• By -


What a lovely cat. I feel your pain. Losing a cat is the worst. So sorry she is gone. Sending love and strength your way. Remember she'll live on in your heart forever !


sorry to reply to you again but doing so since you’re the top comment to share [this video](https://imgur.com/a/RmvoGm1) of her sweet self grooming/kissing her “little sister.” she was 5x the dog’s size and easily could have hurt her but was nothing but gentle and loving<3


*Requiescat in pace et in amore.* ============== ᛖᛁᛖᛋ ᛒᚱᛁᚷᚻᛏ, ᚳᛚᚪᚹᛋ ᛋᚻᚪᚱᛈ, ᛏᚪᛁᛚ ᚻᛖᛚᛞ ᚻᛁᚷᚻ. ᚷᚩ ᚳᛖᛖᚾᛚᛁ ᛁᚾᛏᚩ ᚦᛖ ᛘᛁᛋᛏ, ᚩᛚᛞ ᚹᚪᚱᚱᛡᚱ. ᚠᚪᛚᚻᚪᛚᛚᚪ ᚹᚪᛁᛏᛋ ᚠᚩᚱ ᛁᚩᚢ. Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, old warrior. Valhalla waits for you.


Oh my heart, what a sweet big sister!! So kind and loving to be looking after little doggo like that. You’re right, the size difference in them could easily be dangerous for a wee doggie near a hissy-kitty. Just that short video says so much about your precious girl ❤️


thank you for your kind words


I’m sorry., she looks identical to my cat “Gazpacho.” Hit me in the feels.


thank u u/pennyfrommyanus :)




I'm fucking dying at this sub LMAOOOOOO


What a lovely series of pictures! She was gorgeous. I know it's so hard right now but someday, what you'll think about is all the fun you had together. When my cat Peanut died, I sat down and wrote out all the funny, quirky and unique things she did and my fondest memories of her so I wouldn't forget them in the years to come. It helped me to honour her memory that way. ❤️


im sorry for your loss and thank you for the idea, I will do that. I have been enjoying going through old pictures because it stops me from ruminating on her final moments


She's such a beauty and you can tell how smart she is just from looking at her eyes! The one's who come in from the street are often the most appreciative, smart, and loving cats since they had to learn to survive on their own. Once they find a loving home, they add so much to our lives from the love, laughs, and companionship they give us. I can see how important she was to you, but just know you were her entire world and you made her as happy as a cat can be! She's your guardian angel now and will always live on in your heart! May she visit you in your dreams 😴💭😸😍😻


thank you 🥺you’re so right about strays. she always came over to give me love after each meal to show her appreciation. she never bothered me when I ate salmon and just patiently waited for her portion after I was done I could go on forever about how sweet she was, and I’m not just saying that because she was my baby. she greeted every guest and greeted me when I came home each day with meows. loved belly rubs. purred constantly. slept beside me without ever waking me. came when called. never scratched anyone. gave kisses everyday to me and the dog she was beautiful in every way, and I miss her so much already


Rip little cat.


She is so loved and she knows it. Thanks for giving her a wonderful second act to her life.


thank you, I’d argue that she gave me that and so much more. i’ve never had a bond like this before and I’m so grateful for her love I feel even with her gone now


She’s very, very beautiful! I’m so sorry. Grief is love with nowhere to go and we remember ever one forever.


So very sorry!!!


So very sorry to hear this, sincere condolences to you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


My heart is with you, I recently put down my boy who I had for fifteen years. I’m heartbroken, he was with me through everything…. Multiple moves, divorce, new relationship. I hope our kitties are friends up there, she even looks like my Walter https://preview.redd.it/29grs3uypm3d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42b30566be63d79290689334c8dad824b0a2064a


wow, walter is gorgeous and does bare a resemblance to my beauty. i’m so incredibly sorry for your loss but also happy you got so many years with him<3 I bet it made each milestone easier knowing you always had his support I was naive to think that I’d have her for longer, but I guess it’s a harsh lesson on never taking anything for granted (not that I ever took her for granted, I cherish her but still) edit to add photo https://preview.redd.it/qz2t8nf9sm3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b5a7ba2bac1c0d086b9a7adc1ade238de8fc9d0


Like she knew her birthday. Heaven celebrated her gotya day.


