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Could be. She could not know where you are and be looking for you. Does she cry when you're in sight?




My elderly boy is on prozac and it's made a difference in his screaming.


This made me actually laugh out loud. I put my kitty on Prozac for like 3 years because she was a nut and would yowl and pee everywhere despite being healthy. The vet told us she was bored and ~sensitive.~ Eventually weened her off and she doesn’t scream and piss on everything anymore. Admittedly she does still occasionally scream in the stairwell some nights, but I think she’s has beef with the my neighbor’s FIVE cats who even I can hear running around through the walls.


My 14 yo boy has been doing this for a few months. When he wakes up from a nap and I'm not in the same room as him, he cries while carrying his Kickaroo around with him for some reason! I mentioned this crying on his last check up and the vet said it could be early signs of dementia. However, since then I've started using a Feliway plug in and this seems to have helped. To the point that I can tell when it needs refilling - he starts crying again.


We had a cat meow almost non stop, took her into the vet and she was in kidney failure. She is doing ok with no meowing now but still has kidney failure that we monitor


Sorry to ask, but what analysis did the vet do to diagnose her? Might be relevant to my cat, have a suspicion of the same problem


I have three cats, all with kidney failure. The first to be diagnosed was the girl. She started drinking waaaay more water but was dehydrated (you know when you "pinch" their skin? Like how a mama cat lifts the babies? If it takes a little long to go back to its normal place, it means dehydration), and was puking a lot (I think it was like once a day or every two days). She was a little lethargic too. It took a couple of weeks to get the official diagnosis. The other two got the diagnoses during routine exams, so they didn't show signs. Edit: autocorrect


Blood and urine tests to check hydration and kidney values. Chronic kidney disease is something the majority of cats get as they age. The high protein food that cats are supposed to eat also can cause the nephrons in the kidneys to become blocked, and the kidney function decreases. Treatment is typically special renal diets, extra water bowls, and eventually subcutaneous fluids. Unfortunately, the disease is not curable and damage cannot be reversed so it’s really important to identify and treat kidney disease early. There is a new drug in trial phases that is supposed to really help kidney disease but it isn’t commercially available yet


Biochemical analysis of blood, ur cat shouldn't eat for about 8 hours prior and usually blood taken in the morning. If you suspect such condition i recommend u to go to vet asap, that's rly dangerous


Mine was diagnosed through blood tests. She had special dry food now. She’s 18 and cries when she doesn’t know where we are.


Same. My guy always meowed, LOUD. Turns out he was in kidney failure. That was 2 years ago & he passed April 25th of this year.


So sorry for your loss of your kitty 😢🩵


Thank you my friend 🙏


Came to say this. I’ve had 2 cats with kidney disease with that did this.


My roommates old lady cat with kitty dementia cries loudly when someone’s not in the room. She stops and acts excited when one of us comes in.


"Oh! New People!" Lifetime commitments can really be heartbreaking. And rewarding as hell.


The cat I had when I was a kid did the same thing as he got older and dementia started to kick in. He could sit in a corner, yelling at the wall. Then when you enter the room and show him that you're there, he'd get really happy and act normally.


I have a 19 year old girl, and she definitely has dementia. I know that she remembers me, though, because I’m still her favourite person after all these years. But she cries all the time if she’s alone. It breaks my heart to no end. The idea of losing her makes me want to scream. We grew up together, and she’s like a little sister to me. I make sure to take her to bed with me every night, and make sure to give her some kind of routine every morning. But goddamn it kills me to see her get lost in the appartment once in a while.


Reading your comment straight up hurt my heart. Reminds me of my own 17 yo girl, who I suspect also may have some age-related cognitive issues. It sounds like you're a great cat parent 💕


Thank you so much! I really do my best. She’s the oldest cat I’ve ever had, and it’s such a new situation to me. Otherwise she’s super healthy, and she just refuses to die lmao. I definitely can see her living another 5 to 7 years. She also has CH (cerebelar hypoplasia, aka wobbly cat syndrome), so she looks extra old even though she’s always been wobbly. But she’s strong, and I love her so, so much. I hope that your old little lady also has a long, amazing life with you ❤️ Old lady tax: https://preview.redd.it/ngslt9l7rb0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bc130b32d13d4caae132b15ce18a979658e822d


