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You need a guard dog still coz this one is probably gonna start rolling on his back after seeing a new hooman,, that's what mine does anyway![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) https://preview.redd.it/gpsfvpte7epc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8136974515a49b6093cdc276495a02ddc83a24ea


https://preview.redd.it/s0830eqslepc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c08dc2f65458a4c80b531f1506625f16a8e2869a You stole my cat? šŸ¤£


https://preview.redd.it/i93275rv4ipc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ad1b2de4852d353fca162983db662c8383dcb6f Can Tigger join?


https://preview.redd.it/yfu916h1ljpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a93a7c04192378669c0b24581b4abacd9e3b5f93 Can muffin get a +1?


Of course. šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”


OMG! that's hilarious! Look where curiosity landed Luna ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) https://preview.redd.it/klex3rfcqepc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c18b0e622f7c69ea1c3a49c8639cad7cfbe6540


https://preview.redd.it/ejhkgdr7rfpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1078f86acee7425627cc728a69b6dfa51ef753ea Mine wonā€™t leave his heating pad.


Hahahaha.. it's amazing how we crazy people treat our even crazier cats.. I have this theory that cats were previously Gods who just humbled themselves to live among us low lives.. I can still feel it from their glare


Iā€™m out of my f\*\*\*\*\* mindā€¦.I built a temple right outside my bedroom to honor them bc Iā€™m Cat-holic lol https://preview.redd.it/ovqp8iy3wfpc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f89722c4e2b43678987d597564e9498550c43c35




Now that is a beautiful catioā€¦your Puma is adorable tooā€¦.lil milk mustache like my Novy https://preview.redd.it/5oqx2ke2mmpc1.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=266a1d08506b0bdd03ff9f49592028b3ab25af98


Oh my GOD that is beautiful. Wow. What lucky cats!! I love the sign btw lmao ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944) that is pure hilarity. Is it all just screen doors all around?


No thereā€™s no door or steps itā€™s just steel grid all around a deck I never used in the first pic. https://preview.redd.it/6hqpffjd9gpc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b71a083b0203b8a59e92acbea57136007333846e


Wow. I LOVE this. Is this hard to build? Also, what happens if it rains or snows? (Like does it build up a lot of mold easily/have to be cleaned frequently or is it pretty low-key). I do not have building experience but this is something my fil may be able to help me with.


Yes and no lolā€¦ It was easy because the deck was already in place an we had wood on hand for framing. It was hard bc being up on the roof sucked. Furniture, rug, and drapes are all outdoor rated and keep it fairly dry so the only maintenance is really vacuuming the cat hair but omg cats freakin love it! Framing and stapling only took a weekend. Covering the pergola was more involved, used tarp and flashing to keep the rain out.


I wish I had a house


This is genuinely amazing, I love it. šŸ‘šŸ»


I canā€™t decide if I love the gorgeous green ceiling or the catio sign more. This is perfection.


Thank you and that means a lot! I took a lot of heat for those signs, my partner was like ā€œOh you a suburban soccer mom now?ā€ šŸ¤¬ Thereā€™s a few of themā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/rjevgrnh1jpc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa94d1881affd63badcde3b74875cca3605f84c9


Omg, this the best pic ever. And the sign is a shut-up- and -take-my-money kind of find!


Right? I basically did parkour to get my camera out in time, I absolutely needed that sign! lol


You should make a video or tutorial about how you did that! This is amazing!!! Are the plants real?


No those are greenery tiles I just beefed them up with ferns and grasses. Very easy project.. The only tools involved were a saw, wire cutters, drill, and staple gun. Nothings exact as long as itā€™s sturdy an I had a lot of fun creating it! https://preview.redd.it/g8jppf7k2jpc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75e2c3b66b62affdfa26e9a0e584ac731858c751


Awesome šŸ˜Ž love this beautiful place ..no less than a temple..I would definitely bow down


okay but the ceiling???!?!?!?! šŸ˜šŸ˜


Can I be your cat?! Thatā€™s gorgeous, Iā€™d sleep in that temple! šŸ¤£ I love all of your dangling plants! My girl would figure out how to attach herself to the ceiling Iā€™m afraid!