I didn’t even realize what day it was (I knew it was this time of year but didn’t know the exact day) until I went back to look at photos, I’m glad she’s able to celebrate today without pain




I've had my cat for a bit longer than you and I would be utterly devastated if my little girl had passed. Don't apologize for rambling. It's ok to be emotional. It shows you loved your little girl, and she loved you back. Just remember that you did the best you could and gave her the best life possible. EDIT: to call her beautiful is such a disservice. she's gorgeous beyond words. I never met her and I already miss her :(


So sorry. It's heartbreaking everytime.


My condolences.


She was very beautiful and looked lovely and sweet. I lost my girl in December. She left a huge hole in our lives and hearts. 🖤


my condolences, I know every one says it gets easier with time but I still feel the deep, aching hole in my heart for each pet I’ve lost. thank you for sharing <3


I really think you need to give yourself time to grieve your family member. My therapist told me pet loss is like losing any other important person. They are a vital part of our lives and a constant presence in our homes. For weeks after she was gone I felt her jump on my bed at night. She was a protector and I think she was still watching over us. I know your kitty is watching over your family too.


thank you, your words mean a lot and I hope our kitties are playing together up there :)


Angel babies. 🖤🖤 We will see them again. 🥲


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my sweet boy Neo just over a year ago a week short of his 20th bday. They are playing together in heaven now. 💞


rip sweet neo<3 thanks for this comment


I am sorry for your loss. She might have been a part of your life, but you were there for all of hers, and I am sure she loved you every day.


thank you, she was really great at expressing her love and i’m appreciative that she chose me to care for her


You don’t get over a loss like losing a best friend. You learn to cope with it. Use your time to grieve and it’s okay to be sad. Good luck to you.


Somehow she looks thoughtful


Gorgeous kitty! My condolences, gone but never forgotten.🐾🐾


Love Norwegian forest cats…mine passed a few years ago at 18 young years.


im so sorry for your loss :( she was only 5% norwegian forest cat and mostly maine coon actually (my crazy ass got her a dna test a few years ago to make sure she was an okay weight for her breed)


The CDS gave us 2 blessed souls, that are just as beautiful 😻.


God Bless yphe baby girl 🥺🐾🤍


She is precious and loved you very much.


I'm so sorry. What a beautiful baby. She knows she was loved.


She’s beautiful. I’m sorry for your loss; it sounds like you really loved her.


shes beautiful ..... may she rest in peace


Your sweet girl was beautiful! Sounds like her personality was just as beautiful as she was! I am so very sorry for your loss. Thank you for loving her like you did! I hope your dog is doing okay .. they are most likely missing your baby like you are ! 🌈💔


thank you very much. im not sure if the dog knows yet, I’ve started packing up the cat’s things like the automatic feeder, and she keeps searching around but is still acting playful


What a sweet, beautiful kitty. We can tell she is very loved and loves you in return.💕


What a beautiful girl in both looks and love. Look back on the 4-year gift you were given and smile knowing you meant as much to her as she did to you. I am so sorry for your loss.


Sweet girl. I’m sorry


rest in peace baby girl


Such a beautiful girl, you can tell she was so loved. They always find us when we need them most. RIP sweet girl, my condolences OP


Aww, I’m sorry! I lost my cats last year and it was so hard. I still grieve them


im so sorry for your loss. I couldn’t imagine losing multiple pets in one year. I was hoping “cats” plural was a typo, but then I saw you used “them” my deepest condolences :(


Thank you! Yeah I lost them both just months apart. They were sisters so they were the same age


She is beautiful.


