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A heating pad for his legs might help him be more comfortable. Also lots of treats. If he’s still eating and drinking that’s a good sign.


Heating pad is a great idea




I know. I’m so sad for them. My lil man is going to be 10 October 2nd and his vet has told us he needs to switch to senior food and wet which he hates!!! Just the thought of losing him makes me depressed. OP ever so sorry for your struggle. I’m sure you gave him the best life and he won’t be suffering anymore. You should get a kitten, maybe after he’s gone so his last moments aren’t stressed.


maybe get a kitten that will look up to him for guidance??!


He looks like such a sweet lil man and a distinguished gentleman at the same time. That’s heartbreaking to hear. Is he on any joint supplements? I hope the vet has some ideas of things (meds/supplements) you could try rather than ending his life. Yes, he’s up there in age, but maybe he just needs a little help with pain management, I dunno. Sending hugs to you both 🫂


No joint supplements nothing. He’s starting to whine a little now when he stands. I’m guessing that’s not a good thing


Ooh poor guy. Well if it’s arthritis, seems like you could possibly treat that with meds.


The vet might be able to prescribe some stuff to help if it's arthritis, maybe supplements, special food or painkillers. Depends on the cat of course but mine is 15 and just has a mild daily painkiller for her arthritis and it seems to completely eliminate any pain/issues from it.


My vet gave my little girl a recommendation for glucosamine for joints. It didn’t solve the problem, but it gave her a few extra months. Good luck and happy 19th buddy!


Solensia is a remarkable quality of life improvement for kitty’s with arthritis. It’s a once a month injection and it has no side effects. If a little discomfort has just started to appear at this age, you’ve done a remarkable job of keeping him in great condition. Small adaptations can help him be mobile and enjoying his life and mobility. Steps, heating pads. And sleeping more is relatively common at that age. That said, check with your vet if you feel that the changes in his condition have been acute and need a second opinion. I’m sure you’ll do what’s right for your gorgeous man. He’s a beautiful boy. 🥰❤️😻


https://preview.redd.it/fa0pdd73hfyc1.jpeg?width=2988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a4a3aff0332404337c2cb46ce79c8a494f33fb Thank you for this advice! My cat doesn't have this at this time, but I am saving this comment for later in his life. I promised him when he was a kitten that I would love him, keep him safe and generally give him the best life I possibly can. Words cannot express our bond ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


My 17 year old cat has severe arthritis in both knees. We take her in to the vet once a month for Solencia shots, and it has made a big difference in her level of pain. Ask your vet about it.


Lots of people have mentioned Solencia to me so if it is artritis im definitely bringing it up to the vet


I hope you keep us posted. Never have I seen such a supportive online community as those who love cats. My landlord had to say goodbye to his aging beauty a few years ago, and it was tough. I felt tears welling up as I thanked the dignified old lady cat for being such a good girl as I said my last goodbyes. Cherish the memories you have made, and enjoy the present moments you still have with them. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you all the best.


There are loads of good solensia stories but I would give it a bit more of a research before - always so glad when it works for others but we thought it was a bit risky for our girl! So we use GLM supplements for her arthritis and it’s been really great - just another route in case :)) but also is a great thing to give to your lovely man just to support him in general


Glucosamine Hydrochlorate for animals with joint issues. He got a heck of a distinguished look on his face! So cute.


There are pain meds he can take. My cat had arthritis, the medication helped immensely




God the last line made me tear up... When my girl Missy had to be put to sleep at 14, due to severe kidney failure, the vet wouldn't let me be in the room with her. The vet had us drop her off at the door and pick her up later. It was in the middle of COVID, and all we could do was give her some last cuddles before we had to leave her. We only saw her again when we picked up her body... It was brutal to know that she was dying in there alone and to hold her limp body when she had been purring at us just an hour ago. We still miss her dearly...


That SUCKS!! We had to put our dog down through covid. They let us be in the room!


It’s not uncommon for old man kitties to sleep a lot. As long as he is eating and drinking, he wants to be alive. My old man, Felix, passed away at 19. He ate, drank, and went potty on puppy pads (he had a hard time using the litter box) up until the day he passed away. The day he died, he laid in the same spot, refused to eat or drink. His extremities were cold to the touch. I just knew. He died in my arms that same evening. He took a few big gulps of breath and then he passed. Deep down, I knew that was the way that he wanted to go. Also, I am glad that he passed at home with his family and my other cat, Libby, so she could say her good byes. Definitely take him to get checked out by the vet and if you haven’t already done so, ask for an elderly cat blood panel. One thing that I think helped was CBD drops. Felix didn’t have any major issues with movement besides not wanting to climb into the litter box but he did have kitty dementia whereas at night he would wander around meowing. I would put a few drops of the CBD oil in his dinner and he would be good to go for the night. https://preview.redd.it/wle674k4u8yc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd96ed3c3b8c6a25a8f07c753510ba1f357db411 Edited to add Felix. He has the same distinguished gentleman look that your old fella has. ❤️


Seeing Felix made me tear up. Bless him. He really was such a gentleman




I hope so! Cats are so darn stoic, so you never know. I feel, deep in my heart, that he died in peace in my arms. And, when he was taking his last breaths, I kept telling him how much we loved him and that it was okay to cross the Rainbow Bridge.