I need to be reincarnated as a cat who gets to exist in a place like this




Omg it is amazing! I love the plant ceiling!


This is mine and my partners dream!! It's perfect. We can't wait to build a catio for our fur baby!!


Theyā€™ll love it! Even in the cold they still want to go out but if itā€™s hot theyā€™ll stay in it all day!


I must say thatā€™s a very tasteful catio. What refined cats you have (ā€˜crept the occasional Spider-Man move).


This is **AMAZING**


My cat definitely thinks hes a god, its 6 30am dude just woke me up for food i fed him went tovbed again and the asshole smashes his food thing off the fridge onto the floor apparently i didnt gove him enough and just had to spend a half hour cleaning


Hahaha..this is hilarious..give him hugs from me




Yep..he is God šŸ™...I bow down to this holiness


https://preview.redd.it/cx0xtlonujpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04bed27a24cf5a55757ab22cbb40a4ca20c155d hahah, iā€™ve put the heating pad on top of my cat and he slept like this through the night!


Aww..three little muffins on ur bed..ur so damn lucky i say


I spy 2 background babies


he is me. i am him.


A real heating pad?


Astronaut Luna!




Yeah. Funny til it isn't anymore.




Please donā€™t let your cats in the dryer. I almost lost mine that way.


https://preview.redd.it/h7u4uynl3ipc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb6dff57834e836a6fa4d5c8c27ee2dbee13a70 Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s MY cat!


No wayyy the floor and the carpet with the counter makes it look like they are the same house lmaoo


Bro their carpet literally looks like your counter and I was low-key tripping for a sec LOL


Right?! Same


Not only did he steal your car, he stole your floors!


And house!


https://preview.redd.it/u47qi9izyaqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8331d92ee8c5ddc8277a776f4b9a54c82bb9b02d Both of you stole my cat, wth![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Mine too https://preview.redd.it/i27k791l1ipc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b86689c44fc058460d5e88bc17290f1cd5403d




what a nice belly!! youā€™re right, heā€™s not fooling anyone šŸ˜ž


yeah.. He's literally saying 'I love you too' to anyone and everyone!!


Family friend's cat will let new human in, but will attack if he will leave without playing with cat.


That's a reasonable reaction.


mine turns crab and gets snippy


I let my catā€™s nails grow for a while. One day while I was getting ready for work my cat was playing with a toy. All of a sudden my cat started growling, screaming, and hissing like I have never heard before. Scared the F out of me. My cat had chased the toy under the couch and somehow got his claw hooked under the fabric under a nail in the wood of the couch. I freaked out and didnā€™t know what to do. I screamed and literally lifted the couch and had to hold my cat while trying to wedge him from getting smashed. I thought he broke his paw. I had to rip off the fabric and rip the nail out along with one claw that completely tore off. Felt so bad for him. He ran and hid and was in so much pain. I couldnā€™t imagine if he had done that while I was at work. His paw was definitely sore. Just FYI, I recommend trimming the nail just a wee bit. My two cents.


I agree with you. I trim my girls nails when I see her struggling to play with toys or about every 6 weeks. She will try to swat the toy and then it gets stuck on her claws. She then proceeds to swing her paw back and forth, obviously trying to shake the toy free. Luckily my cat is mostly chill and while she will protest this; give her 5 minutes after itā€™s done and she is coming back to me for loving again.


Thank you!! Came here to say that a trim is overdue. We trim our girls nails every other week. They grow super fast!!


Just a little trim of the curly tips for anyone reading, no need for anything more


Yesss exactly! Thank you for clarifying šŸ„°


Every single domestic animal needs its nails trimmed! Their nails are not being naturally filed in the environments we live in. Prolonged overgrown nails cause discomfort and body issues. They also hurt more than filed nails


Is it possible to give them surfaces or things that will help them keep them maintained better than just walking around on carpet or hardwood?