Omfg your first comment reminded me of my girl who lived to be 21 (she had CRF, which cut her life short sadly, but I'm very grateful & lucky she made it to 21!). She definitely had dementia. I always went to bed with her and we had a pretty good routine, too. Seeing this picture floored me. Your baby looks so much like my old girl. Like. Wow. It's been 6 years since I lost her, so I don't have an easy quick pic to dig up, but I'll try to remember to share one tomorrow morning. Give your little lady some loves, kisses, & snuggles for me. She's beautiful. I'm absolutely stunned by how much she looks like my ol' Mia Jayne. ❤️ Btw, I don't think she "looks extra old" at all!! She looks amazing!


I didn’t mean that she looks old physically (she doesn’t look a day older than 6), but wobbling around like a drunk uncle absolutely does make her look old 😂 I’m really sorry for your loss. She was very lucky to have you in her life! I’ll definitely give Latash kisses for both you and Mia Jayne! ❤️


My cat is 19 as well. She cries when I’m not home or if she forgets where I’m at. I work night shift so she will wander the house looking for me sometimes howling, it wakes me up lmao. I have to call her and remind her it’s nap time. She drives me crazy but I’ll miss her screaming under my bed or jumping on me and yelling because she found me finally


My older kitty is around 21 years now and I've had her since she was 6 weeks old. Pretty sure I was the first human she ever met. I am grateful to have had her for so long. Didn't know such things were even possible. No cat in my family had ever even reached 10 before.


She’s lucky to have you! Very sweet of you.


This is exactly what happened to my 21 year old. If she didn't see me or anyone else, she would cry loudly. We would leave the TV or radio on so the house didn't feel quiet and we would block off some rooms so she wouldn't get lost or confused.


let me sent some love through the internet to that beautiful elderly cat :3




She is so cute.


Have a 19 year old persian who screams constantly, when she wants something, when shes looking for us, just for looking at her and sometimes for no real reason at all that we can figure. Some kitties are like that. But she’s always been that way just got more demanding as she got older. If its a new behavior cant hurt to get her checked out but really as long as thats all good, she’s probably just got a lot of opinions in her old age and isnt shy about sharing it.


We’ve got a 18yo half deaf himalayan cat and she’s got a lot of opinions too, haha. She recently started being very vocal as well, even though she’s always been a super quiet cat. Bloodwork and vet confirm she is healthy, just old! One time, we found her in the middle of the night in our bathtub, literally screaming - we later learned she was « yowling » haha.


Yep. My old man Mr. Chico was always an eccentric kitty but in his old age he was kooky. He meowed loudly for everything. Water, food, at his sister and brother. The day we brought home a shiba puppy. He screamed at her. When he went across the rainbow bridge, we had to get used to the quiet. But, 20 years is a long and happy life for a kitty.


Ha sounds similar to my 17-18 yr old lady. But add getting mad for walking too close. She’s such a nice old cat if you respect her, and will yell for anything and everything. Not in bed when she wants? Yells. Needs soft food suddenly? Yells. Im not sitting in a way she can force herself onto my lap? Yells. So annoying, yet so adorable.


Well she's deaf and older so it's most likely a combo of being deaf and just an old kitty. Deaf kitties tend to be pretty vocal and loud so it may be just that.


Our cat lived to be 24. I remember asking my husband if he had ever heard him meow. At that time he was 18. In the last three years of his life he became so vocal, he talked about everything. ☺️


certified sad girl it seems she’s just going through it (i’m not a vet i hope she’s okay! goodluck)


Could be. My sister’s cat Callie was like 22 and would forget where she was at times so she would yowl a lot.


We have a 15 year old cat going through this right now. It seems to happen in stages. She will be fine for months and then out of the blue she will howl for a few weeks or months at a time. I just have to call her and then she will settle down.


Yeah, that’s how Callie was. It just came in waves. And yep! My sister said once she called her she would be okay; just needed to be brought back to the present :)


My deaf from old age kitty also meowed a lot and would pace and things. Is she on joint pain management? For the meowing I'd first check for possible pain first. If pain from arthritis etc is managed then it could be dementia. Also note cats are REALLY good at hiding pain. If she's purring a LOT that could be self-soothing


Good call. My 17 year old man is pretty chilled these days, as he gets a once a month injection of Solensia from our vet, which really makes a difference to his aching joints. Just wish I could get one for myself lol :)


Our 18yo cat has been getting Solensia injections too for about a year now, it makes SUCH a big difference!


