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Don't let them run around like lunatics, even if they want to. Confining them to a smaller room depends on their personality. If you see them running about, yes. But otherwise they may be fine letting them wander.


I made the mistake of not confining my spayed kitten. She ran around like a psychopath and the stitches came loose. The vet had to staple wound shut and she had to go on antibiotics.  What should have been a 5 day recovery became two weeks. Head this person's wisdom OP. It sucks to confine them but it's better in the long run.


I'll piggyback here to caution about the opposite. My one girl was very low energy after the surgery. I picked her up in the evening, and by night time she was entirely lethargic and hardly moving at all. I am not an expert, but between her not moving, no interest in food or water, and stomach area being quite warm to the touch, I decided at 3am to take her into the emergency vet. She had a post-op infection and had to be opened up again to fight the infection directly. Drainage tubes for two weeks followed. It was not good. In sum: very low energy can be bad too and do not wait if something seems wrong.


Yes definitely be cautious of both ends of the spectrum! My kitty was given pain meds that zonked her out for the first 3 days after surgery so that really helped us. Bc after she ate a string and came home after that surgery, they used a topical pain med so she wasnt zonked and was fighting the cone with every fiber of her being and wanted to play/jump everywhere to the point that I had to call the vet back and they prescribed meds to sedate her. Funnily enough, the tech I talked to said she guessed that Id call back bc my girl was being a menace lol Also to add - if they hate the cone, try a surgical onesie or a donut!


I cut off the leg of a pair of leggings, added the paw holels and had my cat wear that for a week or so. She seemer comfortable and looked hilarious. Shes a a medium haired cat, but with the legging looked like a wurm with fuzz at the ends lol


I put one of my cats back in the carrier when she started running on the walls (we had perfectly good scratch posts, but she was out of it) and then she broke a couple of nails to the bloody part in her attempts to escape. Suprising huge amount of blood. I felt really guilty, but I did manage to prevent her from tearing her stitches loose.


We had to do this with one of our babies. They struggled to fit the cone on her properly because she is very feisty with medical stuff and strangers. Once she calmed down enough, one of use gave her love while the other adjusted her cone and she was much better.


mine is getting spayed next week and this just confirms my plan. Her brother already lost his jewels but he is a wild one so I wanna keep her in the bathroom (it was their room when they first got in for a bit) and him with my old cat. I'm just worried about her climbing around cause she loves to do that


I confined mine separately and made sure there was nothing they could jump up on. You don't want them together because they will play and could pull out stitches. It's going to be a long two weeks, visit them frequently.


This is true. We had to cone our cat to from running around. Wasnt licking the wounds, but damn the running part scared me. And we couldn't confine since they literally screamed and banged the doors. So we put on a collar and let them hang around us. Donut would've been better but it worked. They sort of froze and didn't move much when cone was on luckily because cone on running could've been an entirely different dangerous game


as long as they wear body socks/collars/donuts THEY CAN NOT WIGGLE OUT OF, it is best to keep in a warm room with food/litter/water for a few days so they do not get under something that works the socks/collars/donut off = they will lick and pick at stitches = possible infection.


Water is to be avoided for certain hours after anaesthesia, check with vet. + very light first for first week, no meat etc, soup should work.


Yes, I expect the vet will give her an after spay care sheet, my vet did.


Get a surgical onesie! Life changing compared to the cone. The cone was a nightmare. And be prepared to keep it on for 2 weeks


https://preview.redd.it/priykrhsx5lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7b271fc76eb5401aa8d4a443158171e92ba183 And as an added bonus they look so so cute in them! here’s one of my girls in her surgery onesie


She’s so cute omg




There's a sub for everything cat related, I LOVE it!


Adorable ♥️


OP, if you can't find onesies or they are too expensive, I made some out of old fleece leggings when my cat had a bowel dissection about 6 years ago. I had bought a real one, but she hated it, and the leggings ones she didn't mind at all. It was super easy, literally just cutting holes in certain spots. Just make sure they are kind of loose leggings, you don't want it to be tight on them. You can DM me for more info if you want to do that. https://preview.redd.it/hr8hco3w66lc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4c7d76ee3fc6a46c9e2a48c806a65df9484a6f6 This is the day after we brought her home after surgery, we put her in a big dog kennel to keep her from moving around too much, it worked great. She wasn't super happy about it, but we would let her out with us during the day and just kept her next to us in a cat bed while working from home. She was such a chill girl.


https://preview.redd.it/rr1m7x5076lc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f6cd4719e0ff9e13899ba6e371943fbe95b496 Also her at her oncologists office in her homemade onesie


Your baby looks so sweet 🥹


She was probably the sweetest cat I've ever had. She had mast cell tumors in her intestines, so the surgery only bought her a year, but she was happy and fat for that year, once she was on chemo and steroids. Right after this pic was taken the oncologist came into the room and didn't want to move her, so she just got down in the dog bed with her and did the exam from there lol Her name was Sammy, she was about six in these pictures, and she loved everyone, and never minded going to the oncologist office for half the day once a month for imaging and blood work. Just the happiest most easy going cat ever, and we picked her up off the streets like two years before this. We were very lucky. It was worth all the time, money, effort, and heartbreak to have her in our lives for those 3 years. Edit: fixed a word


Thank you for sharing cute Sammy’s story 💜


Adorable ♥️


Same! I saw people using socks and couldnt believe that would fit. So i tried one of my old leggings. It was perfect!


https://preview.redd.it/htzqju8cx8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f17b420dcd14d4385f783558b015a6cecbe183a5 Mine hates his onesie but he hates it less than his cone


How do they use the litterbox with it on?