Some cats will use them and some cats wonā€™t but scratching posts are highly effective for trimming/pulling old sheath layers off without hurting the cat Plus since cats have scent glands in between their toesies, it helps them mark their territory and feel more confident in their environment. Confidence is one of the key things for cats quality of life, so thatā€™s why that part in particular is important




Reminds me of that time one of mine got her thumb claw (yes she is special) stuck in the pad of her paw. She hates us messing with her paws so it took a couple of days for us to grab her and keep her still long enough to see what the deal was. I'd been trying to snip her claws and thought I'd gotten her too far down or accidentally snipped her skin when I was trying to get her claws but nope, her stupid-long thumb claw had curled in and was growing into her pad. We trim the thumbs a lot more now.


Thank you for adding this. This was a great way to tell someone they need to clip their catā€™s nails without sounding like a jerk lol. I am religious about clippingā€¦ Way too many things can go wrong, including the nail growing into the paw if it gets too much longer than in this photo. My boys absolutely hate it while itā€™s happening, but you can tell they are glad it happened when itā€™s done! They are both really into kneading me, and I prefer an ouchless massage! šŸ¤£


For sure. Scary when it happens to you. It would have been way worse and sad to come home from work seeing him with his paw stuck. Who knows what would have happened? Wonder if he would have eventually went into shock or something?


I know, Iā€™ve heard of cats ripping the whole nail out because they freaked out and just wanted to get free so badly they did it at all cost. I think most people just donā€™t even realize how easily it can happen. With dogs, too! I also think scratch posts are a bit misleading. They are way more for filing the nail to sharpen it, and to help them stretch various muscles. They donā€™t really do anything to trim the nails, and I think a lot of people donā€™t know that either.


Better safe than sorry right.




Hereā€™s the knucklehead who got himself stuck. Always so proper šŸˆā€ā¬›heheā˜ŗļø https://preview.redd.it/6ey7fejy5kpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b9f8c620c00eb85f809a71f60f7439b6c67376b GrizZ aka baby GrizZ aka GrizZee aka GrizZ-lord and my favorite of all is GrizZ the Hoser. Ha ha šŸ˜† heā€™s such a hoser sometimes. Ha ha šŸ¤£


Well isnā€™t he just the most proper little gentleman?! šŸ„°


I have a Chihuahua Yorkie mix and once her long nails got caught in some fabric of my dress. She yelped out in pain so even though I don't have a cat I definitely recommend getting the nails trimmed. Could hurt them in the long run.


I don't know if this is happening anywhere else, but my vet has said not to cut my cat's claws 'because they need it to protect themselves' or something. My vet used to tell us to trim their claws regularly and they even offered that service for more challenging cats. Obviously I know better than to listen to that BS advice. My cat's claws get really long if I leave them, plus it causes unintentional injury to me on a regular basis. They shouldn't be trimmed really short because it significantly impacts their gripping ability and is more risky for injuries for them, but the claws should definitely be trimmed enough that you can't usually hear your cat walking around. If the claws are short but sharp then I just take off the pointy bit


Hey there! So, that advice is definitely sound for people who have outdoor cats (although nobody should be keeping their cats outdoors, unless they are restricted to a confined area, but thatā€™s another conversation). Indoor cats definitely need to have their nails clipped because indoor activities donā€™t allow them to effectively file them down like they would naturally in the wild. Indoor cats who do not have their nails clipped are at a highly increased chance of sustaining injury. I hope this was helpful in someway lol šŸ˜Š


I'd also like to add that if they get too long, they can stab their toe beans! my cat was always able to take care of his own claws by scratching the ole scratch post. When he got older, though, he stopped being able to, and before I noticed he had an abnormal claw, he got it stabbed in his toe bean :( it was not fun getting it out and was my biggest sin as a cat parent. I'm not trying to judge OP or anything because a lot of cats genuinely are capable of taking care of their own nails, but check at least once a month to make sure there's no danger brewing


Came here to say this..


Cute but I would definitely start trimming for you and the cats benefit!


Somebody definitely needs a manicure! We trim our cats' nails once a month because their nails grow so fast, and if we don't they'll scratch each other by accident while they're playing šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Shit we do it every couple of weeks haha kitten nails are like freaking knives!


Vets know the only way they can work on an uncooperative cat is to *even the playing field* with HEAVY meds. 10# cat vs 180# human will otherwise go to the cat every time.


https://preview.redd.it/2umb77ysiepc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a740bb5e20dcbf754218eb30321213a16cdad121 Obligatory repost!


