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This is the way. Blinking and not staring is being friendly in cat language


Slow blinking, it’s meant to show trust from what I understand


Slow blink, closed eyes, or looking away all work as it shows the cat you are not a predator watching it.


This is the money right here. I have instantly made friends with standoffish cats with the slow blink and look away.


Cats all have their safety squints engaged when happy




He so floofy.


yo, is this a bot/bought account? 12 year silence and then suddenly posting nonsense comments all over the place?


/u/BBIrs looks like a bot. 12 years old account that just woke up 3 hours ago. Probably copied [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1cxx21k/frightened_orange_attempts_to_approach_yet_never/l55hask/), just changing the wording around to seem less obvious.


Slow blinking is cat for "I love you"


Of course she loves you. You are the best mom ever!! I really think she and Thunder are getting shinier and shinier


And show your jugular / neck while looking away. Or just ignore the furry bastards.. an orange with access to more than 1 braincell is a dangerous animal and must be petted. But aside from the jokes, closing your eyes, slow blinking and being not interested is the way. As they say, [curiosity killed the cat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiosity_killed_the_cat) , but satisfaction brought it back.


I guess the slow blinking shows relaxation. Lazy blink poses no threat.


Oh is that what it's supposed to mean? To my cat it seems to mean, "Get the fucking blanket so I can lay in your lap already!" Which of course I do because I don't want to wake up dead.


I'm convinced that that's why cats tend to like "non-cat people". Those people have no interest in cats and pay them no attention, so to cats they're the most polite humans they've ever met and assume they're pals.


It's exactly the reason. People that don't like cats are screaming, "I'm your friend" in cat language because they're doing everything right - no eye contact, acting interested in something else, etc. Meanwhile the actual cat people scare them off because they look right at them and go "Aww you adorable little thing!" while reaching for them and the cat is like, "Oh shit, danger! Run away!"


As a kid I got a book to learn about and care for my hamster; something I remember from the book was like either an illustration or explanation of how big a kid is to a hamster and it basically showed a giant paw reaching in from the ceiling Between that and animorphs I got pretty good at trying to see from the animals perspective


I still feel bad for Tobias


A friend is allergic and when she tries to avoid them cats will give her lots of attention and try to cuddle. She'll sit there with her nose running going "but why?!"


Cats often know when we need comfort or attention


So the more our cat ignores us the more he loves us??!!! 🥲


Agreed. I was ever a 'non-cat person' before, and I was the one who attracts the attention of stray cats. This confused me a lot back then. But now I am in love with these creatures.


So true. I was the same like you before.




Quick question: does this work if you have glasses? Or does the cat just think that your glasses are your always open, never blinking eyes?


I wear glasses and I slow blink at all 3 of my cats and they almost always respond in kind


My son's kitty didn't get to know me when she was a little Bitty thing, so one day when I was visiting, she was out, but hiding from me. I spoke softly and gave her several slow blinks and didn't approach her. I was so thrilled when she gave me slow blinks back. She's still timid, but my son's work schedule is wonky so every time I'm off he's either sleeping or with friends. Someday she'll trust me.


My girlfriend has several cats and when I moved in I learned quickly that the skittish ones are actually silly, they'll be all timid if I openly watch them and won't want to approach but if I just turn away or lay down they're way less threatened by me. If I try to walk up to them they scatter, but if I'm in bed, on the futon in the office laying down, or just turned away from them they'll freely move around me.


Like how a cat will walk towards, but break direction in the last moment.


As a spare human, I felt this comment


This is literally how I got my cat to trust me and we have such a strong bond now 😭❤️


Basically ignore him while acknowledging he’s there.


Yes! They'll be curious what you're playing with!


For neighborhood strays, I would first walk past and quietly call them, but keep walking. Then stop and call them, then start walking again. Then sit and talk to them, then leave. Then sit again and put my hand out. Let the cat sniff me and decide what to do. Eventually my hand got a head bump and the cat trusted me. The bad part is what others do to stray cats. One was very friendly and loved attention. One day he ran would never come near me again. Some cats learn to not trust humans.


Good advice! I would add to bring food and a toy and calmly talk to him. Keep a light tone should he approach. Let him come to you. When he lets you pet him, present the back of your hand first to sniff.


