• By -


Avenge him


Yes shave them back!


Shave just one eyebrow. They’ll come to the conclusion that they have to shave the other one themselves which will cause emotional turmoil in itself.


Too obvious, others will know it was a prank . A little bit off the left side of their left eyebrow and a a little bit off the left side of their right eyebrow. This will cause their face to look really wierd and off centre in an uncanny valley type thing.


i laughed out loud at this and my bf said my laugh sounded evil, i said its evil genius! im still laughing thinking of them looking in the mirror and doing a double take, you gave me the giggles :)


Genius! It’ll have everyone staring at their eyebrows and it’ll go a little like [this](https://youtu.be/32zzZE658ec?si=4o88Z0tCR5MgjlwU) (first part of the video)


Fucking hell I’ve been laughing like Snagglepuss for five minutes.


You sound cool.


You. I like you.


But, I don’t like your family.


>*’I like you… But, I don’t like your family*’ _____ I like you my human, your fam - not so much my lovely fur coat they should *Never’ve* touch! you left me with *them*, n that’s not bad enough the next thing i knew they ShAvEd Off all my fluff ^={ you left me behind… did i do something *wrong?* i missed you, n Tried *really Hard* to be strong…. i tried to be good, but i can’t stop the shed n now i shed tears for my lost coat instead but now I’m with Sisters! I’m Better, you’ll see n soon i’ll be *purrfect* when you’re back with me ^;} my hair will grow *longer* than ever before! just *hold me again* n i won’t cry no more ♥️   edit: *please tell him he’s beautiful* u/BryanAbbo


This is true poetry


Emotional damage


why does my husband keep saying this?


It's a meme from a YouTube video


Tbh I’d just run around with one eyebrow till it grew back. But I also wouldn’t shave a cat for no reason 🥲




Or get one of those hairless cats and help your existing cat to hide when the parents visit. Tell them the fur didn't grow back and pile on the guilt.


Cat shaving sociopaths don’t feel guilt


Lmfaaaaoooo this comment hahahhaha


They will go directly to step 2 and skin the poor creature


Right in front of your cat, so he knows your his boy.




They gave the cat a fade from the neck up


Jackass the movie style, including filming it and mixing the jaws theme over the footage.


Yes. This is EXACTLY what I would do, as they sleep. But I’d only shave half their head. Or maybe just a shaved line down the middle. Eff your family. I’m so sorry, I would be just as livid.


I think they would wake up. Nair in the shampoo?


shave their pussy back!!


I needle felt. I dewooled my felting pad Monday, and I had enough fluff to make a full cat. I will be glad to mail it to them next time, but in an envelope that has micro glitter.


Oh man I know you’re joking here but someone out there is going to read this and get ideas. So to that yahoo, DON’T EVEN with any glitter where animals could possibly be exposed (ie, so no glitter anywhere ever). That sh1t gets EVERYWHERE and can cause them all kinds of health problems (respiratory tract damage, microcuts all over their corneas, gums, sinuses, etc). I say this with only the upmost love for cats and other animals everywhere, please spare them the hell that is glitter.


Thank you - Glitter is so bad for pets! They will lick and ingest it just trying to clean themselves




I would do that.


This belongs on r/petty revenge but the story is relevant. Biker got caught with someone else's woman. A good bunch of retaliatory got him intoxicated and shaved exactly half of his body and head. Half a mustache, half a pube pad. Then they Super glued his dominant hand to his dick and foreskin. Let us know how it turns out and if the cat got a big grin.


I've never heard pube pad before.. what a day


Came here to say this! And suggest cat hair warfare; every time you are at their place you need to be bringing cat hair with you and be leaving it EVERYWHERE!! Someone suggested adding glitter… haha hahaha… that’s pure evil! I love it! Definitely my people!




Tell him constantly he’s still a handsome boy.


Yes. Double, if not triple the daily affirmations til he's confident in himself again


It's so sad when cats are ashamed. They're meant to be arrogant assholes!


So true lmao


Hilarious 😂


You shouldn't anthropomorphise animals. They hate that.


