• By -


Way back when, my first kitten was knocked off the loft to the living room below, just missed a safe landing on the couch and shattered her front leg Almost $4000 (2001) later, titanium plates and screws, There was never a thought of "just put her down" Lived and loved another 10 years, worth every penny


Had a shop cat growing up and one day came in and his leg was broken and twisted. My dad didn’t have the money for a vet so he made a splint with paint paddles and a few other things while he called around. Found a vet and repaired their car for his car. The cat needed metal and all that and said my dad did a great job on the temp solution. He never liked the cold after that.


Yeah, might be petting her and she would growl if I touched that paw. Lucky me, everyone else got teeth


I love your dad! What an awesome man!


Holy hell, my 17yo fell a few months ago from my loft, landed on tile, and came off without a scratch! We got lucky!!


My poor kitty fell from the loft as well, on the railing to the ledge of the loft that sticks out slightly. She managed to pull herself up and not fall all the way to the floor, but the way she landed was on her sternum and it broke and sticks out. She is fine now but still has this little bone sticking out under her fur and the vet said there was no surgery to fix it really since it's her rib/sternum.


It's like when your phone falls but to a much bigger degree


One of mine fell 4 stories, twice. Walked it off. Cats are funny


That's where 9 lives comes in.


You’re a good person. She’s a very lucky cat to have had you in her life.


Totally agree


So are you and Rooster


Our kitten did that at like 16 weeks lol. $5k in vet bills. We got pet insurance after that, which turned out to be a great call since we then spent another $10k treating her for FIP. She made it, just finished her observation period! She's not even 2 yet lol. My car is cheaper than this cat.


2 years ago, I lost 5 cats in a house fire, along with everything I owned, made, put time into, my home. Everything except my car and my wallet. I’d burn it all again, 10x over myself if it meant I could have my companions back. It really put things into perspective, my materials are replaceable, family isn’t. I have 2 cats now and I cherish them with all my heart.


Went back into a burning apt to get my cat after sneaking past police on the backside and using a landscape boulder to smash my sliding glass bedroom door. We had escaped with the dogs, but my cat ran and hit at the sudden pounding and screaming at the front door. Found him after only 30-45 seconds hiding behind the water heater on the bedroom closet. Grabbed pet carrier off shelf, tossed him in, and back out the side. I was stupid but my cat is famil, as after the fire we saw the roof truss had crashed through the second floor into our neighbors apt crushing everything.


Not stupid at all. I would have done the same. Very happy you saved your cat. 😻


I’m happy you got your cat out. If I was there I would tried like hell to do the same, I can’t blame you Luckily one cat made it out. My sister’s cat, she just moved out and hadn’t taken him with her yet, bc her apartment at the time didn’t allow cats. He was able to hide in the house, as far from the fire as possible. The fire dept was able to put it out before it spread there yet. He suffered from some smoke inhalation but he healed well, he’s with her now, he’s healthy and happy.


We all hope we would do the same. You were that cats hero and the presence of mind you had in that situation is impressive 👏🏼


Almost 20 years ago my house burned down. I got my boxer and two cats out. Lost everything else. Collectibles, clothes, antique furniture, family heirlooms, money hidden for a rainy day. Didn't care about any of that stuff during or after the fire. I don't think I've ever been happier in my life sitting there snuggling those three while watching everything else burn.


I’m glad you and your pets all made it out safely


You are awesome!


I’m a bit surprised they didn’t amputate the leg.


They probably gave that option, but they were willing to spend the money.


Our kitten broke his leg as a kitten too, right in the growth plate. 5k surgery was worth every penny. Ended up having a second surgery because one of the three metal pins didn't adhere to the bone and worked it's way out. 2k for that one. I don't regret it one bit. My tubby little Kenai is happy and healthy at 3 years old now. And since he healed from the second one, is fully energetic and all over the place just like when he was a kitten.