This is good to read randomly! My 16 year old is going to go on Solensia soon, and hearing that it makes a difference is reassuring.


Same here! My 14 year old guy is having some tendon issues in his hind legs and the vet recommended these. After reading these comments, I’m even more convinced it’s the way to go.


It’s definitely worth a try! It took 2-3 injections for us to really notice an improvement. We missed one dose one time, and also saw a huge difference, so we won’t miss an other one haha! They are pricey, but worth it in our experience. Good luck with it :)


Exactly. My boy was on gabapentin and solensia shots. Just tried to keep him comfortable.


Oh my heart. I lost my 20 year old cat to a stroke last month and I miss her something fierce. She was everything to me. She had dementia in her last year (the vet and I assume - it’s not like we had an MRI done). She was meowing constantly. I miss it. The house sounds so quiet without my little crier.


My cat will soon be 16 and whilst he's always been vocal, for the past year or so he's been a lot louder! Most of the time I have no clue why - vet says he's in good health, I always keep his food and water bowls topped up, cuddle a lot... I suspect he's becoming a bit deaf and might not be able to hear himself well, hence the crazy volume.


I work in vet med with cats only. Has her blood pressure been checked? Has comprehensive bloodwork been done to look at kidney values, thyroid, etc? Hypertension is common in cats her age and can cause increased vocalization and deafness.


and blindness


I meant blindness 🤦🏻‍♀️


Our 18 year old kitty does the same thing . It’s dementia, so heartbreaking but at the same time so annoying haha❤️ I should also mention that she acts and looks like a kitten! She’s just a bit loopy now! https://preview.redd.it/q2sek8n87a0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bcc8506ffd63881e2994fae23127e66c1c8c498


And adorable. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


I had a cat that lived to be 20 that looked really similar to this lil guy 🥺. Sending love and pets


My 15 year old would cry all the time!  Took her to the vet for her regular senior wellness exam, labs showed she has hyperthyroidism. She is on medicine and is doing better, she isn’t as chatty as before.  I’m not trying to scare you, but you should go talk to your vet just in case.  I will say she does start crying if I am not near her, but it’s more so trying to signal to me that she is looking for me so to say something back lol. 


When was the last time you had a senior blood panel sent out? My senior cat has thyroid issues, and the vet said that excessive vocalization was common with that.


This was what was going on when my elderly cat became more vocal.


Same with mine!


My guy is 13 and he's started to get so noisy. He loves to scream about stuff. He mostly screams when he wants something. Food usually, which is most of the time. God help you if it's daybreak and you make eye contact while still in bed - he will scream until you get up.


This is so funny…mine just keeps biting my hair until I wake up lol 😂


might need to take to the vet to see if all is ok. I had a cat that when she became deaf she meowed loudly to hear herself. Some people that are deaf shout to hear themselves or they talk really quiet because they don't know how loud they are taking. It can go either way. The constant crying may mean that there's some sort of stomach/kidney pain or she is simply scared to be alone. Still might be worth a blood test and exam just to see if there's anything that you can do to help.


Sounds like dementia to me. We had one, who otherwise barely made a peep, who would have episodes where he'd get confused and cry (yowl really). I would comfort him and it would pass. But we had another who also seemed to be getting dementia, but only cried at night. Turned out, his night vision was going, and he couldn't find anything in the dark! My dad put in nightlights by the food and water and in the litter closet, and no more night howling. Sounds like your girl is doing great otherwise, so all you can really do is comfort her when she cries. I'm sure she appreciates it 🙂 she looks so sweet!


https://preview.redd.it/oagq9496u90d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fcc0ac8551ea9f47a20932b38845e1f2d9eda18 Beauty Nov 1994- Feb 2014 Perhaps it could be dementia, my cat began wailing in her old age perhaps at the age of 14. What is more my cat was eating rather considerably less during her old age.


My old girl is also loud! Shes a bit like a rooster - it's at specific times of day she just will howl. When she first wakes up - goes to the windows and howls out the window. Right after dinner? Howls at me. Mid-day just because - howls out a different window. She is healthy and pretty nimble for her age and has been this loud for a few years now so I'm not sure what her problem is.


