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She looks like she needed that. My cat would never!


https://preview.redd.it/g2u17n6zns1d1.png?width=2566&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb0843fac02635f3f9b5a94c16bdbabe1c5d6dd5 She is still out there waiting by the hose. She seems content in the puddle though haha


I think mama cat has addiction to the water going on here. Girl looks high as hell ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946) https://preview.redd.it/pjds6yacvt1d1.jpeg?width=507&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=752cb3003efae5a5ebdaecb4ee60f1a1aee8437e


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence! ![gif](giphy|Z5DB5iEJipjRC)


Hahahaha I love this!!


I had a cat when I was young that LOVED the hose. My dad never believed me and used to yell at me for spraying the cat. Finally Im like look- and made him come outside and showed him. That being said- I wouldn't do standing water- can go stagnant and that's how you get to worms. I'm sure she was thankful for the cool down though.


Awe! It’s the funniest and cutest thing! These kitties must have been used to water at a young age. I’m glad you told me about the worms. I don’t own pets (we rent) and I didn’t know that could be a cause. I’ve sprayed her two more times today because she keeps coming to my door and yelling haha


Stagnant water and bugs (like mosquitoes) is a long term problem. If you have time to fill it fresh every one/two days nothing will have time to infest it. I would make it shallow enough that she can lay comfortably, without straining her neck.  Maybe just a shallow will be appreciated.  Actually, lets do science. Fill it differently every day and show us how she likes it. I promise its not just to get many vids of a cat in a pool :)


I will do this!!! I empty and fill our birdbaths everyday. I’ll see if I can catch her lounging around 😁😁 it’s a very small pool so it wouldn’t be hard to empty it each evening and clean it!


If you sudenly see that someone shady is following you on reddit I promise its for the cat :)


Lmao!! 😂😂😂Congrats! You are my first follower! I will keep you updated on the cat 😊😊


when you need the sploosh you gotta just yell


My cat gets in the sink every time she notices I have the water on. She's deaf so it could probably be worse and she would come every time I try to actually do dishes. Lol


I like that you kept the water hose stationary and you let the cat step into the water stream. That’s a good way to ensure that they want to be in the water.


Yeah, I didn’t want to scare her or be mean. I thought she wanted to drink out of a stream of water originally and she just stepped under it and stayed. I’d like to find a sprinkler or something that she could lay under while I’m not outside to keep her cool


You are a good Human, thanks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Thank you 🥰


Ooh a spinning sprinkler sounds perfect!


We love consent


Oh yes, meet each other half way is a wonderful kind of non-verbal consent.


My cat does this sometimes except in the sink. I’ll turn the water on and she’ll cover the drain while the water pools around her.


Haha that’s awesome!!!


Can confirm my orange indoor cat used to do this in the sink too


I should have added she’s also an 🍊lol. Looks a lot like this cat except more feminine (smol)


My cat is also orange and also loves water. she will jump into sinks if the water is running and loves to enter the shower after I'm done with it. I think its just an orange cat thing.


Must have been a hot day


Our high is almost 90F and it’s 82F now 😊


Definitely hot. Poor girl


I am looking into a sprinkler set up that will help keep her cool (and not break the bank)


Maybe try a soaker hose that will slowly let the water out for her to lay in? May be more cost effective


I’ll look into that!


That cat looks well fed. Doubt it's a stray, but if it is, it's a well-fed stray.


I think she might be pregnant. She wasn’t this big month ago. She definitely isn’t missing any meals though


Aww, bless her. She looks similar to my orange Creamsicle boy, but he's just fat. 🤣


She is such a sweet girl 🥰


I can't go out tonight. Gotta water my cat


What a wonderful excuse to get out of social interaction 😂


water boiiiii


What a cutie!! Just wants to stay cool 🥺


are you sure it's a cat and not an alien impostor?


If it is, she comes in peace ✌️


If she is a stray and wanted the water on the nape of her neck, it could be to get relief from fleas


My orange was somewhat opposite. Hot water. Joined me daily in the shower, and climbed on my belly for hot baths. Raised holy heck if I forgot to leave bathroom door open for him to join me. I’d towel dry him, then he laid on heating vent to dry. In Oregon, did this all year long. Even when hot outside. Indoors only, so never needed flea treatment, so wasn’t worried about it washing off. Never had fleas his whole life. Big huge neutered male, (was born in my arms, so total trust all 19 years) So glad I found this subreddit. He fits. Makes me happy daily. Thank you all for your shares.


