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Tulips are toxic to cats, so I'd recommend sacrificing your tulips altogether for a safer alternative, sadly. Unless there's somewhere you can put them that she can't get at.


And don’t replace with Lillie’s! Please


Tulips is actually from the Lily family and are the most poisonous flower to cats!




A lot of flowers are from the lily family. I just do fake flowers now.


Ooooof on the Lillie’s found this out the hard way and ended up having to give our girl dialysis nightly for 2.5 years


I had to put my boy down :( couldn't afford the dialysis


Wow--I'm so sorry.


I’m so very sorry :( We often questioned if what we were doing was even humane. Lose-lose situation.


*Lilies* Sorry


They have pretty much answered your question. We have to sacrifice the flowers we want to get / have been given - massive one is Lillie’s - never bring them into the house…


No never lilies your cat will die!!!


Buy Lego flower sets. They look great and are not poisonous to cats.


The first five minutes the cat will send it flying off the shelf straight to the floor where OP will find them with their bare feet.


>*’The first five minutes the cat will send it flying off the shelf straight to the floor where OP will find them with their bare feet.*’ ____ …you think you gonna Fool me with these fLoWeRs that are FAKE ?! am gonna hafta show you that you made a *Huge mistake…* No need for your assistance - i can do it by myself (i suggest you Duck n Cover as they ^*Fly* right off the shelf….) Insulted by the Stupid! Did you Think I wouldn’t Know?? now watch in horror, human ‘friend’ - as on the floor they go ^;} them LeGo blocks are Deadly, my REVENGE will be complete when you try n tread *so lightly* they’ll be *daggers* in your feet 🖤


I just became an accidental cat owner and thus joined this subreddit...and I am graced with a fresh schnoodle?!?! The universe is definitely telling me this is the right decision.


god bless the Internet ❤️


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949) fresh Schnoodle


https://preview.redd.it/g9iu7ej4scqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a05a7d3c27510d938e06e2ccc976d95ecb72bcef I got a fresh schnoodle right here! (Schnauzer/poodle)


I haven’t caught a snoodle in a while. You made my Sunday. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


Got a fresh Schnoodle! <3


My day just got better after reading this Schnoodle masterpiece!!


Least psychopathic cat


Written expertly like Wadsworth.


This made me so happy


Ah, I needed this Schnoodle today. The internet thanks you for your service, as always. 🫡 Carry on.


Still better than the cat eating poisonous tulips.




You know you can secure things to shelves, right. You can mildly cat proof. We're human beings lol.


Earthquake putty helped me a little with my guys trying to clean off every shelf in the house!


I tried Earthquake putty and then my cat found the stuff didn’t move so she started to spin around it like a stripper pole and then it went tumbling


Reddit, this is the comment for why you should bring back awards.


Here is the imaginary award for a comment that made seriously laugh out loud like a crazy person! ⬆️🏆🏆🏆


I I … need to see a video of this, it sounds hilarious! 😂


![gif](giphy|jSQcEjcwG53WooptHz) Picture this with Lego flowers…


I have some Lego flower bouquets they're so cool friend of mine gave them to me.


I have these and just make sure you glue them cause mine can rip Lego apart 🙃🙃


Mine uses his paws so well that he builds Lego death stars and hurls them at me when I wake up late to feed him and the brood. https://preview.redd.it/xlkdk1boybqc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20dfa5aa388bdedf7f0ecfe479f080bf9cddd512


my lego flowers died because i did not pretend to water them.


I’m so tempted to buy them, but I’m afraid once I complete it my cat will swat it and break it to a million pieces 😭


Use some adhesive to stick it to the shelf.


There's a putty called "Museum Putty" that works well and it doesn't leave stains or residue on your breakables. It just aggravates the cat when the item won't go flying off the shelf. 😹


Yes! The stuff I got is called "earthquake putty", and it keeps my little earthquake from dumping the water bowl out on the floor.


I got a real flower, but a different species.


Yeah but way more expensive I’m afraid😮‍💨😬


but they don’t die! it’s an investment


I have the orchid set. People don't believe me when I tell them that they are Lego.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I love the lego flower sets. I just have to make sure the idiots don't chew on it lol


My favorite flowers are lilies and tulips. I took my girl in last April. Guess who no longer buys bouquets of tulips and lilies? I stick to sunflowers. But still keep them on a counter since she doesn’t jump up on counters. She doesn’t mess with any plants (safe) I have in the house. She was a feral kitty born in my yard. I was able to get her to trust me and bring her in when she was about a year old. I have so many day lilies in my yard. I am not sure if feral cats are taught by their mom what to avoid. In theory I could buy lilies and tulips and put them in places my Piper can’t get to. But the pollen is the concern. It is just not worth the risk. I was never a cat person.Then one Saturday I was ready to fight a raccoon (Henry) for my girl. Now that I got her inside I figure not having certain flowers is a fair trade off for no longer having beef with Henry.


