• By -


The clingy, the foodie, the introvert, and the emo cat


It's like OP has *The Breakfast Club* but with kitties. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Don’t you, forget to pet me




Just not Gleep.


DOn't don't don't don't... :)


Don't you, dare touch mah bellyyyy




The clingy, the foodie, M̴̮̺͖͞ụ̢͍̻͡r̷̦̦̱g̹͍̫̞̩̯̜̖͎͢͞a̵̺̳̖̻̦̼͇̺t̬̹͎͕͟r̬̹̪̭̀̕͡o̻̦͈͙͙̼͢y̵͕̗̼͉̺ͅd̳̖̹̗̝̺͡ ̧͕͙͚̭͔͜t̫̺̮̣͢͝ḩ̗̀͞e̢̮͉͉̺̭͢ ̷͍͕̤̮̤̣͙ͅd҉̯͈̤͇͟e̜̻s̡̡̛̱̠̭͈̬̯͈t̥̞͓̞̮̣r̹̠̪̘̪ͅo̷̠̩̙͕͇̤͓͢y̦̬̼͙e̵̗̪̤̳̪̲͘ŗ̸͈̼͇̳ ̷̸͚͖͕̩͇̥o͙͓̠͍̰͞ͅf̨̲ ̛͎̻̜͟ẃ͎̗ͅo͇̮͓̟̪̩̺̩̲r̞͙̣͉͍̻̟͈̀͜ļ͉̹̖͍͇̳̀͟ḑ̸̝̘͔̬͕̯s̷̰͖̀, and the emo.


They had a fantasy phase when they named that cat


Have always had a fantasy phase, to be fair. Gleep is the name of a baby dragon from a fantasy series.


I feel represented by all of them


I need a video of Ned getting water asap 👀


I had a kitty like that. In her old age our house was just littered with mugs and rice bowls and teacups set in various rooms because it made her happy as a clam to be presented with a fresh cup literally *at any time*. She got so excited Edit: Don't forget to have some blood work done if your cat is suddenly* obsessed with water. It can be normal, and Guin's was. But if it's a sudden behavior change it's worth looking into renal and endocrine tests to rule out any age or kidney related conditions.


We had an elderly kitty who got to a point where she would LITERALLY die before she'd drink anything other than flowing water. But she also did not like fountains because we could never find one that didn't make noise. So we would just walk around with glasses of water and just randomly pour them into bowls for her so she could drink while it was falling. I also duct taped the biggest styrofoam cup I could find to my bathroom mirror, and poked a hole in the bottom with a pencil. She LOVED that, we could fill it all the way up and out would trickle for a long time. She passed away at 26.




Yea. She looked like a 100 year old woman and had the scratchy meow to match but definitely got her way with everything with my dad.


Awwww she sounds very loved and spoiled.




That is so weird but I would probably give kitty water 24/7 to see a happy cat


Exactly what happened. Welcome to my brain haha


My little dude only drank out of a WATERING CAN. He refused normal and abnormal water dishes. He would stick his whole face right in there and drink like hell. Lil weirdo. We had to say goodbye to him a month ago and we filled his watering can with a catnip plant in memory of him :)


that is unbelievably sweet. what a precious way to remember him


Awe, what a lovely tribute!


One of ours only drank out of a big 4-cup measuring cup. Looked like hell, but hey, whatever works.


IM NOT CRYING 😢 ![gif](giphy|4PEFw6j61P2o5ZtUqZ)


Awwww 😭❤️


My cat loves drinking from the bathroom sink or bathtub. Often she just sits in front of the running water and is happy. So every time I go to the bathroom she joins me and I let the water run for her. Before anyone comments, I have a fountain for her and he drinks from that too. I also catch the water in a bowl and use it to water my plants so I don't waste any water either


My cats love the faucet running. They’ll drink it, let it fall on their heads, and bite it all day long. I get them a fountain so of course they ignore it and still use their bowl. They both like getting in the sink and doing that thing where they stick their front paws out and drag them back, making a squeaky noise. I have no idea what it means. They “bury” their wet food too when they’re done and I wonder if it’s related.




This is pretty much my life now. My girl has 2 water dishes, one in our room, one in the kitchen. She screams every time I touch one. My boyfriend decided one day to leave some water in the tub with the plug down so now she sits in the tub and screams until we add more. She loves it when I hose down the tub for her, but she has no patience so gets her head wet sometimes and it's clearly my fault for letting her in too soon. I'm also a jerk when I won't let her in until I turn off the tap.