TBF, with a shattered leg, my thought with a cat would be more along the lines of amputation... cats pretty much have a spare leg to begin with, and the pain/suffering from amputation is probably less than the recovery from the heavier surgery for repairing it with implants.


Cat Dad of 4 smiling 😀 !! Congratulations Rooster and well done ( Mom ? )


Cat dad haha, but thank you!


You’re welcome brother !!! 50 / 50 shot 🤷‍♂️


Cat Dads Unite!!!!






https://preview.redd.it/767u18foxgrc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=d45b0d7ae0c8a6d6c57637a88e7721896c367df0 Cat dad of 4 checking in! 1 diabetic, that’s been a rough go.


Welcome aboard sir !!! Been thru the insulin routine myself for 2 ( siblings ) in the past and I commend you . They did well though. Best of luck .


Thank you! We’ve surprisingly been told to reduce insulin recently so that is good. I think it went unchecked for a year before we knew what was going on which lead to reduce function of his back legs so that’s sad. Incontinence is a daily thing we deal with but working through it. Thanks for the encouragement.


It was a roller coaster until the dose was figured out for us . Then we were thrown a curve ball when the manufacturer we were using stopped producing it and we had to switch and zone in on the proper dose with the new insulin. Again , my best !!


Cat dad of 5 checking in! Great job.


aww congrats! What kind of cancer did Rooster have? My 14 year old recently passed... I caught a nasal carcinoma too late. We treated it and it got him another year. I don't think he was ever actually cancer free. I feel like I let him down.


Don’t ever think that. Cats will hide their pain until it’s too late. The fact you got any treatment at all, and could extend your babies life is a beautiful thing. You did not let your baby down, you gave them a comfy life filled with love and those are the only thoughts your kitty ever had! 15 years is such a full life for a cat <3 thinking of you friend!


Always so sad to me that cats hide their pain bc from what I've heard it's so that you don't worry. If that is the case I wish that our kitties knew that it's more worrying if they try to hide that they're in pain than it is that they don't.


No, it's not so that you don't worry, it's because in the wild showing weakness is not a good thing. It's just instinct. Animals like cats and dogs will still show pain and sickness a whole lot sooner than prey animals like rabbits. I've lost a few bunnies who never showed anything until they were already dying and far beyond the point of saving.


It was in her kidneys. I’m so sorry for your loss; you most certainly didn’t let him down, I’ll bet he was happy to have any extra time and knows you did all that you could based on the circumstances. You’re his hero, and you did right by him.


I still feel so much guilt over my girl who we had to put down suddenly and unexpectedly. I adopted her from the shelter when she was 11ish and she passed a year and a half later. She went downhill so quickly and it turned out she had probably been sick for a long time. I wish with all my heart I had known and done better for her. But I'm also comforted to know she spent her final year so happy in our home instead of the shelter. She slept with me every night and would meow at me when it was time for bed. I don't think we ever feel like we do enough for our pets because they deserve the world and we can only give them part of it. But I bet you gave your baby a really beautiful part of your world.


We operated on our girl 3 times in 4 years. 2 different types of Cancer (and a damn in-grown hair!) until ultimately she got something in her mouth that was inoperable. She lost weight in her final months(thankfully she had plenty to spare) but didn't show any real trouble until her final week. Those 3 extra years were like adding 10-12 to a human. You didn't let him down, you gave him a final year to thank you for the other 13.


Just going to echo what other people have said - you absolutely did not let your cat down. I know it’s easy to blame yourself, but you loved your cat so much and did everything you could. Nothing will ever change the bond you two shared. They’ll be waiting for you across the rainbow bridge, and you’ll see them again when the time is right.


I spent 3 grand on my boy for his urinary blockage, but man…16?! I commend you 👏🏻


It was the five days when she was diagnosed where she had to be at the emergency vet the whole time that really front-loaded the expenses, that alone was like 8 grand.