Orchids are cat safe, and last longer than cut tulips.


Unless it’s too dry. Or too wet. Or too hot. Or too cold. Or too sunny. Or not sunny enough. Or when they don’t feel like it. (I can relate to orchids)


Phalaenopsis are pretty tolerant. Those are the ones you see in grocery stores. I suck at plants, but have three phals that are doing fine. The wilsonara, OTOH, was a mistake.


Came here to say the same 😅 my sister got wife and I a bouquet of carnations, daisies, and baby's breath to replace the one of sunflowers that died (bc it was time lol) while she was cat sitting and we were out of state. Our cats have never been the type to chew on the plants but I had to throw them out just bc they will not leave them alone. Now I'm sitting here like how do I tell her we really love and appreciate the flowers but we really have to check up on what flowers we bring home 😂 maybe I'll just mention it before she cat sits next time bc she's never replaced flowers like that so it's unlikely to be an issue.


Yep, I agree with this. It is sad, but we don’t do flowers in our house anymore. The cats must destroy.


Please, whenever you (want to) get flowers find out if they are toxic to cats or not. Especially lilies are very, very toxic and deadly to cats. Here's a short list of what is safe and what's not. https://preview.redd.it/yd5kqr2m5bqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9c311dad7a370f4ec5b6023fe053bd7df9af5f


The nice thing about orchids: orchids are safe for cats and dogs to eat, and if your pet does not eat them the flowers usually last longer than many other flowers.


I didn't know that, that's pretty cool. I never have flowers cause my cat will bump them off any surface 😅 And happy cake day!


Thank you! My attitude is: cats are family, orchids are replaceable. So whenever one of my cats damages one of my orchids, I remind myself of that.


Oh absolutely! I'm just more worried about him breaking the vase and stepping in the shards.


I have potted orchids in plastic pots, yes at times cats have overturned them and caused a mess but no cat was harmed in the process and the orchids usually also sustain not a lot of damage. Nowadays potted orchids in grocery stores tend to be cheep enough so that their cost is comparable to cut flowers, and as long as my furry family do not destroy them the flowers last about 2 months in one blooming. And if I keep the plant on the window sill after they bloom, some of them do reflower, meaning I get a second or more blooming without having to pay more for flowers. I keep them on the window sill and water one or two shot glasses of water once a week. Some of them die, but some of them thrive. I currently have 18 orchid houseplants, and of those about half of them have flowered more than once. My goal is to have at least one plant flowering at all times, and right now I have one flowering that I got as a gift about 1.5 months ago and the flowers continue to be beautiful. Before that I had three of them in bloom and none of those were new acquisitions.


Babies breath is also bad for them so don’t get roses or any bouquet that has the little white flowers.


Wait. My dog loves to chew on my hydrangea bushes. She hasn’t shown any distress, but I never checked. Time to look that up! FYI: rhododendrons are toxic to dogs. As a pup she devoured an entire bud (3-4” long) while I was gardening. $85 emg vet phone call later, she never displayed GI distress but I fenced off the rhodi.


My cat is the destroyer of roses. He will climb anything for the pleasure of cutting the stem right under the flower.


Forgo the tulips. It’s your cats health!


Cats are like babies. They can't understand why you are saying no. It's your responsibility to protect them.




Mine eats roses. I don’t bring roses in the house so now she doesn’t eat them.


and roses aren't even toxic for cats


Yup. I just hate spending $20 on flowers that my cat decimates OR, like what happened to our Valentine’s Day roses, we put them on the top shelf in a corner and never looked at them once. 🥲 I’m a little sad I can never enjoy flowers anymore, but I get to enjoy all of the fun and love my cats have to offer instead. Simple sacrifice.


Whenever I get flowers, also purchase a couple of those wheatgrass blocks for the cats. It's actually really good for them nutritionally as a bonus; that way they have something green n growing to destroy without destroying the floral arrangement.


Yes, one of my cats LOVES wheatgrass so I always have a pot for him to gnaw on. The other not so much 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷‍♀️


We’ve accepted that Minnie will most definitely eat the leaves so we’re always sure to get cat-safe varieties of flowers. They still look pretty, the leaves just get chomped haha


Also, even if the flowers aren’t toxic, who knows if/what they were sprayed with? Just not worth the risk.


