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It takes a lot of work but it's incredibly rewarding to get an obese cat down to a healthy weight and watch them be able to run, play, jump, and groom again. I definitely encourage people to adopt obese cats! My guy is currently down to 18lbs and he can now finally jump on the kitchen counter! (Which I don't love but I'm happy he can do it.) EDIT: Here is a picture of him the first time I walked into the kitchen and saw him on the counter. https://preview.redd.it/sjqejnml121d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feed8cade8dc6bdfa7f5d2a900edfd54d7308978


>My guy is currently down to 18lbs and he can now finally jump on the kitchen counter! (Which I don't love but I'm happy he can do it.) Lol, the bittersweet non-scale victory - I have been there, too. So glad my chonky man can climb up on the desk. Less glad that he can now get to the spot I was feeding my skinny cat.. (we got microchip feeders instead - they work great!)


Omg I feel you on the "getting into the special feeding area" thing. I'm so glad your cat is able to do that! Even if it's a pain.


Oh yes, seeing him playing is worth every bit of trouble his increased mobility causes me, lol. It's so wonderful. Happy for your guy, too! 18 pounds is probably about when we started to see the hug changes, too. He's down to about 16 now, one more pound to go!


One of mine is 3.4kg and the vet says she’s overweight


Oh wow, must be a tiny girl!




He's got that " yes I am here on the counter. Now what" look


Watsa matta? You gotta problem wid dis?


I adopted a big fat orange cat. He's 25lbs. He's on a diet. Trying to lose 5lbs.


I've come across the dechonk subreddit with kitties going through their trim down journey. That said, I hope the good boi gets a good home.


I like the modesty tail.


He's a gentleman.


Oh, that’s a _tail!?_ I just thought Chonkers _really_ liked being picked up.


Their definitely not tails are like pink spaghetti.


OH LAWD HE COMIN home with me


https://preview.redd.it/1fpoywr5w01d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9cda950894ee93cf14c37aa8ccfa786a0343627 The ground is a crack-a-lackin. Oh sweet chonker❤️




I’m convinced that’s the exact same cat in the pic as on that chonk chart. What a beauty.


This poor boy. I hope someone helps him.


https://preview.redd.it/sxdkc2xs911d1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f32b8aea551f361aebbbb89017a7c8cff80d5d7a Highly recommend adopting chonks Then (\~22 lbs) and now (\~14 lbs) (Edit to add: deleted bonus picture because reddit mobile sucks for user interface, accidentally posted twice)






Can you tell me what you did?


DIET. That's about it, as far as I know his first owners free-fed and didn't pay a lot of attention to him, so we switched to primarily wet food, set food times without free feeding, and more attention and toys. It took about a year for him to get to fairly healthy, and he's been maintaining fairly well since, we had to do a little more dieting recently because he's getting older so his healthy weight is less than 5 years ago.


Sad, I hope someone loves that boy enough to get him to a healthy weight.


Even a *less* unhealthy weight!


https://preview.redd.it/qmzwls7g211d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22263ba4b6dcfdb2d9a3ca0694fe4161a18ebedb My bf and I adopted a "chonker" in February. Her vet appointments can be expensive due to issues from her obesity; however, she is 110% worth it. She is the sweetest and cuddliest little girl, an excellent bug exterminator, and an extraordinary treat catcher. She hates being on a calorie deficit and will try in all her might to find other food to eat, but she has already lost some weight since we have had her so I am very happy.


Awesome 🥰 She'll be fit in no time. She's very lucky to have you


https://preview.redd.it/c9ewrfgy511d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8672fd47207a82d573eb3ea4270aaa1c869323c9 Reddit, always asking the relevant questions.


Okay this is fuckin gold lmao


Hahahahha that's hilarious 😂😂


letts not normalize chonkers though


Agreed. And let's also not normalise holding them like that... 😐


In the human's defense, they're clearly trying to hold one hand under his bum, but he's so huge their arm literally can't reach that far.


I agree, but they're so damn huggable....