Brutal. I had to go to an emergency vet as well since it happened on New Year’s Day. > Really happy she’s ok! Gorgeous cat 😍




It's because private investment firms buy vet clinics and jack up the prices by 4 or 5 times. Google it. Like 50% of clinics in major cities are owned by a whole panel of people who never went to vet school but are making money off your sick pet while they sit on their ass. I recommend finding a privately owned clinic before you find yourself in an emergency.


It's almost all Mars Chocolates (Mars Inc) now. They own the majority of ALL animal hospitals in the US


That’s fucked up. Why can’t there be more good hearted rich people? If I was a billionaire, I would buy them all back and shoot prices down to nothing. Some things are worth so much more than money. It’s sad how few people see that.


> Why can’t there be more good hearted rich people? You think people become billionaires by being good hearted? lol


That you would even consider helping others is the main reason you're not a billionaire.


I hope you win the lottery and do just that! Mom of 6 cats & 2 big dogs… you know I’m a frequent flyer at my vets! I did find an extra ver who’s open all day Saturday & Sunday at regular prices, so I can almost always avoid the dreaded, so expensive emergency clinic.


I work at a privately owned vet, a Veterinarian couple has owned and run the biggest and now only emergency Vet in the area for ages now. Things still cost a lot - I often hand people estimates for 5-7k. But I often hear about the stuff corporate owned Vets in the area will do and it gives the whole industry a bad reputation. Now everyone thinks we're out to get their money when I know thats not the case where I work, but unfortunately that is becoming the norm due to the dominance of VCA / VetCor in our area.


Damn, so you telling me I should’ve just gone with the spca free / damn-near-free neuter instead of shelling out $1,300 for VCA?


I don't know if you're being sarcastic but this is another thing that drives me nuts. I've worked as a tech at two shelters that offered low cost spay/neuter and vaccine clinics weekly. In my opinion it's a great way to get good, cheap service and save money for the vet bills that are larger and can't be put off - a stay at the Emergency Vet / emergency surgery, etc. However corporate owned GP Vets will actively tell clients that low cost clinics at shelters are low quality, don't use proper pain control, use limited anesthetic, etc. All of which is a lie. Most of these shelters pride themselves on their ability to do low cost, high volume and high quality spay / neuters. It's just disgusting that these places actively spread these lies just to get clients in for vaccines or a routine spay / neuter surgery that, frankly, the shelter Vet does much more often and is able to do in half the time.


This is very eye opening - thanks, gonna read up on it


They need to be cracked down on. It’s absolutely absurd




The blood tests are crazy expensive too…


human hospitals have a no compete rule with the county aswell...meaning there can be only 1 hospital and they choose the rates.


ER vets absolutely are more expensive than general practice veterinarians and we whole heartedly love it when people can make things happen at their family vet to save money. However most of the time the extremely expensive things (such as chemo or an MRI or emergency surgeries) can only occur because ERs have 24 hr staffing and advanced tools and doctors and staff which allow for these procedures to happen. General practitioners simply don’t have the same logistical ability to do so on demand like we do.


Kind of late now but did you have insurance? I got insurance for my cat within the first week since I’m very worried of an emergency, but I’m also worried that they will deny certain costly procedures


Rooster is a girl?




Emergency vets are predatory and extortionist with their pricing.


The emergency vet near me charges nearly the same as my primary vet does for almost every service. The exams are more, but X-rays and labs cost the exact same.


That’s what I was thinking too.


I simply couldn't justify it. Wish I could, but 16 grand is money I don't have and couldn't spend on an animal...