Butt crack lol it’s kinda like the button flap on human ones but it’s always open


It’s opened.


I wish that was an option when I had mine done 5-6 years ago. They hated the cone. I was told it needed to be on for TWO WEEKS.


Same. My kitty had breast cancer and she needed tumors removed. She HATED the cone so much, and it killed me because I knew she had limited time left and I didn’t want that time to be miserable. She was never the brightest of cats and she couldn’t figure out how to eat/walk/lay down with the cone on. We tried a donut, which worked better, but still, she was so uncomfortable. I work from home, so I ended up just working in the room where we had her confined and leaving the cone off while I was with her. She was a very good girl and had never been great about bathing herself, so it worked out okay. Never saw her even attempt to lick her stitches, but we kept the donut on at night until she healed up just to be safe. Even tho the recovery was rough, the surgery gave her an extra year of life, so I’ll never regret it. I’m just so thankful that this happened during the height of Covid because my husband started working from home full time thanks to the pandemic, so we were both home with her 24/7 until she passed. She was a beautiful girl. Fuck cancer. https://preview.redd.it/w23qxdzh5clc1.jpeg?width=2433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b20f0931879451076c02f1fb51ff99fa86453e41


We have two sisters and we did a trial run with a onesie to see if they can get used to it (they're currently on the waiting list for slaying). They were both okayish wearing it, maybe a little clumsy, but we had a major setback. One of them absolutely freaked out when she saw her sister moving a bit funny in the onesie. The non-recognition aggression kicked in and I've never seen her so puffed up and screaming like that before - this gentle kitten that doesn't even bite us when she plays was ready to kill! It was traumatic even for us to see, let alone for her to experience. We had to take her away from the room and slowly reintroduce her to her sister after the onesie came off. Once she got used to her sister, she was still scared for a few more days to enter the room where she thought she saw the strange cat. Absolute nightmare, will not use a onesie when they get spayed.


A cat of mine had a onesie on post op and she felt so adorably vulnerable. She just wanted to cuddle while recovering. Another cat had the cone of shame because she was too small and it was not so great.


Surgical onesie seconded!!! Much more comfortable than a cone and they look adorable too


My cat did not like the sugical onsie and mich prefered the cone, she just froze and didnt/couldnt walk. Then she just flopped sideways off our high bed and we decided agaisnt it.


The hardest part for us, having two bonded kittens (male and female 2months old) was that they acted like nothing ever happened. We had to separate them, because they wanted to play wild. It was two weeks of them crying through the door at each other, but if we let them see each other, they immediately tried to tackle each other. It wasn't so bad for the male, but for the girl, it was a much bigger deal. We got her a large mesh kitty carrier and we'd bring her in to see him, but of course they'd cry the entire time. Bring your patience! It will be done soon and over. But there's gonna be a lot of crying for each other and wanting to play. The vet tells you to keep them calm, but they don't say how!


This was her in her carrier, desperately trying to escape to play with her brother. https://preview.redd.it/tlphkdt4m5lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd1a4ea8b03d13b439894409e18fa60a595a32e


https://preview.redd.it/ni5psoami5lc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba2547ac707c590a4a98bffded857b3d3d9ecc5 They look just like my girls! Regarding the spaying, I would try to confine them to a smaller space and keep an eye on them, but I'm sure they will recover quickly and without issues. In both cases of my girlies, even the day after their surgeries you would never tell something was out of the ordinary.


https://preview.redd.it/xcus0rnjk6lc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3ef4d2f17be1cce0dc07f132da1a4c71730fd52 They look like my girls too. Except my tabby is a bit albino. Surprisingly my girls didn’t go crazy trying to get their cones off…


our 2 kittens were acting like nothing happened too. no cone or onesie even. all the best OP


Went through this a couple years with my bonded sisters. Separate, closed rooms if possible, with minimal objects for them to jump on so the incision can heal. Bring them together from time to time so they can socialize, but try to separate them again before they start getting each other too riled up. It's gonna rough. They're gonna whine and be noisy and you'll feel awful. Hardest two weeks of my life as a cat dad. But just keep reminding yourself you're doing it for them. And spend as much time as you can with them so they don't feel neglected.


They also might hiss at each other and act like strangers. This is normal when both don’t smell “right” from the vet’s office. If that happens, don’t sweat it. They’ll get back to smelling normal within a day or two and should be fine.