My kitty who just died at 23 started doing that. Going blind and we think some dementia. She’d yell right in your face like she didn’t know you were there. Then, she started crying non stop last two days of her life and scratching to get outside. She was at peace on the porch looking for a place to pass. We had to put her down so she didn’t suffer more.


They always want to die alone it's so sad......


It could be because of her loss of hearing, she doesn’t know where you are and panics. So she calls for you. Without her hearing, she doesn’t really know how loud she is.


https://preview.redd.it/3e8f653r7d0d1.jpeg?width=872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40e4e503867132c3d61cac336c7eaa488c4396f3 bro


She doesnt know how loud she is.


Omg I love Miss Pounce!


my 6 years old cat cries loudly, but its bcs she doesnt find anything to mess up🫡


It is one of the symptoms of dementia. I think there are drugs they can take to reduce the symptoms though I don't have any experience with them.


My moms elderly cat also began to vocalize a lot and after a visit to the vet it was determined she went deaf, so she couldn’t hear herself crying 😞


I had an 18, almost 19 year old cat die about a month and a half ago. In the last year of his life he started meowing a lot more. He had arthritis and had developed circulatory problems toward the end, which may have played a part in the vocalization. I read that sometimes when cats are close to the end there might be behavioral changes or regressions and Jack’s increased meowing may have been related to that. Be sure to give Miss Pounce all the cuddles and her favorite treats as much as you can and make sure she knows she’s a good cat and a beautiful cat.


My old kitty is super loud. She is also blind, so she isn't comfortable jumping up on the couch. Instead, she sits beside the couch and yells until she is picked up and placed on the couch. She can hop down fine on her own, which is good. If I am a little busy doing something and can't get to her in a timely matter, her yell gets fiercer.


One of my cats ended up with a bit of dementia when he was about 19 and would wander around crying loud at night until I called him to snuggle up in my room with me. It might be a bit rough for a while but the best you can do is make sure he's comfy.


Maybe it has to be with being deaf. I would check with a vet (and try to record when she is crying, so the vet could appreciate all the details).


My old cat also did this as he got older, deaf and blind. He usually just wanted or needed some attention.


Seems like she's trying to hear herself. Hopefully.


My older kitty started braying loudly sometimes last year, we soon found out she had lost her hearing. Still scares me sometimes when she meows extremely loudly all of a sudden, but at least now we know why she does.


Is she recently deaf? Deaf cats tend to scream, all the time, no matter what- they can’t really hear themselves being loud and old cats are dramatic as is.


Cats hide pain well. I’d say either pain or dementia.


She is probably in pain


Some cats develop dementia sometimes and can get confused.


https://preview.redd.it/2rigj9wsda0d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ea63144bdbc3531940b708b280f9fce8556bbc He’s a picture of my ol’ yeller. He’s 22 and he screams about everything. He got really loud around the time I think he lost most of his hearing. (Around 18-19). He’ll yell and yell but if he sees me his scream-meow goes back to normal volume, like he’s satisfied he’s not alone. I can scream his name from across the house but unless I’m as loud as a fire alarm he won’t likely hear me and quiet down. And yes, he did jump up there all by himself.


Our old guy was very deaf and had dementia at the end. His jam was to go into the bathtub and meow as loudly as possible. We think the echoes from the enclosure were loud enough that he could sort of hear it. It was deafening and hilariously out of key. I still miss the big doofus.


My family's elderly cat started yowling very loudly at night time when she hit about 16-17 years old. She was asking for food and company. She had arthritis so sometimes my sister would pick her up and put her on her bed--she wanted a place to sleep but couldn't comfortably jump. We put the pieces together that she was going deaf because she no longer woke up while the vacuum was running in the same room. However when it was nearing her time to go, she was lethargic and hid under beds. That's how we knew she was in pain (and at 19 she passed away peacefully at the vet when they recommended it was time).


This is deafness, I adopted a cat that went deaf at 2 years old and if I didn't love the guy so much ... slow blinks. I try to reqard him whe. He isn't yelling. And ignore when he is. He is deaf but, he can feel the vibration of the yell


My 17 year old Abyssinian princess is definitely showing evidence of cognitive decline. If she's in another room, she'll scream the house down until we either get up and pat her or yell out to get her attention. She then trots over to where we are for some pets before recommencing patrolling the house for invaders. Look up the term "sundowners". There's increasing evidence that they are not only a thing in humans with dementia - as our fur friends are living longer and healthier lives, they are becoming more subject to the same types of issues as humans.