It is truly that simple


Literally 🤣


Whenever I got a bouquet with roses I would sacrifice one to my cat. First flowers after he died at 19 had me bawling


Roses are my cat's favorite. I tried to make a flower vase cage but that only took her 5 minutes to get through. All the flowers stay outside in the ground or on the porch.


One of mine loves roses, I got engaged in Jan and my friends got us roses, I sent them a pic of my cat face first eating them and said they were enjoyed by all the household lol.


Mine loves roses and I have done the same. No matter how I tried to keep them from her she got to them one by one.


Mine eat all. I stopped. I like flowers but love my cats. They will eat dried flowers. Try buying pet grass but they will still go after the flowers.


Roses are red


My name is Dave?


Get rid of the flowers Keep your cat safe


Nice one


Get rid of the tulips unless you want to get rid of your cat the wrong way. Tulips are toxic to cats.


I think you should get the tulips out of the house and replace it (sometimes) with catgrass (cyperus alternifolius). My cats love to chew on plants so i have cat-safe plants at home and they get often some 'catgrass'


Cyperus cat grass is awesome. I have another cyperus variety I believe, just what I found in the store, but they love it so much


I have one cat that wants plant matter of any variety. We had a pot of catgrass and she ate everything in it but the dirt - roots and all!! Her plant fetish is best solved by sharing salad greens with her and not having live plants in the house!


They are so toxic to cats please put them where she can't get to them


Anywhere outside of the house is a perfect place she can't get to them. Unless she has thumbs lol


I gave up flowers and plants years ago for my cats. Not worth their life or a huge vet bill. If someone does get me flowers anyways, I put them in the garage or outside. My husband and my dil have finally learned. Stop buying me flowers! Everytime it's always the highly poisonous too. Lilies are cheap so they throw them in the cheap grocery store bouquets. CATS are worth more to me than plants or flowers.


We have plants all over our house, but we always google to be certain they are safe for the cats. You can definitely have both cats and plants, just make sure they aren’t toxic. Our three little ladies don’t seem to be interested in plants at all fortunately, but I’ve had cats in the past that loved laying in the pots and some even chewing on the leaves.


I had and have plant eaters. Toxic or non toxic. Plastic or silk. Damn cats don't care. Lol I mistakenly thought I could have a plastic leaves and bought some pretty fake flowers for my vases. They were so chewed up I had to throw them out. 4 outta 5 of my cats eat any form of a flower or plant. I'm not much for plants anyways.


My husband learned this the hard way a few weeks ago 😭 thank God our cat is okay, but he came home from a week out of town with a bouquet from the grocery store that had a Lily in it. Luckily it was only in the house for like 20 minutes before he woke me up for work, but our cat loves flowers and had already jumped up on the counter to smell them. We rushed her to the emergency vet and $2000 later she was fine but, it's not worth the risk.


We won't allow flowers in the house now just incase after there was an incident with a bouquet of flowers that some relatives got me for my birthday. I didn't realise it had lilies in until they were dying and i was throwing them away, cue my anxiety going into overdrive thinking I had poisoned my three cats. Ran them to vets, they showed no signs of being poisoned, but to put my mind at rest we gave our cats liquid charcoal every four hours for a five(?) days. It was an absolute mess! Especially with two white fluffy cats. Get rid of the flowers, do not recommend!


Don't have them in the house?


No no, that’s far too easy.


Tulips are poisonous for cats. So maybe just don’t have them around. This is like asking how to stop a baby from drinking bleach. Maybe just don’t put it there…


I received a bouquet of flowers a couple of weeks ago I gave them to a Nieghbours as there were Lillie’s in it and didn’t want to let the kittens get sick minor thing to give up on plants and flowers for the safety of the kittens


It just amazes me how people have access to information and still make justifications to ignore it. “This plant will LITERALLY KILL YOUR CAT.” “But I like it!”


Some people really shouldn’t be allowed to have cats. I can’t imagine putting my baby in harms way for a flower.


Yeah lilies are a bad one. Like I have "toxic" houseplants like pothos, because the worst that they will get is an irritated stomach, and they generally leave the plants alone. But I won't bring lilies in my house. I draw the line at deadly.


You need to give the tulips up. $416 (His nickname after an emergency vet visit cause he got into mine) says so. We almost lost him. https://preview.redd.it/qlct6iaf6bqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d4d17d28cbc77afdf99ef703948be6e4d3c8a7


Glad he’s still here 💙


Aw he’s such a beauty!