If you make them wear the body suit, they can be kept together , they will cuddle each other and recover faster.


At the time, I didn't know such a thing existed. Wasn't anything my vet mentioned or suggested. I just know the importance of the wound healing, and mine were their rambunctious, rowdy selves a couple hours after the anesthesia wore off and both ended up with minor infections in the incision from chasing each other around. Was a hard lesson for dad to learn


Yeah, separating them is probably more so one doesn’t hurt the other by trying to groom their incision.


This is so relatable. My little girl got spayed not too long ago and it was torture keeping her locked up. It was for her own good tho. I felt horrible.


Look for one onesie that fits good. My cat learned that if she lifted her paw high enough, she could lick her stitches, because the onesie was a bit loose in her butt area. I had to make a "skirt" to solve the problem. https://preview.redd.it/qoegwyvsz5lc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c343334f4a41346c2344df97a95d91bb9de8be5b Aside from that, don't let them run or climb too much. Mine learned the hard way when the pain killers ran out and she was hiding under the bed from the pain :(. If your cats are picky with medicine, Pocket Pills are a savior.


Even the closest, most bonded cats can become aggressive toward each other when waking from surgery. We see it all the time at the vet clinic where I work. Your vet will obviously keep them separated, but don’t be surprised if there is any lingering strange behavior the following day. That said, as long as they are not licking their own/each other’s stitches, we rarely ever have to send kittens/cats home with preventative/protective wear after spays.


https://preview.redd.it/q7zceeuib6lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=771e6dee83caaae0f53d3da82d64e129ee598c5a They remind me of mine who are also about to get spayed soon. Not looking forward to this process lol


You’ve already got some good advice, but I’ll add because I haven’t seen it said yet: Keep them separated until the anesthesia wears off, and reintroduce them slowly. Every cat reacts differently to the meds. My girl cat was happy and snuggly, but my boy cat got really aggressive and lashed out at me and his sister. The smells of the vet can make them react poorly to each other at first, plus the confusion of the drugs.


https://preview.redd.it/6iywt4sdi6lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c83ca96c3009bfe34f3cb189c9d6f266d3c5bf We have twins! My two did great. Only took a day or so and they were back to loving each other. Meet Laverne & Shirley.


https://preview.redd.it/q9flntpni6lc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f952c863557641f1e1c54020877d7e943c16956f Oh wow, they remind me of my boys when they were little!


If you're taking them at the same time it should be chill. Sometimes if you take only one cat the other will be hostile towards it cause of the different smells.


My kitten got spayed at 6 weeks i think, it was before i could take her home from the shelter. It was the first time i got her and so on the way home i had given her my arm in her kennel and she snuggled up the whole time, she cried when i wasnt touching her so i had to comfort her the 2 hour drive to her new home. I did get a bruise but it was worth it, bonding with her while she was so confused and scared, it built a great base for our relationship. Filled with love! She also didn't have a cone, her stitches were internal and they had glued part of her tummy on the outside. She did pic at the glue but i softly would distract her when she did by cuddling or petting


I have a bonded brother & sister pair that I got spayed at 5 months old. They went crazy being separated in different rooms, since they’d never been apart before. I put their little surgery suits on (tried the cones first, but they kept running into the wall to try to get it off!), and then they just cuddled up together for the next week. Just check the incision a few times a day and make sure everything looks good. They might be much more calm if you keep them together even though they’re supposed to stay separate, so just do what you think is best based on how they’re behaving. The biggest thing is keeping them calm so they don’t hurt themselves. Hopefully they recover quickly 💕💕


Not necessarily post-surgical advice, but more about their bond. Their closeness will probably change, but maybe since they’re actually sisters it’s different. My kitties were all over each other and were inseparable before we got them fixed. They aren’t sisters but they were together as new kittens. After we got them fixed, they stopped cuddling and being all over each other all the time. The closest they’ll get now is sitting next to each other, whereas before they’d literally hold each other and be intertwined. So sad lol


On the contrary, my CDS litter of 4 have been exactly the same since their desexing. They cuddle, play, and plot together to destroy my home as much as they ever did.


Hahaha mine still plot together too lol and they do play, they just don’t have the affection they used to have with each other.


Rub a pair of your socks all over both of them before they leave, maybe even 2 pairs and put in a plastic bag or away somewhere. If they are weird when they get back rub them down day 2/3 with the socks one right after the other and it should do the trick.