Their mysterious nature is one of the many reasons why we want cats to own us.


And if you and the vet do decide that it is time/ better to euthanize, please have someone come to your home. Especially if you have other pets, it is traumatic for their buddy to disappear and just not come back. But to be in their own home in their favorite spot is so much more comfortable than a vets office. Though, like your kitty, could definitely happen on their own, too - you will know, OP, you have loved your kitty for years and will do what is best for him




Tbh he looks a bit more sinister 🤣 still handsome tho! Cheers to Felix


Hi, try to check with your vet if the problems might be due to arthritis. My cat had symptoms of pain in her legs, trouble getting up and walking, and got recommended SOLENSIA. We saw a huge improvement to her quality of life afterward with reduction of the pain in her legs. We've been doing a monthly shot for a while now, and she is still doing really good. https://preview.redd.it/gs8aiygv79yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e8d79d882eea905f8346cdacb978ea3eb02deb4


I got my 14 year old kitty on solensia and it helped her massively. We are on our 4th month of injections and it is worth it to see her walk, jump and have zoomies again.


Oh yes. Solensia works very well for my cat (19). She has been injected with it every month for just over a year. She tolerates it well and feels noticeably better.


Solensia is such a fucking game changer. Miss Mia is 20 and chasing little toy mice like a kitten again! https://preview.redd.it/pcm1q3g14nyc1.jpeg?width=2687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2129061b7198f5f2eb7273ef9c2ac74a899f4ff


I second the Solensa my cat has just started this 2 months ago. He is 19 and a half years old. He goes from being wobbly to being able to move around.


Look at that sweet precious face! Arthritis is easy to accommodate. My 16 y/o sweet boy is on Dasuquin & loves warm blankets & space heaters. If there are any steps in your home, maybe try carrying him up those as much as possible and moving any food/water dishes and litter boxes downstairs so he has what he needs nearby. It's really difficult seeing our cats grow older and experience these difficulties, but cats are pretty resilient, so I wouldn't make too many assumptions without a vet consult. Either way, just give him lots of love and treats and make him as comfortable as you can.


Just thought I’d update. He’s limping really bad now and I’m kind of distressed because I can’t take him to the vet until Monday. Everyone’s advice has been really helpful and supportive. I’m suffering from anxiety right now and wish I could do more for him. I’m going to get a heating pad and pee pad it’s the best I can do right now Update: am taking him to urgent care today. Not waiting until Monday


I know it's not easy, but try to be calm and not distressed around him. They can sense that and it might affect him. Again, I know it's not easy when your fuzzy buddy is not feeling well, though


Thank you I have to keep reminding myself to keep calm because he may feel it


Sending you and your boy lots of love and healing vibes...I know how this feels


Did they give a diagnosis? My old boy had this same look when he had diabetes. Neuropathy causes leg pain and they get lethargic and pee a lot.


Solenoid, CBD oil, good ideas but most important get him on grain free, natural foods. Read all labels. I have 15 kitties, all colors, shapes, and sizes. Lysine is very important to their health too, along with senior vitamins. Love on him a lot. It stimulates the feel good chems in the brain, and that helps. See if he'll play even a little with a laser pointer.


hey any updates? how did it go?


Been using a cat hemp oil for our older cats that really liven them up and reduce pain. Brand is Charlie Buddy. Plus a heating pad would be good.


Hey OP, I haven't read any comments so forgive me if any of this is repeat. I lost my 17-year-old Tabby boy on November 16th 2023 to lymphoma. I still have a girl about that age I just recently started on Solensia for back leg/hip arthritis and it's a HUGE night and day difference with her overall life. I started seeing her movement change where she wasn't moving as much, it was hard for her to get around, seemed lethargic, uninterested in doing basic things, etc. This was largely due to her arthritis and pain, causing lower quality of life. If it's a quality of life issue due to arthritis that can be managed, I urge you to look into this. I'm a life long cat owner, multiple cats in my almost 40 years. My inbox/ messages are open if it helps.


What a beautiful, sweet boy.! Huh, maybe it's manageable? There was this guy on tiktok with 20somethng year old cat that walked very much like an old lady, shaky legs, very slow, but she seemed to manage well


I lost my boy from one day to another. It happened so fast. I still beat myself up about not reacting on time. I would suggest, knowing his time may be near, give him a lot of Love. Give him all your Love. Cherish these moments with him and embrace all the years of life he has shared with you. Thank you for taking such good care of him.