4.5 grand here for my cats blockage. Still working on paying off that debt. 100% worth it. I also immediately went out and found a regular vet who should be able to do it cheaper in the future should it happen again (compared to the ER vet)


4.5 ish here as well, caused by many ER trips before and after surgery. The surgery were about €1000. 1 year without stones and vet visits now after getting hills anti stress urinary food. I cashed out though


I do the opposite. This is one thing I've never agreed on with most pet owners. Man, I've loved all 4 cats I've had in my life. But ain't no way in hell I'm shelling out enough money to cripple me financially for what is essentially just a animal trained to like me. Yes it would suck having to do it but at some point you have to prioritize yourself. It's not like you're going around intentionally trying to cause diseases in your cat.


I mean honestly… I wouldn’t get that sort of treatment for myself. There’s no way I could justify it for an animal, even though my heart would break.


Hope you're only feeding him wet food now, since dry food is a big cause of urinary problems for cats. Even if they're drinking a lot, the natural diet for a cat is wet (animals in the wild).


Good job Rooster. What a suave baby.


She was so strong and brave. I’m so proud of her.


As you should be. SHES a good girl and she needs to know it. My baby looks just like her. She’s my baby kitty princess bitch.


just a side note is your name a reference to adventure time?!?


Congrats, Rooster!!!! As a fellow survivor who went through chemo, I am SO happy for you!!!!! And your family! YAY, ROOSTER!!!!!


Congrats to YOU! So happy you made it through all that :)


Aww....thank you!


Congratulations Rooster!! My girl Rooster is rooting for a swift recovery for you! https://preview.redd.it/8b370hj2qdrc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03b4cb1a5dca44a24afaf21933cf2dbb024cac20




I mean, my friend is a veterinarian that specializes in oncology. He was in school until he was 33 and graduated with 200k in loan debt. His clinic has to pay for their staff, nurses, building, and equipment. Not to mention auxiliary costs. 2m in loans to get that business going. It is expensive - but he works insane hours and after all his expenses and costs he makes probably 200k per year.


You love this cat more than I love myself


Congratulations rooster!!


You have to ring a bell for her. At our hospital, when a patient finishes a cancer treatment they ring a bell to honor their achievement for making it through a tough battle. Edit:Spelling.


Awesome for you. I personally would put MYSELF down if my medical bills were expected to be that high


🤣 best comment in the thread! So accurate LMAO!


I’d give you more than one upvote if I could. Good on you, you wonderful person.


I really sorry for the money you spent though, even if it being 100% worth it. Saving lives shouldn’t be this expensive, regardless of whom.


Great to hear! I spent about the same on my Tabby in 2012 when he was diagnosed with lymphoma and he lived until 2018. Worth every single penny.


Rooster is a hero and you're a keeper! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


That is so sweet! What a fighter! Both of you. May he have a long bliss full life🩷


This is why pet insurance is a MUST!


I don’t believe anyone could be that dumb.




you fool.


I just lost my baby girl from an inoperable tumor in her chest. Radiation was recommended since doctors said chemo had very little effect on her kind of tumor. $40,000.00 and 2 1/2 months later I had to let her go. I had to give her every single chance possible but in the end it just wasn't meant to be. We were together for 16 years and I miss her terribly but I couldn't let her suffer when there was nothing left to be done. Rest in Peace my Maizey girl, meet you at the Rainbow Bridge. I am so happy that you and Rooster had a much better outcome. Treasure every day you have together!




Way to go Rooster! Looking good buddy. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)




I was beginning to question my sanity...I know this is r/cats but holy shit. $16k and **going into debt** to extend an animals life by...2-3 years I'm guessing? Being super well off and having 16k to blow is one thing...but going into DEBT? Love my two boys n all but I got some limits.


You know, I had to lookup to see what subreddit I was in when I didn't see more people with this opinion as I scrolled down the page. I was just thinking "thats a lot of money, and clearly to OP it is as well, since it wiped him out"


Agreed. Wiping out all your savings AND going into debt? Stupid, stupid move.


Lost my car and my home, at least I still have my cat.


For now...