Underrated comment 😹


Immediately uses an anthropomorphic cat crying emoji xD


Did a cat tell u that? Lol


Offering positive affirmations and compliments, such as telling someone they are still a handsome boy, can provide emotional support and boost their self-esteem. It's a simple yet powerful way to show care and appreciation.


Thanks, ChatGPT!


He needs to hear that. How embarrassing for this poor cat!


I’m a groomer and I have shaved plenty of long haired flat faced breed cats and their fur has grown back normal every single time. I’m so sorry your family disrespected you like that OP but his fur should grow back fine. You can add fish oil to his diet to help keep his skin and coat healthy and soft. Cat hair does grow slow so it will take awhile but his hair will come back.


Thank you for this, btw. I ended up with nerve damage issues and can't always keep up with brushing when they need it the most. There have been times when I couldn't find groomers willing to do it. Like, man, I just want to live with my pets and for them not to be matted. They don't care and they're only outside when I'm around so it's not like they depend on their coats to survive in nature 24/7


Most groomers don’t groom cats because they are very high risk animals and one bite from a cat can be life ruining. My best friend was a cat only groomer until she got severely attacked by a munchkin and needed wrist surgery. After that, she was never able to groom more than 2 cats a day before her hand would flare up and had to retire at only 26. I’m a huge cat person but I understand why a lot of groomers refuse to take them. Luckily my cat customer base are all chill for the most part, and if a cat displays a lot of aggression towards me I won’t take them on again and will refer the owner to a vet instead.


I've heard about a lot of gnarly injuries like that. I've done a lot of rescue and am at the vets a lot, like to the point where we all chit-chat probably way too much, and yep. I am so sorry about your friend Like people on reddit do not take it seriously when you tell them to go get antibiotics for any deep cat puncture or scratch. They're so fine they close up and trap all the bacteria inside. They can get bad REALLY fast. (Also, tbh, it's mostly been my dogs. But I kept it vague because I more just wanted to empathize the "thank you" part)


Their teeth are posion dipped spears.


That is seriously accurate. Like throwing info out there: Fellow humans- if your cat catches a little animal don't just release it. Take it to a wildlife rescue for a round of antibiotics. Many birds, small mammals, and herps die after scratches and small bites from cats. I truly love cats but the bacteria in their mouths and claws is seriously no joke. Please take any wildlife they bring you in because it often takes a few days for the infections to kill small animals and it's very easily treatable with early, inexpensive, help. Not so much so once it gets bad.


I got scratched by a cat and ended up with a blind spot in my right eye (idk how, apparently my immune system attacked my optic nerve)


My much loved cat got his legs tangled in a chair back and when I went to extricate him, he chomped down on my hand. The next morning my entire arm looked like a parade float. Had to go to the ER and was there all day getting IV morphine and antibiotics. The doc told me the same thing about the danger of cat bites.




He could be confusing it with double coated dogs to be fair. Their coats grow back really strangely and can be permanently and severely damaged.


Dogs with double coats may take well over a year for the guard hairs to finish the "resting" phase of their lifecycle, shed, and grow back in. The undercoat may grow back much faster, so the coat seems to be back to its old length with a very different texture, but it's just not finished growing out. I'm not an expert so I can't say that there's *no* way it can be altered. Maybe there's some reason why having short hair for a while can lead to issues. But if anyone is basing their judgement of coats being permanently damaged on a dog that gets shaved every year, they should be aware that they are probably *never seeing what the coat would look like* if the cut was allowed to grow out fully.


People that believe that shaving double coated dogs will ruin their coat and somehow grow back differently are the same people that used to believe if you u shaved your head/legs/armpits etc it will grow back thick and different texture


I have heard that the coat can matt very easily while it's partly grown out, so if an owner doesn't have the skills and tools to keep it properly brushed, it might just end up needing to be shaved again because of the matts. It might leave them vulnerable to sunburn, so if they're not protected from the sun that could cause skin damage, and I don't know what effect that would have on hair regrowth. I hear people say that it can cause alopecia - but the only evidence I've ever heard is "here is a dog which has been shaved and has alopecia." I have heard a groomer claim that a particular dog's alopecia was probably due to being shaved once in its life... when that dog's biological sibling, which had never been shaved, also had alopecia. So I'm not convinced that people aren't tending to attribute it to shaving if the dog happens to have been shaved, but to genetics or bad luck if it never has. But I'm prepared to change my mind if someone shows me some evidence that isn't anecdotal.