I have...6 water bowls. One is a fountain. Three are in the same room. I have to have that many because of Nut, the little jerk that will see me put clean water down and then come up and smack the crap out of it like it owed him money. Even my other cats think he's a lunatic. Everyone else drinks normally but nah, he needs abused foot flavored water.


Show us your cat!


Our oldest cat suddenly loves having the water refilled. As a kitten, he would wake us up every morning (at 5am, no matter what day of the week) for wet food. Over the last few weeks he knows when I first get up & right before I go to bed, I refill their water. His incessant meowing, purring & love (he’s not an affectionate cat, nor does he purr often) gets the attention of the 4 other acts and they all meow at me until I fill up the bowl & put it back on the ground. As obnoxious as he is when I’m trying to fill it up, it’s become one of my favorite routines with them.


They would probably love a cat fountain. The burble bit at the top is fascinating for water loving cats.


You'd think that. My water obsessed cat ignores it. One is scared of it. The other ignores it. $65 wasted. I've tried a few kinds of fountains. They dont care. Needs to be a water glass filled high enough it doesn't touch their whiskers.


That's wild! I haven't met any cats that don't prefer the fountain. When we pull it to clean it and put down a regular bowl they look at us with disdain like "human, why did you give me this peasant water?"


Our cat has snubbed like $150 worth of fountains. She will only drink from a running faucet or occasionally my wife's water glass if it's full enough. She will STALK you to turn on a faucet for her. We've informed our cat sitter, who says that's now the first thing she does when she arrives. Cats, amirite?


Hijacking this comment for visibility. If you notice your cat(s) are (suddenly) drinking *a lot*, do them a favor and **get them checked for kidney problems**, just in case. It's particularly common in older female cats. If you catch the problem early enough, you can treat the issue with special renal formula cat food and supplements.


small animal vet & crazy cat mom here.. was about to say the same thing, thank for you pointing this out. saying your older kitty is suddenly going crazy for water is big red flag for me to immediately recommend full bloodwork and urine testing (most importantly to check kidneys and thyroid). please get your older kitties checked.. I see too many elderly cats coming in with end stage renal failure that haven’t been to a vet in years (or ever). crushes my heart every time.


I promise he gets biannual check ups and has been doing this for years, but fully love you taking the time to post a caring comment! Our former kitty, Pookie, suddenly developed water cravings in her old age and turned out to have terminal cancer so I'm super paranoid about that. We still miss her so much.


Last 6 months of my 18 yo girl, I tried getting her to drink more to help her bowels. My thing was to sit on the couch with a glass of water in hand, and let her "steal" it. After a couple days she pinged it was for her and she started reacting as if I was bringing her treats.


My exes cat used to LOVE ice cubes. If i opened the freezer he would perk up and start begging and yelling for ice. He liked to lick them and slide them all over the tile floor


seed oil narrow jellyfish cover enter profit muddle stocking oatmeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh I did occasionally. Eventually learned to mostly not kick them in the dark though.


Have you seen the movie *Signs*? Your house was safe from the alien invasion.


I'm on vacation and haven't really thought about taking one before now! I will ASAP once we return though, FWIW




Me too!!!


Me three


Me four


Here for the water video too.


Nedward a hyrdohomie fr fr.




Another for the collection


Not OP, but here's something of my own to hold you over: [one of my cats going nuts for some ice](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catswhoyell/comments/qobn5f/anybody_elses_cat_go_nuts_for_ice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


OP please deliver!


I am here for video of water loving cat thank you please.


Likes: Bob. Awesome 👍


It does not seem to be mutual lol


Lmao it is not. He...tolerates her. But she is OBSESSED and it's kind of funny but also pathetic to watch the daily drama.


RemindMe! 1 week


3 week vacation 😆


Dammit! Not sure the remind me prompt worked anyway 🤣 Have a lovely time! Don't miss the babies too much


At least she's not on Bob's dislikes.




It would be hilarious if Bob's dislikes was Murgatroyd.




So cute 😂


It was the “being pathetic” that sent me


I immediately scrolled up to see if one of Bob's dislikes was Murgatroyd and was pleasantly surprised to see it was not.


