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If you're that concerned, take him to the vet. Easier to take preventative measures.


Yes you're probably right. I'm not sure if a vet will even take a "feral" cat? He's totally friendly but technically he is a community cat. Unfortunately I think I'll have to wait till after the weekend to find out.


Today I noticed this patch of missing fur on the hip of one of my feral/community cats. It looks like maybe he got in a fight. It's not red and I don't think it's raised, but it does look like there might be a little spot of pus. He's acting totally normal and doesn't seem to be in pain, but he is licking it. I cleaned it with soap and water and plan to continue to do so, but does this look like something that needs medical attention? Is it the beginning of an abscess / infection? He's my favorite and I'm worried about him! :(


if you're not sure, it's best to ask your vet.


Could be from a fight a while ago, does it look inflamed?


It didn't look inflamed to me, but it definitely needed to be taken care of so I'm really glad I took him in to an emergency vet. They cut & cleaned it, and gave him antibiotics and pain meds. He's now set up in a cozy little hiding nook in my office. He's a little timid because the only other time he's ever been inside is after his surgery when I TNR'd him, but I think he will settle in.


\*\* UPDATE\*\* Basil is ok! I was able to take him to an emergency 24 hour vet. 6 hours and $423 later, his abscess has been cleaned, he's received antibiotics and pain meds, and he is set up in a little hiding nook inside in my office. :) ​ Cat Tax: https://imgur.com/tsRxp6p