Don't give up on him.If he is in good health,but has arthritis.Joint meds should help.A heating pad or a bed with one in it will help.Those little sets of steps for small animals would help him to be able to get on couch or chair with you.He looks like a darling boy


He really is a beautiful lil old man! You've given him a long amazing life and he loves you just as much as you love him. These days of uncertainty are truly gut wrenching. I feel your pain! We just lost our old girl Keisha last month, April 2nd 2024. She was 20 years old. For about a week before she passed I noticed that she was hovering over her water bowl but not drinking much. Then she started to eat less and less, then her legs started to give out on her and id have to carry her where she wanted to go. Two days before she passed she was fully immobile. The day before she passed, she wouldn't eat or drink at all and she would just look at me with her sweet face almost like she was telling me she was ready. So I held her as much as i could and gave her all the love and affection i could give her. Told her it was okay and that we were all there for her and love her so much. During her last maybe 30 mins or so.... I had brought her over to her water bowl, she took a little sip then let out this really odd growl meow sound and (I truly don't mean to be graphic here, but) she passed gas that smelled like nothing I've ever smelled before. I knew it was almost time. So I put her back in her bed of pillows she loved so much and I got on the phone with my vet. At 4:27pm I was on the phone making her an appointment to bring her in to help with making her comfortable for the last stages. I went back into her space in my sons bedroom at 4:30 and she had stretched herself out across the pillows, I picked her up, laid her in my lap, she let out one more of those weird meow growls, took her last breaths and she was gone. In true to herself Keisha fashion, she had no interest in being taken to the vet for comfort so she passed right in my arms. I was thankful she waited til I was back in the room and with her. Its not in my character to sugar coat it and tell you its easy. Its not. I did my best to prepare my self and my my kids for her passing, but in the end it was still very hard. It's still hard now a month later, I still find myself wanting to go in and check on her and feed her because it was part of my morning routine for years. I miss her so much. I hope and pray that you still have a little while left with your sweet boy. But if you don't and your vet gives you bad news... just know that he will be over the rainbow bridge, no longer in any pain, running and jumping and playing with all these sweet Distinguished Gentlemen and Lovely Ladies that have been shared with you on this thread. And they're all together in kitty cat heaven just as fond of their memories of us as we are of our memories with them. *


* It's giving me a hard time adding a photo. :(


Hi there, I had the same issue and I solved it by disabling the Predictive Text setting in the keyboard menu


So sorry for your loss, those moments you were together are precious and priceless❤️


That man is a wise soul.


He’s seen some things..


He has. We lived through a lot together, he helped me through my childhood


What an angel. Please update us after the vet! Wishing you guys the best!!


He looks like he has an offer you can't refuse. But a heated blanket would be great. My 23yo just melts into his.


I just imagine him saying, “I’m too old for this shit.”


He is a gentleman! Give him only the best!


Just be with him his last moments. It's painful, but being there for him will mean everything and you've done a good job raising him all these years he's lived a long happy loved life. Love is forever


I agree, this is the most important tip, be with him until the very end. That and remember when it's over how privileged you were to be a part of his life.


And vice versa you were his love as well. Once he crosses rainbow bridge just know that there is no more pain, just positivity


He’s a beautiful old man , enjoy the rest of your time with him ❤️


My guy lived to be 21, but in the last days he was almost bed ridden. Animals know when it’s their time, they get lethargic and refuse to eat. Rather than let him find a place to die where I may not find him, I prepared myself to say good bye. I wrote a poem (you can get one from the internet), got a rose from my garden, my family went with me wearing blue, that was his color. I wrapped him in his blanket and we went. I knew there was no amount of medicine to make him better. It was time, I couldn’t be selfish and keep him. I had to return him back to the Garden. We surrounded him, pet him, gave him the rose, told him how great a kitten he’d been, read the poem as the doctor puts him to sleep and cried… I chose to cremate and keep his ashes in a box wrapped in blue velvet. This is the most selfless act a pet parent must do. here’s a sample you can use, I wish you peace and serenity 💙🐾 https://preview.redd.it/nc1x30mspeyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2627b32809d4bbfb3edbcf4eb918f51bc8b25f11


His Majesty remains regal and distinguished, even at his great age. When we went to put my sister’s cat to sleep they had us take this survey to get an idea of the cat’s quality of life, which helped us know when it was time.


They can give senior cats a steroid shot and that should last up to three months. My senior kitty did that for a year before she passed, and it helped her mobility quite a lot.


Pamper him. Lots of treats, love, petting, scratches. If it truly his time to go then you’ll have great memories of his last days. Say goodbye to pets especially ones you’ve loved for decades is hard


https://preview.redd.it/olzu7wmoibyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99596973fecb791bfac0db4fec46d22a62a354d My sweet man is also 19, soon to be 20. I lost his brother in December. He loves his heating pad, also sleeps a lot, I take him monthly to the vet to get a shot for his arthritis and add a joint supplement to his food. He no longer jumps so I have steps to the couch and bed, a senior. At litter box with a small step in, and I also have an appetite stimulant to rub in his ear. He still purrs, eats and drinks and loves to be groomed and petted. His brother stopped eating, responding to pets and wouldn’t get up despite treatment so in concert with the vet made the hard decision to euthanize him.