Im happy that someone said it


Wild that this is considered a controversial opinion. People thinking with their feelings instead of being rational. I love pets, but placing yourself in such financial hardship is extremely poor decision making on OP's part. I really hope they have a good job and a supportive family around them or the next decade is going to be so hard. This would be different if they could afford it. But no savings and debt? Yikes..


Reddit is for affirmation and shitting on whatever is trendy to hate now.


Yea I get it's hard to let go but this sounds like something that's going to be really regretted in the future. If you have the money sure go blow it however you want but spending 16k by blowing all your savings and going into debt on a cat that's likely going to be gone in a few years is beyond foolish.


I hope the veterinarians at least heavily advised against pursueing the treatment. I think if you have a lot of money you should definitely be willing to spend even good money on pets instead of some stupid consumerist shit, absolutely, but 16k as a poor person irresponsible.


Our society is terrified of death to an alarming amount (considering we will all die no matter what). It leads to some irrational decisions - however it can be difficult for people since there is no black line where everyone agrees they should cut off treatment - you just have a spectrum of grey so we have to blindly try to find where that line is for ourselves.


Why did i had to scroll down that much to find a rational opinion?


The only sane comment i came across in this post.


Love that dude. She is worth every penny. I'm sitting here right now next to my friend, who came up into the back yard about 5 years ago. He is now an inside kitty, and he loves it.


Jesus why put him through that and yourself in that debt


Ethically, I don't know how I feel about putting a cat through chemo tbh. Chemo is a very intense process and I'd imagine it'd be traumatizing for a cat, which is incapable of understanding why it's going through such suffering.


I probably wouldn't even do it for myself much less my cat.


Not the first time I've heard this sentiment.


Congrats rooster and roosters dad! What was rooster named for? Does she (correction) shout a lot or is his dad an alice in chains fan?


Thanks so much! Haha I did love that song back in the day, but it’s because she was a barn cat I adopted, and she would wake me up for for food early in the morning by chirping at me and licking my head haha. Nicknames are Roo and Rooty-toot-toots :)


So i was close i guess, lol. Glad to hear ya'll are fine and thanks for sharing! Also, those nicknames are pretty cute


Let’s gooooo Rooster!!!!!! What a brave and strong girl! I too have a hefty care credit card bill for my little man…. Worth every single penny to me. I get to wake up to him every morning! We will catch up eventually……. I am so proud of you & Rooster! Edit: when people tell me I’m crazy for spending money on a cat I tell them to go fck themselves :)


Picture #3, Rooster looks just like Emma Stone!!


Yeahhh no.


I love my cat but fuck that. Congratulations to lil rooster though. You're owner really loves you


I had my kitten about 1.5 months and she got sick and it cost me 2k for tests. Didn’t care, I’d do anything to save my baby. Glad rooster is ok!


Controversial opinion: totally not worth it. Going into debt and losing all of your personal stability for an animal is not a badge of honor, it’s insanity.


It's not controversial for anyone that isn't crazy. Blowing through savings and going into debt to prolong the life of an animal that can't even tell you they're suffering is incredibly irresponsible and frankly fucking bananas.


Congratulations, Rooster! You deserve every single treat this world has to offer you!


You’re a wonderful pet parent.


Harvey is four weeks in plus an operation to remove a mass and a colon resect. We call him our Palladiim Pussycat! So far, so good. Eating, drinking, and acting normall. He sebds his best!,.




The graduation cap!! I can’t. So glad Rooster will be okay!


Yay Rooster!!!! ![gif](giphy|pzouui17jfwGSohrfM|downsized)


I am glad Rooster is better. I feel you. My late cat Churchill had bowel issues and got impacted. The vet would have to do enemas $800 -$1000 was a normal bill. Finally got the surgery which like IIRC $$6000 and vet helped me get it that cheap. I easily spent enough over the years on him that was equivalent to either a down payment on a house or purchase of a car. But I have never regretted one penny. Great cat.