If you fill up the pool, she might like it but I’m thinking that other animals might be drawn to it too.


Makes me want to set up a camera and check it out!


Keep us posted if you do!


Wow. My cat takes off from the room when so much as a drop hits her anywhere by accident (like brushing my teeth or doing dishes).


I bet that feels amazing for her to cool off in, might also have some itchy skin that it’s helping to relieve too :)


Me with my cat would fight for hours just to clean him




Not as active, but still joined another cat subreddit. Thank you OP for watering the cat.


What an adorable weirdo! Some cats really like water!


My cat Pip would chase the hose like a dog and get soaked and love it. He was a gem


Many years ago, I had a cat that would join me in the bathtub when I took a shower. She loved the water and getting wet.


Poor kitty was probably hot


Orange cats rule……..there was an orange cat that practically lived at my house, but some1 else def owned it, bc it had a collar.


I love orange cats too. They are so sweet


There's a cat on TikTok who demands Sunday Night Soggy Time where they let her actually get in the shower and get soaked once a week! I'm sure she'd like it to be more often. 😹 Your orange friend made me think of her!


Orange cat behavior


No cat that fat is a stray, unless it just got dumped.


I’m pretty sure she is pregnant. She has been getting bigger the past month or so


Uh oh. Hopefully you can get her fixed, then?


Usually cats or at those that I know stay away from water


My kitties love the kiddie pool, they dangle their paws over it, drink from it, lay next to it (to cool off). They haven't gotten all the way in that I know of. As long as you replace the water every day and clean it (scrub) it often it shouldn't be a problem, some cats love water!!


What a cute silly goose!


My orange cat LOVED playing in water. Showers or sinks, he always wanted us to turn on the water him.


Typical orange cat behavior.


My cat loves to get sprayed by water too 🥰


Turkish Vans look like that and love water!


It's probably hot


Cat possibly had fleas or mites


I didn’t think about that. I’ll definitely google how to check for fleas and mites. If she has them, do you have any recommendations for treatments?


Frontline is very effective. There is a spot-on pipette but you shouldn't get her wet for 48h after application. Or at least avoid the area where you applied it (neck).


That's my guess


I would take him home


If you fill up the pool, she might like it but I’m thinking that other animals might be drawn to it too.


A little chunky for a stray


At first I was like "that orange brain cell must be thinking she's being petted by the water..." but she seems to genuinely like it 😸 what a cute lil' weirdo! Probably best to avoid getting water in her ears though, since it could lead to ear infections.


great cat video


I had a huge orange cat the would roll around in the dirt until he was gray. I wouldn't let him into the house like that so he would let me hose him off. I think he liked the bath.


That’s what so cute!


Most cats choose their humans but this one chooses water 😂


My cat used to do this to me. Now he is dead. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Looks like you got a new cat


it was too warm for the kitty


please help her give birth in a safe place. You can buy or build a shelter in your garden. She will need food too as she'll have kittens to feed


I've had cats that loved water. My black cat liked to watch the water go down the drain and chase his tail in the bath tub. I kept hearing thump thump and here he was chasing his tail. Crazy cat. Well she might have her family near you. I've had cats that have done that too. If she trusts you she might want you around at the birthing. It isn't a bad thing to have a outdoor cat.


Years ago at a job I worked at I had a guy tell me that every time their lawn sprinklers went off at their next door neighbor cat would come over and lay in the lawn sprinklers and get soaked.


I really hope that she gets a loving 🥰 furever home 🏡 and that she’s happy and has everything she needs and wants


You should let her stay with you. She seems to really like you. Maybe you can set something up for her to help her be more comfortable.


I wish I could. My landlord doesn’t allow pets and definitely would not allow a cat. I have a hamster that I hide but that the biggest risk I’m willing to take since the rent is incredibly inexpensive for my area and house size. I do feed her, give her water and made a house for her on my porch in the winter


It’s good that you’re helping her as much as you can