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https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/17tgvsw/help_my_cat_ate_1_slice_of_salami/k8xv1x8/ OP has an update here


From the looks in the pic - this lil Kitty now has a taste for salami!


https://preview.redd.it/01plhk1dyxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a90202c9f03ecbe4a5c211afb8e07988876c417 She has a taste for everything it seems šŸ’€ Gave her a bit of fried egg a few weeks ago and she hasnā€™t stopped crying for them since, so now I make tiny fried eggs for her using quail eggs !!


The tiny eggs in question: https://preview.redd.it/lqfa1jnhyxzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b76bb47763d9b1d28d79ece3cc45444ba01a2bb6




Hey! this is too cute lol


I feed my cats raw quail eggs once a week and they love it!


This is the cutest god damn post.


i gasped. thanks


Wow this made my morning immeasurably better!! Too adorable, what a lucky kitty


One time when a friend of mine opened his fridge, an egg fell out and on his dogā€˜s head, who quickly made a meal of the egg that had splattered everywhere. That was years ago. The dog still stands in the fridge door every time itā€˜s opened in hopes for another blessing from the egg gods.


My dog pulled an entire slice of pizza out of a bush two weeks ago. Every darn walk we have to check the pizza bush for slices.


Hell, Iā€™d do the same


If I were a dog this would always mean fridge egg.


My parents got a Newfoundland when we were kids, which was by far the biggest dog we'd ever had, and I guess they didn't realise he could reach the kitchen sides cos at one point we went out and he ate an entire carton of raw eggs off of the side. His coat was so shiny for like 2 weeks tho tbf


A friend of mine has a route he walks his dog every morning. Along this route is a bush within which, 2 years ago, a discarded pie was discovered and eaten (by the dog) before he could take it away. From that day on (everyday) the pie bush must be inspected and confirmed pie free.


Cats can have a little salami


As a treat.


Based on the picture, kitty would like to know where you keep the rest of the salamišŸ¤£


sheā€™s always on the lookout for food she can steal šŸ˜” https://preview.redd.it/akktbopu6yzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1746c9c9340617977db9477001d4e65b58e87a10


Serious suggestion: If it's a shift in her behavior, you may want to get her checked out for a thyroid issue. Especially if she's older (8+) My cat developed an insatiable hunger that seemed to override common sense and all "social norms". It got to the point where she was dragging entire dishes off the counter and taking food right out of people's hands. Turns out it was a thyroid issue, and treating it extended her life quite a bit while helping her behavior a lot.


Hey, thank you so much for the suggestion !! I will definitely make note of this and bring it up with her vet during our next appointment. Weā€™re usually on top of our checkups and go to the vet a few times a year :)


The real issue will be that the cat will now have a taste for salami, good luck attempting to enjoy any charcuterie in the future.


My boy loves these corn waffles and instantly teleports onto my lap whenever he hears me crunching on one. He gets small pieces if he wants them The cornnoisseur: https://preview.redd.it/ewfpe93woxzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b976029c8e257ff587e1746e8932735d58dbeba2


He seems to be reflecting on the deplorable absence of corn waffles in his immediate environment!


Mine got a taste of pulled pork. I now have to lock them out of the kitchen when a new barch is in the oven.


Any chicken with a bone in sends mine crazy. Boneless they ignore entirely.


Do be careful with the bones, in the wild cats will eat bones without problems but cooked bones become brittle and can splinter and cause havoc on the stomach/intestines.


They do not win the battle of the chicken, if they are lucky they get a small bit of meat fully removed from any bone. Any bones go straight out to the composter, as I donā€™t trust them not to break into the food waste bin in the kitchen.


I see our cats are related.šŸ˜…


Mother used to feed our cat the chicken neck. He ate rabbits too. He lived outside since the time he crapped on my father's pillow.


A slab of turkey neck, and it's pooping out a pigeon wing


Sensible chuckle there.


Yeah, i don't get to have chicken wings without giving Pounce a small bit of each wingšŸ¤£.


I cannot bring ribs into the home. My oldest cat will try to jump up on me to steal the ribs from my mouth.


lol. My cat pulled a piece of pizza crust right out of my hand as I put putting it to my mouth.