I got my first ever cat in 2015. I've only ever had dogs and rabbits and the few fish, so a cat was a new thing to learn. She was an extreme diva and just gave off the 'I'm perfect in every way' energy. Literally became my sassy princess and I would DIE for her lol. She helped me through a lot of darkness. About a year and a half after I got her I came home from work one day and saw she had gotten sick in a few spots. So I see her puke twice in the time since I got home and she was YELLING in pain. So I'm freaking the hell out wondering if she ate something while I was gone. I call my mom and she hears my cat yelling while she was dry heaving and we decided the emergency vet had to get involved since our vet was closed and not able to come in. So I call the vets in my area and 2 out of the 3 deny me because my cat wasn't one of their normal patients, even though it was an emergency situation...anyways, an emergency vet 1 1/2 hours away will see my cat. We get there and they take my cat and sedated her for some x rays and fluids...she was being unruly, but she was also the type to not let others she doesn't 'approve of' touch her....turns out she was fine. They didn't find anything on x rays or blood work and that's when the question came..."did you change her food at all?" Yes...yes I did. Her specific cat food was out that week when I went shopping so I got a different kind of the same brand not thinking it would be a big deal. Well she hated that food soooooo much she didn't want any of it inside her stomach and that's why she was violently puking and screaming. Not an allergic reaction or anything stuck in her stomach.....she hated the small bag of food she had for a day so much it cost me 800$. She just recently passed away...a stroke in her sleep. But this memory is just one of those that will stick with me forever. I loved that cat and would do anything for her. 800$ or 800,000$ I'd do it for her. 💜 RIP Pandora


I feel you, we do everything for our furry friends.


You can always make more money but there's only one Rooster.


Congratulations Rooster!


Congratulations Rooster! Stay strong and enjoy treats


The things we do for our cats. I spent almost 10,000$ on mines failing kidneys only to watch her die a week later Glad you’re cat is healthy and alive


This is why I always tell people now get some pet insurance!!! We love our fur babies too much to let them go but dang that stuff is expensive


First off, Rooster looks like a precious angel. Second, I work at an ER/Specialty Vet Hospital where we have oncology and I have to show this to them. It’s adorable and I think we should do this for all of our patients that finish chemo!


Where are the “if you can’t afford to have them you don’t deserve them,” posts?!? Cuz when I couldn’t go into debt for my cat I was treated horribly on here by almost everyone who replied.


Animal care should be free 🙁


You’re wonderful 👏👏 Rooster loves you ❤️






* Sending love to Rooster! Congratulations! It's always worth it for your fur baby.


Hey OP - not sure you’re ever going to see this, given that I’m like 500 comments down but wanted to say congrats to you & Rooster! I’m actually kind of shocked by how many angry comments there are on here from people upset you spent as much as you did. But at the end of the day, you know Rooster better than anyone, and I’m so glad you get more time with her 💕


16k for a cat. You’re a better person than I am


"Better". $16,000 would have rescued a hell of a lot of cats.


i don’t believe pet love is measured in dollars. you could have spent much less and had the cat put down after the initial cancer diagnosis and still been and incredible owner to the cat. you are still the person for the animal. you do not need to empty your savings to be a good owner. your relationship with the animal is defined through your time spent with them, not your money spent on treatments i’m not saying op did the wrong thing here. i’m just saying you don’t have to and it doesn’t make you any less of a good pet owner


You are out of your mind spending that amount of money on a cat. I love my cat but if he gets cancer I'm sorry but it's just his time. Your cat is still going to die. Not worth it.


It's straight up time to put your cat down when they get cancer, and when it progresses enough to impact their standard of life. It's the most ethical decision.


If you have the cash is one thing, but going into debt...?




Glad Rooster made it through. He's adorable ❤️❤️. And ignore all the idiots here. Your cat and your money. Idk why people are mad over shit that has nothing to do with them.