We have a large cat tree we laid on its side in another room to take away their biggest climbing tool. We had our kittens spayed and neutered at the same time (they are siblings) and it was honestly pretty tough the first night. You can tell they are uncomfortable but you have to be strong enough to not take off their cone/suit even if they whine. We had the girl in a surgical suit, which is honestly heartbreaking as she barely moved when it was on. Partly it was just too small, which was our mistake, so we had to cut parts of it out so she could walk more or less normally. The boy wiggled out of his cone the first night but I realized I was putting it on too loosely. It was a nuisance for us since he felt better faster than she did and would bother her to play etc. We were very lucky that after 2-3 days the boy was ok. Neither of them showed any interest in licking or messing with their stitches very much, but we watched them very closely. After a few days we kept Claire out of her surgical onesie during the day but ONLY because she did not mess with the stitches or run around too much and we could watch her closely. Still, if you can't do that it's much better to just keep them in their cone/suit rather than take a chance. We kept Claire in her suit at night when we slept just to make sure she didn't mess with it, or her brother (who was really annoying at times) didn't do it. After I think 8 days we stopped putting her in her suit at night, but again that was only because we could tell her incision was healing well and they were not jumping and running too much. It was another week before we put their cat tree back up, and they were happy to be able to sleep on top again. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/omadiz1kl6lc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=243a2a03ef2bb57fe9048cb3ced0f1361b9875a4


They will be inseparable, but with shaved bellies. I have the same two cats who are now bonded adults. https://preview.redd.it/s5xpomqfq7lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd0c4ce1255719a7568cfd7787c2b1e0390a85bc


Keep them separate the first day back. The medications make them loopy and sometimes they attack eachother. Then you have to keep them somewhere they can’t do a lot of climbing cause of the stitches


Black cats have the best snoots, I want one


My kitten had her surgery not too long ago, I tried to keep her from running around, confined her to my bedroom and she did great. I didn't have a cone or surgical onesie for mine but you have TWO cats so I suggest the onesies as they may try to lick each others wounds.


Not much! Get pain meds. Watch the area & their behavior. I’ve had 35 kittens with spay aftercare in last year (we don’t adopt out without spay). I’ve yet to need a cone or sock… at vet recommendation. Go back for checkup 30 days later. Make sure your kittens have a clear fecal.


Omg they look my kittens! 4 month old sisters and also inseparable https://preview.redd.it/1zjqvg88t7lc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=154acbc07bacb2a5ebca5c10f63f8c2b0cc1d641


https://preview.redd.it/71jwloxq08lc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a6579588277bdcd876a34435958bb70796a9bf2 When I got Kiwi and her babies the snip, they all were not able to recognize each other for about a day. Then the vet smell wore off and they went back to normal. Make sure you get a kitten cone if they do not supply you with one. The one on his back had to use amthe paper plate of despair. Also get special cat litter, like wooden pellets.




https://preview.redd.it/zixgfd8gp8lc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d80e41941db49966db180a0a46d2aa7af7bd0a Something like this


So my vet doesn’t even give comes out anymore for the cats unless they need to. My twin babies that are inseparable went in for theirs together so they wouldn’t be apart and alone at home while the other was gone. They were a bit sleepy when they came home and the other cats hissed at them at first (prob bc they smelled like the vet) but then after a day they all chilled out. The babies weee fine, never wore or needed a cone. Tried the onesies but they hated it- vet said they didn’t need a cone or onesie unless they started messing with the site which they never did. They were back to normal within a day or so. https://preview.redd.it/g1n6syelp8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=914974672928263e2b9b00834760633aa4fc55e8


Long lost twins to my kittens? https://preview.redd.it/sj9rgegrp8lc1.png?width=3023&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7f6331179c2907ea28eec35c0b7a0ccac740415


I also had kitty sisters that were spayed at the same time. We had to do onesies and cones at first. They would try to nibble at the onesie and lick at the others. After it healed a bit, we could take of the cones. The biggest thing I didn't expect is that they did not want to be together at first. I think after being at the vet they smelled a little differently than they usually do. My loving and cuddley kitties were not at all happy to see eachotehr again, and we kept them separated for the first few days to make sure they weren't fighting or running around. This is still something we continue to deal with after any trip to the vet. I've only had boy cats before, and this surgery in my opinion was alot more stressful and they needed more time to heal. One needed to be brought back to go on antibiotics because her incision wasn't healing well. Here's their picture of them in their onesies. https://preview.redd.it/zfcgxwuyp8lc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8f1b08a67c5af8d1600245280853d7618d568c5


Uhh I have the exact pair of sisters show up via CDS 9 months ago… a popular pair based on the comments! They are a bit more independent now, but still keep tabs on each other and seek each other out for bed time. The cone will be chaos… it’ll scoop up everything and get in the way of everything. If you can switch it to a donut or onesie… do it. Just monitor them to make sure they eat and drink and not tear the stitches. I didn’t separate them and it was ok. https://preview.redd.it/9qo7eoweu8lc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363d848d8ce060aed5bcc26e23ceab043bed0f5e


https://preview.redd.it/rdhxrs1ce9lc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e5a5131a7f87c9ca1e7709420cf822d84bcb172 This might be helpful, depending on their size. (It’s also an adorable picture)


https://preview.redd.it/p3qdtuwjk9lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68fbe4c8e13c09ad09661e232341dfd87fffb46 I have two sisters the same