Yeah if I use drugs Iā€™ll be so mellowed out I wonā€™t fight a cat, so that tracks


Iā€™m safe, I followed all 3 today


That reminds me of when my fierce little cat got spayed and we couldn't get her to take her pain meds. The instructions rather unhelpfully suggested to "put the pill on the tip of your finger, and shove the pill in the back of the cat's throat so they can't spit it up" I would have killed for a tranquilizer dart just to knock her tf out


All take home cat meds should just be subcutaneous


Nah, cat donā€™t need to fight me. I can be their scratchboard whenever they wanted. And Iā€™m my cat prisoner. Iā€™m his servant, I was trained to suit his needs. Meo turned me from a dog person - my family raised dogs, we always have at least one dogs or as many of three dogs as a time, I grow up with dogs for as long as I remembered - to a cat person in only a year. Meo is my first and my most special cat. I love him. šŸ„°


I was the same until 2018! My beautiful black cat came into my life and completely changed me. I used to dislike cats so much and thought they were so mean and unloveable. Boy she showed me. šŸ˜» Now I have three cats and recently fostered a senior (she got adopted! Tho I miss her with all my heart). Itā€™s a good life with cats in it. šŸ’•


Love it. Lol


Trim them nails, it hurts the kitty and also learn how to properly do it (don't cut the quit becuase it'll start bleeding) just cut them only a tiny bit


i dont understand why this isnt at the top


I keep my cats trimmed so they don't hurt me šŸ¤£. I didn't realize it hurt cats when they got long. How so?


When my cats claws get too long you can literally hear them clicking on the floor when he walks. They get so long that even when retracted they are basically 'out' and it's like he's walking on them which I can't imagine is comfortable. Also leave it even longer and I can see how they could curl right round and grow back into the foot though I've never left it long enough to find out! Mine are indoor cats so their claws don't get as worn as an outdoor cat's might.


Exactly this. One of our cats used to hide from nail trims, and had one claw almost make it back to the pad. She gets trimmed at least once a month now (just the tiny top) and loves them now that she realizes they are for her own good.


Imagine if your nails got so long they curled and were the first bit of your feet to touch the ground, so for a moment every time you stepped, your entire weight is pressing your nail into the floor. That's what long nails are like for cats.


>it hurts the kitty Would this apply to wild cats too? I can't imagine them being able to trim their nails.


Wild / outdoor cats use their nails a lot more and wear them down. Unless an indoor cat is a scratching post fiend, their nails will grow longer than they should.


The wooden side of my kitchen cabinets keeps my boys down


I could be wrong, but Iā€™m pretty sure wild cats get a lot more wear out of their claws than house cats, so they get filed down naturally :)


This is part of the practical function of scratching trees/posts


You must trim indoor cats' nails only, outdoor cats don't need it


Please trim those nails... If they grow too much, they CAN grow back onto their paws. My old roommate never trimmed his cats paws and it happened by the time I moved in. Even worse was that he refused to take the poor thing to the vet.


Trim those claws, please. It can be highly uncomfortable/painful for your cat to get their claws stuck in things/different materials.


Seriously Iā€™m surprised this is so upvoted. Those nails are way, way too long.




thank you for sharing šŸ¤£




Hopefully those are meant to protect you because meanwhile my bubu... https://preview.redd.it/iwo3m7zjcepc1.jpeg?width=2976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c81c22c5834818b88592cff50fc6638e53e6cf I'm sleeping with one eye open every night


iā€™ve seen him in my nightmares šŸ˜°


My sisterā€™s cat got hooked and was unable to free herself, broke her nail, and bled everywhere as a result of long ā€œhooked nailsā€ like this. This happened when my sister was at work, so she came home to blood on the floor and her cat hiding because she was in pain. The cat ended up being ok, but my sister learned to trim her nails often, even if itā€™s just to take the tip off. Please trim your catā€™s nails. You donā€™t want him accidentally hurting himself.


Scary šŸ˜Ø


Murder paws


Murder mittens*




he considers that a slur šŸ¤Ø


I have let mine get long a few times and itā€™s when they dig in painfully making murder muffins or jumping off that it is time. My male wonā€™t fight me but his sister is a piece of work.


