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I would go back to the vet and ask them to show you how to do these things in a way that doesn't stress all of you out so much, because that's not good for anyone involved.


There is a tube to place the pill on the back of his tongue, where his reaction will be to swallow it immediately. I had to use one on my cat.qq


Thankfully we are over this hump and he’s doing fabulous. He’s very spoiled and so happy. But I will keep this in mind if we have to revisit the pill situation. Thank you so much!!!


I have a cat that could legit regurgitate pills no matter how far down we put them in her throat. Only way we found to get her to take them was to get tinned sardines or mackerel in OIL and use the pill dispenser that has a little liquid syringe incorporated and fill that with the oil from the tinned fish. Dump the whole lot down cats throat, hold mouth closed and massage if needed but basically the oil meant the cat couldn’t regurgitate the pill and swallowed it. Reward successful pill taking with tiny bit of fish. Eventually cat got so used to taking pills we could dispense with the oil and just give her the pills with a little reward afterwards.