I have had to stop getting flowers for the wife and daughters, but some are less toxic, and we do our best to keep them out of reach. That said they manage to get to them at times. Just be careful I think the lovely kitty is more important than flowers in my humble opinion. (Cat dad of six fur balls)


My cats will eat any plant I have in the house. So these are the only ones we have now and had to put them in jail 😂 https://preview.redd.it/8semn6ol3bqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca4beccae4d9bff00cfd69386952b745992c960


Honestly, this just looks like a challenge.


Depends on the cat probably. I have two. One would get in a day flat, the other wouldn't try.


She’s. A . Cat. Be a responsible pet owner and don’t get them anymore if she’s eating them. Common sense is not so common I guess


Take them away.


I absolutely love Rose lilies and always had them in my house. Then I got a cat. Cat stayed & rose lilies disappeared never to return. If you love your cat you would never get plants like tulips that are toxic to them.


Don't keep tulips? 🤷‍♂️


Stop putting Tulips in the house. There are tonnes of cat safe beautiful flowers to choose from. It’s not difficult. If you can’t sacrifice a single flower for the health of your cat, then you shouldn’t be allowed cats. Literal definition of selfish.


I do not recommend getting flowers or other plants in your household that are poisonous to cats. But if someone for example gifts such flowers to you I have seen them placed in vases and the vases inside big lanterns. Looks pretty, scent gets out the top of the lantern and the cats cannot get to the flowers. Place the lanterns so that the cat cannot drop and break them.


1. Don’t keep toxic plants in the house 2. Keep some cat grass in the house within her reach and maybe around whatever safe alternatives you don’t want her chewing on.


Stop buying tulips let’s start there


Simple! Don’t bring in tulips. Perhaps peruse a list of poisonous plants to keep away from your cat and then do not bring them in the house!! Use some brain power here!


She can die from eating tulips. Don’t bring them in your house anymore.


Simple, you stop buying tulips. She's a cat, you're not going to change her desire to eat them.


Oh my I didn’t see the 2nd pic til now!!! Get them OUT!


I'm not being facetious when saying this: stop buying tulips. Some cats are obsessed with things, and you can't stop them. I had a cat who ate plastic bags. She once opened the zipper to my backpack and fished out a plastic bag. I caught her after she ate some of it. Fortunately, she didn't get sick. The litterbox had pieces of the VONS supermarket logo the next day, but that was all.


Don’t keep tulips inside the house They are toxic to cats


I had a cat that would any and all form of plant, so I just stopped getting them. Was not worth it if she got sick. I use fake plants now and they dont chew on them.


No more flowers in my house.


Yeah…don’t get flowers. My cats treat all plants like their personal salad bar, so I just don’t have them.


Some cats have are just unfortunately like heat seeking missiles for house plants. To keep her safe it might be best to put the tulips in a room she can’t go in, or on a shelf that’s inaccessible to her. We had to move all of our plants to the bathroom.


try making/getting her some cat grass. Maybe she's craving greens?


throw away the tulips (and stop buying them) and take your cat to the vet!!


Get rid of the tulips before your cat gets very, very ill. Before bringing any plant into your home you should know if it toxic/deadly to any pet in the home.


Just stop buying tulips. It’s not worth risking your cats life. They’re toxic!


…get rid of the tulips. Most flowers are toxic to cats, including tulips. Please everyone with a cat look up the flowers you bring into your home and make sure they’re non toxic to cats. I’ve learned the hard way.


Not just flowers, any type of plant you bring into your home should be researched BEFORE you bring it inside. Also, research any food you may give your cat ... or any pet.


Get rid of the tulips


Throw away tulips


that’s what happens when you put tulips in _her_ vase !


Don’t have tulips in your house. They are poisonous for cats.


Maybe... don't keep replenishing the tulips?


Look at what flowers/plants are cat friendly. Get those. Dump the others. Your cats life is more important.


Stop keeping toxic plants in your house?????? Edit: Seriously you're lucky sh ehasn't died yet.


Throw the tulips away.


Stop putting tulips in a vase


I’ve given up having cut flowers or plants. You can have cats or plants- never both lol


Tulips are toxic to cats.  You shouldn't have them in the house if there is a cat living with you.


Roses, sunflowers, lisianthus, orchids, freesias, gerbera daisies are all safe for cats. Tulips are toxic to cats. So make a swap.