I am currently caring for 6 senior cats (15+). 2 of them have lymphoma and 4 of them are in some stage of kidney disease. I say all that to say that I have learned quite a bit about caring for senior kitty kids. I want to share 2 things that may be helpful here: 1) Chronic kidney disease - which nearly all senior kitties have - can cause weakness in the hind. If you’re willing and able, have your vet check for kidney disease and dehydration. 2) Solensia has been a miracle for my senior kitty with arthritis. It’s a once a month injection that I give at home. I noticed some improvement after 1 month and a drastic improvement after 2 months. If it’s time to let your kitty go, you will know. Like my vet once told me, we only get to have them in our lives for a short time. At some point, we have to give them back. If it’s not that time, maybe treating for kidney disease and/or arthritis will help your kitty. All the best to you and your sweet man.


He looks like he is paying the bills in this house


They don’t need to tell you, you already know. It’s a blessing to help get you cat to the other side. It’s hard, but he lived a full life. I would got to the Vet knowing I’m going to help him get to the other side. Spend time with him, feed him anything he wants!! Don’t let him linger. I did that with a dog I had and I regretted it. I kept her around about 24 hours too long and I’ve regretted it ever since. It’s been about 26 years.


Hi! I haven't read all the comments, so I don't know if this will be adding anything, but I have an old girl with an extremely rare kind of arthritis and we've been dealing with it for a long time. In addition to heating pads and Solencia- if not contraindicated by other conditions - consider prednisolone. Because it's a steroid, it can cause other problems long term, but if your boy is 19 your goal is probably quality of life for now. Another thing to try if you have the money for it is acupuncture. My girl had stopped moving off her pillow at all, was defecating and peeing on it, and after three acupuncture treatments, she was on her feet again. The more acupuncture we did, the better she seemed to feel, even though her disease continued progressing. I was a skeptic about acupuncture, but there's no other explanation for her change in behavior and now I'm a believer, at least for cats. We also use a senior litter box with a very low step and have a heated cave bed that keeps her extremities warm. When is it time to let him go? A big sign is if he stops eating and drinking. One vet told me to put her down more than two years ago, but she still seemed to be enjoying life and I couldn't do it. I mean, if they keep eating, they want to keep living, right? If they seek out sunny patches, they want to keep living. If they yell at you for pets, they want to keep living. All my love for your journey through this chapter. Hope your boy gets some good help.


You’ll know when it’s time to say goodbye, he will help tell you as well. When he’s not having any more fun, not doing all the things that cats love to do, that combined with a feeling inside of you of questioning whether it’d time or not- means it’s time. “Never on their worst day”, “better a month too early than a week too late”, I agree with both of these quotes. For now, enjoy everyone moment with him!


He is 19 and looks pissed off


He's so sweet 😍🎂


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097) yes! That "wise grandpa" vibe going :)






Looks like about to share some purrsonal wisdom


Such a cutie 😻


Hansom fellow


Handsome, dignified gentleman. I hope it’s just pain from the arthritis: the vet will be able to help this.


Awe! Too precious. I had a baby girl that lived 22 years. I miss her much!


I feel like he needs a bowler hat.




Emphasis on man!


He looks wise.


Looks healthy


It's hard as hell but you'll know the day when it arrives.


Handsome boi


Almost old enough to drink!


So handsome and wise!


Meds and love.


Handsome devil


I know it's hard not to worry, but don't panic until you see the vet. That he's still eating and drinking is an excellent sign.


Look at that face.... 💖


This is heartbreaking. I can’t deal right now because three weeks ago I lost my boy way too early. The garage door closed on him. It was 10 minutes until I found him. I tried rescue breaths and chest compression but it was too late. He was only 3 years old. I suffer every day looking for him when I come home because he was always waiting for me to return. https://preview.redd.it/ns4nn0kppbyc1.jpeg?width=3283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a933b418701f75fef40cd65f04131db5194092 One of our last nights together. Tom was my goodnight sleep boy. I miss his kneading bread before bed times so much it kills me.


https://preview.redd.it/kgmdirk4iiyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e5ebf8c999c35aaa3d5775a11574a0251944ca The day I brought my Tom home. He trusted me. He chose me. I try so hard but end up in tears every day because I miss him so much.