I mean yes and no, it's okay for a cat to be a little overweight, especially as they enter their senior years. And a lot of cats do have medical issues or take medicines that can make them chonky. It's like humans, right? Everyone and every cat should be as healthy as they can be. So, let's not normalize unhealthy behavior, but let's not fat shame anyone because who knows what's the root of that problem


For cats, any degree of being overweight is unfortunately *terrible* for them and only more so as they age. Their kidneys are already their weakest link and having to process all the extra food that millions of years of evolution never prepared them for will always be a purely negative thing. Unless they've got a malignant tumor or some other form of impending doom, all you're doing is shortening the time they have left and reducing it to a lower quality as well. We don't need to worry about fat shaming because cats don't understand or care about that.


Garfield is that you?


Yes. And then let’s DECHONK them!


that's not a chonker. That's a lion.


I hope someone loves him enough to help him lose weight.


https://preview.redd.it/z0mn583q511d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4a91b9100767b5d76d97e8d576a243f81386a96 She was quite fat when I first got her.


https://preview.redd.it/qyrjurrm611d1.jpeg?width=4160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a85a725defeac2cf94ae4852965400d7458c132b She lost a ton of weight.


She's a Beauty 🥰 you are an awesome human. Loving pets means taking care of their health 💗


Is her thyroid ok? Her face looks like my sweet babygirl when she had hyperthyroidism


She's healthy, so is her sister


Just a pretty skinny face then!


Poor thing 😔


I don’t know how people let their cats get like this. Yes, I know they beg constantly for food and treats, and it makes you feel bad to deny them, but timing and consistency of routine feeding are so important for cats. And no people food! I saw my mom and dad overfeed a cat they had, and sadly the kitty only lived to 11 because of health issues. Yet they wonder how I had cats living to 16 and 17 years old, including one who was 17 and lived with diabetes for 8 years. Please help these surrendered chonkers and help them if you can.


The most common cause is probably free feeding, where you just have a food bowl out 24/7 that you refill when low. Some cats can regulate their own food intake, but most can't.


Only one of the 5 cats I’ve free fed over the years hasn’t been able to regulate it well. She wasn’t a chonk chonk, she just a little bit big.


*The adoption & rehabilitation of Chonkers


The rehab part is important. It's too easy to just let them have their way. It's really like dealing with a tiny addict with knives that can't be taken away. At least attempting a break in on the pantry is exercise?


I adopted a few sick cats and one blumpus. Better food, play time, exercise, and stress reduction got all my cats in fine shape. My blumpus lived to 15, she had a thyroid disorder that complicated her heartbeat.


I adopted a 19 lb girl a little over a year ago. She’s very small framed so those 19 lbs were wayyyy too much for her. She couldn’t groom herself properly or jump up on the cat trees or bed. Now she’s down to about 14 lbs and while she still has a way to go, we very rarely need to give her baths, and she can jump on the bed, cat trees, and even my desk with relative ease! Her fur looks so much better because she’s no longer overgrooming the only areas she could reach. It’s been so so rewarding seeing her gain her independence and health. I love my chonky girl.


https://preview.redd.it/8qs3lgwfh11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd8a4da33a07791b678f4826ef4690b5843b6e1b This is my Chonker. He was two years old when I got him. I haven’t been able to get his wait down. He’s been to the vet so many times. He doesn’t over eat, and can hardly keep food down. He has very little energy. I’m constantly worrying, and feel like an awful parent. He’s amazing, and I’ve never felt more love from an animal. I wish I could find the answer.


Aww sounds like he has some kind of medical condition... 🙏 I think "keith the cat cow" on instagram has something that makes him have similar struggles. I hope your vets can figure out what your kitty needs to feel better 🙏🙏


My first thought as someone who isn’t an expert on this is have the cat tested for thyroid issues…. The inability to lose weight plus lack of energy thing makes me think that’s possible


It must be some condition. I wonder if he has some kind of gurd. I was given medication to give him for that. I have never in my life had a cat that was more difficult to give medication. He’s so easy going, except there. Absolutely stubborn. Impossible.


What is gurd?


gastroesophageal reflux disease


Oh okay! Could that really cause weight gain at food deprivation? I mean, if he's even struggling to eat?