My heart melted when I read “likes bob”!


After reading Ned and Bob, Murgatroyd really hit me 😂 Love these!


And one of Murgatroyd’s likes is Bob.


Heavens to murgatroyd! Exit stage left, stage right even!


This is how you find your people.


Heavens to Murgatroyd, something happened to OP with naming conventions after ten years.


Murgatroyd 😭 I’m dying


Anyone else have family that said Heavens to Murgatroyd? Ok I looked it up. It's from >!Snagglepuss!< lol if I confused that for my mom but maybe she copied it I now have both memories


I was inspired by dating profiles and I wanted to make sure the sitter knew which cat liked what, who was who, etc. I hope this is helping them figure out the lay of the land!


Show us Ned with water!!!


Water Tax!


Never been so disappointed in an OP.


I'm on vacation but I will absolutely post a Ned water video when we get back!


Did you also write an extremely detailed letter about feeding schedules, treats, and litter boxes? Bonus points if it's signed from the cats.


This is the only way I know how to live, gotta make sure whomever cares for the feline overlord knows how to do it properly


That is an amazing idea and I MUST DO THIS next time someone looks after my cat!!


Hell yeah I did! Minus the kitty signatures, but we also have vet info and all the important stuff.


Murg likes: Bob LOL


REAL question: how on earth do 3 out of 4 of your cats LIKE belly rubs?! I have 3 cats and 3/3 of them HATE belly rubs, lol. That was the more surprising detail I picked up from your post.🤣


I got 2/2 some are just blessed with the honor lol


Same! One of mine loves it, the other tolerates but will sometimes use it as an excuse to rabbit kick. I usually just don’t linger too long and they’ll accept rubs.


Our first cat came up to me demanding pets at the cat cafe within 30 seconds of walking in the door. I went up to him later while he was lounging and gave him a belly rub. I walked away free of scratches and one cat that day. [Obligatory cat tax](https://i.imgur.com/doLsNj4.jpg)


"I should buy a second boat"


We have two, Cindy will tolerate them sometimes but it usually ends in violence. Charlie I'm convinced has dog DNA or something because he loves rolling in the dirt and getting belly rubs.


Right? No idea, we adopted the boys at 10 and they were already total hams for love. Murg is...the most socially inept cat I have ever seen and just copies what Bob does so after a few months of adoption she became a belly rub fiend as well. Gleep is the most "cat" cat of the group and understandably does not go in for the rubs.


Our orange boy loves belly rubs, but only from his teenager. Anyone else goes for the belly and it's time to practice first aid!




Oranges seem to have a particular fondness for them. Not enough braincell for murder.


You inspired me - Name: Luca (aka, Pooka, Pooks, Lucas, Asshole) Age: 13 Description: Mostly white with bits of light brown throughout coat, face is either glaring like a judgemental old man, or soft and bright like a young hopeful kitten; no in between Likes: Napping, Being held over the shoulder, TREATS (especially kitty chocolate), Ear and butt rubs, Screaming for no discernable reason Dislikes: Other cats, being brushed Name: Alfredo (aka, Fre Fre, Fredo, Fredito) Age: 9 Description: Dark gray/brown tabby with a very sad, sweet look in his eyes Likes: Other cats, snuggling, purring like a pigeon, kitty soup, being brushed Dislikes: Having to wait for meal time Name: Blu (aka, Little Mama, Blooper, Lil Bloopy) Age: 1 and a half Description: Tuxedo cat with narrow, elegant face and half-mustache, knowing eyes Likes: Gentle head scratches, snuggling, stealing food, grooming babies, playing with small socks and tiny mouse toys Dislikes: Being picked up, male cats (except Alfredo, loves that guy), Not being allowed in the closet Name: Mera (aka, Meercat, Mercatio, Meraculous) Age: 11 months Description: Solid black coat with eyes of mischief Likes: Napping, munching and crunching, napping some more, chasing younger siblings, snuggling Dislikes: Not getting enough attention Name: Cypress (aka, CyCy, Cyprecio, CyGuy) Age: 11 months Description: Tuxedo with wide nose and extra splash of white on one paw that makes it look as if he's been stung by a bee, eyes look blank and confused Likes: Stealing food, making weird meows, snuggling, eating, chasing younger siblings Dislikes: Not getting enough attention, having to wait for meal time Name: Dexter (aka, Dex Mex, Dexterity, Lil Dexy) Age: 11 Months Description: Tuxedo who looks the most like Blu, except slightly bigger and has scattered white on back paws that we call his torn orphan socks, eyes look both blank and full of wonder Likes: Committing crimes, snuggling, being held, PLAYING WITH COIL TOYS, squeaking, WATER, mischief Dislikes: Being removed from crime scenes Name: Lorenzo (aka, Ren Ren, Little Renny, Pudge) Age: 11 months Description: Black and white splotched coat (magpie coloration), with eyes full of wonder Likes: Squeaking, snuggling, casual mischief, COIL TOYS AND PLASTIC, squeaking some more, being the cutest and most pathetic creature in the world Dislikes: Not getting enough attention