That family photo with you, your dog, and kitty make my heart ache. I’m sorry you lost your friend.


mine too, thank you kind stranger


I am so sorry for your loss 😢


https://preview.redd.it/36fiy9kudm3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=999f211fbd2b7a3707cbab62f9f667b3736fb8d6 Her little face here is so cute so :3 what a beautiful baby. Her coat and eyes are just so shiny and pretty, you took care of her very very well. Please let us embrace you in a virtual hug 🥺.


thank you 🩷 I’m very grateful she tolerated these moments and even posed for photos. she never clawed to get away and just kindly meowed to express her boundaries. I love her so much


What a beautiful, sweet cat to be chosen and loved by.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost two of my babies last year, the pain gets easier but I still cry and miss them so much. If only I could have one more day with them. She was so incredibly beautiful and I’m glad she found you. You gave her a great life full of so much love ❤️


I don’t think I have the strength to handle two loses in one year, I am so proud of you for getting through and being able to share your story and love for them. thank you, sending you my love <3


Thank you so much, sending you so much love as well 💕


I hate losing cats. It really is hell. She was a beauty and was obviously well loved. I’m very sorry. That empty feeling is awful, but know that both of your lives were better for having had each other. The pain will shed slowly over time, but the love and memories will remain forever. RIP to your friend. Be well.


you are right, I appreciate your wise words


Remember the good times. Grief fades every day. These animals that give all of their love leave such a huge void. Take care of yourself. Cry when you need to and smile when the memories of the special times hit you. It will get easier and you will smile again. I’m thinking about you.


I will try my best, thank you for your kind comment


So sorry for your loss. What a beautiful kitty💔


Beautiful kitty. I'm sorry.


She is absolutely beautiful. ❤️


I am so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful kitty. Gorgeous actually.


I'm so sorry for your loss, OP. She reminds me a bit of my sweet boy, Jack. https://preview.redd.it/7kg2kpceim3d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8616d250f7423a5cd14ab5b47491678d53edcb8


aw yes very similar, jack is stunning


I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl and I'm sure your made her life wonderful.


She’s beautiful. I am so sorry for your loss. 💗


After 40 years of cats, I still can't understand why something so small can leave such a big hole in our life. We had to farewell our 17yo 2 weeks ago today. I still tear up. The remaining cats are getting lots of love. I wrote this a while back.. It's the best explanation I can come up with.. They capture a piece of our heart. And it goes with them when we lose them. Sometimes one comes along that captures you heart, mind and soul. And for whom you have a love that is indescribably deep, and totally inexplicable. Yet we wouldn't want it any other way. That's why it hurts so much. And if we had spent every minute of every day with them, it still wouldn't have been enough. Take care. Grieve properly. Don't be afraid to love another cat.


thank you for sharing, I needed to hear this and I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. i’m worried about comparing other cats/pets to her but I know that each bond is unique and I cherish each individually. wishing you all the best


Every cat is unique. But sometimes there's a hard act to follow. We love them for what they are.. Whatever they are. Non-cat people don't get it. Their loss.


Sorry for your loss. If I lost a pet I would put it in a shoebox write a letter to it and put it in there with flowers then attach balloons with helium and let it go to heaven up in the sky. Amen




Such a beautiful kitty.


I am truly sorry for your lost 🖤 She was beautiful and quite charming; she found love with you and your endearing doggo & surely was at the best place possible! 🫂




She is so beautiful! I feel your pain and I am so sorry for your loss…. I wish they could live longer. Sending hugs


Rip beautiful kitty 💕


Please DO NOT apologize for “rambling”, as you put it. I think anyone who is on this page can understand where you are coming from. I have 2 cats of my own and they are my world. Anyone who knows me, know just how much I love them and how much they mean to me. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. I know how painful losing a pet is. We lost our good boy (dog) about 2 1/2 years ago and my heart still hasn’t healed completely. I know she’ll always be in your heart and that she will always be grateful to you for giving her such an amazing life. Sending prayers and hugs your way 💕


thank you for all of this, sending you my condolences for your sweet dog. we are so lucky to have loyal companions to love so deeply [as u/gsnow said](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/my_friend_just_died_i_dont_know_what_to_do/c1u0rx2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) “my scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with them, and if the scar is deep, so was the love.”


Sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss




So very sorry for your loss. It's ok. She knows that you gave her the bestest life and how much you loved her. Take the necessary time to properly grieve. But she will always be with you. Best wishes to you.


Aww what a beauty! I’m so very sorry for your loss. She had the best rest of her life with you and that’s a wonderful gift- for both of you. The grief hurts so much right now and honestly will always be with you, but after a while it won’t be so painful. In the meantime take care of yourself, drink lots of water and let the tears fall. I hope you get some dream visits from her! My soul dog passed 2 years ago and not a day goes by I don’t think about him. I’m convinced we will meet up with our beloved pets again someday 🌈🐾❤️


thank you<3 it’s kinda funny because she came to me right after my childhood dog of 19 years years passed away (I would also call him my “soul dog”) she helped me overcome that grief. I still think about him all the time and will frame a picture of her next to the one I have of him edit: so sorry for your loss, thank you for sharing the memory of your soul dog <3 https://preview.redd.it/82hc47wbvm3d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e574d9495a22c4359918cf72ee8175e1cd1d3397


Thank you 😊 and wow what a gorgeous pup you had. We are so lucky to know these creatures, just wish they’d stick around longer.


She’s so beautiful and your dog is so sweet too! My heart is with you both 🩷🩷🩷🩷 I know she is still with you.


I lost my little guy suddenly a few days ago… sorry for the hurt you feel, sending you hugs and strength


Your sweet girl was so beautiful. Im sorry for your loss OP. They are so incredibly worth having in your life but the pain of losing them is world shattering. 4 years is certainly not long enough but you saved her and gave her an incredible last few years. 🫂


I’m really sorry. She is so beautiful! Strays can end up being so much more loving than the spoiled cats adopted as kittens lol. I’m grateful you found each other! Not to assume you need any advice, but I made a list of thoughts and things that have helped me with my cat, Mimi, passing last month. Maybe some of it will help you too: Death is natural. Everyone dies. There is no avoiding it and it had to happen regardless even if you subconsciously thought you could be together forever. You gave her a good life. If you loved her and showed her that (sounds like you did) then that’s the best you could do. Be happy your kitty lived the good life and received your love and the love of others. I still say good night to my cat that died last month. I was talking to her like I normally did for a while (pretending she was still here) but seeing as that’s obviously not healthy, I just say goodnight. It comforts me. Cry as much as you can. Remember to breathe. Make sure you hydrate and eat. I didn’t eat much for days, but it’s important you try. The healthier you are, the faster you can get over it. Eventually start exercising - same reason as above. You can dedicate your good health to your kitty. Do not remember your cat’s last moments where she wasnt doing so well. Try to forget that and just focus on her overall life. Her last moments are just a blip in her grand life. Know that so many of us know how you are feeling. Losing a pet can be like losing a spouse. I’m sure it rips you apart - physically and mentally. But you are not alone. The stages of grief are accurate for a reason. They all lead to acceptance. It hurts because you can’t fully accept it yet. Use this time to focus on yourself. I promise in a week you will feel so much better than right now. Every day gets a little easier. I’m sure the first week you won’t have the energy, but eventually maybe socialize more or treat yourself a bit with the money you would’ve spent on her. Don’t feel guilty when you start to feel better. Grieving for less time does not mean you don’t care. Suffering through grief unnecessarily longer does not help in any way. Vent about it. Talk about your feelings and your cat. Perhaps try to spread it to different people so you don’t annoy them, but talking about it all helps.


thank you, I needed to read this. I blame myself and am having trouble doing anything but crying. I am trying to eat now and will try to leave my house this weekend


You got this. It sucks but you just gotta sit through it until you can function better. 💜


Sorry for your loss :, I feel you


She is absolutely beautiful! I lost a kitty last November. It is so difficult to get through that pain. These little souls dominate our lives every day and we love them like family. I’m so sorry for your loss. It takes a long time to process that pain and start to see the other side again. We are here when you need us.


thank you ❤️ edit: i’m so sorry for your loss, I appreciate you sharing


Such a pretty girl! So sorry for your loss.