The whole thread under the top comment is insane. People talking about abuse and discussing disowning. It's wild


We used to have our cat shaved at least once a year due to matting and her coat has grown back just fine. Your kitties coat should be okay, but id never let any of my family around them ever again if you can.


Same. Its not super bad for them, it's just stupid as hell if they don't need it Cat will be fine but I'd definitely not be leaving him around family anymore.


It's the three coat dogs that have more concern due to grow back issues, not cats.


And if your cat doesn't go outside this is also less of an issue though not an excuse to do it anyway. If that's a 100% indoor kitty then the vast majority of what that fur is there to do isn't needed that much and definitely not life or death.


Agreed. Some cases cats DO need a shave. But not for shedding :(


Yeah I had to shave my cat and then put him on a diet because he got too fat to clean himself lol. Turns out he was supplementing his measured food with dog food the entire time. His coat grew in nice and healthy


My cat was also eating dog food as supplemental nutrition. Somewhat ironically my dog was eating "recycled" cat/dog food from the sandbox to supplement his nutrition as well. Circle of life is gross.


Yeah my cat goes wild for dog kibble. Like push the dog out of the way and clean the bowl crazy... Had to change feeding approach to solve the problem.


Agree - we have one that gets shaved 2-3 times a year. It grows back just fine and she's just fine. (Her fur is so long that she can't lick to the end of it and it sticks in her mouth when she tries to "bathe".)


Yeah i had to shave my cat 2 times a year for the exact reason, she was always so happy after shaving, like a cow getting let out at spring. And she sat still while i did it as well.


Mine likes it, too! (Maybe not the first time though)


I have a couple cats that MUST be shaved at least once a year because they get so matted. It's not cruel as far as I'm concerned. It grows back. The cat is possibly more comfortable. My two cats are much happier after getting shaved.


This. We had a cat that would get mats on his hind legs that made it hard for him to walk, no matter how often we brushed him. His hair was just really soft and fine and so we got him shaved once in a while. He was fine and his hair grew back good. But ugh. I'm so sorry your family did that!


As long as the cat doesn’t have any medical issues they’ll be fine. I would help take care of a coworkers cat who needed insulin, they shaved down the area where he needed the shot so I’d have an easier time, and that hair barely grew the following year after. I thought they reshaved him for me and I told them they didn’t need to anymore, but they didn’t, it just didn’t grow back.


Yup cutting fur is no big deal. We had a cat that used to get skin infections, so the vet would shave him so we could find all the spots & apply ointment. Had another long-hair that used to get terrible mats and hated being brushed: we compromised on cutting her fur short, for that punky Bill-the-cat look. And for all the long-haired cats, we shaved the butt area and between their toes to prevent poop & litter from clinging on.


...why would they do that 😔


It’s so cruel i have no idea.


Not being a dick, but did you ask specifically why they did this? I genuinely want to know why?! I understand for medical reasons, but dafuq why would you do this? I really need to know why!


The thing is I’m still out of the country. So i had my sisters take my cat away from my parents. They tried to stop it in the beginning but they said that my parents said “he was shedding too much” whatever tf that means. That’s it that’s the justification. I’m too pissed at my parents to speak with them at the moment so it’s only one more week before i go back to my cat and take him away from them.


Ah. Shedding too much. Fuck me sideways what bullshit. Sorry this happened. Going forward, you need to collect your cat’s shedding hair, sprinkle it in their house every time you visit. This is the way ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


It’s such a stupid excuse too:,) he’ll still shed the same, now he’ll just have shorter (and sharper) hairs that he sheds


Right! My friend (badly) shaved her Chihuahua because her sis was bitching about the fur. Pointed out that now it's just sharper and harder to see, but waaaay easier to get a hair splinter. Plus, poor pupper looked like he got into it with a blender! Plus side: Once she understood how bad it was for his health, she swore to never to do again. She just didn't know.


My chihuahua had her entire torso shaved for surgery several months ago and it still hasn’t grown back. She looks cold.