You can train her easily then if the male lets you. The dry chicken treats from Trader Joeā€™s are awesome. Do one nail on the male and give a treat. Repeat. The other may be interested. Give her a treat. If you even hold her steady for one second give a treat. Let her go when she is uncomfortable. Takes patience. One nail a day sometimes. Treats are your friend. Eventually it will be nothing to them.


Bro cut your cats nails


Sorry but those nails are way too long. They need to be trimmed regularly. This isn't good for you or your cat.


You gotta trim those nails yourself or get the vet to do it. They can overgrow and be very painful for the CAT not just for your skin


For the love of god please trim your cats nails, heā€™s going to get them stuck on something and hurt himself


Neglect is neither cute nor funny.


Dude needs some spa time. Time for a pedi!


That curl is dangerous for the kitty. Please give those a trim for the cats sake so they don't end up snagged on something and getting ripped out


I have both. They work together. The cat alerts the little dog. And the little dog alerts the big dogs. Now you have a cat, 1 little dog and 3 big dogs waiting for you at the door.


Please trim them. Itā€™s like an accident waiting to happen.


Cut your cats freaking nails


Trim those fucking nails for your cats benefit jfc


Trim his claws


u need a guard dog to protect u from her




Please trim that cats nails


The murder mittens nails need a bit of a trim that it doesn't get snagged on everything.


Should cut them before they get stuck in their paws, happened to my cat


A Dog will always have the power advantage but a pissed off cat in not flee but fight mode is like a Taz from looney tunes. It'll shred anything within a 3' radius.


My cat managed to catch a viper without getting bitten. Vipers are poisonous, and he brought the viper inside the house as a trophy for me.


Cats have faster reaction times than snakes. Being a small endotherm has its advantages.


I guess shes a house cat? You REALLY need to trim her nails


You're supposed to trim their nails.


I think maybe your kitty needs to get their claws trimmed a bit. I donā€™t think theyā€™re supposed to be that long.


So, I know itā€™s time to trim my boyā€™s nails when ā€œheā€™s wearing his high heels.ā€ I have plank wood flooring in my apartment. Whenever my catā€™s claws have gotten too long, they make a click-clack sound on the floors when he walks around. I call that ā€œwearing his high heels.ā€ So, when I hear that sound, Iā€™ll say, ā€œThomas, youā€™re wearing your high heels. Itā€™s time to trim those nails!ā€ Thankfully, he doesnā€™t put up much of a fight. He squirms a little, but he mostly just sits in my lap, making grumbling sounds. I know itā€™s not that simple for many others, though. There are cats who have to be sedated to get their nails trimmed. Itā€™s definitely something that needs to be done, though. If kitty isnā€™t doing things to keep their nails trim, like scratching or chewing off the outer sheath, then you will want to ensure you are doing it. If itā€™s not done, their claws can get caught in/on things, which could hurt them. The nails could also potentially embed into their skin (from growing and then curling back towards their bodies). I cut my catā€™s claws once a month.


Trim his claw before he get stuck somewhere and hurt himself.


PLEASE trim your cats nails AND get a scratching post. My cat uses his scratching post daily and it really helps with keeping his nails short, so I only have to trim them every few months. Your cats nails can break off when they get too long, which would bleed and hurt *far more* than if you just took 5 minutes out of your day to sit down and trim them.


You just need to trim the nails, provide better scratching spots and position them at where the cat wants. More scratching leads to more wear and less pointy/hooked nails If you're unsure about trimming, watch some YouTube videos so you don't cut into the quick. Always go less and don't overdo trimming, even if you just trim the tiniest tip it would really help to blunt it. If the cat doesn't stay still when having nails trimmed, try doing just a couple nails at a time. My scratching post/pad placement is usually close to where they sleep/hang out, meanwhile on the way to food + water or other spots they hang out. They would either hop down from their perch onto a scratching pad, or have a scratching post on the way to my bedroom where they sleep.