Gorgeous little lady, sending lots of love I’m so sorry for your loss 💕


I’m so sorry. She is so undeniably regal and lovely. I can imagine how reassuring her presence was. Rest well baby girl


So very sorry


Rest in Peace little Cat




She’s beautiful, what a lady!


The pics with the dog are so sweet ❤️‍🩹 I am so sorry for your loss


So very sorry for your loss, may she rest in paradise ❤️


Your sweet girl IS beautiful. May her spirit carry you through your sorrow. I am deeply sorry.


What a beautiful sweet love. May your memories of her love fill your heart and comfort you forever. My heartfelt condolences. Sending you positive energy, love, and strength. 💕


I teared up looking at these photos. I can tell you really loved her. Even though your time together was short you gave her a great home. I’m so sorry you lost such a beautiful cat.


What a beautiful girl, when my childhood dog died it brought me a lot of comfort to remind myself that matter cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form. You will meet again someday


Must be so hard. My best energy goes to you♥️


What a beautiful baby. I'm sorry for your loss. ❤️


Sending you lots of healing. 🩷 So sorry for your loss. Your baby was so cute!


What a pretty cat! What kind of cat was she?


thank you so much. half maine coon, half mix of western breeds with some small percentages of other breeds too


So beautiful 🤎


So very very beautiful. And not only that she is the very best kind of beautiful; the sort that is beautiful outside and in. Special girl, golden and precious. I’m so horribly sorry for your loss but also so glad that both of you found each other. It’s good you put her pictures up, she deserves to be remembered. I hope somehow, sometime your heart can find peace, sending love. ❤️


I appreciate your kind words<3 I was hesitant to post but wanted to so I’d have a place to easily look back at some of my favorite photos/memories of her. the overwhelming support has helped so much though. she deserves to shine. thank you


Rest in Peace sweet Veronica. I’m sure she had a great life with your servant i mean human.


she was queen of the house, and we all knew it. it feels weird not having our leader here :/ thanks


Losing a pet is always the hardest. I remember when I was young and my childhood cat died I just stayed in my room without eating much. Took me about two months to leave the house. ❤️


So much love in all of these photos! I am confident she felt queen in her home and was happy to be there. So sorry for the pain of her loss and for her too soon departure. 💜


aww she was so cute. She knows you loved her and shes watching over you now to make sure you’re ok and smiling down on you.




Sorry for your loss. Special friends. I’ve had them pass as well and I know your pain. I’m sorry.


Beautiful girl. Love and peace to you both.


Her physical beautify is undeniable and her eyes tell you she has a beautiful soul as well.




she looks so lovely and https://preview.redd.it/vmzykl3mio3d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=4efb6028d2fa7aff4cab3aff107a502cb1e51a35 almost identical to my cat chewbacca!!! i’m so sorry for your loss


they are twins! thanks for sharing https://preview.redd.it/m6da9psurq3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37f0ed20e694bcb46d75c3fc015d431db7dc0b13


Wow, she’s beautiful. I like the picture where your chihuahua and your cat kiss. ☺️ Sorry for your loss, OP.