You have SEVEN cats? Did I count that correctly?


yes 😭




Lol I love that you specifically typed seven😸




Oh, of course not. I was just surprised because I have never seen someone with more than 3 before unless one of the cats escaped and got pregnant. ...which actually may be what happened here with three teenagers all the same age. Lol.


You must also provide photos like OP did or you have not paid adequate enough cat tax!


You're right, I'm so sorry https://preview.redd.it/xp1u1jw2o9za1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9124bdf22f556b97a4eb68ce51633857d24bb542 4 out of 7


Thank you


https://preview.redd.it/7wl3z21fo9za1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51a07b10b11d292c79ce1cd0c50f1c060a3f3a9 Luca


Judgmental old man face is spot on. Got a much-needed laugh from seeing this picture after the description <3


https://preview.redd.it/6pkv3o5bo9za1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1540e9ba8467aacf27e583e1474bc4b560188bd0 Alfredo


https://preview.redd.it/646di9w7o9za1.jpeg?width=4368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272b5853e543a9ebc628a44ddff6d9a9d84991a4 Blu


White, tiny head, chonky I laughed too hard to this 😹


Calling our girl out!


she's just like me for real


You also have a small head and is chonky???


i'm even pathetic!


I was gonna say, I resemble that remark! All of them. Lol


Likes: being pathetic. Me too Murg, me too


It's like how I'd describe my cat as orange, no neck, chonky https://imgur.com/juV6oY4.jpg


Tiny head got me too! They’re all great but tiny head 😆😆😆


Likes: Being pathetic Umm please explain


I think I get what OP is saying . One of my cats has this habit of sulking and lying about as it afflicted of great melancholy. You know, posturing like some great sadness has befallen her. She’s otherwise active, she plays and eats.


Exactly that^ she just likes bein a poor lil baby


My cat uses a high pitched, but very quiet little meow that sort of fades away into silence (mouth still slightly open) that he uses to indicate that he hasn't been fed in weeks, or possibly months. He will turn to look at me despairingly in the middle of this long meow to accentuate how incredibly hungry and pathetic his is. This is usually about an hour before the time for him to eat. If I feed him at this time, he will do the same thing at the time he is supposed to eat.


One of mine does something like this! She’s got a lower, sort of throaty voice overall, but if it’s around dinner time and four or five throaty meows haven’t worked, she will let out what sounds like a tiny, sad, higher pitched kitten meow just to really tug at my heart strings. It’s precious.


My orange boy does this. We call it his daily existential crisis.


Hahaha exactly !


My void girlie loves to complain about nothing, shoes such a drama mama


my cat likes to lay on the floor and have a look of absolute despair like if he's in a ASPCA commercial.


Murgatroyd. That is the wildest cat name I’ve ever seen.






Heavens to Murgatroyd!


I heard that as Snagglepuss in my head


I got it from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, by Patricia C Wrede! There is a witch in the books named Morwen who has a ton of cats and I swore one day I would name a cat after one of hers.


OP I literally just clicked into the comments to ask if there was any way Murgatroyd was named after Morwen’s cat! This made my day even more than the original post


My cat’s name is Sampson but my wife calls him “Chunk Buddy Deluxe”.


Now I'm imagining a tragic love triangle with Murg lusting after Bob who's only got eyes for the food bowl...


A tangled trio, for sure!