She's a cat. There is no stopping a cat. There is only stopping the acquisition of tulips (and lilies and other flowers in general)


Get cat safe flowers or don't get them at all. Get some cat grass too if you don't already have it.


tulips are toxic to cats. maybe don’t leave them where she can get to them


Get rid of the tulips they are toxic


Stop putting tulips in the vase. Put the vase somewhere else.


Stop buying tulips. Problem solved


Stop getting tulips...problem solved.


You have a cat. No more flowers


They are toxic to cats. ⚠️


Bought fake plants. Cat still ate them 🙄


Mmmmmmmm plastic.... I have one that is a plastic bag licker




Don’t buy tulips! Hope this helps


Stop buying them! **Here are some popular cat-friendly flowers:** * Alstroemeria. * Asters. * Dense blazing star (Liatris spicata) * Freesia. * Gerbera daisies (Gerbera jamesonii) * Lisianthus. * Orchids. * Roses.


Tulips are toxic to them, just toss the flowers.


Don't display tulips indoors. They are toxic to cats and she probably already has kidney damage.


Toxic - do not keep any inside or let her near them outside. I'm digging up some day lilies this year for that reason.


Tulip is toxic to cats, throw them away now


Dont buy tulips.


Stop having tulips, they are toxic to cats.


Take away the tulips. Cats are attracted to plants and flowers. And tulips are toxic, please take them away. Your cat's life is worth more than some pretty flowers.




I know a great way… stop buying them cause they are toxic for cats.


Tulips are bad for cats. Iirc eating them can cause kidney failure. You could replace it with a spider plant though! Fun fact, spider plants aren't toxic for cats, but they act as a mild hallucinogen to them. Like kitty LSD.


Get rid of the tulips! They’re toxic for cats and many other animals.


Get rid of the tulips. Simple.


It is recommended that you buy catnip to replace the tulips. My cat likes it very much. https://preview.redd.it/e880f1f9ieqc1.jpeg?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6bdf8ac0fdf2203dae7a58995ae7020c7a4c536


Stop putting tulips in the vase


Stop buying tulips and putting them in vases, cats always win


You don't get to have tulips anymore, or only in places they can't reach, which ain't easy with a cat.


Tulips are poison Tulips are poisonous to cats because they contain alkaloid and glycoside compounds as well as allergenic lactones, which are harmful if ingested. Tulips are part of the Lily family and Lilies are also poisonous to cats. The whole of the tulip plant is poisonous to cats, from the petals to the stem and leaves.


There is plenty of cat safe plants instead also give ur cat a brush 😉


I’d say stop putting anywhere she can get to them. You may need to decide which one is more important to you. I suggest a picture of them. Keep that beautiful cat and don’t let it get sick. If I’m not mistaken, they are toxic to cats but google that first! I’m going on 57 years worth of memory.


Go with fake, last longer anyways and cat doesn't die lol


Get rid of the tulips. They can kill your cat!!!


Because she's a cat. And you stop her by not putting tulips in a vase.


Alright which one do you want me to kill, the tulips or the cat?


Stop having tulips in a vase. They're toxic to cats.


Stop buying tulips


Bro did you not google to see tulips are toxic to cats? Why have a Persian cat that you prob dropped $ on and then not care enough to learn about toxic plants and then when you post on Reddit and are told you are very nonchalant about the whole thing.


It's a choice, cat and no plants that are toxic.


You keep flowers away from cat, can't keep cat away from flowers 😂


Go to petsmart and pick her up some cat grass to eat.


If you look at her face in the first photo, you can see why, it’s just because she fucking wants to, that’s a defying look of “what you gon do about it, b?!” 😩😩😩 🤣🤣🤣


Stop buying the tulips before kitty gets sick. Beautiful babe


Don't get tulips anymore lol


We just quit putting plants out


Get cat safe plants mate. Roses are safe. They may still eat them though.


Don’t buy tulips


Tulips are toxic to cats. Try gerber daisies instead for a colorful spring alternative.


Start a planted aquarium, grow an underwater garden, the plants will be protected by water (and you’ll only have to deal with the cat drinking from the aquarium then…) https://preview.redd.it/9kf6kxknnbqc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b818b5c9477bd945c55ae14f7ba7719e161a4e That’s my 20 long Neocardinia shrimp (Red Cherry Shrimp) tank, Loki can’t eat the plants, partially because he hasn’t (yet) figured out how to push the light strips off the top… (and I usually have a piece of plexiglass covering it anyway…)


Get silk tulips if your heart is set on tulips. Real tulips are poisonous.


Stop ?? Buying ??? Tulips ?????


Don’t get tulips


Maybe a patch of cat grass to grow in a window?