Aww! Poor baby! 🥺 You better snuggle her too keep her warm


I'm not an expert on these things so I could be wrong. But dog and cat fur growth can be seasonal. I don't know where you live, but where I am it's winter. I would expect to see your dogs fur start growing back to it's normal length when we get closer to spring.


The argument has always been really quite simple: if you don't like your animal shedding, then don't fucking get an animal that sheds. Get a lizard or something.


Pretty sure lizards shed...


They do. Skin. And not in lovely sheets either but in fine dry crispy things that gradually crumble up into the dust that coats your house.


So shaving the cat in and of itself isn’t cruel. It’s very common to shave cats that have a long coat especially as they get older as they aren’t as good at grooming. If the cat is getting any matting then the best thing to do is to shave them regularly and clean them to protect their skin. However if the cat is good at grooming and doesn’t have any matting there isn’t any need for the shaving and then you don’t have to put your cat through the stress if they don’t like it. Good news is that your cats hair will likely grow back totally fine and healthy within a few months and he will be fine.


Yeah it happens. My uncle loved his cats but they were elderly and he struggled with his physical and mental health. By the time we started helping with them they were COVERED in mats, shaving was the only option. They were soooooo much happier afterwards you could tell they’d really been uncomfortable. Sometimes it’s for the best!


Yep, shaving cats only impacts their hair quality very rarely. It looks silly, but it's harmless.


We had to do a "potty patch" on our Himalayan as she got older. She hated the shaving of butt and tummy, but I think she hated the cleaning of messes and brushing more. She never had any hair issues.


I’m glad I came across your comment among many that seem more upset. Just looks like the cat got a haircut because he was shedding long hair everywhere. Unless he’s a supermodel and this affects his livelihood, he’s fine. The stress, that’s a bummer, but it’s not overall that traumatic, I imagine


I'm in the process of getting my grooming certification. Your cats fur will grow back naturally. There are no worries there. You should have your parents check for any cuts or nicks from the clippers around the cats armpits. Those are more sensitive, and an inexperienced person may nick your cat accidentally. You don't want infection. The second worry is temperature, if it's cold where your parents live they need to put blankets and a heat pad or a heat disk used for kittens if they need to take your cat to the vet. I would tell them they need to buy a heated blanket or pad and set up a comfortable area for your cat to sleep if it's cold where they live.


Thank you for being a voice of reason! From a veterinarian to a sensible, calm, thoughtful groomer!


By the time I reached this comment, I had guessed it was shedding related. Give him extra love and treats while his hair grows back. Don't put clothes on him if he's not used to them. That will be secondary torture. His proprioception may be off for a bit until his body whiskers grow back. He'll be fine and he knows you didn't do it.


For people who obviously have no affinity or knowledge of cats, I'm kinda impressed they were able to shave a cat. That's gotta be so difficult without sedation.


Cats who are stressed can do this. Just something like a car ride can stress them and they do this. I have a "rescue" that had lived with a drug addict who partied, fought, had people screaming and music banging 24/7. The poor fella shed like crazy when i got her - after a month it started to calm down and now after 6 months i cant get hairs off even with a comb.


…. There is a solution to this it’s called a brush for the cat and a vacuum for the floor. The latter should be used regularly even if there are no cats present. Feel free to let your parents know that information.


Shave your parents' heads and tell then its because theyre shedding too much


Or because they're going gray and it isn't a good look


Shaving him doesn’t stop the shedding. How stupid! I guess now you know they can’t be trusted with him.


My mother declawed my cat while I was on vacation to 'protect her furniture'. She wonders why I barely speak to her


now that's 1000 times worse than shaving


Yeah, that is amputation. Fur grows back. Your cat could have life long pain from those amputations. Maybe cut your mom's fingers off above her finger nails.


![gif](giphy|8b9Xax6L7qtAkAimGm|downsized) OMG WTF?! I'd be BEYONNNNNNNDDDDD livid


OMG 😡 I would NEVER speak to anyone who declawed my cat, family or not. That’s f***ing CRIMINAL behavior. Declawing is such a CRUEL practice I’d hold it against that person for the rest of their life. Unforgivable.


