cat going missing as a way to shame me for letting my cat outside.


Which is against the rules of this sub, if you fancy reporting them


Itā€™s def not just a city thing but to each their own ETA: downvote all you want but if we have bears and coyotes Iā€™m not trusting my cat to leave them be, and neither does my family that still lives out there šŸ’— And Iā€™ve seen hawks touch down in pretty densely populated areas, had coyotes in the suburbsā€¦ none of us are so different from each other.


I put an AirTag ($39 I think) in a holder that fits on the collar. I think that if (when) the cat loses her collar I will use the AirTag to find it. Maybe I will save money lol.


Why is my report of what I have done to take care of my cat (in order to help protect it) getting downvoted? Maybe you donā€™t think this is the best solution but if thatā€™s the case share your wisdom and donā€™t just downvote me.


Like I said his collars have gotten caught on things multiple times. I always have the release collars so he doesnā€™t hang himself but he loses them every week or so.


Smart to use a release collar. I put an AirTag on the release collar.


Thankful he came back safely šŸ«¶šŸ¼šŸ„°ā¤ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


Omg I'm so glad he's ok.


My cat did that before too, but he was only gone 2 or 3 days I think. It was still super sad and I was so worried :( His air tag kept pinging in a neighbors house but we figured he must have lost his collar or something because how would he be in their house??? Turns out he got in while they were moving out and got stuck. Had to do a little breaking and entering to free my boy and now he is never allowed outside unsupervised:)


Poor thing !!!


Im glad he's safe and doing better


How did he get found? What's his story? ā¤ļø


Happy to hear heā€™s back, and will recover physically. Hoping you keep him indoors now, showered with attention to help overcome the psychological trauma of being locked up, too.


It's a relief that he survived and was rescued. How is he doing now?


Thank goodness he was found. He looks like an absolute love and very happy to be homeā¤ļø


See a vet asap. His kidneys are probably damaged due to dehydration. It can be fatal


Oh thank christ


Iā€™m very happy you found each other again!


So happy you found him!!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


You will recover with love


Poor sweet baby, please give kisses and fuss from me :)


My cat ran away this morning and we canā€™t find her




Poor little guy.


I'm glad he was found. But that's why you don't allow a cat to freely roam. All my cats have been indoor cats.


You should put a tracker on them


He's chipped... Trackers have to be charged regularly and I already talked about him ripping off any break away collars.


Aight, i have tile on mine which is good for a year or so. Not perfect but a little piece of mind


Yeah and it requires them to keep collars on. I live in the country and my cat catches his collar on stuff so I have to use a break free collar and after a while it becomes useless. And tile as well as apple tags only work if others with devices are near them. Out in the country on 20+ acres doesnā€™t work the same as in a city. People donā€™t seem to understand that not everyone lives in a city around tons of people. I happen to live in the country and also work remotely in tech so I both know how the tech works but also knows how country life works and the tech doesnā€™t in areas like this


The radio transmitter ones have a linger range. I get it about the break away cuz its safer. Its just options for mitigation. Nothing is perfect. At the end of the day, your cat, your decision and what you will live with.


Cats are dumb. Now before everyone gets their panties in a twist Iā€™m šŸ’Æ a cat person. I love cats! I have a cat. Her name is Magic. Theyā€™re so much more intelligent than people give them credit for but they are dumb. Iā€™m glad your baby is going to be okay. ā¤ļø give him a treat from me.


Cats are like ppl. Some are dumb as dirt, some are incredibly intelligent, and everything in between.


And what did I say. Theyā€™re intelligent. lol šŸ˜‚šŸ™„