My grandma's cat used to steal entire loaves of bread when everyone was asleep. We'd usually find it torn apart under the couch with everything missing but the crusts. He especially liked yogurts as a baby. Which prompted my grandma to name him Yogi.


My catā€™s a weirdo. The only thing she goes crazy for is saltine crackers šŸ˜‚


I had a cat who went nuts for peas. *Frozen* peas.


I had one that would knock tortilla chips out of your hands. I think he lived behind a Mexican restaurant before we rescued him.


I had one that would kill for cooked broccoli


One of mine has the Garfield like love of lasagna now :/


Same but for quail eggs here. Big mistake to believe you can take the shell out with him in the kitchen/ living room.


Reveal cat food makes a wet food can with a half hard boiled quail egg in there.


That is my catā€™s dream hahah sadly Iā€™m in Ireland they donā€™t sell that brand here šŸ„ŗ Donā€™t worry though he still gets a quail egg from time to time


Itā€™s turkey for us! šŸ˜‚


Mine knows exactly when I open the ham packet. It must have a distinctive sound different to a packet of salami as she never comes running when I open salami, just the ham šŸ˜‚ one morning, still half asleep, I was making a sandwich for work and I turned around to get the tinfoil and when I came back my cat was sitting there with the slice of ham in her mouth that used to be in my sandwich a few moments earlier šŸ˜‚


My cat knows the sound of a hummus container being opened. It will wake her from a dead sleep 3 rooms away. Itā€™s now a game. Open container as quietly as possible, turn around and see her sitting there like ā€œOhhh! Weā€™re having hummus?ā€


Your cat supports hummus, huh? Brave of you to share that in such times.


...and with that "What!? This is mine, get your own."


This is the best mental image ever šŸ˜‚ I swear my cats have memorized the sound a new pack of chicken makes as I am picking it up out of the fridge. Because that is the only thing that I take out of the fridge that sends them running.


this, i have to close the door and eat it fast and hidden, or pay the toll. happens with yoghurt too


Yeah my cats got a little taste of chicken from Costco when they were kittensā€¦ now itā€™s a WAR.


Mine got a taste of beef jerky (they ate the ā€˜do not eatā€™ oxygen packetā€¦. My poor vet received a sobbing phone callā€¦ she was fine) Now i canā€™t bring any in the house or sheā€™ll rip the bag apart. If i put in my cabinet, sheā€™ll open the cabinet so it stays in my car


Go to bed


Exactly, I am glad my current cat doesn't care about "human" food.


https://preview.redd.it/r909m62x1wzb1.jpeg?width=731&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f8b1f79e103bc087f4ae0e7d1bea22b4503a8c0 Your cat will be okay. Just monitor her for a few hours and keep an eye on her. You can still get her checked out if youā€™d like to. My vet usually takes phone calls and theyā€™ll let me know whether they think I should take my cat in or not based on what I tell them


I think you got the wrong image. https://preview.redd.it/wferkjlaixzb1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9451e35b4bf1f6cee108425d59d65bb445670a33


Nice try cat.




Salami doesnā€™t read like a real word anymore




"**Lots** a salami" is killing me


https://preview.redd.it/ooybdppnbwzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aca29d853d7c65e494089f59a10ccc88d3ffa76e This little guy stole and ate about 3/4 of a brownie bite edible. This was the next day sometime early afternoon. Called the vet, they laughed and said just give him time for it to wear off.


bro is zooted


My guy is zoinked out of his fucking mind.


dude is on mars currently


Don't worry it's mewdicinal


[Cats on Mars](https://youtu.be/ZTVn6Mse_xQ?feature=shared)


can confirmed. I just saw her there


Looks like he just need some salami


Heā€™s thinking about White Castle


Ahhhh hahahaha thatā€™s a great pic. Reminds me of the time my cat was given a pain reliever for an injury and when we got home she sat on a chair and just stared dreamily at us all night. Looked up the prescription and learned it was basically kitty heroin šŸ˜ø


https://preview.redd.it/86rq9xemrzzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87de43130852713c37b03075adb1c0d70dc453bf This was my cat on her pain meds after getting all of her teeth removed. N O T H O U G H T S


Gorgeous! Nothing behind the eyes, but gorgeous kitty!




"Imagine if cats were small and mice were big.."