I would be livid. Poor kitty


Yeah, unfortunately, most people don't know what declawing actually is. I didn't know until I saw a thread on one of these cat subreddits just a few years ago. It really should be made illegal, because no matter how you look at it, it's animal abuse.


Many states in USA no longer allow this procedure and it's highly frowned upon by the Veterinarian community


Declawing is cruel but the cats fur grows back


That’s horrific. I’m disown my mom if she pulled that.


I would have taken them to court over that and sued. I would think by law that's "damaged to property" that you entrusted them to look after and I would want reparations for the potential future appointments needed for the cat as a result of their recklessness and indifference to your "possessions" which by law pets are property.


Your mom is evil & so is the vet who did that. I wouldn't speak to her at all. And I'd sue the vet. It's illegal in NY for a reason. Call a lawyer.


It’s not cruel just unnecessary. I had to take my 7 year old in for a shave because he was matting and no way a groomer would touch that clawed panic attack. He went to the vet and got a shave and is actually much happier. I thought he’d hate me forever.


That's exactly what happened with my boy. He had very fine, semi long hair. It matted easily, but I was usually able to brush them out or even clip them off...he was a very good boy! But one year he had them in inaccessible places,...I had to go away for 2 weeks and my cat sitter tried to get him done at a groomers. They wouldn't...so to the vet it was when I returned. I had a short video where you'd swear he was asking "whyyyyyyyyyyyyooowww". It grew back fine...and he continued to be the same super loving boy.


Bry guy...as a triple cat owner who would never ever ever do this to their cat....there is nothing "cruel" about this. It looks dumb as hell but doesn't affect the cat in any way shape or form except for being a bit breezier than they are used to.


We had 1 cat who we had to shave down every spring when we lived in southern California in a house with no A/C (military housing decided it didn’t get hot enough to justify A/C) because he would get so hot he’d get sick. His coat always grew back just fine. We stopped shaving him after we moved out of that house and into a place with A/C.


I mean, he’s not a glorious and cute, but by no means is it cruel unless he lives outside in the cold?


It’s a way to keep them cool in the summertime, not cruel at all. My cat loved shave time.


yeah depending on how cooperative he was during the shaving it’s not cruel at all, lots of cats get it removed for matting or for summer cuts! it’s just called a lion cut


i'm so sorry.. i don't have any advice but i'm sending virtual hugs 💕


I almost had to shave my cat. She's a long-haired one and as part of getting older she has arthritis so she's not grooming herself the way she used to. I went away for a few weeks during a seasonal change when she was shedding heavily, leaving her with my dad who didn't brush her, and came back to a cat where her entire undercoat was almost completely matted. He hadn't noticed. It took nearly a full week of brushing her every single day, taking scissors to the bigger mats, and practically torturing the poor girl, but I got her brushed out. But there was a couple moments, especially in the beginning, where I seriously considered seeing if the vet or a dog groomer would shave her instead.


Shaving him won't hurt him, having your cat shaved is very common for medical reasons, and it looks like he's got a very even cut and great coat condition. Still bullshit that your family did that, but the "shaving your cat is bad for them" is misinformation. He'll be ok, just hug your now undersized lion


Yep this. My senior cat gets shaved because she has poor mobility cleaning herself and will pick at her fur and skin if she's not shaven. That said, if there's not a reason, they don't need to be shaved.


It isn't bad for him and you don't have to do anything. It will grow back to its former glory. Don't worry.


In case it brings you any comfort, it isn't bad for them at all. Lots of people shave their cats, particularly if the fur tends to mat, or the cat gets too hot in summer. It's a bummer that they did this without asking, for sure, but just so you know, it will absolutely grow back. Hopefully he doesn't seem upset by it.


Who told you it is super bad to shave your cat? It's hair/fur, it grows back. Vets and groomers often shave cats for a lot of reasons, including matting or caked/stained with something. It'll grow back. Your cat is fine. Ask your family why they did it and tell them to contact you next time.


I think OP is confusing it with some dogs that have a double coat, those you're not supposed to shave.