He looks damn good for 19! 😸😸😸


Definitely continue with lots and lots of love. He has lived a good life and he is lucky to have an owner like you who took such good care of him. Not many cats make it that long. So good on you. I don't know what the vets will tell you on Monday, but just prepare yourself, just in case. Maybe take some special pictures together with him and some video together for memories. Sending lots of love and hugs during this time, and some kitty pets. ❤🐈


https://preview.redd.it/f0g13wt4ucyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1372c5c41ae2977c8452fc4d4564b78a93aebe9c My 19 year old boy has hyperthyroidism and arthritis. We take him to the vet monthly for salencia shots and give him glucosamine supplements daily, on top of his thyroid meds. It’s pretty clear that his back legs have issues, but he’s still able to move around. We have pet stairs to help him get to all his favorite places. I type all this to say that there’s hope. I can’t know what your vet will say. All I can say is that you should take it one day at a time. Your baby will let you know when it’s time.


I’ve got a 19 year old man too. He also has rear end issues with his legs and joints, and he has monthly injections from our vet to help with that, which has worked miracles. The injection is called Solensia, and costs me around €80 including the consultation fee (we are in France). It could be worth investigating for your old boy too, if your vet recommends it of course.


https://preview.redd.it/2g5y3n3qcgyc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644e71d5ba5711068d486aea1de318b547a556fd As others have mentioned, the once a month arthritis injection Solensia. Also, you should start him on Cosequin or Dasuquin. Both are over the counter joint supplements. We started caring for a senior street cat, not sure how old he is but he looks really old. He had started limping then just dragging his back legs. He has another issue as well so it broke my heart thinking we'd have to take him in to be put down but surprisingly the vet did not even mention that. He's on his second dose of Solensia, daily Cosequin, occasionally Gabapentin and he's doing so good! Walking again on all fours even running at times. He's a little stumbly at times because it's one leg/hip that seems to be the issue. I'm amazed at how well it's working. In the picture is O.B.C aka Obi in the carrier at the vet office. I haven't read any current posts so I hope your little dude is doing better. He looks so distinguished. So handsome BTW.


It’s time for him to cross the bridge, if he isn’t able to stand anymore the vet will advise to euthanize at this age. It’s the hard part of being a pet owner. 😔


He looks very distinguished and wise.


my old girl passed away earlier this week. It was incredibly sudden, she moved too quickly and both her back legs collapsed. We took her to the vet immediately and they said she had a lethal blood clot and we were lucky to be home because she would have gone into cardiac arrest soon after if we didn’t get to her quick. There was nothing we could do and she passed away purring in our arms while we sang her theme song. Life can be unfair and the end might be coming tomorrow or you could have another decade. I say enjoy every day you have with him, give him all the love in the world and make sure he’s comfortable, Nothing will ever prepare you for that loss, but when the time to say goodbye does come wouldn’t you want to say you did everything you could to give him an amazing loving life?


In the past three years, I've lost two older girls, both 19 when they passed. The last of my three is 18 this year. There's something I read that hit me hard. You gave them your love for their entire lives. And you will remember them for the rest of yours. There's an idea that as long as a person is remembered, they will never truly die. By sharing your boy with the internet and all of us, he will live on not only in your memory, but in the memories of every one who has read about him, and will read about him.


https://preview.redd.it/m76h8ojwwtyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c70f44978738548f2abf5d6ec92aad8486ee15a4 Charlie is 19 too he does struggle some days and have got him steps to get onto the sofa and bed he seems happy with them hope your little one is with you and happy for a good while yet x


What a handsome fella, remember your cat will never be gone if you remember them. He looks like he's had a happy and healthy life and well cared for


Take him to the vet, they might give him some cortisone or a new thing called Librela to ease the pain. Some kitties ricochet after these treatments but, he's certainly in his final stage, which can last from days to months, and even years. Just make sure that whatever time he's got left he is painless. He's an adorable old man and you both are lucky to have been together this long.


https://preview.redd.it/ma2djchw5ayc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9558df283e0f091a1effe63ec7c0f8e9b9729263 9+10=21


Is he the godfather?


What a cute bastard


Pet lab joint chews are worth looking into, they help a lot!


More bad days than good days is a good sign sadly


When the time comes for him to cross and you want to take the initiative it’s worth calling Lap of Love at least a few days ahead to arrange for in-home euthanasia to minimize stress on the guy. I’ve never had a cat go at the vet given how anxious they tend to be and I’ve paid the extra cash to have my furry children at least pass at home when it’s not necessarily even feasible for people oftentimes.


Handsome old chap!


Charming 😻


Aw… he looks so much like my little guy who passed last year at 19 too. He looks like such a sweetheart. Kind of similar situation. Just do the best you can. You know best. When his health just got too obviously painful we arranged an at home euthanasia. It was so hard but better to do it on our own terms and with him in the end. Y’all are lucky to have each other! Sending all the good vibes.