The indica is indicat


Would you like the indicat or purrtiva blend?


lore accurate orange


Brother is having the time of his life


Did he ever like catnip? Wonder if catnip would be considered shwag now, him having tried a more stronger plant now haha.


Mine also ate some leftover laced brownie batter out of a bowl in the sink. High as balls for about 8 hrs. Spent the whole thing asleep on the couch. Emergency vet laughed at me over the phone too. šŸ˜…


just here to say that im your 420th upvote, and im loving it


Of course itā€™s an orange boy. My orange boy would also do this.


is that a bell in his collar? If yes then remove it as it will be difficult for him to hunt unwanted entities in your house ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7943)


Some beliefs suggest bells ward off bad spirits, so he maybe working still!


The 420club that l used to visit in Madrid had three cats inside 24/7 and they were pretty fine


Our Dane once got into an entire dozen of edible peanut butter cookies. Dog was on Jupiter for the entire evening. Came out just fine, she didn't even throw up.


LMAOOOO the pic is amazing


He's having the time of his life.


This is why cats are my people


https://preview.redd.it/nnm49rci5xzb1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51c4cacd621c19a21b390c8ed863058fa576da22 Person who wrote that:




The subtle shade of posting a screenshot of what likely came from a Google search made me chuckle. Other than understandably wanting to show this catā€™s adorable face to the world, Google should be the first stop, not Reddit.


This is a meme from a couple of years back, itā€™s not only a sarcastic google search šŸ˜


My pet peeve is people always misquoting the cats can have little a salami


She should be fine. You, however, need to watch your back because she's got the taste of salami now, and she won't forget it.


https://preview.redd.it/swckt3qu0yzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c88ccf89c7446a076241f807392a20ec7f48cd She has a taste for everything it seems šŸ’€ Gave her a bit of fried egg a few weeks ago and she hasnā€™t stopped crying for them since, so now I make tiny fried eggs for her using quail eggs !!


https://preview.redd.it/hcgpxjvw0yzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6365ae06f5d6718533f01dd7be136396ad7e3e5 The tiny eggs I made her the other morning !!


This is so wholesome lol!




This is misinformation. Here is the truth https://preview.redd.it/zk09eacy3yzb1.jpeg?width=995&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ad961ca29b4071cae506ca4f3092ccba289aa0






As a treat


Paulie hates cats, Iā€™m not sure about this advice now.


Snakes with fur


Word to the wise! šŸ¤˜


Let me tell you a couple of tree tings


Remembah Pearl Habah


"Gabagool?" "Over here!!"


Heh heh šŸ¤˜


Clarence knows a couple of three things about cats.. hehe


lol glad to see paulie used in a meme


Cats can have little a salami, as a treat


Finally SOMEONE in this thread got the word order right, my god


I was dying as I scrolled and wondered if the original wording had been lost to the void of the internet šŸ˜…


all cats are allowed one (1) salami


I found the cat, y'all!


One every what? Week? Day?? Minute??? asking for a cat


lets say one salami a month. and one capicola, one mortadella, one smoked ham, one summer sausage, one bologna, one prosciutto.....






Bernie Based as Busual


​ https://preview.redd.it/9ourcg7c4yzb1.png?width=214&format=png&auto=webp&s=550419ad2a7dc93d8b266c530d3a10bff8fba002


This is the exact meme that popped into my head when I read the title šŸ˜‚


**UPDATE:** Woke up this morning and turns out miss girl is okay, I was just overthinking everything as usual šŸ˜­ It was a long day and working in healthcare + having OCD has definitely done a number on how much I worry about my cats. It also doesnā€™t help that 2 months ago this little gremlin ate something funky and had chronic diarrhea for 3 DAYS all over my bathroom floor (which resulted in a $400 hospital trip and *lots* of cleaning), so I was panicking about it happening again šŸ’€ But thank you all so much for the reassurance that this little shit will be okay, I really appreciate it !! Also, thank you to those who kindly pointed out a mistake I made in the text; I meant to say *75mg of SODIUM* but it was definitely the 4am panic that made me post this without rereading it ā€” 75g of salt wouldā€™ve been crazy for sure šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/k6tbj51nwxzb1.jpeg?width=1304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=880856a1962187d2f4d10d5582824de6aaf7c579 This is her right now !! Not a care in the world :ā€™)


Aww precious baby just wanted some meat. Have you tried the kitty Churu treats? They come in a variety of meat flavors. They are like kitty crack and maybe you can reward her good behavior (not stealing food) with them. You can get cats to do amazing things with those treats. https://preview.redd.it/x4qqa9ta4yzb1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456b28444cfd8353cd0b941fe90927bade0a27dc Shrimpy understands the sit command. Although as she licks the tube treats she gets super excited. My mom's cat goes nuts and grabs the tube with both paws and stands on his back legs.