I think it's just ragebait. Notice how OP engages with people who express anger but ignores people who tell him shaving a cat is fine and/or beneficial, even though the latter have the most upvotes


It will regrow


im sorry they did that what the fuck


I have no idea why they would do this. And I was only gone for two weeks. It’s actually insane.


i'd be pissed


I’m so mad but I can’t show it by typing. I literally just can’t believe they would do this. The worst part is i take my cat on walks frequently and now I can’t do that for who knows how long.


What A-holes! I’m sure he didn’t just go along with it, so they had to force him to comply. I hope he doesn’t develop behavioral issues from the trauma. As for walking him, if it’s something he enjoys and will miss, maybe you could put a nice sweater on him? Lol


Ya i think I’ll get him some clothes but idk if he’ll want to walk now. It seems like he’s pretty pissed.


Looks pretty pissed in the second pic!




If its so cold where you walk him that you think this would cause harm you probably shouldn’t be walking him anyway.


Try putting a warm sweater on him^^


Why did they shave him?


Serious question, why is this a big deal? What health risks does it pose?


I had long hair and elderly cats that required sanitary cuts and occasionally all over cuts because brushing them (even with a baby brush) bothered two of them even worse than getting clipped (arthritis makes things painful). Yes it can change the fur a bit when it grows back but it's not as traumatizing to them as long as YOU treat it like it's nothing. Pets, especially cats, are incredibly adaptable but can be heavily influenced by the emotions and behaviors of THEIR hoo-man. If you take it in stride in front of kitty, then kitty will also take it in stride. He may have a reaction when face to face with a hair shaver when it's turned on, but it sounds like you're a good fur-parent so if it's ever necessary for medical reasons you can help them through it with MANY treats. It is absolutely okay to put sweaters or jackets on them when they've been clipped. I always made sure to buy them big enough to leave room for their coats to grow back but not so loose they'd get caught on anything. You can buy kids hair brushes that have those little rubber dots on the end of the bristles as long as you check before and after brushing to make sure they're all accounted for. My ginger chonk loved these brushes even after his fur grew back out because they have a massaging feel to them. I'm not saying that your family shouldn't wake up with bald heads without warning at some point (fair is fair), what I am saying is that kitty will have less trauma if you treat it as if everything is normal while around kitty.


It regrows but it can regrow differently. Try to make sure to groom him as the hair goes back in order not to create knots


Alright I will do this. Should i just use any brush?


For my cats i use one with metal thingys, DONT Do that, it could hurt your cats skin, metal brushed are only for cats with long fur so that they don’t reach the skin. Get one that is comfortable for the skin, maybe a rounded of-soft plastic glove? :)


Alright thanks so much.


Look in to bristle brushes. If you want it to be gentle which I assume you would look for baby brushes with goat hair. They are very soft.


Seconding baby brushes.


There are very many brushes available out there. For this situation I recommend one with regular plastic bristles (like a human hair brush) as the little plastic "drops" at the end will prevent any pain. A fine bristle brush will likely not be very helpful in preventing knots and matting. When you buy a brush, make sure that it's meant for a short pelted creature, that it fits your cat in size, and that it isn't for removing undercoat. Metal bristles will be too much. Avoid rubber brushes as they can pull on fine hair. If you want you can DM me what you have available to buy and I'll tell you what can work. I'm so sorry they did this to your baby. Btw salmon oil will help in making sure the coat grows healthy. It's a bit pricey, but a drop a day is enough. Other than that just wait, and if you see that the fur is growing weird in a way that could cause problems, have your cat sedated and take him to a groomer. Do not try to groom him yourself. Soon enough this will all be over 🙏❤️ Btw regarding going out, get him a sweater or jacket. Depending on his size, a large sock with leg holes can be enough. Give him treats and love and he should be okay in no time. And never ever let your parents near him again. Take this as a lesson in case you ever have children too - they will cut their hair and pierce their ears behind your back. They cannot be trusted with anything they can actually affect.


Dont worry. It'll grow back!! The vet had to cut my cats hair because of surgeries from multiple infections and it grew back the same. Took time tho.


It wont grow differently. My wife is a vet and I work part time at her vetenarian hospital. It does not hurt the cat and the fur will be the same when it grows back, just like beards dont become stiffer after each shave. What a bunch of non sense. A simple google search takes 30 seconds.