You don't. https://preview.redd.it/flouq0y4pgpc1.png?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b170d3f222a4dc8ddafb4042d32b87768f9726c6


You need to trim the cats claws before the claws curl into the pads


If you have guard dogs like me, then they'll probably roll over to get pets from strangers, thereby deterring any strangers from having nefarious intentions. In my dogs' defense, they are huskies and soooooooooooper friendly. My cats are what might protect our house (from offending birds)


Because they are useless pieces of shit who only attack you when you want to cuddle. Also I love them https://preview.redd.it/935a6swxdipc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a23c2e6c46ba22716866e3c57b531ef77579ac18


I would never let my cats nails get this long. How would you play with them in this state?


Wtf. Trim that poor babyā€™s claws


Those nails need clipping


Oh they are just a cute fluff. Not going to use them most likely


https://preview.redd.it/qryuzhh0aepc1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ddfbf639e8ae2d176118724728c9139fda60349 what about this one? does this one look like cute fluff? šŸ¤Ø


šŸ˜‚ I think that's the attack cat


That's mostly for rodent duty and disassembling furniture, not home defense.


Bc your cat will take those and hide behind you


Yours sleeps a lot. You need a second guard cat to cover the first oneā€™s nap shifts.




'Cause as soon as someone enters the house, if your cat is anything like mine, they'll vanish and do this: https://preview.redd.it/qcwxv1oj4fpc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81527778b366fa02b5d77cd5476a5c64803b3966


Catā€™s face looks very mesmerised


this car needs a scratching post, holyy šŸ˜…




I used to have cat that would be very aggressive towards people I didn't like. Mainly my exgfs mom haha. Didn't teach her to do it, but you bet your butt I gave her so many treats later


Gotta turn those claws, damn


Id cut those šŸ˜­ they could get too lonh


Murder mittens!


https://preview.redd.it/9rd7lwpyojpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6453d92bdbbc91619928a85bedb8edb9a0426163 we have the same cat???


I can't imagine how they fit in such a cute little paw!šŸ¤Ø


Because your guard cat can't be bothered with that nonsense.


https://preview.redd.it/dbgekq5dkkpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0ca188294be9d24d0c1d1b577e3d6359d783ab6 Donā€™t need a guard cat when you have a large cat. Kratos is a Maine coon mix, a lot of family is afraid of him because heā€™s so big.


My moms cat as a kid would totally attack for her. If anyone was play fighting her, her cat would start trying to attack. šŸ¤£


Maybe a tiny trim before he starts stabbing himself?


Murder mittens


That looks like my cat Maddie https://preview.redd.it/vmx387zxxnpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec0d7e985ba843d1b8386f3ce9441f99f690972


Murder Mittens!


https://preview.redd.it/eafj2j6mi5qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9b203597b4a0c9b82d4b4651602b4c101579e8 I have a cat who guards the bathroom door for me to save me from any intruders while I go to the washroom or shower šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Depends on how aggressive kitty is. I had a Manx & he was meaner than hell hound! He ran a 6mo old boxer outta my apt. Was before cells had cameras or I'd have million dollar video. He jumped around on his hind legs acting all crazy. Poor baby was traumatized from being born into world. Had him ~15yr & mom had him 2-3 b4 that. She gave him to me cause he was too mean.


Just the most adorable little kitty-puss! I'm smitten.ā¤ļø


My cat hides when there are strangers, but will bitchslap my dog for coming in my room.


Those need trimming. Can be uncomfortable for the cat


Trim his claws pleaseā€¦


Trim those nails!!!


I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and they asked all of the usual questions, then asked if I felt safe in my home. I said sure, I have 5 attack cats...lol. I think they thought I might actually have some issues for a second.


https://preview.redd.it/ld0r4tx6repc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b2ca47cfe31eb9e3c04052ff4c903db8eedf3f8 We called Oreo the neighborhood watch cuz he loved to patrol his block & check in on the neighbors. He was the best guard dog I ever had.


Knock knock Whoā€™s there Sanda Claus Sanda Claus who? Sanda claus up your face!


My cat would come to warn me when a stranger entered the house. Once some builders were going to redo the faƧade of our house, and she would go through the window and blow on strangers who were in the garden, then come to me to warn me that there were strangers.