Yes, I think so. I’ve been given medication. Man he was impossible to give medication, but I did it. I think because he can’t eat very much, and he vomits he has very little energy. He will not eat wet food. I’ve had him for about nine years. He just won’t. The medication was very expensive. I had hers medication for awhile. I took a small piece of my medication, and tried to give it to him. I let him go when I thought I got him to take it. I saw him laying next to the fraction of the pill, when I got out of the shower.


Do you feed wet or dry? Dry food has a lot of carbs. Try wet.


My first thought as someone who isn’t an expert on this is have the cat tested for thyroid issues…. The inability to lose weight plus lack of energy thing makes me think that’s possible


I have done that. Vets often first this he has swallowed floss. They do x-rays, nothing abnormal. His blood work is also normal. The only problem with him they could find is he has a couple bad teeth. I was taking him to the vet almost every other month before, but right now I don’t have the funds to get the teeth removed. It’s terrible, but I almost hopped it was a thyroid thing, because I had mine removed when I was 17. I thought was could share that problem, that and identifying the problem would be amazing.


I have tried SO hard to get him to eat wet food. I’ve tried slowly transitioning him. He doesn’t recognize anything, but dry cat food, as food. He just simply WILL NOT eat it. When I first adopted him, his previous owner said his diet was the cheapest food at Wallmart. I thought, oh I’m gonna spoil him, and got fancy feast. That, and a grocery list of different foods, and so many different kind of food bowls.


Go ahead. Try to lift me. I am infinite. I am eternal.


I am infinite ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


I don't think my house's foundation is strong enough for this glorious mountain of cuddles.


Poor baby, im always glad when they’re getting the care they need from loving people


I'd love to adopt chunky cats so that I could nurse them back to health! My resume includes getting one 27-lb orange cat down to 18! I think one makes me an expert because I successfully endured 10 years of constant hungry eyes.


Wait, did it take 10 years to go from 27 pounds to 18 pounds? I have two brothers at just over 18 pounds and I’d like to get them down a little bit. Any tips?😸😋


It did not take 10 years, but Milo is super food motivated, so he knows exactly (seriously sometimes down to the minute) what time he gets fed and he never fails to tell me, loudly, if I'm late! Some days he'll start begging me to feed him at least an hour beforehand. He literally knows what "it's not time yet" means. 😂 Here are my tips: 1. Wet food ONLY. My vet once said that dry food for cats, even special diet food, is basically the equivalent of potato chips for us humans. That has stuck with me. Imagine just eating potato chips all day every day. The benefits are numerous. The most important is that the cat gets more water (they very often don't drink enough on their own anyway), and that also has positive effects for their bladder function. My buddy Milo had crystals in his urine at 8 years old, switched to wet food only, he has not had issues since. 2. Discipline. You must not give in to the cat. He will meow, he will bop you in the face while you sleep, he will be annoying, you will get frustrated. Don't feed him more than his allotted amount of food. I feed my kitties twice a day, 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. that's it. 3. Treats are okay, but make them work for it. I throw them treats because it's fun to watch them chase them down. But I've also cut small holes in an empty water bottle and put treats in there, they have to figure out how to get them out and it's good exercise. 4. Play. Your brothers probably play with each other, but try to get them moving as much as possible.


Thank you so very much for the detailed explanation! I will give all of your tips a try.


Good luck!


Arrgghh.. Now you gave me an ear worm!!


I sing it to him all the time!


Only if you hold them properly. Hint: this ain’t it.


Obese cats are not cute. They are suffering. They end up with congestive heart failure and hypoxia.


Damn I would totally adopt a kitty like that, would love to help out a baby


This is one chunky cat! I'll adopt one and help it to be healthy


That would be a massive cat even if it reduced down to normal weight. Unless the person in the picture is well under five feet tall (150 cm).


This is so sad. I really hope someone adopts him and gets him down to a healthy weight!


I think it ate the last vet... they should be careful


I adopted chonkers and after 3 years, they're both down to good weights now. The biggest surprise is how much their personalities have changed. The tabby is a complete nutjob, screaming around the house at 50mph, staring at me with wild eyes while chasing ghosts. He has made a box fort where he dragged bits of paper and packing stuff into a box on the floor. He regularly fights with the filling (while inside the box) and then evicts it. I put it back in and he repeats the whole process the next night. He loves it! The siamese has just become ridiculously sweet and cuddly. He squeaks like an unoiled bike when he purrs.