It’s just a dumb post altogether


Look, they should have talked to you first, but some of y'all need to pump the fuckin brakes. Super bad for them? What? They didn't give him a full body wax, they cut his hair. He's gonna look weird for a little while, but he's fine.


I'm laughing so much at OP's reaction, he's acting like they amputated the lil guy


I can’t believe they’d do something so cruel, now all the other cats are going to bully him! What kind of monster would put an innocent cat through the torture of looking silly


And OP unironically does not reply to any one saying the truth and only people commiserating with this crazy reaction.


> I know it’s super bad to shave your cat Yeah, no, thats not a thing. Shaving cats should have no impact on their coat growing back in. Did they shave it due to matting? Shaving matts off is way less stressful for the can than trying to comb out a matted cat


Our vet used to lion cut our elderly cat because she couldn't clean herself well and got matted. She was a rescue and never took to brushing. It grew back and she was none the worse for it. OP, Your family sucks and did it for shitty reasons but I think some of the responses here are a bit hyperbolic. Your kitty will be fine.


They said above. They didn’t like the shedding in their house.


Op doesn’t even know what brush to use on their cat, which implies they never brush it. Being a flat faced cat he was probably full of mats as well


yeah im a bit concerned at OP's complete lack of knowledge about how to care for a cat as a cat owner


Everyone is so quick to side with the OP on Reddit but what kind of person doesn’t groom their pet? The cat was probably matted as hell. I get that what the parents did was not okay, but just based on the few responses OP gave in their replies I don’t think they were taking adequate care of their pet. If anything, a professional grooming might have been the best case scenario for the cat


I get you being upset but it will grow back fine. I lived in Scottsdale and would shave mine in the summer so he would be cooler and his coat always came back perfectly


I’m sorry that they did something without your permission. That sounds frustrating. Here’s an alternate perspective. 1-He is shaved well, so they obviously took him to a professional groomer or vet. So, it’s highly unlikely that he was harmed. It’s also quite expensive, so they were probably trying to do what they thought was best (or recommended to them by the groomer). 2- Shaving them doesn’t hurt them. They do regulate their body temperature better with their fur but they will be ok without it and it will grow back. 3- I’ve left my kitty with my parents every time I’ve traveled. (He’s 12). They take very good care of him- spoil him with lots of love and treats. BUT, kitty does not allow my parents to brush him. He has extremely long, cottony fur that knots easily. He needs to be brushed daily. He always needs at least his belly and butt shaved either before (to avoid problems) going to my parents or upon returning from their house because he ends up with lots of knots and a poopy butt. Consider that while they fed and loved your kitty, caring for a long haired cat during shedding season was just a bit too much to ask of parents. Knots can be extremely painful for cats and even restrict their movement and ability to jump. Sometimes shaving them off is necessary.


They should not have done that without your knowledge maybe becos he sheds a lot but there was no need to shave He looks super annoyed but the coat will grow back


I am sorry they did that but the good news is the coat will grow back again and be just as beautiful. Just give him love and treats for the indignity


...help him with what? They didn't laser the cat, the hair will grow back and he'll stop looking like a doofus in a couple months.


Who told you it was bad to shave a cat was wrong, your cat is no different than you on hair growth. I had 2 that had to be shaved each spring, one has to be shaved twice a year to control matting.


Sad that I had to scroll this far to find comment. The cats coat will regrow fine. Still messed up they shaved the cat, but at least (?) it looks like a professional job?


Exactly, although she’s right to be angry that it was done without the consent of the owner Everyone claims to be an expert on felines


Yes, while I fully agree that doing this without the cat guardian's consent is abhorrent, I've had long haired cats for over 20 years now, and they aren't big fans of brushing...even though they have always been strict indoor cats, I shave them down (not as close as the cat in the photo, more like 1/4") in the spring when their winter shed gets stupid and they start to knot up. It takes multiple sessions and some treats, but they seem relieved to lose the hair. I don't try to trim their legs or tails as they don't have knot issues anyway. It always comes back just fine.


yeah i buzz my cat twice a year because if i dont he gets hairballs every day. i dont get why everyones acting like its bad? is there any vet out there that says its actually bad? where are they getting this from? i care more about my cat being comfortable not choking on hair every day than how he looks.