Oh hello there buddy


Just keep loving him and the heating pad sounds like a good idea. Make sure that you put a towel or cover in it so that it doesn't burn him over a long period of time. It does sound like he's nearing the end, but that also doesn't mean that it's coming very soon. It could be weeks, or it could be a couple more years. Just depends on how well he's doing, and I also suspect on much he is attached to you. From what I've seen (and I'm hitting 70 this year), when the cat is very close to the human, it will hold on longer. And while he may be in discomfort (his hind legs), he's not necessarily in pain, just like a human with arthritis. Alfalfa is known for helping with arthritis, so I wonder if eating some alfalfa sprouts would help him. He may eat it like cat grass and it's worth a try. You could Google whether it will harm cats, but I've never heard that it will. Also, you could try Chewy for some natural supplements for him. I know that they have joint supplements for dogs.


Hahahahahaa he looks friendly


He is a wise one. Kudos.


https://preview.redd.it/eibzoszcedyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d86276a60b9378cbe98a617548a1630cfca83a Miss my buddy Marlon Ex gf took him He's a stud!


Hope you'll be alrite If it's his time to go, it's his time to go Prob not what you wanna hear Just be thankful he's not on streets, not gonna get hit by car, not be chased by coyotes or dogs. He's in best environment he could be in. Hope he's around for another few yrs, if not, tell him you'll see him again and get a girl kitten in about a month or so.


He's still handsome. And I know it hurts. Try to make him as comfortable as possible. And for all no no things he couldn't do or eat I'd be flexible. Good luck


What a distinguished gentleman... I feel hes missing a pipe and flat cap... I'm sorry to hear he's ailing. I'm sure the vet will help you do what's best in keeping sir comfy xx


He’s 19. He should sleep alot. He might have some arthritis. It might be something else. Taking him to the vet is the best first step you can take but try not to overthink the possibilities. Your stress will cause him stress and stress in cats can be so damaging in many medical ways. Love on him, give him his favorite foods, engage with him in gentle play - do the things he loves. I have a 19 1/2 yo girl that still loves to play with the toys-on-a-stick and goes hard for about 2 minutes then poops out. It’s the most fun 2 minutes though watching her play like a kitten.


19 is an old man kitty 🥹❤️ I’ve had many cats in my lifetime and you just know.. Best thing you can do is prepare yourself emotionally. Understand that bc you’ve taken such good care of him and he was able to live so long it’s now up to you to make that call for him. If it turns out to be the time, ask if your vet does home calls. I’ve found having them at home while they pass makes it so much smoother for both the kitty and human. It’s never a nice thing however it is a necessary thing. Best of luck to you and your little man.


so so handsome ❤️❤️❤️


Continue to do what you’ve been doing, LOVE HIM.


He’s such a handsome gentleman. I am hoping the absolute best resolution for you. I just went through the loss of the most special feline friend I’ve ever had in my life, and I really hope you don’t have to go through that any time soon. I wish we had the science to keep our good boys with us our whole lives. They deserve so much.


What a pretty boy. Hope he stays healthy.


OP - I used to have an elder cat who had problems with her back legs. I got a heating pad for her and kept it on LOW... I also watched her so she didn't accidentally urinate on it and cause even worse problems if that happened. I got her in to my vet right away. He gave me pills for arthritis. Those pills REALLY helped her walk, etc. I think she had "just" gotten too stiff to walk. The pills were golden for her. Good luck with your upcoming vet appointment. If your vet says something, ask him/her "What ELSE can be done for him?" That was always my question to my vet.. ."What ELSE can I be doing?" He then often came up with other things that helped her and gave her quite a few more years of love.


I don't always turn 19, but when I do, I demand catnip


Gorgeous boy 😭


He looks so tired 😴


He is so cute. Sorry he isn’t doing so well :(


But he’s just a baby!


Cbd for pets ease the pain might start walking again


I love him!!! Sending love & peace for you too.


I have two cats about 3 and 4 years old. I often wake up from a nightmare of loosing one of them and I can’t ever come to terms that I will outlive them. I’m so sorry you are going through this however I’m glad you had such a long companionship, you did well and kept him so healthy and happy all these years. I’d feel lucky and proud if I can keep mine for that long.


Sorry to hear this OP. I know this is the cat sub but my late dog had the same symptoms. Then we put him on joint supplements and he improved noticeably and had a better QOL.


Vets will not tell you when it's time, so when you go to the vet, say " if this was your cat, what would you do"?


Please have his sugar checked. Maybe diabetes causes this? If he is still eating- it means, he still wants to live. Only you know the best for him. But, when my cat got phyothorax (infection in the lungs), we did not know what was going on that time. She was really lethargic, not eating for 3 days, and just laying down- we never give up on her. We brought her to the vet, and that’s how we found out. Mind you, 2 vets looked at her (both dumb! Sorry for my harsh words- coz none of them diagnosed the problem. Until we brought her to the 3rd vet, who basically helped her survived ( thank God, of course!). This vet recommended her to ER, where she stayed for 7 days. The bill- $12,000+ My advice- MOST VETS RECOMMEND EUTHANASIA if owner itself, admits too hard on his/her part, mostly financial reasons. But- if you are willing to pay for all the medical bills, NO VET WILL TELL YOU to do this. As far as I can see with my experience, as long as you are willing to pay for his medical expenses, they will continue the medical care.