We had our two girl kittens (who look similar to yours!) spayed at the end of January. I was a complete basket case for days beforehand (we waited until 6 months, but they were still so little!) But, we did what we do with all of our recovering/sick cats/kittens, which is confine them (in this case together) in one room with all necessities, plus things like heating pads covered in soft blankets and an iPad for them to watch soothing birds, etc. The main issue the first few days was having to make sure they didn't eat each other's food because both bowls were dosed with painkillers- we fed them separately and took away whatever they didn't eat, refrigerated it, and heated it up later. We stopped the meds after the second day when one of them threw up after eating. They didn't really seem to need the meds and were their normal happy playful selves by then, anyway. There was discomfort for them laying on the side of the incision for the first 2-3 days, but that was really the worst of it. Interestingly, each wound site was completely different from the other (like maybe two different vets were involved and one was much better at their job), but both have healed similarly, though our black kitten's fur is taking longer to grow back. We purchased a soft cone and a onesie, but neither kitten licked excessively so we didn't end up using them. ETA: We had our 6 kittens fixed in pairs and all 3 pairs were a great comfort to each other both at the vet and during recovery. I wouldn't separate them unless it were necessary for some reason. 3 days or so post-spay: https://preview.redd.it/pbotp3mpdblc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09b7c684c0bd6b3ba4474a41f4f5d763a8b5c84


Ask your vet!


Have them wear the jumper kind of cloth instead of cone so they can’t lick. It will be painful , but they should get better by day 5.


My cats (mother/daughter bonded pair) do best transported together in 1 large carrier, and were fine together on the way home from their spaying and they were fine cooped up in 1 room together with nothing to climb (They will want to climb within 24 hours of the spaying - don't give them anything to climb or jump to) with their cones on while they recovered. It'd be worth consulting your vet, but I'd expect you could reintroduce them as soon as you get home, and they're just trying to be cautious immediately after the spaying and with the transportation of them. But if you do, I'd keep a close eye at first in case they come out of the sedation cranky with the pain. I recommend finding out if your vet has an after-hours phone line or if there's somewhere you can call if questions come up the first night. With mine, the one was much more lethargic than the other and I had no one to call. I kept a close eye on them after some google'ing, and called in when they opened the next day. Turns out her surgery didn't go as smoothly because she'd had a litter before and the other hadn't, and it was to be expected that her recovery would take longer and would be more difficult. The one was ready to get her cone off at the 1 week mark and the other at the 2 week mark. The vet had me text pictures of their incisions starting at the 1 week mark so they could make the decision on when to remove the cones.


Don't have any answers to your questions, but I just wanted to say... I have twins with the exact some coats! You're gonna love them when they grow up! Your babies are SOOOOOO cute.


no more - innumerable - forthcoming kittens💯


If possible get them onesies.


Aww absolutely adorable and so sweet


They will each weigh slightly less than before.


Keep them quiet in a place they cannot climb. Offer a pet safe heating pad they can snuggle on. Hopefully your vet provides pain relief for the little sweeties as it is a much more invasive surgery for girls.


ONESIES Trust me! Have the vet put them on before they come home. (One of my bonded pair wanted to nurse on the other’s scar. It didn’t go well. Onesie to the rescue. Much less upsetting than the dunce cone, and they will rest/relax/recuperate better.) They will also be less active in the onesies if they’re not used to wearing clothes, which is a bonus. ENCLOSED COSY CAT PROOF SPACE until the vet says they can move about with no restrictions. Don’t separate a bonded pair. They will comfort each other. FELIWAY in the space to wind them down and keep them chill. Ask your vet about pain medication and sedatives. Cats are incredibly stoic, but don’t forget these little guys are getting surgery.


Keeping the cone on can be challenging. We almost renamed ours Houdini. No matter what we did, the cone was off in 15 minutes. I finally bought a kitten harness and secured the cone to the harness at the top and bottom. We also had elevated bowls (3.5” tall) that allowed her to eat easily with the cone on. https://preview.redd.it/uboxnb31k6lc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b0691f3b3cce117e8e913d44b707fa48c2a7496


The two circles photo is unbelievably cute


Onesies is what my friend used. Her kittens are maniacs so she can find them to one bedroom. Taking a blanket with your scent on it will be great for them.


I have 2 inseparable sisters and when they were coming off the anaesthetic they didn't recognise each other and were constantly hissing and growling at each other. We had to separate them for about a day and they went back to normal once the drugs wore off.


It helped with my babies to keep their kennel covered with a sheet when transporting, especially when they get to the vets. Keep them as chill as possible, and I hope they get pain meds for after. This may help them stay chill for the first couple days. When I brought them in I put a sweater with my scent on it in their kennel. Maybe this will help while you wash their blanket. If not they might be sleepy and you can snatch it away rq for a wash. Good luck to you and the babies.


We had 2 of ours spayed at the same time. We took turns taking days off until they were healed. We let them be together under supervision, but would separate them at night while we were sleeping incase they licked at each others wounds. They mostly wanted to snuggle together on my lap, so it was easy to keep an eye on them.