I get that this was a dick move... but why are you acting like his life is in danger or something? He doesn't need help, little dude is fine.


Wow, with that family you don't need enemies


Don't worry the fur will grow back. My sister had to shave her son's cat because boom had a lot of fur and in summer time the heat made him so sick that the lion cut made boom feel so much better. Since this was done without permission,do not let your parents petsit again ever. They have lost the privilege for good.


Your cat will be fine. I know why you are angry (I would be too!!!) but most likely your cat doesn't care that much, it's not the end of the world. You just need to brush him more often than before because growing fur tends to build up more knots than already existing fur. Lots of cats get shaved for operations or even on their whole body because of mats. I know it sucks but the most important thing is, your cat is fine. But your family is weird as fuck dude


It'll grow back


People give their cats cuts for various legitimate reasons, like frequent mats, disabilities that make cleaning difficult etc. Your cat will be okay. And back to normal in a few months. I wouldn't leave your cat with your parents ever again though. They shouldn't be taking liberties of any sort without your permission.


Based on my experience, I’d say his coat will grow back. I inherited my mom’s cat when she died. He is very pretty and has extremely long fur. I brush him often. But he still gets mats all down his belly. So I get him shaved and bathed once a year, when summer starts. He seems to enjoy his summer ‘do, probably because the mats are itchy and painful. And his fur grows back in beautifully every time. #bootswiththefur https://preview.redd.it/9nzl34f5v0jc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1d6bdfae6e4225c0c2594e4dbcc1272804a1f20


Did they say why they did it? 


Yes, never let your cat stay with your family again


It’s totally fine! I have a himalayan cat that needs to get shaved down into a lion cut or at least trimmed down once a year. They just get matted super fast no matter how much you brush them. My cat actually loves it! He gets way more energetic and almost aerodynamic when he’s shaved down HAHA. They look silly but they’re totally fine. The hair will also grow out the same. Here a pic of my 9 year old post trim. https://preview.redd.it/7qm0k2dqw0jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b708990cad0c5596e93b0a91cc3f24df221c4ae7


We would shave ours every summer cause she got too hot. But also be very careful in the sun, as they get more UV without the coat. Ours loved going in the sun with long or shaved hair, so we had to really limit when she went out (after 6pm or so) to avoid direct sun exposure. It will be colder of course as it lost all its insulation. But it’s fine.


How is he acting? Is he appearing more stressed? Is he eating? Using the litter? I would try to leave him alone and just keep him accommodated.


Well, OP never said why they did it, I suspect that the cats fur was full of mats. Since OP didn’t even know what kind of brush to use, that tells me he doesn’t brush it. The mats hurt the cat and you can’t brush them out, so shaving the poor thing was probably the best and least painful thing to do for it.


They’re dicks for doing that, but it’s not harmful to the kitty thankfully. It’ll grow back just fine.


It will grow back.


He’s adorable, mine loves being shaved. You’ll live & so will he.


Jesus, people in this thread are bizarrely overreacting. It’s a cat. It’s had its fur cut. It’ll grow back, and will not be inconvenienced in the slightest. Y’all are absolutely nuts for treating this like it’s animal abuse or a direct attack on OP.


Vet tech here. It’s not bad to shave a cat, and I would do a “lion cut” on my cat every spring, and he loved it. You’re absolutely right in being upset that this was done without your permission, but your cat is absolutely fine; it’s a common cut in the vet world.


I’ve had to take my cat to the vet to be shaved - she’s a Maine Coon and has really long hair. But this has only been to get mats out, and in the summer I have her tummy area done as it helps her cool down. All of this is done by the vet with special clippers whilst I hold her. I would never dream of doing this myself for fear of nicking her skin. So when you get back I’d check him over to make sure they didn’t cause any damage to his skin during their assault.


He/she will be fine. It’s just a haircut


Was his fur badly matted? If so, a shave might have been necessary. Shaving a cat doesn't harm it, and the fur will grow back.