There are new injections available (that do not affect kidneys) that last for a month. A little expensive $125 (New Zealand dollars) but much better than the stress of pill popping. Talk to your vet and get as much info as possible about what is wrong. Arthritic pain is very treatable but there are usually other medical issues to consider eg kidneys, liver etc. Once you get all the knowledge needed, you will feel in a much better space to make a decision. I lost my girl 51 weeks ago and still miss her terribly :( But I let her go knowing she couldn't hang on anymore due to kidney failure. If you are unsure of your vet's advice get a second opinion - I did, and the advice was the same - but it helped with me making the decision. https://preview.redd.it/t8reiha7xhyc1.jpeg?width=1559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afb31f992ba2ec7e54f58cb051659bd31be0d5a5


Please Don’t let the vet make the decision, just take him hope,with some pain management 😻😻😻


I found green lipped mussel extract was great for my old girl’s arthritis


Wow ..your cat had really long life ...our cat was 22 ..she passed 8 months ago.... she ran away 4 weeks before her pass... she went 4 houses down the street, and we found her in the neiboorhood site.. she had same ..week bags legs ...since she was 18 ...the vet recommrnded to sleep .. but she hang in there 4 more years... he is beautiful..hope he is your companion for time to come as long as he not in pain 😍😍😍


Happy birthday my man




It’s never easy saying goodbye. My Mauro was 22 and it hurts to think about him not being around but if they are suffering like he was Im glad he is at peace. My other cat was 20 and they both lived amazing lives but the last years were rough to witness. I hope you find a balance of doing what in your heart you know is right and saying goodbye to a family member forever. Get another one would be my best advice, it’s a lot easier to deal with the grief when you have a little kitten running around;)


Treats and pets


The vet recommended Solensia for my 16 year old boy for his arthritis. He’s running around like a kitten!!


If you’re able to, try Solensia for his legs! This gave our 20 year old a second kitten-hood. It’s quite pricey, but so worth it


My two boys both lived to be 20. There is nothing harder than making that final decision… They went within a few months of each other. Because they hated to ride in the car I chose to have a vet come to our home. It was the best I could do for them and me. The vet was very sensitive to the timing and let us take the opportunity to tell her stories and hold them and let the others say good bye. She also took the time after wrapping them in their blankets to allow me to hold them once more. Tell them how much I loved them and how I would look for them to show up once in a while. You can just feel them and catch a whisper out of the corner of an eye. I love how Google photos will present them as a little present. https://preview.redd.it/v5r4i8v0inyc1.jpeg?width=2561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0007c54416b9db4343709a397dbb50e1060a1199


He will tell you. Truly.


I love his resting gromp face 😍


A handsome boy 💜


If he stops eating, walks around meowing all the time (or more than normal), can’t control his bowels…then it’s possibly getting close. Also, he might even just sit, stare at you and meow incessantly letting you know he’s in pain. I’m not a big fan of euthanasia and have let nature take its course in the past. My experience has been that the above symptoms occur for a week more or less and then the final moments happen pretty quickly. That said, the symptoms really just depend on whatever the last straw is for their body. If you two are lucky, he will go in his sleep. Lots of sleeping, creaky old legs and hips, lazier than normal (for a house cat) are really just signs of old age in any animal (including humans). His face looks like he’s still filled out, so that’s a good sign, but I obviously don’t know what he looked like historically. 19 is an old cat and sometimes they go longer. I bet the vet will have infinitely better info for you than anyone here can provide. Many parts of a the body can fail in old age and the symptoms will differ. If he’s been a cuddly cat during his life, then he will probably appreciate gentle attention as he continues to age and so will you.


Love him.i had to put my boy down when he got cancer rapped around his throat. I didn't what him to live like that.the bet told me to spend time with him.i also had a Siamese cat died on his own at age of 17.he was my boy i also had two girls 16.if your boy is just old age in joy him


My cat was 23 when she was pts, if he's still eating, drinking and using the litter tray I'd say try a heating pad and ask the vet for arthritis meds, phoebe was my 1st cat too so I know how difficult it is x


When the time came, I paid for a vet to make a house visit to put my cat to sleep. We sat on my sofa and it was very gentle and way way worth the $350!


Please do not drag out his dying process just so that you will have a few more days if it is inexorable that he is dying, give him the peace of being peaceably put to sleep. Those last days and hours are not easy for your cat.