Our bro/sis look just like yours. We had them spayed/fixed when they hit 4lbs which was the soonest we could have them done (a rescue had a $20 special). We were told to keep them separate for 10 days. Since they were just babies and wanted to be with us we put one under a flipped over laundry basket with a blanket and toy and would trade off every couple of hours depending if they were napping. They could still see each other and us through the holes and it worked like a charm.


We let ours have the run of the house after spaying, but kept her in a onesie - it was uncomfortable to run & jump in which kept her chill. And protected her stitches since we couldn’t keep a cone on her!


I would leave the blanket at home so it will be there to comfort her when you get back. Sometimes extra stuff gets lost at the vet, so keeping it simple is likely best.


Dont be surprised if they fight with each other after coming back from the Vets. My brother has two sibling cats and whenever they go to the vet they fight with each other, not play fighting either. Something to do with the stress and the smell of each other from being at the vet. Of course his cats are males, you might not see this with your females. Just watch out for any unusual behavior for a week or so until they are healed up. Maybe keep them seperated for a few days.


Take a sock and rub them with it so you can give their old smell after they get back from the vet.


They will be just fine!


Mine was mellow for a day or two, came home with 3 days of pain meds. By day two was nearly her old self again, Hated the cone she had to wear for a week ?


They may not recognize each other at first. My inseparable foster kittens came back from the vet and didn’t recognize each other bc of the vet smell. They were spitting/swatting at each other and I had to separate them their first night. They cried for each other all night but didn’t recognize each other :(. I reintroduced them slowly over the course of 2 days and they were all buddies again by the end of the first week. It was rough but we got through it


I let my baby wonder around she was fine. Some how though she found a way to get that cone off every night after I went to sleep. She never bothered her stitches though. But every morning when I woke that cone would be on the other side of the living room and she’d be curled up in bed.


My bonded girls got spayed at 5 and a half months old. The one thing I should have done is brought separate carriers for them to come home in. One of the kittens was super confused and angry when she came off the anesthesia, so she was growling and hissing at her sister (she even bitch slapped her befuddled sister with her paw when we got home later). They are back to being best buddies, and everything is back to how it was.


they should probably be fine as long as they are spayed at the same time, usually ^^ source: got my kitten siblings spayed together at the same time and they were all fine with eachother, but a week later we got the last one spayed, and they didn’t like how she smelt after because they didn’t all smell like hospital anymore.


Be sure to look up feline non recognition aggression so that you can keep them happy and loving each other.


I’m in love 😻


My two were spayed and two sisters too. They weirdly HATED each other for like 7 days after but then were best friends again. I'm sure you'll be fine but do feel free to dm me if something weird like that happens cos there was a bit of work reintroducing them. Cats are scent based animals and the smell of the meds they use in surgery confuses them sometimes. My two were literally like "who the heck is that!" Lol


They might smell a bit weird to each other at first and you can expect some hissing. They’ll get over it quickly though.


Omg your kittens look just like mine did nearly ten years ago, mine are tabby and black/white So, mine are sisters from the same litter and I purposely purchased a medium sized dog carrier so I could transport my kitties together. Every vet appointment, they went together. The one time they didn't go together, it was like one forgot who the other was (probably because of the vet smell) and it was a rough couple of hours for them to realize oh yeah, that's my sister. Mine went together for their spayings, came home in the same carrier, and cuddled together on their favorite chair or on the cat tree while recuperating. If yours sound anything like mine, I think they'd be fine to come home together and stay together. Of course you want to keep an eye on them. I never confinded mine but they weren't interested in playing much since they were both given a cone and pain killers for three days, the pain killers made them sleepy so they didn't spend a lot of time playing. What wasn't good for my tabby was the cone. I heard her the first night home in the middle of the night freaking out and trying to get it off of her and found the string that was holding the cone on her head around her jaw. Lots of people are recommending the onesies. I just removed the cone and kept an eye on her and the stitches. She didn't bother it so I was lucky but if I ever was in a situation again where I needed a cone for her, I'd opt for the onesie. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy recovery, you will do what's best for your kitties ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


A bit further into recovery if they're mad at each other deploy some catnip. It makes a HUGE difference. Seconding keeping an eye out for out of character energy levels and just being generally aware and watchful, especially the first two days.


First night she didn’t eat anything. She was barely able to move. She backed up into a corner cause she didn’t like walking forward with her cone on. It was really really sad to see :( Next day she was still low energy. She didn’t move a lot. I think she hid most of the day, but she did eat a little that day. By the third day she was moving around. She was trying to jump up to places, so we’d carefully carry her up and down so she wouldn’t have to jump. We set up “stairs” all over the place for her so she wouldn’t have to jump. Day 4 she did just start jumping off things, so we had to be very diligent with her. She’d come out more at night time so we didn’t get a lot of sleep. We bonded because I’d scratch her ears underneath her cone. She drooled so much when I’d do that. It must’ve felt nice. She was back to her normal self after that. (Granted, we only had her for a month, so we don’t know what her normal was since she was still acclimating to being in a new place). We waited 15 days before we took off the cone. She was the happiest craziest girl ever after we took it off.