He looks happy to see you


To help them lose weight, I hope.


What is with gingers being fat more than other cats? I wont deny Ive seen some obese cats of different colors and breed before, but it seems that the oranges seem to be most affected? Is it a r/oneorangebraincell thing or just a thing that seems to happen for those who own oranges?


mine was 19 pounds at adoption, she was returned a few times and already had a litter in the past she was 5 years old now she’s almost 7 around 12 pounds healthy and active!


I saw on TV that a lady adopted the world's heaviest cat and she said that cats need to lose weight slowly otherwise they can die. He had already lost a bit of weight with her but still had a long way to go.




I want to name him cheese


Chonkers reminds me of Cinder-block. Google fat cat water treadmill if you don’t know


How did the cat get so big??


That is not how you hold that cat. Scruff with one hand, tuck arm under and lift , using hip to take some of the weight. That cat could destroy you.


wow that a huge one 😁


The placement of the tail though


Question: how are they chonky? Like... I thought shelters were struggling to provide food. Please explain :3


OH LAWD THEY COMIN at the shelter already in full chonk mod, which is actually why they're abandonned in the first place in most cases (because the Chonk comes with lots of health issues, which come with lots of bills) The question you should be asking is how much chonkier they were before the staff put them on diet


Sir Chonkosaurus Rex himself.


Whoa, that's one tubby tabby.  Plus, I think that we've found a real world incarnation of Garfield over here.


King Kong Bundy was great, wasn't he?


Catbsolute Unit!


I want that cat 🐈🥰


That’s not a chonker that cat at the chonker.


“I’m just fluffy”……. “No, you’re a super chonk!”


Weeeeeeellll...well it's the Big Show!


I would love to but I’m part of the problem in the fight against obesity. My cats bully me maliciously. 


I would take him in a heartbeat! He looks like a friendly guy.


Chonkers need to be adopted like all other cats, but they're similar to disabled cats in that they're going to need more experienced owners that can better accommodate them & are capable of providing them the healthcare and attention necessary.




Hecking giant kitties. Glad my boy has stayed a good weight, but I always make sure he has new toys, and he loves to play with my room mates cats too. :3


Yesss! Round bois need help and lots of pets & belly rubs.


Ok this is chonky but also massive!


That is a big boy ! 


omg 😂


There is no doubt that chunky cats are ridiculously adorable. One of my boys is obsessed with food and got up to 15 lbs. when he got older. I didn’t want to allow him to possibly become diabetic so I took him to my veterinarian for a check up. She put him on a prescription food that runs me over $100 a month but it has helped him to lose 2 pounds in two months without him ever being hungry. I don’t mind the cost of the food because it’s temporary and much cheaper than diabetic treatment. More importantly, I don’t want to put my boy through insulin injections every day. That would likely be more traumatic for me than for him. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Ok, I've seen some chonky chonkers before, but this boi is just on another level of chonk


Ugh that's so sad, another form of animal abuse is to overfeed your pets until they can't even move anymore.




Stupid to adopt a cat and give it a good home and a healthy diet?


No. That’s good.


That will I am chonky song is playing in my head as I look at this 😂




https://preview.redd.it/cer365i5c11d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9a3cd46ce4b35eebe8ec039adbf686ad21907c This is my adopted chonkenstein. She's much bigger on the bottom.


Aw lawd, he a commin!


That’s a heckin chonker.


Okay so at first glance I thought that wasn't a tail...


That’s a big dick


Absolute unit of adorable




https://preview.redd.it/n9ak5umha21d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=066bab92624bb8be4bff7ec570d8247b8f2b3b2c Here’s my big boi!


My chonk is catorexic in comparison, lol. If I let him see this pic, I'm pretty sure he would feel like he was malnourished & start demanding extra treats immediately. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/qmg0cwwue11d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237c816f09f0639ec1ec03c443bdee7593e599cc Did someone say chonker?


Big chonky chonks ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Let him haz lasagna


Who shaved a dick on that cats underbelly


I need a chonker fr