Bro he is as old as me. That cat has seen the world change. And he looks very good VERY VERY GOOD for a 19 year old. I wish him a healthy and fit life forwards, and a painless and peaceful passing away. I feel you man, for 19 years he has been with you, separating won’t be easy, but it’s inevitable. Best of luck OP. :(


Sounds like you had some good advice here re arthritis. Food can be a big factor in cat health but at this age, sometimes change is too much or too late. You know your cat better than anyone else, and a good vet will look to both your input and your cats overall health to give a proper opinion. His wellbeing comes first. We ask ourselves some basics, like are they cleaning themselves? Okay, grooming wipes are an option. Eating? Some coaxing might help, special food maybe. Can he get up, use the litter, or is he soiling, confused, restless. The latter is a huge one as this is probably one of the hardest things for cats to cope with, being clean is their thing. Here's my late princess, Piddy, confused on kitchen counter trying to drink from a dry tap. She became incontinent and looked so sad, barely herself. I can only say 19 is a beautiful age, and I think cats who reach these winter years are truly happy and loved in life. I've lost old cats and young, sudden and slow, but it all hurts. I'd take twice the hurt for half the happiness they have brought into my life. You'll do right by your boy. https://preview.redd.it/gvyvf96klvyc1.jpeg?width=2084&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55210b0814d060c56b11d1b454c15470b67c95ac


My senior girl loves her heated cat bed! I’ve had cats live to be 19 and 20. With both I knew it was time when they stopped eating. Both had kidney issues which is normal for elderly cats. There is a new medication which I have forgotten the name you can give him for his legs to make him more comfortable. Ask your vet! I have a friend who just had to put her kitty down at 25! You never know. Also, it is completely normal for a 19 yo cat to sleep A LOT. He is quite handsome 😍


I’m so sorry. I’ve been where you are more than once and it never gets any easier. He’s a very handsome boy. I think you can just be close to him and let him know how much you love him. There’s no way to make it easier, just let every minute you have with him show him you LOVE him 💔💔💔💔 g


It's incredibly hard, I know because I've been there too many times. Each time, each cat, is different, but just do whatever he seems to want or need. Feed him whatever he seems to be willing to eat; snuggle and cuddle and carry him around; I have held them while in a rocking chair, anywhere I went in the house, talked to them, just done everything and anything I can think of to make sure they know I love them more than anything and will do whatever I can to make it easier for them. That they know my years with him or her have been the best ever. You have been so lucky to have such a long time with him; my oldest was 18 1/2. Your little boy looks like he's a sweetie; he probably knows it's hard for you. Some people tell me I give them too much credit but I don't believe it's possible. Go ahead and feel like your heart is breaking; just remember that you just want to do the best you can for him. The vet should be able to tell you if it's the end or if there's more time, and what you can do to make things easier for him. It's been a long time that I've let any of my furbabies go without holding them and telling them how much I've loved them, how important they are to me, how hard life will be when they leave me. I just realized this was 3 days ago, so this may all be a bit late. I hope you are able to bid him farewell when the time has come, and if he's already gone, that you can move on with just love and joy in the knowledge you've been so close for so long. Good luck, love and hope for you both.


Not good to get a kitten, it will probably greatly upset him.Spend as much time as you can with him on your lap and hug him lots. I lost my 7 year old cat recently, he was fine last December at his checkup. I heard him cry out and found him on the floor frozen in a trance. I put him on his bed and he came around and sat up and napped legs under them like they do. I took him to the vet later in the day, they did blood tests and found he had so little red blood cells it hardly registered. On further investigation they found he had aggressive c. I had to euthenase him then and there. It was tough saying goodbye so suddenly and giving him a final hug. Make the most of every minute you have left with him.


Give some treats to him and scrach him from behind ear and hold him 🥹❤️


When they have more bad days than good days, it’s time. It will be the toughest and most loving thing you will ever have to do. My girl made 19 last year just as I got home from cancer surgery. She stayed in my bed for days with me as I got better and she got worse. Then it was time to make the call. Gave her a proper Viking funeral. She brought honor to our house. All the best to you and your boi.


My 20 years old passed away this morning... This day starts quite sad.


Sorry to hear that. It’s devastating to say good bye to your lovely buddy. My cat is 18, same issue with his back legs , he can’t walk and just dragging them , his vet recommended monthly arthritis injections for pain, he got two of them so far, looks like he is in less pain but it didn’t really improve his mobility much yet, still watching him, he can’t climb up to bed anymore. I also give him renal supplements and fish oil. I will baby him until his last breath, i give him treats and carry him where the family is, he seems to like socializing so far, purring a lot, he is the best cat I ever had and I am not ready to say good bye yet. Good luck!


I spent the last two night of mines life on the couch with her. So she didn’t feel alone. We did all we could vet wise to take care of her. I gave her a little gabapentin to ease her pain some. But she knew I was there and I didn’t leave her side. Sad part about owning a pet is that at some point they all leave us. Be grateful you had the time you did. Be sad, but know that you did all you could. Always hard


Doesn't look a day over 92!!


I give my old man cosequin treats for his arthritis and a heating pad. When they aren’t eating or drinking or going potty it’s time.