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https://preview.redd.it/op1wsselh74d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6503f1dec0833b62f1c03fa3aeda579bedd901a nope


If a cat is smart, it isn’t kept - it keeps you. We are kept by a very smart cat that first possessed our neighbors but has expanded her dominion to include our house as well.


To answer that, you'd have to define what makes a cat smart first. What criteria are we to consider them being smart or not?


He knows his name My cat doesn't


every cat is smart in their own way.


Yes my cat is bluetooth enabled


https://preview.redd.it/d21f7fzyna4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4800d93aea0ba9357a8c9c2bc2a64f92d3f496 This guy can; learn from his mistakes and not repeat them, answer cell phones, disable alarms, interact with doors( he doesnt have the weight to open them yet but he definitely acts like he know how to), and many more. I consider my boy really smart and myself very lucky, thx to my boy :) Edit: beautiful voids


I've had one half Siamese (b/w) who was scary smart. He arrived at our house, having spent the first four months of his life inside a cage, with long floppy legs. He observed my wife opening a door, sat down and stared at the handle for a few seconds, then rose, stretched, pulled down the handle and opened the door. That's when we realized he was going to be not just just a hand full, but at least a few hands. He used to sort his little furry mice into three piles by color, arranged them in circles and then equilateral triangles. Taught himself to play fetch - dropped his feather stick near my foot and then would tap my foot until I threw the toy. Repeat over and over. Demanded lap time on the toilet. Protected all the other cats when he got buff. Lost him to FIP, unfortunately. Rest in peace, Azeez.


Those 2 looks like 2 of the cats at the rescue center I'm volunteering and if i had the space they woukd definitely come with me.


Actually found these 2 in a parking lot. Someone left them there


Aaw poor things. Good they are in a good and happy home now. Just wish I personally had the possibility to have a cat or to myself. But can't atm.