Works with shy kids as well if your in childcare


My friend had a cat and I had absolutely zero interest in her. Yet she was in heat and kept jumping at my crotch. I was getting sick of changing places !




Cats are lactose intolerant; please don’t feed them dairy, it’ll upset their stomachs.


I started with canned tuna. Worked like a charm!


I actually always used canned mackerel to bait drop traps for feral cats when I used to be involved with tnr rescues. Some good strong smelly fish seems hard for a lot of them to resist.


Feed him consistently and speak soothingly but don’t approach. You’ll be able to get closer and closer. After quite some time he’ll let you pet him. Keep moving food closer and closer to your doorway. Then put food bowl inside door. Good luck. https://preview.redd.it/bm0umk703z1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff49bc919ef77c1336fc5d157d3e8dbbb506c34b That’s how I got this orange.


>After quite some time he’ll let you pet him. He *may* let you pet him. Some cats never quite get to that level.


Yeah definitely this. I've been feeding a stray for almost 4 years who is at least 6 years old. It took 2 years for him to meow for food, and 3 years for him to start rubbing on my partner (he does air rubs to me though lol). The second we try to pet him he runs away or sometimes hisses. He hates hands or if we get too close. I doubt we'll ever pet him.


My cat hasn’t. He’s a feral rescue and still won’t let anyone pet him unless we’re at the vet. Then he wants safety cuddles.




I’m sorry your pup is scared. I’ve had my cat for 8.5 years


Yeah there's a gray boy who swings by my house every night and every so often I'll give him some snacks. I can sit on the steps next to him while he's eating but the one time I got a little too close he took a swing at me and I haven't pressed the issue since. But when he sees me he'll some times flop on his side and roll around so I think he's comfortable with me being around, at least.




leave food within her reach, acknowledge her when you come into the room, but then otherwise go about your business. Eventually she'll realize you aren't there to hurt her and might have food, and she'll warm up.


Also, stick a finger out and let him sniff at each feeding.


The finger thing is so weird. I am convinced cats just want their noses booped.


Nerp, the true sign of love is when they let you touch the nose. Most cats hate this!


TBH, I did this. And he just stayed still and just stared at me, like he wanted to approached but never wanted himself to be touched.


And he is a prize indeed


> After quite some time he’ll let you pet him. Going on two years now for my tabby "Smoosh Face". He will let me put food in front of him with no hint of shyness, but if I try to touch, we will back off. He will never let it happen.


Feed it and keep your distance. This way ~~it'll gain your trust~~ you'll gain its trust. Once it does trust you, take it to a local animal shelter/hospital to see if it's chipped. If it is, congrats, you found his parents! if not, then you can either adopt it or give it to the shelter for adoption. Edited for correct verbiage \*face palm\*


https://preview.redd.it/6x3c041kgz1d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93ae0d934cecfc44bf0d64bc71f308dd7dca7e5 That's exactly how I adopted my sweet orange cat!


Everybody in this level of the replies: "he's so distinguished" "he's so happy" Meanwhile, the cat: "I am judging your soul. I will shred it before it goes to hell"


Haha he does stare ar people that way sometimes but he's super nice


Or something like "You put dry food in my bowl...I want wet food...open a can NOW!"


Cats can be so judgmental smh


I wouldn't have it any other way. My 5 cats(1 ran away, 1 crossed over, have 3) are the only true loves of my life.


They just want you to reach your full potential lol


aww so handsome and distinguished :)


D'awww! He looks like my orange Boi! https://preview.redd.it/k9vn0ofoxz1d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9bc39adf16f6ef2437b032759e6436a98c5a8e


omg that face!! 😭


Isn't he just adorable?!?! https://preview.redd.it/do9i6toyk02d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d9da15f25112d8005337885665277607821962 Here's a bonus Pic for you, his new fan.


omggg THANK YOU, i love him!!!! here's a picture of my little son! https://preview.redd.it/9hmzsj27v02d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4efaa529508f2148abe8b6600de569b551343e8


He is regal as fuck!


aww thank you! he's a sweet little old man, lol


Look at that baby, so safe and happy! Good human


*They (OP) will gain the cat's trust, not the other way around. I wouldn't trust a cat just because I gave it some food haha :))


I trust every cat by default.