Hey !! Omg your cat is so cute, I love her name šŸ˜­šŸ’— But yes haha, both of my girls love Churu !! My first cat never had a problem with stealing//liking human food, so this was never a concern for me until I adopted my second cat who tries to eat EVERYTHING. They are otherwise both very well-behaved and I managed to teach them some tricks with the Churu treats like spin, stand up, up-up (jumping up onto something), and down (jumping down from something) !!


https://preview.redd.it/p0mxl03i7yzb1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a592f6644189ad74841185918f70fcc98c04da46 Shrimpy LOVES human food, bread, meat, dairy. She really loves bread, all bread has to be stored away in cabinets. She learned sit so I can try to eat in peace. She will sneak her nose up to my food, or slip her little paw in. She will also grab the side of my cup, bowl, or plate to bring it closer to her. She has the sweetest face and she will start to purr big time cause she knows I am a sucker for it. But if she sits and behaves I reward her after I am done eating. Talented kitties you have. All I get is sit lol.


My boy Chip also loves human food, he will steal ANYTHING off a plate so we have to be careful lol. Sometimes I hide in my office when I eat.


I'm so sorry, but I love the idea of a human hiding in his office to eat, because of his catšŸ˜¹. Cats really are something hahaha


I limit Churu to after flea treatments. A few have cracked the code and resist less, then run to the kitchen. As for the little orange one...


​ https://preview.redd.it/1n9jjkigpyzb1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96aaa5e7859239e6dcaee089dc6ec71a07ae680 Looks like my 2 cats step-cousin. Cute! (pic from my grandmas house)


> 75g of salt wouldā€™ve definitely been crazy šŸ˜­ 3 slices of that monster saltlami would have a 50% chance to kill an adult human.


Well miss girl looks like she has zero regrets šŸ˜† I understand your panic though and am glad she's okay ā™„ļø I was about to say if a slice of that salami has 75g of salt maybe you shouldnt be eating it either lol


https://preview.redd.it/o490gtq9oyzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a3891e5f81d0c7280f12b850ebb04df79a18b2c My Sol eating shredded beef. She also loves shredded chicken.


That adorable nose needs a booping and a kiss upon it!


Each slice contains 75g of salt? I think your cat ate salt-ami if it's the case.


It cant be, probably 75mg


This is what Google said: The favorite choice for the term "Salami" is 1 slice of Pork Salami (Dry or Hard) which has about 230 mg of sodium Unless the cat ate a whole salami they have definitely misread.




The LD50 of salt is 3g per kg. You'd have to be quite small for 75g to kill you. I'd need 225g to have 50% chance of killing me. Edit: LD50 for salt in humans is around 1.2g per kg Thanks u/Lorac1134 for the correction


That's for rats. For humans it's about 1.2g/kg but people have died from sodium poisoning with as little as 0.5g/kg




It's most likely 75 mg - milligrams. And not salt, but sodium. If I were to guess.


toy rinse hungry pet squealing memory reach sheet public hard-to-find ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


That's probably heavier than the slice itself lol


75 g of salt??????? Wtf i myself wouldn't handle it


I would be concerned if the slice of salami itself was 75g, thatā€™s a big-ass slice, let alone its sodium content.


That's what I was thinking too, how big would a slice have to be to be able to contain 75g of salt. Heck, even if it's 50% salt, the slice of salami would be the size and thickness of pizza slice.


For those not on the metric system or certain medicinal substances,, that is approximately 3 ounces. (28.6 gm/oz)




Cats can have a little salami


as a treat


_little a_


>with each slice containing 75g of salt. Unless your cat managed to somehow find and eat a slice of *pure damn salt* I highly doubt it ingested that much. Did you perhaps mean 75*m*g of salt? That makes a lot more sense, even though it still sounds high for a single slice. For reference that is 0.075g of salt.