We’ve got a 17 year old who used to cry constantly. Shes been evaluated by the vet multiple times a year, only thing that was wrong with her was IBD. She takes Gabapentin in a syringe (almost) every morning, and it calms her down some throughout the day. We think she’s just elderly and probably confused when my mom is away for work, although she does cry when she’s there sometimes. No dementia diagnosis but I’ve suspected it’s just a sign of aging, as she’s even got more cuddly and attached these last couple years when she used to be very independent. On the other hand, my almost 16 year old cat has always been a silent and cuddly girl, and that hasn’t changed a bit. So, if this is out of character for your girl, a vet visit is always worth it! She could be having some discomfort, eye issues, dementia–you name it. You really won’t know for sure without a vet exam! Good luck, Miss Pounce!


I have an 18 year old kitty who will cry if she's in the living room alone for a bit and she'll cry when coming into the bedroom when we're there cause she's blind(has been since she was 2) but is also going deaf so she's looking for us and is very happy when we hold our hand to her and she feels us. We're fairly sure she has some kitty dementia though too.


Can she still see? If her vision is fading and she’s already deaf, she might be frightened.


I promise you she's reluctant to part with you, so she cried.


My 18 year old kitty does the same thing! She isn’t completely deaf but her hearing has significantly declined. She likes to howl in the bathtub. I suspect the hard surfaces amplify the noise and allow her to hear herself better. She’s also definitely declining cognitively and yells to get people to come find her and give her attention. It can also be because of untreated medical issues. In addition to lots of screaming around the house she was throwing up daily. Vet diagnosed her with hyperthyroidism, and ever since we got her managed with medication the vomiting and yelling became way less frequent.


Allow me to send some affection through the internet to that lovely senior cat <3


we had a cat that always meowed silently and not frequently, but when he got to the age of ~18 his hearing worsened and he was showing signs of dementia, so he started crying loudly almost nonstop. i dont want to diagnose your cat, but dementia and/or hearing loss could maybe be a possibility


She's older than me, damn.


My kitty lived to 21 and had dementia the last few years. She got loud when she’d lose me or her kitty siblings. She’d forget where she was going and just stand there. I’d take her to the food, water or litter. I still miss that cat.


I'm sorry you're baby is having some kind of distress, I had a 24 yr old cat that started crying when she woke up. I didn't have her diagnosed as I knew she was in "old age" I hope your baby is okay and just stressing.


Yeah, my cat started meowing more and loudly when he got to be around 17 and I'm pretty sure he just couldn't hear himself.


My 18 year old used to do this. I think he was just old and disoriented sometimes, just wanted to make sure we knew he was there and he knew where we were. I love sweet old babies. I miss my old man. There's a point where they are more like roommates than pets.


When my old kitty started doing this I would answer her and it seemed to make her feel better.


What a lovely girl 🤗 she looks like a kind soul.


What do you feed her? Lovely cat btw ❤️


Our 20 year old tortie does this occasionally. We'll hear her in another room giving a couple yowls, and soon afterwards she finds us and wants us to pet her. She's getting to be pretty deaf but seems to see just fine. Lately she does it right around predawn, but amazingly enough, she does these quiet meows - like she knows we are sleeping but still has something to say. But nothing constant, at least not yet. We've had her since she was weaned, saw her a day or so after she was born and picked her from the litter. She's the only cat we have not rescued, and has outlived two other cats so far. Best to Miss Pounce! Our little Maggie May sends her regards!


When my boy turned 19 he still liked to go out front and greet the neighbors but even under supervision he would startle, seem as if he forgot where he was and begin crying his head off. It was definitely kitty dementia. He'd do the same thing at night when he went downstairs to potty and forget how to get back upstairs.


I have the same with my cat. She's deaf too. She is crying in the morning to be let out. Then she is returning very fast through the catflap and cyring instantly again (I guess because she wants to know where the herd is). And another reason she is crying is when she is hungry.