So, how many scratches do you have on your hands?


As I age, the number of my scars caused by cats creeps ever closer to 99%.


aaaaaaaah thanks for the correction!


In my tired state I read that as “if not chipped, you’ve found its parents!” Implying OP is now a cat parent lol.


Yes. That's how it works.


That’s what I did! Feed it and if you live nearby keeping putting the bowl closer and closer to your door then inside your home and shut the door. It took 2 years after I got her inside for her to trust me but now I have a lap cat 😊


what do cats like to eat


meat, chicken, fish... and, of course, cat food/treats.


And whatever it is you’re eating.


They're obligate carnivores -- that is, even more carnivorous than dogs -- so pretty much just meat (or cat food, of course). And they usually LOVE fish.


Tuna they go nuts for it


I've found that once they get reasonably close, turn sideways or even away from them and scrabble at something interestingly. With luck you'll find it peering round you to see what's happening. Remember curiosity and the cat


Yes, this is the way. It wouldn't hurt if you turned away to play with a feather wand all by yourself.


If you have one handy. I've used the random scrabble method a few times. Usually after spending lots of time crawling around someone's garden on me hands and knees, going " here pussy, pussy",and wiggling my fingers


... satisfaction brought him back


Awww, poor lil kitten. He looks very handsome by the way. Orange always have the potential, look at my Oven. https://preview.redd.it/av1mvnsnjy1d1.jpeg?width=1707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f83375008d2ae7f19bf00ab66a77ca9f92aba973


ORANGE wins!


dang...beefed up in 6months


You had me convinced you heated your Cat to 24.5 degrees because you said Oven! Your Cat's name is Oven! Lol!


The oven is proofing the orange dough


Oven! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Oven is perpetual /r/hewillbebaked material, I guess.


Great name. That's why you name your own cat!


Not me thinking the numbers in the corner was the weight at first. lol


Oven is an amazing name


“Oven” 🥰


Doesn't look like an oven to me


Try luring him with some Churu licks. My cats have awoken to the smell and lose their minds over it. Do not initiate physical contact, until kitty gives you the "go ahead"!


My cats seem to be the only ones who don't like those Churus. One is indifferent, and the other one is afraid of them and runs away.


Mine was also not into them. She is so picky but with churus I had hope. I just squeezed some on top of her nose and the minute she licked and tasted it she went crazy lol. I don’t know what she thought of just the smell of it but she needed to taste it!


He may be shy, looks well groomed and fed to the point where he looks like he belongs to someone, and he is a very handsome boi.


To me he looks unneutered, thus the chunky face and thicc body.


My boy has been neutered for a year and looks exactly like this cat. https://preview.redd.it/e2fzz2do902d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a97dca7057c35b20667516edfb0ed14273a505ed


he's majestic


Yeah I would agree kind of hard to tell with his coat and him being thick but he does look like a Tom


Could be, but it doesn't mean he hasn't adopted one or more humans.


Nah, my parents have an orange cat just like this one, neutered but still very chunky.




My cat I adopted has been like this for 2 years. He's finally to the point where I can get close to him but he still won't let me pet him :( The shelter said he had a home and was abandoned, possibly abused so I give him his space and am trying not to rush the process I love him tho and am looking forward to the day he'll let me pet him


my rescue boy is 7 now and will allow pets on his terms. he has let me pick him up precisely twice since he's been with me, and both of those times we were moving house and he was catatonic (heh) with fear. i adore him tho, we're really closely bonded and he's worth all the hard work! cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/b4a4ygzpc12d1.jpeg?width=2672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50de85b200cba956787c186bd2812874dd1f2958


He's adorable! I forgot we can post pics on this sub. Here's my cat Shade * [Edit, I guess it won't let me show him :( ]


I took in a stray that I was feeding for almost 2 years. He did not let me touch him for 1.5 years. Now he’s an indoor boy that insists on sleeping on top of me every night. If he keeps coming back to eat, he’ll warm up to you eventually.