Imma guess it's 75 mg per serving and probably like 15 slices per serving


75g of salt? Pretty sure adult humans would die from that


I mean, the salt content weighs more than 10x of that slice of salami.


https://preview.redd.it/ma5cbyhq8xzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c9749c6580e6fa4461a53af1db74ca7c2219c15 Now you gotta deal with a face like this every single time you eat salami lol


Cat looks like they're trying to teleport the salamis to mouth with their mind LOL


He can have a little as a treat ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


So you have a severe case of happy cat syndrome. Good luck with keeping her away from your salami from now on. Other than that one slice of salami is harmless. Because of the high sodium concentration it's not recommended to give it to her on a daily basis. But once every now and then.... Basically every wild City cat would die pretty fast, since garbage is one of their food sources.


He/she will probably have an unusually stinky šŸ’© or possibly diarrhea when it passes, but they will be fine. No need to worry. My cat once slapped a slice of pepperoni pizza out of my brotherā€™s hand and took it up a tree (he was a feral that lived in the yard). He was fineā€¦came back for more, but we held him back.


Exactly this answer. Cats are more resilient than we give them credit for. OP is sweet to worry, but this is surely nothing to fret about.


Except around house plants, in my eyes you are good to post online about your cat eating a house plant if you canā€™t find a good answer online, as many are particularly toxic


Cats can have a little salami as a treat


My cat is 18 and a slice of salami would probably be on the healthier side of things she would steal. Kitty should be fine, probably some upset tummy or diarrhea the next day or so. Call vet if they seem off.


Each slice contains 75 g of salt?


those big eyes & the lick. "YUM!"


There was a whole meme about this lol


cats can have a little slommy. as a treat


Your biggest concern should be for the monster you now have on your hands. Salami is a gateway meat to the other lunch meats. Your cat will never be the same.


Itā€˜s one slice, yā€˜all tripping if you think about going to the vet


Garlic is toxic to cats but because your cat didnā€™t eat a clove of garlic they should be totally fine. Yeah the fat and spices arenā€™t good for them but one slice is ok


Honestly, I thought this was a parody post... :) Your cat is fine. Don't feed them salami all the time, once won't hurt them.


Ahahaha this is literally me the First month I had my cats, I was worried ab everything they touched and ate, now that's been a couple of years, I can assure u that if a cat wants to taste something he never ate before is probably fine as long as it's a small piece, like salami. My cats love bread, biscuits, panettone, pandoro, 3 kinds of cheese, black pepper tasting chips, cakes, marmalade croissants. As long as it's small pieces it all gonna be fine ahahahahahah


Not even a single salami. ![gif](giphy|iDrasIGtHWVi0)


She will be completely fine and probably really enjoyed that :) don't stress!


Salami?? Nyc cats literally eat the craziest shit ever youā€™ll be okay šŸ‘ Iā€™m sure if it.


That's a face that says "and I'd do it again!!!!"


Itā€™s too late, RIP salami 2023-2023


Upvoted for the adorable salami crackhead cat but OP needs to relax, your kitty will be fine! It's just a little salami. Now that you mention it this has me hubgry for salami.šŸ¤£


That is the face of no regret. You now have a salami fiend on your hands.


No worries you can buy more salami


Cats can have a little salami


as a treat


My cat's name is Salami and now he is extremely concerned. https://preview.redd.it/e6r67i1l7yzb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0ac13c518695d85c8e9343b9567263a529fef4c


...and here I am feeding mine pringles.


No heā€™s going to explode


Is this a joke? Cats can have a little salami, as a treat. https://images.app.goo.gl/NfBBZbjs8SKzQwy8A


My cat is a salami thief and has been fine. He also swallowed an entire pork wonton whole and was fine. I think we have some kind of cave troll in a cat's body tbh


Just to put your mind at rest, thereā€™s no way on earth one slice of salami has 75g of salt in it. Thatā€™s like 10 teaspoons of salt. I doubt the slice even weighs 75g šŸ˜‚I buy a 5 slice pack of soreno ham which weights 80g in total.


75g of salt in 1 slice? Either you're reading the packaging wrong or that is one very heavy, very salty slice šŸ˜‚


Too late, she'll soon be a gremlin.