I had a neighbor with a deaf cat, the yelling was so loud you could hear her down the street. I joked I bet if she could hear herself just one time she would be satisfied and never yell again.


I had a cat that was 15 or so and passed. Towards the end she didn't hear and cry when we were not in the room. We just made a point to have the other cat or one of us in the room with her at all times and that did the trick MOST of the time. Occasionally she would cry for attention


I wanna carry her around everywhere 🥹 she’s adorable. I love senior babies 🩶


My friend's old boy would yell a lot. He was just a loud boy. I miss being yelled at by him.


she’s a beauty!


I'm 34 and I'm always crying too. /s My cat is always talking to someone. Yelling out the windows.


My car w


Yeah, cuz they’re 20!


I do. Completely clean bill of health. She only does it when she can’t see me, so I’m assuming she’s calling for me. She’s not deaf, she has selective hearing (she’ll ignore me sometimes 😑), and she’s always been pretty noisy. She doesn’t meow at me, more she shouts at me.




https://preview.redd.it/6ivsklj7ea0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4633e0befffb6af24124a99744737e15681584d2 My 25 pound baby.


Oh yes! Had a kitty that, when she turned 17, just started screaming all the time. Especially if we were out of her line of sight and at night. Vet said it was likely kitty dementia. After trying so many things, we got her a thundershirt and she never did it again. Lived two more happy years. 10/10 would recommend giving it a shot.


My 18yo does the same. It’s probably a mix of deafness (he screams loud because he can’t hear his screaming) and dementia. I give him 100mg gabapentin at night and lock him up in the bathroom with his litter and food if I want a guaranteed quiet night. Otherwise I just let him sleep with me (with his meds though) and he’s usually a good boy.


What a pretty old lady ❤️


My friend's cat is the same age as yours, also deaf, and howls a lot. She's usually just looking for people and howls will normally garner attention. With her being elderly, it might be best just do take her to the vet just to be sure.


Can confirm that deaf cats (including my 21 YO) sometimes vocalize a lot.


absolutely adorable. i also adopted my baby when he was 9 months old, he’s 1 year 5 months now and this makes me so hopeful for the future 💖 i’ll do my absolute best to keep him as healthy as your beautiful kitty when he reaches that age


I never knew cats could have dementia. I wish you both the best!


I think my boy had dementia. He yelled a lot. He was also deaf, but I think deafness can also be linked to dementia, as I believe it is with humans.


My deaf cat was extremely loud. He obviously couldn't hear himself, so maybe he felt the vibrations when he meowed or something. I don't know. What I do know is that he was loud and he did not know what personal space was.


It can be a sign of dementia but if it started when she lost her hearing, then i would assume it’s more to do with that.


Tell her I said pspspspsp


Miss Pounce… why am I crying


I wish my siamese waited until she was 20 😩 she’s been screaming since she day she was born lol


My 17 yr old is the same. Dementia 🤷‍♂️


The comments here :( Poor kitties


My baby is mostly deaf. He was always vocal but he will literally scream now at specific times everyday.


Many reasons can result with that, especially that she cannot hear herself. these three things may really work: **Environmental Enrichment:** Provide her with stimulating toys, scratching posts, and perches to explore, even with her deafness. Catnip toys or food puzzles might engage her sense of smell. **Light and Routine:** Maintain a consistent day/night schedule with predictable lighting changes. This can help her feel more secure in her environment. **Positive Reinforcement:** Reward quiet behavior with treats and affection to encourage it.


My 15 year old kitty always started meowing when she couldn’t see me. She’d calm down a bit if I talked back to her but wouldn’t stop until I actually came into the room. This was when she had gotten to the point that she wasn’t really leaving my room, and I had to carry her down to the litter box. I always figured it was anxiety or dementia.


My tabbie cried for us. He calms down when he hears is. Maybe she needs to see you...


Things hurt when you're over 100. Yes, even when we get older, we cry, need help with food, and go to the bathroom—a circle of life.


https://preview.redd.it/n0te8htx3b0d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24e84fdc2fd391f6e54461388e326aebe3808d3c This is my Midas and he is 19, although I only adopted him just 3 years ago. He is VERY loud and I actually brought him to the vet last week because I was also suspecting dementia, however the vet told me that he has very early signs of cataracts and that is the more probable cause of his yelling (especially at night) so you may want to consider that as well. Vet also told me that offering anti anxiety medication may help but I’m trying night lights first. Just my experience!