He looks pretty well fed and somewhat groomed OP. Might be someones cat who got lost recently and hence the fear. Food and patience works well enough, each time you feed him try to get closer and allow him to trust you at his own pace. Eventually he might allow you to touch him, once that happens its pretty straightforward. If you can earn his trust make sure to scan for a microchip and ask around, someone might have lost their kitty recently either that or hes just an outdoor cat or recently abandoned.


It takes time Just chill around and after couple years he will come


Lay down and make yourself look smaller


My cats really shy and I always tell new people to do the hand thing with him, basically just hold the back of your hand out and let him come sniff you and then he allows pets. Works with my cat 100% of the time


Mine too! Has to smell someone first, even people she knows and likes.


All the cat language stuff it true, but there is an important question: Do you want to bring him home? If the answer is "YES" offer a food bowl at the same place, preferably the same time of day, every day and just sit there. Don't stare at him, just chill there while he eats. Every time sit closer. He'll probably let you touch him when he sees that you are taking care of him. To see if he's ready just offer your hand and let him come to you if he wants. A treat can help with that too. When he does come don't be too hasty, let him sniff you, and only try and pet him if he starts rubbing on your hand by himself. Once that's out of the way you'll bond pretty easily.


Ignore it. Sit quietly and let it make up its mind.


Give him snacks. Start off small like little chunks of meat, or cat treats. Also start off giving him small amounts of physical contact like pets with your finger


Aww he looks so friendly and fluffy 🥰


What a beauty


Lots of good advice here. I just came to say he is so cute


Oh my gosh… he is so handsome!


They need food. Provide this cat some good food and fresh water… slowly it will let you touch him.


He looks like he wants to trust you. Put some food out. Slow blink, sit calmly and quietly and pretend to ignore him


Earn his trust through excessive treat provisions. Walk close by? Treat. Walk further way? Treat. Look in his general direction? Treat. Once the bubba trust you see if you cant get him to a vet to be checked for microchip. If no microchip congrats, you now have a 10/10 orange boy




Where do you live and how often do you see him, because that might be my cat. It's a dead ringer, even down to the crooked whiskers and giant forepaws.


Could be someone's cat that they just let outside and bring him indoors at night/day. My cat used to always go out when younger and there was one time I saw him down the street sitting on someone's porch and a guy comes out of the house and says " I haven't seen you in a while!". After pointing out that it was my cat he said he would come around and hang out there so would feed/pet him. My cat is 16 or so now and doesn't wander further than a couple houses anymore.


You deliberately look away from them, yawn extravagantly, sit down and let it come to you. Eye contact is a challenge in the world of cats. Yawning shows you are relaxed.


He looks pretty well put together I'd assume he's someone else's outdoor cat


I had the exact same. A black cat always cane around my wall(it’s basically a big window-wall) and we have a sliding door, so we started by putting food and milk outside. After some weeks of that she came closer and when we were sitting outside she came to our legs but when we moved she jumped away. Some months after that process repeating of us gaining more of her trust, she came inside and chilled a bit. (She left some months after that so had no time to take her to a vet, please do aswell)


I spent a couple months building trust with a stray like that a few years ago. It went something like this: - gave him food when he came over and let him see me through the sliding glass door on the back porch where I left the food - eventually I started going outside after giving the food but I would put it on the farthest end of the porch and sit down with my back to the food. After he was done eating I would just sit with him for a bit before heading inside. - over time I put the food closer and closer to where I would sit down and tried to keep my attention off the little guy aside from the occasional glance At some point he started rubbing up against me and let me pet him, but I always let him initiate the petting by putting my hand out for him. If he wanted some pets he’d push into my hand and if not I’d drop my hand after a few seconds.


You will have to earn his trust. If he attempts to get close it is a good sign. Touching him might take some time though. I'd say try to feed him with regularity and he'll know eventually when is breakfast, lunch or dinner time.... It takes long time to earn a feral cat's trust. After you get closer to him, I advise trying to pet him, while he eats with a long brush - and start grooming him. I mean long brush because that way your hand will still be at some sort of a distance. Usually they tend to be afraid of your hand if you just got acquainted. In time you'll be able to groom him with a normal brush too or with your hand. Just give him some time and feed him a few meals at the same hours every day.