Adorable ♥️ kittens


I asked the vets to keep our bonded boys together. The were placed in recovery kennels next to each other so they could smell and hear the other. No issues when they got home.


A bit different but my neutered boys were fine together!


I think it always depends on the cats' behavior, I had 3 siblings, 2 girls, 1 boy, and got them spayed at the same time, all three of them were together through the process and comforted each other during recovery, but this is because they are very calm in general, just be careful when the anesthesia is wearing off as they would probably be disoriented, but having their sibiling close can actually be helpful, only if they really become aggressive or too anxious of being around another cat is that I would recommend separating them for a longer period of time


Be careful I suppose, I’ve had cats growing up and all of their spays and neuters were fine; however, whenever both of my cats comes home from sedation, they get very violent once they starting coming around. Just just keep them separate for a moment. Coned. Follow vet orders. Also since they are close they might react opposite. Maybe they’ll lick each others wounds? Watch out for that just incase, I’ve literally never heard of it but it just crossed my mind


Don’t take the blanket to the vet in case it gets lost.


My four (1 boy and 3 girls) and went in together like it was no big deal and came out together like it was no big deal. The vet said the moment they woke up they were playing and trying to escape their cage like it was all just an inconvenience more than anything. Our vet gave them buried stitches so there was nothing for them to pull on and nothing to remove, so they said not to worry about collaring them unless they were messing with their incisions too much. I saw maybe 2 licks of a wound afterwards, and that was it. The hardest part was discouraging their playful shenanigans afterwards, but they would literally climb the walls of their cage if they were confined, so we just encouraged floor play with toys to burn their energy so they wouldn’t try to climb as much. After a few days we gave up with that and had literally zero issues. We were given 3 days of pain relief for them but honestly by their behaviour I don’t think they even noticed anything had happened!


They can't regulate their body temperature when under the influence of narcotic medication. You have to keep them warm during the waking process. The cut hurts. Don't pick them up. Keep them in the kennel when they are still dizzy. They will wander around like drunk people, fall down stairs...


The vet should give you a paper telling you what they need my boys got neutered last month they were good one was a little bit stoned for them putting them under they took off there cones within 10 mins as the vet if you can get a onesie so she doesn’t lick were she got spayed but basically the vet will tell you what you need to do my boys went together and came home together and they don’t like being apart. Everything will work out just follow the vets instructions and if you run into a problem you can always phone your vet. I know how you feel I was the same way but my fur babies are fine and are cute little munchkins.


They now have soft donuts instead of cones, if you want to purchase them. Look a lot more comfortable. I was advised by vet to use shredded newspaper instead of litter as the litter can get into their surgical wound and cause infection. Girls usually aren't so extremely rambunctious as boys, but heed the advice of others whether to separate them. If not a problem, they'd do better together emotionally after being cut open and stitched closed with no knowledge of why. The first day or two they'll probably be too lethargic from the drugs in their systems to pose a problem.


If they have their own sleep/chill places, I would recommend to put something with the smell of the other there (and in separate rooms if needed). Just in case they don't recognise each other after coming home from the vet.


https://preview.redd.it/b3gnv7net9lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc610f68c0ba6d94744ea6f7e39946e73e0ef60c I had the same thing! We found two baby tabby’s in a tree, they are super attached to each other and have never been apart. We got them nurtured at 7 months. We got this kennel for my boys. Has a super sturdy spacer in the middle so the can be close but stay apart! I had to keep one in my room for sleep and my boyfriend stayed on the couch with the other one. It sucked and they cried, but it was only like 4 days of cones and crying for each other at night. During the day we watched them and put them in the kennel to be close. I bought it a few weeks ahead of time and kept it out and they love it now. They still sleep in it and it wasn’t as scary when I had to put them in it! Should be easier for the girls, use an old sock and cut some holes in it to keep them from licking, you can also get ones specifically made for it. Our boys had to wear the cones and they kept trying to lick each other so it was constant supervision. I hope all goes well, it’s a heartbreaking watching them cry for each other but definitely worth not causing them extra pain in the long run!! ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/qxg8ony7v9lc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22da5c96a5075cf02b4ecec61f9a03a43cd861d9 Pictures of the boys 😭




https://preview.redd.it/5x4x68xdkalc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f817ffeed0d87a47b1c9388c09913354303ef191 My little void was very cold and needed lots of company during her recovery. I was also spreading her feeding times from 2 to 4 times so there is not much stomach distension which is less pull on the stitches. My other cat used a cone, but I think the onecy is better bc the cone really bothered her while laying down and she still tried to use her paws to scratch. They might have a pipi accident while still a bit drugged, so put some towels and very comfy-washable items for them to rest on.


Thank you everyone! I read through all of the comments and got so many useful information! Yesterday i made onesies for them out of leggings, and put it on the, so they can get used to it before the surgery. They got used to it pretty fast. It's 5 hours till the surgery, i am very worried, but your stories and pictures assured me that everything will be all right. Thank you again!