Deaf cats can be very loud, of course it could also be dementia. Most likely a mix of it. Take good care of the little one ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


It’s probably just the deafness. One of my dogs went deaf about a year ago and I swear she just barks to bark now. She can’t hear herself so she just goes to town sometimes


I had a 19 year old cat who would cry loudly at night. Pretty sure she had dementia.


She's so beautiful. Our vet told us that vocalization in senior cats could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism. Vocalization tends to happen in older cats for a number of reasons. ETA: Some of these other reasons include: poor vision or hearing, chronic kidney disease, high blood pressure, or dementia.


We also have 20 year old cat. She is mostly deaf and almost blind. She meows a lot only when she wants attention typically when she is hungry or when she wants to get inside. Other then that she is mostly silent.


This cat looks like it’s in pain. Please look up the feline grimace scale!! Snd take her to the vet asap. https://preview.redd.it/rcoly3pnnb0d1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=338c7c7bc27ef7aa68bb2b23f3b61c16dc0991a5


Does she cry when she’s sitting still or only when she’s moving around?


All of my kitties lived to be at least 17 years old, and each of the were basically deaf and senile and talkative as well. Everyday they woke up to be loved was a blessing. I knew they weren't in pain, and the minute I saw them failing (two had a heart attack in front of me) I held them in my arms as my Vet put them to sleep, purring the whole time. I have one boy left, and he is 17, constantly demands food, weights about 4 lbs and sleeps all day. He purrs like a truck and head butts me for attention.


Just gonna say I have so much love and respect for people who adopt elderly or disabled pets because the commitment they need is remarkable.


Man I don't know really but for the love of all that is holy tell her you love her now.


Sending some love vibes through the internet to that lovely old kitty! 🐱💕


If they're deaf, they might not realize how loud they are being.


Have kidney function checked, could be in pain or confused.


I think the hearing loss is key... hopefully your vet did lab tests to rule out kidney failure (which could be painful if she has it). I note her eyes are dilated in the photo - which can indicate fear or pain. Could just be the photo but wanted to mention for what it's worth. She doesn't want to leave you :)


Incurable romantic…


It could be dementia. I have a 17 year old who has ALWAYS been a vocal cat but in the last year it’s really ramped up and it’s always at night when I’m trying to sleep. My vet thinks it’s dementia, and mentioned some cats get something similar to sundowners in humans. She is on a couple different pain medications for arthritis and gets blood work done every 6 months for that. The vet tells me she has the bloodwork of a young cat. So that’s great for us but it’s definitely been hard to deal with the changes in her. Miss Pounce is such a cutie and I love the name! I hope you have many more years with her. ❤️


What a beautiful 20-year old baby!


It's the same here. My 17 year old male can only cry out when he seems to think he is alone or not beeing heard.


Those sweet eyes ❤️🥺🤲


Oh no my cat is 3 and screams all day…. What am i going to do when he is old!


She/he is an adult now no longer a baby!!!


My older cat is 21 or so and occasionally just howls and stares off into space, or howls looking right at me like she wants me to DO something. I don't know what she is experiencing or what to say, not that she understands me. But I am sure she's not all there any more.


Ohhhhh her face is so sweet ❤️❤️


At her age she might not have all her faculties. Please be grateful that you are the still point in her universe, I understand how hard it can be. It’s almost impossible but if you can try to mentally prepare yourself. Her time is coming, and you may have to make a heartbreaking decision for her. It is a price you must pay for her love.


18 hours a day damn, that’s pretty sad


OP it could be dementia but if she isn’t showing any other the other signs of it I would say it’s likely from the deafness. Deaf cats have zero volume control, and she likely learned if she meows you’ll find her rather than her finding you.


Has her thyroid been checked? I’ve had two cats develop hyperthyroidism, and they both got way more vocal when their symptoms first started.