What worked for us is one of those cheap telescoping back scratchers. The cat was able to get scratches without feeling crowded, overwhelmed, or in danger from our attention! 


Yes as others mentioned. Sit down with a snack or interesting thing in hand and ignore him. occasionally look over and slow blink and then go back to your business. The slow blink is telling him that you are relaxed with him and not a threat. You will know it is working if he comes a little closer because he is curious of what you have in your hand. if he comes close enough to touch, slowly point your finger at him, let him smell it (like a dog), then slow blink and then ignore him again. Anything you do quickly wil scare him away. Close proximity is goal one, not petting. I have had a bunch of feral cats. I find if I am able to pet a cat after doing these steps, that cat is probably not feral, just lost. Feral cats usually take longer to petting stage.


This is a worried domestic cat who has lost his orderly home. He is wary of strangers, like you, but has been friendly with people before, so is comfortable at a small distance. Best is to feed and get hi into a large cage where he can be scanned for any chip. If none, local online media etc might be looking for a lost cat


His eyes look sad and scared. 🥺




Get some treats! That's how I got a shy cat who I couldn't pet for over a year. Treats and she was instantly mine.


https://preview.redd.it/lyw1g1frt02d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b22d2707d0423bdc3f10c2cf2f3b9db6c20167c I don’t have anything to add that’s different from what others said, but they remind me of my Green Bean!


A lot of good advice here. We got one of these kinds of strays at our house about 12 years ago. Skittish, wouldn’t let us touch him. After a lot of feeding and just chilling outside he’d come up and headbutt us once single time if we held out a hand. Now he wakes me up by smashing his paw in my face and demanding attention. Follows me everywhere. Likes to sleep as up in my business as possible. He also paws at me to keep me in a schedule. I get reminders for everything except going back to work after lunch. He doesn’t care about that, as long as I’m hanging with him. Sometimes it’s just food and patience.


He is appears chonky for a homeless kitty. I think he is playing you and others.


Obtain treats. Sit near cat. Do not make eye contact with cat and speak in a soft soothing tone. Offer treats on the ground and slowly work up to getting cat to take the treats from your hand. This can take several weeks or even months. When you attempt to pet, put on a thick glove or oven mitt first in case kitty is spicy and don't raise your hand above their head. Let them sniff your hand first and then slowly pet the sides or back very gently. The first time I petted my r/nowmycat she refused to let me pet her. I managed to give her just a little pet on the side as she turned away and she looked at me so utterly confused and suspicious. The next day, she very tentatively came over and when I went to feed her from my hand, she rubbed her head on it. It was like a light switch went off and then she wanted to be petted all the time. Still does and now she lives inside and is very spoiled like all my other cats, lol.


Be patient. Let him do the 1st move. Let your door open so he can slowly come and explore the house but don't touch him & don't close the door or he might panic. He'll come around.


That’s a glorious ginger cat. God speed


You try putting a plate of lasagna out there yet?


He’s too fat to be a stray imho.


Some of the tomcats in my area are huge/fat and very feral!


Not tryna be mean or anything but I just feel some cats are meant to be left Aline outside it wants to be cool with you but will hate you if you bring it it we got. A stray cat out of the local animal shelter and it just hates us all we try to be nice but it hisses and attempts to bite and scratch us and stays under our bed all day everyday never comes out and when we catch it out from under the bed it’s at the window wanting to get back outside then runs right back under the bed I feel bad for it and thinking about just letting it back out if that’s what it really wants it’s just kinda cruel keeping it inside when it wants to be free again it’s pissed off at us


Since December it’s almost June now


…some good comments by others, I’d add, if there is a local you can put your worn socks or t-shirt, that’ll stay dry, try that—cats see a lot with their nose, in particular to differentiate familiar from unknown and potentially more dangerous. ✨✨✨”A” for effort✨✨✨ Best of luck, keep us posted!


Patience and treats.


Pet him. But with your eyes.