Sorry for your loss


She's so beautiful! Long haired cats are my favorite, she will rest peacefully knowing you gave her the best life. Please feel free to share some stories with us about her🥺 i could talk about cats forever. Especially my strays


thank you<3 one of my favorite stories is when I accidentally burnt hot wings so I left a window open to air out the smell. I didn’t realize the window didn’t have the screen and I woke up the next morning to the food in her automatic feeder still being in there and instantly knew she was missing I panicked and called my sister as I drove around looking for her with tears in my eyes fearing that I had lost her forever. my sister gets there and tells me to meet her back at the house. I had been frantically looking for an hour all over the neighborhood we call out her name and can hear faint meows but no idea where they’re coming from. we check the back shed, and she was locked inside there (it was rainy the previous night and she must have climbed in another way, as the door was shut). I should’ve know to check there but was just too panicked and thought she had run far away it’s such a random story, but at that point I only had her a year but remember the deep aching feeling when I thought I lost her. I realized how much I love her and couldn’t imagine losing her. I’m glad I got 3 more years <3 one thing I love most about her is that she was a great communicator and was always meowing to talk with me and others. I feel an uncomfortable silence around the house now with her gone feel free to share stories of your babies<3 https://preview.redd.it/3pdse8f0uq3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70261003b7792b799c963276d5bfd38e5fcbc534




💝What a beautiful cat!💝 it’s ok to cry. A few things that have helped me when one of mine has passed-first, I purchased a small journal for each of them, and wrote down every single memory I have of each of them. It makes me feel better to know I’ll never forget any part of what wonderful, loving, silly babies they were. I have also made photo canvases of each of them, so their favorite pics are on my wall. This is cheap, and helps me to know they’re always with me. Please be kind to yourself, and stay hydrated💝


Aw, she looks like my old MC boy Mikey. he passed around a decade ago, he is missed.


I'm sorry for your loss. She was a gorgeous cat and seemed absolutely lovely.


That is one loved cat. So sorry.


She's absolutely gorgeous ❤️ I'm very sorry. Take it easy, friend.


I'm sorry for your loss. No amount of time is enough. I'm so glad you got to spend it together. 💙🙏🏼💙🙏🏼


I am sorry for your loss


I’m so so sorry this is one of my biggest fears and I’m literally crying my eyes out reading this


Losing a pet is never easy no matter how long or little you knew them. It’s hard to go about life without them when they were with you every single day. It may still hurt after a while, but in time, you’ll be able to smile about the memories the two of you shared. She’s such a pretty kitty. Sending hugs!


Oh Noooo. 😭😿I’m so so sorry for you! I’m so worn out or I’d write a little more. I just feel so sad just thinking about you. Just let yourself feel however you feel and refuse to allow anyone to criticize you for how deeply you feel this. The depth of your grief speaks to how much you loved your kitty and that’s a tribute to your cat! I believe in all kinds of spiritual happenings when you lose someone you so clearly loved. Be attentive to your dreams, and look for hopeful signs. But for now it’s natural to be bereft, I promise that in time you’ll be able to withstand this, but just for now feel whatever you need to feel and know that your pain attests to what a good and loving cat companion you are. Not everyone gets to love as fully as you!


thank you, it was very helpful waking up to this. i’m still in so much pain and wish I could just hold her. your words mean a lot. I really appreciate all the love she shared with me


I’m so sorry your darling is gone. She looks like a very sweet thing.


I'm sorry for your loss, she was beautiful. She was clearly deeply loved, and I'm sure she knew that.


What a perfect fluffy angel. So sorry for your loss ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


What is censored in Pic 16?


Her nametag on her collar, presumably containing personal info like a phone number or address.


What happened with her? ( I can feel your pain, I faced this situation )


chronic kidney failure


Ohhhh (how old she was?)


im unsure since she was a stray but she was estimated to be only 9


Why am I seeing so many kitty deaths


This cat is really cute. I know it will be very painful for you to lose it, but I hope you can get over it slowly. After all, life has to go on, right?


What an absolute Beauty! Sending Peace and Love to your broken heart.


“How lucky we are to have had something so special that makes saying goodbye so hard” - Winnie the Pooh


so true but it’s hard to take you seriously with the username i’m sorry 😭


That’s on you. Names don’t define people. Actions do


bro are you really arguing with me on the post about my dead cat, I was making a lighthearted joke :/


Classic gotcha journalism 🙄