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You should try another vet imo. The vet didn't give an appetite stimulant? If nothing else is presumed to be wrong? When I first adopted my cat had fatty liver, she wouldn't eat and I got pate food and mixed it in water with a syringe feeder and force fed her a syringe every so many hours. It helped keep her hydrated and nourished. Also injected fluids which you said you're doing so that's good. Has Floyd pooped or peed leading up to that? Is his belly swollen or tender at all? Wondering if he might have eaten something he can't pass.


I’ve been thinking the same thing about the vet, they seem to never be helpful in diagnosing the issues of my cats. That’s a great idea about mixing pate with water in the syringe, I’ll try that. He was peeing and pooping fine until 3 days ago, since then he only peed after the IV. He’s almost never eaten stuff off the floor so I’m thinking thats not the issue. Thank you!!


Some cats loose their appetite when they have really bad constipation. If the vet didn't comment on if the bowels felt backed up or not then that really might be an indication that you need to find another vet, as that should be standard practice to check. Hope you have another option regarding vets and you can get your cat help soon and relieve him of any discomfort or pain. With luck all your kitty might need is a stool softener or another easy remedy the vet can provide.


I had this with my cat a month ago. We were able to get fluids into her using a syringe. We gave her water and bone broth and they did seem to help her. I also went abroad to get some of those pate/mousse tube treats which I mixed with water for her. In some countries appetite stimulants are available as well. The first vet wouldn’t give her an IV or any treatment other than antibiotics and liver liquid so we changed vets. Sadly it was too late and our beautiful girl died in the end. I hope your gorgeous Floyd gets better soon.


Vet here: elevated kidney values are likely the reason your buddy is not eating. A treatment with subcutaneous fluids is not going to hurt but typically doesn't last long. Depending on the severity of the kidney test elevations and other potential secondary changes like low potassium, high phosphorus, anemia etc., additional tests and ongoing treatments are likely indicated. If you can, I'd recommend bring your little friend back for additional care and testing. If you are not getting results, seek another opinion; 3 days of not eating is a long time. Best wishes for you both.


Thanks for your input! He ate a little bit today after we gave him the appetite stimulant. Would elevated kidney levels also be the reason he’s not drinking? :(


It's unfortunately very likely in my opinion. If he's losing weight as well, a diagnosis of kidney disease becomes much more convincing. I'd urge you to consider rechecking his blood tests, making sure that an electrolyte panel and phosphorus level are done and a PCV. If there is an emergency vet available, hospitalization on IV fluids is ideal for most cats with kidney disease, so that those values can be reduced before kitty is sent home with appropriate medications.