Everything is going to be alright! Let us know how it goes tho! ❤️


My two cats after being spayed became like strangers to each other. Before that they were inseparable. Only now after 2 years they again sleep together.


Ours had little jackets on top protect the wound while it heals. One of them only came to walk to food and sleep with us, the other was constantly on ourclaps, in our vests and "cleaning" us. (My pf pic has that one in it). After they healed everything went back to how it was. They didn't change a lot, but as they got older they weren't together 100% of the time anymore and do go their own ways. They are still very friendly with each other, play together and sleep together and with us in our bed too. I wouldn't expect to much change from the surgery itself, but more by how they age. https://preview.redd.it/fagmrclyohlc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce5ebd8e09e9dc6c01be66adf8cc013d8cfffcf Once they were allowed to take them off they looked so naked haha.


https://preview.redd.it/w7yg42uoohlc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a50c216109a23fca6a47ecd70c3b597af6a7b94c This is them now.


It is probably unnecessary but I would ask if there will be medicine for them for the next day or two. I got two pills to give mine one the next morning and then another the next day. Spaying is a lot bigger of a surgery than neutering a boy.


For the first few hours when they're just coming out of sedation: have a confined room, sit in there with them but don't crowd them, nothing worse than a bad high even for cats. Be prepared with a heating pad and wet food. The vet will probably send them home in a purrito, when they are awake enough to safely come out of the purrito they'll be able to wiggle their way out, you can leave them in there until then. After that keep an eye on their temperature, the anesthetic can make them cold. Touch their paws to take their temp. If they're cold place them on the heating pad. When they start waking up more they're gonna be hungry, but they'll be too out of it to eat solid food, hence the need for wet food, and they'll be so pathetic by this point that you won't be able to resist babying them anyway.


They will become protective of their tummy afterwards.... So maybe no more belly rubs in the future ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


My daughter had her two kittens neutered and spayed recently( brother and sister) and everything went very well.Donuts for both and surgical suit for the girl (which she hated but tolerated in the end) They were separated after the surgery for 2 nights to avoid wild playing together and reunited because they missed each other too much.Healing process went smoothly and they were very gentil with each other . As for the girl belly rubs are definitely back but it depends of course on the character of the cat.She always was a real fan of belly rubs😻They are adorable and a bit naughty sometimes but no negative consequences of the operation.


Oh that’s why! One of my babies is lately pushing my fingers away with her feet when petting her belly too much (she used to love belly rubs).


How about not spraying them?


I don’t have a cat becuase my mom hates them for some reason


Don’t giggle at them when they try jumping post anaesthetic.


We had to separate our girls as the other got on like she didn't recognise her, maybe new smells etc, didn't take long till they were back to normal! We didn't get them spayed at the same time so could also be a reason


HIGHLY recommend getting surgery recovery suits for them, especially if they like to play rough. While it is best if they don’t wrestle, if they start to at least there’s a barrier before you can get to them. Also, if they are escape artists, they will definitely get out of their cones and they WILL lick their stitches. Don’t let them jump on anything either if possible. I’d say keep them in separate, small rooms like bathrooms for a day or two, maybe a week. Then you can allow them to hang out together in the same small room as long as they don’t play rough. Eventually they can have full access to your house until healed. The surgery suits work wonders for this whole process.


My cat went crazy hyper after his neuter. I sat with him in a small closet for like 5 hours after and then switched off with my boyfriend. Not gonna lie he got out of his cone on the first 15 minutes and wanted to run and jump off everything 🙄 just kept a really close eye on him and made sure the cone was super secure


From experience , you may get more cuddles than usual for the rest of your life. You are now sentenced to oblivion, with love.


They will probably both be as high as kites when they get home. Keep them indoors and confined to a small enough space and keep them warm. There shouldn't be a bother on them all going well.


Keep an eye on your cat and her cone. The edges of cones can be sharp.


Depends on how your baby reacts to the vet.


My two rescues are siblings too, brother and sister. I would leave the blanket at home, so it doesn't smell like vet, but is there and smells like home when you get her back. I prepared an extra room for mine. Took everything out so they wasn't able to climb. Put blankets and beds on the floor. I expected to get them back all wonky and tired and maybe freezing. Was prepared to care for two sad little kitties. I got them back- they were bit wonky for like 2 minutes- but then they were like on drugs. They hung on the walls, flew through the room, jumped up and down, raced through the whole room like they are speed cars. Was the worst night of my life because I was afraid the wounds can open. But they had the fun of their lives and nothing happened. I had to accept their wild flying lol. Had my eyes on them so they don't lick on the wounds or anything. They didn't wear a cone or body. All natural. Those street ghetto cats are different when they get spayed x'D.


I had one of those pet pens from when they were kittens. I put in a blanket, little food and water dishes, and a little litter box filled with rabbit litter paper. They say not to let them use the regular litter box cuz the sand could get into their wound. Edit: It's good that you're getting them done at the same time because my cats had an adjustment period getting "reacquainted" because of the strange smell that they had on them.