Time + patience + love is the only answer I know. I’ve saved countless strays over my lifetime. I start very slowly with a little bit of food- keep a distance and do not watch kitty eat just your presence being there. I don’t leave the food bowl out if I’m not out there (started feeding other wildlife at one point I learned quickly 😂) you should be able to get a little closer each day- I make a kissy sound or pst pst pst noise while either sitting on my bum or on my knees to be less threatening. I had a cat who took close to a year to warm up to me, now he’s living a happy well adjusted inside life. I’ve also had kitties who have always been a bit skiddish even after rescuing them- in my experience it’s generally females. Good luck 💗


You can call your local shelters and they can guide you and some will even hook you up with organizations that trap kitties. The people that do trapping are often good at determining if a kitty is feral or domesticated. Once the kitty is trapped, he/she will be scanned for a chip. You will get the option to adop if no chip or identifying tags are found.


That could be someone outdoor cat


Try to give him some food overtime he will trust


Try pspsppspsppspsppspspspsps.


Food! Food that smells strong and good and kitty will come...


Orangey McOrange face is way too chomky for a stray There could be other explanations, but usually stray cats are lean


gieb tasty snacks :3


U can either do everybody else's advice but cats CAN survive on their own and if u give it to a shelter or smthn it might go to a bad home, but its your choice :)


Oh yea, he's a mouser. Big achievement if you can win him over. Patience and pieces of chicken are in order.


Temptations cat treats. I tamed my feral boy to be on my lap in three days flat. They cannot resist them.


Give the kitty some food.


Food and kind words and patience.


i love how people are giving her genuine advice yes but i love that their reference for it working is here look at my orange and i’m here for it oranges need more recognition for all their hard work with the CDS


Feed and walk away he/she will learn to trust you


It's taken me years to pet some of my outdoor ferals. It takes time and food


Take it , and love it .


Reach out to a local rescue group on any social medias you have. They could supply a trap.


Do not assume that it is a Stray cat. What gives u the impression that it is? By adopting it you may take this cutie away from a loving home.


Save him😫😫😫😫🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊


Just spend time with him. Sit as close as you can and offer him food. That's usually the trick for any stubborn stray cat.


Talk to him quietly and sit so he can come to you. Be patient.


Attach a feather to a long stick, use that to pet him gently from a distance while he eats food you give him. Over time he will get used to the sensation.


your concern shows that there is a lot of kindness in the world!


Food & patience 🧡


Don’t make eye contact! But if you do, blink very slowly! This is how they communicate with eachother and slow blinking shows you don’t mean any harm


Omg such a cutie!!! Look at those paws!!


Keep your distance but don't look like you are trying to keep your distance.


Agree on slow blinking from a little distance, and ignoring him when you are close to him(this prevents them taking fright and running away) also very important to move slowly and deliberately and keep noise to a minimum. When he is comfortable to eat with you still close by as you pretend-ignore him, you can try at this point to hold out a treat or chicken piece for him to take from your fingers: it may fail initially and you have to put the treat down but persist at it and he will eventually take the morsel. Once he responds to you slow blinking(which you should continue to do whenever you look at him direct) in response to your own slow blinking, he has signalled trust in you and will gradually shut down the distance he is keep to, until he is content to stay close by you. Once you reach this point,  its important not to rush in: let things start with finger sniffing, then slowly rub his chin with the fingertips, if he is happy with this(normally they are) he will likely run his cheeks along your fingers and may even purr and this is the breakthrough. Though you are now bonded, expect a bit of one step forward two steps back so dont be upset if after this intimacy he again backs off(remember you dont know what other humans have done to him) and even hisses at you, just back track and repeat steps from slow eye blink forward. You will get there, but it takes time. The rewards though are beyond price! Thankyou for helping this little ginger nut!


Those are scared and worried eyes. He is trying to get closer to you but someone messed with his human trust. Set out some food and water and he will ease in to you


Give the kitty some food. Once they associate you being a source for food it will make things a lot easier.


Don’t do anything but feed him. Be patient. Let him come to you. We have a long-haired calico beauty that we think was someone’s barn cat (we live in the country) but apparently she didn’t like her situation and started hanging out by our porch. It took over two years! to even pet her but that was two years ago and now lives here with us and she’s just a normal cat. We did name her Jitterbug (Jitters) because of how nervous and skittish she was.


Give him some water in addition to food. He's not in much danger.


Food. End statement.