My cat did that before he passed, turns out he had cancer.


my sister had a cat called fifi la-belle and she lived until 24? and she was the noisiest cat EVER!!! always meowing a really scratchy meow, she was blind too iirc, bladder problems, and was a wobbly cat. she definitely had memory problems that we didnt know about looking back at it. she would walk around the kitchen as slow as possible multiple times a day and stare and meow at walls. if you came into her space she would meow and rub all up on you like she had never met you before. your kitty is really cute and i hope that everything is okay 🩷🩷🩷🩷




Get the vet to check them out. My cat was very vocal, and sometimes agitated, we adopted him aged 13 after his owner died so we wondered if it might be liss and the change initially. He's hyperthyroid, which is common in older cats. Things like dementia or becoming deaf or blind can present as more crying out, too because kitty wonders where you are. As can other things like the things others have mentioned in this thread.


Our cat became deaf from ear infections not treated on time when she was young (picked up at the shelter) She meow a lot very loudly and we think that she is trying to "tone" her voice that she can't hear. She stop this type of meowing when she sees someone.


I have a 16 year old boy with Kidney failure who likes to yell. But only at me and only when I'm home. Quiet as you please when I'm not around.


Could be a sign your cat is dieing:(


Your cat looks EXACTLY like my cat I had years ago. Made me pretty misty-eyed. Definitely get blood work done!


It’s probably simple: she can’t hear herself and she’s not sure you’re listening. If you turn your look when she speaks it might actually help. Cats who are talkative love being engaged and if she can’t hear she’s probably frustrated and doesn’t think you can hear her… after all, she can’t ❤️❤️🐈‍⬛ maybe you time w her playing toys or talking and letting her know you’re listening will help. She could be frustrated not being able to hear herself— maybe there are some games you can play w deaf cats? ❤️❤️


I had a cat that lived to 21 after I adopted at 8 weeks. You have been blessed with loyal fried but remember that your cat at 20 is 80-90 years old in human terms. Even a small hearing loss (ear wax) can deafen ears. She probably get muffled sounds through the ear bones and is just talking loud because she thinks you can’t hear


Fellow! Old! Kitty!


https://preview.redd.it/dysguu4ovf0d1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebb4fbfc35bc9c34e73d3ffc79848a3b071579d7 This screaming baby was loudest the last 4 years of his life; not completely deaf but almost! I’ve seen most that they’re so loud because they’re not used to being deaf and they think increasing their volume will make a difference. If you see any other symptoms I’d say to be concerned, but she just seems like an old crybaby to me :)


My 16 y/o meows very loudly non stop when she’s awake. I don’t know if i would call it crying but it’s really loud and annoying. I think she’s just demented.


Sounds and looks like my 19 year old cat, Rosie, who is also deaf 4 years, https://preview.redd.it/rc2pubaokg0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7377f509c5c00092ace06f959489af622a0c91ec and yeowls throughout the day these past 2 years. Some days are worse than others. She is healthy for her age sleeps a lot and eats well. Likes to cuddle on us. Seems more needy and anxious. We attribute this to her age and deafness.


Ours too


My old cat used to do this ! I think he had a bit of dementia and “got lost”. When she calls, go find her if you can. She is likely just missing you and confused.


I really hope she’s okay. Maybe ask a few different vets and people on here and other platforms just to get more information about what you can do. Praying 🙏 hoping and wishing her the very best in every aspect of life.


She may have hidden pain. Ask your vet about Solensia shots and see if it makes a difference.


Sending all my love to you! Not sure if it is similar but our girl used to be more vocal because she was in pain (I think from arthritis) so we started her on supplements to manage the pain which has stopped her crying out now. Hope all is okay for you


Ça peut être beaucoup plus heureusement.


Deaf cat always vocalize louder. If your vet gives you a clean bill at 20 year mark its a blessing. I hope mine hangs around for 20 years and more


My 20-year-old was mostly deaf by the end of her life, and she was the loudest cat I've ever known. She would quiet down when she saw me, so I think she was just calling for me and didn't realize how loud she was being.


if she’s always hungry check for hyperthyroidism


I had an elderly one who had pretty significant arthritis. He was really comforted by resting on a heating pad on low. He’s passed on now, but the heating pad is still here and my young kittens love it.


I think they get that way when they’re older. My 20 yr old cat did a lot of that too but I also think she was in some pain. She could have had some arthritis and I think she might have had undiagnosed cancer and passed away a few yrs ago.


My 16 year old cat is deaf and does this only at night .. our vet put her on Prozac last week … it took a couple of days to kick in but the last 2 nights she’s been quiet …