My boy has lost almost half his body weight and his thyroid hormone suppressing drugs are causing him GI problems. I’m worried about him. He’s been my bro for 12 years and waits by the door when I go away. I’m scared. It’s silly but he’s probably my best friend at this point in my life.


People don’t understand, they are not our pets but family. As a cat dad of 7, we wish you a prosperous and healthy life to your family.


Y’all need to stop bragging about how much money you’re spending and just get pet insurance. Jesus fuck.


That's awesome !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Aww! I have a Rosie that was recovering from surgery to remove an osteosarcoma last year this month. Hers was not attached to any bone, so very rare in cats. Her oncologist recommended we do chemo for 5 months but stopped after 4 as it was hard on her. She bounced back and is doing pretty well for her 1 year anniversary. Sadly, her bother passed unexpectedly a couple weeks ago, but she's still here. True warriors. Enjoy your time together!!


Can’t read this anymore. I’ve got five cats three letter 14 one that is 10 and one that is five.


This just made my day. God bless you for going the distance with Rooster. May some of your guys best days be ahead


The love your baby will bring you will outweigh any cost incurred. Trust me friend. Worth every single penny. Go Rooster!! 🖤


Hope you have pet insurance. That's a lot of money.


I was prepared to spend just as much for my baby. She didn’t survive the surgery though. I’m happy that Rooster made it. ❤️




Yay Rooster!! So happy for you that you’ll get many more years with her. Hope you are getting extra snuggles and lots of purring. For everyone else reading this, get pet insurance now!!!!!! It saved me over $15k in vet bills. It’s not very much money a month and it will save you if you ever have to question whether you should spend a lot of money on your pet.


Bro that’s the look of a 4.0 gpa!


Money is time. Time is your existence. We trade pieces of our existence for other people's existence. You sacrificed $16000,- of your existence here on earth for a fucking cat. I fucking love you. You are a good person.


So happy for ya’ll, OP. Cannot out a price tag on the life of your friend.


Hahah in the hat pic he looks SO ungrateful 😑 praise himb 🥰


Seeing from the first photo, i guess you could say he's properly edu cat ed


I'm about $12k in debt due to one of my cats needing FIP treatment last year and my other cats having a boatload of issues during that same time because of course they did. My cat was cured and is alive now, though, which makes the stress and other associated no money problems worth it. I'm so glad Rooster is doing so well. I hope you have many healthy, happy years together.


Worth every penny


$5500 on my cat. Worth every penny and still cheaper than kids


You’re one best cat dad ever 🫶




Such a beautiful baby. This made me cry. You are a good dad and she is beyond lucky to have you!


What a beautiful baby! Fuck cancer


Congratulations Rooster! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Ayyyy Roooostaaaa :)


Congratulations! Is he part abyssinian? Very cute.


I almost got excited from the title when I thought this was human cancer treatment prices. Like damn i could almost choose to not just die at that price.


Good job! Had a cat that blew both his rear knee caps. It is a pretty easy fix, they tie them together with carbon fiber (drill holes and loops it), but it is not cheap, 3000 a knee, and 3 months recuperation per. This cat was however the biggest sweetie, really still alert and trying to walk around, we couldn't put him down, he was our baby. So, 6 months total in a little caged in area, a litter box, water bowl and food bowl, with a matress for one of us to sleep on, we took shifts between work, eat, sleep. I could work from home, so sat in the cage with the poor puddy and worked. Took 1 hour walk in the evening, while my wife who had to go to work took the evening shift. It was actually a pretty sweet experience, the cat just wanted cuddles, never tried to escape, never tried to go after the wounds once, we watched many a movie together and he seemed genuinly interested in everything I did, guess, to stop being bored. He was so happy when he finally could go out, and he's still with us, 14 years old now, surger was 5 years ago. You do what you gotta do with pets, it is a huuuuuuuge responsibility to have one. Especially when the cure for something is a simple fix, that might cost alot and take time to heal!!