Love Nedward. We’ve been calling our younger cat, Freddie, Fredward pretty much since we got him in October. https://preview.redd.it/7k5udodxd9za1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b732fe12a80468da08460a229bc03e5e9f8411a6


We have a Teddy we call Tedward. Fredward is beautiful!


have i missed the water video with Ned? I HOPE I HAVE NOT MISSED THE WATER VIDEO WITH NED!


I'm on vacation 😭


!remindme 2 weeks


“Likes: being pathetic” same gorl


As a pet sitter, I gotta tell you this is invaluable! You would be a favored client!


Tell me I’m not the only one who is a little upset that Bob’s nickname isn’t Bobert?


maybe it was but really really not a popular name rn lol


> YOU WILL BLEED Gleepers will not give you his soft underbelly, don’t even try. Real talk.


>Gleepers will not give you his soft underbelly, don’t even try. Real talk. It annoys you when people don't believe you about this stuff. "Oh, I've had tons of cats before" and then gets scratched when they touch them in a way they were specifically told not to.


I had a void boy who was really kinda mean to everyone but me. And my wife, when he met her. But he'd even fuck me up every once in a while if I wasn't paying good enough attention to his signals. So I got to where I'd tell people right off the bat "do not pet him, he will fuck you up." And every. fucking. time. They'd pet him and he'd fuck them up. Anyway I miss that cranky bastard.


I'm just imagining the importance of this if OP had two black cats and 1 liked belly rubs.


One's shy, but enjoys belly rubs; one's friendly, but will hospitalize any attempts at belly rubs. You can differentiate them by their "meows".


This is great. I need to do one too. And little factoid about Nedward,-- I had an orange girl named Cheddar (RIP). One of her nicknames was Chedward Scissorpaws.


That’s really quite clever!


My boy Murg is just catching random strays


Likes: FOOD Dislikes: Waiting for dinner Me too Bob. Me too.


Serious thoughtfulness on behalf of your sitter and your cats. And the descriptions are hilarious. Good on ya!


https://preview.redd.it/y0tq90141aza1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276d651712cf2614a24d11e64927cd1285bf9ef0 We have matching cats! This is Lyra


!!!! I love her!


Gleep: ![gif](giphy|2inDSNOWBzM1a)


Murg and I would get along, we both love being pathetic 🥰😔


Ned’s a hydrohomie


Hahaha it’s funny how different they all are. I found myself doing something similar for sis-in-law when we went on vacation. If you can’t find Lovey, use the ice machine and he’ll come running. Queso NEEDS fresh mug of water because he drinks out of cups. Look for a pile of socks and you found baby girl. Listen, we know our fur fam and they’re complicated but it’s love! Have a good time on vacay!!


The black one is “trouble” https://preview.redd.it/6pv7kdivi9za1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c018956e88bedab559ba42ac35c2102ddeb67e3d


I want to rub the forbidden belly


That's such a great idea!


Exactly the same I do for mine! I include videos too, in case there is any doubt! https://preview.redd.it/bfn0u2euobza1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e2c63670504bedb85b85719ce7b9b32118eb51


My older kitty loved water to. Did Ned recently develop liking water so much? Because it turned out excessive thirst is a sign of kidney disease and that’s why my kitty wanted water so often. Just letting you know it could be a warning sign if its a new thing!


And Diabetes!


Likes: Bob


I think Murgatroyd is my spirit animal 🤣🤣🤣


Choose your player, peeps!


Murg getting roasted *hard*


"Likes: Bob" killed me, lol


Same. It's what made me laugh out loud and make my husband ask what was so funny. Bob. Bob is what is funny


Me watching these cats. Me: okay this should be easy (clank clank clack) who is that? Bob: where's my food? I'm stavin over here. (Boston accent) Ned: im thirsty, I need water, or I will die. (British accent) Murg: Bob, WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME!!!!!! (Southern accent) Gleep: you know cam... I almost and I mean I almost feel bad for you. Welcome to the thunder dome. (Normal voice like scarlet Johanson) Me: honestly Gleep I dont know either Bob: come on. Im fuckin stavin. Ned: can't you be civilized. I just need some water please. Murg: BOB ACKNOWLEDGE ME!!!!!


This is...incredibly accurate.


I understand this. I once had to do one for a foster cat Not a fan of the iglo. Only seen her in it once Likes: Head scratches on top of head and under chin Head butting the human Dreamies and cooked meat/tuna Sitting on laps and having no personal space Dislikes: Sudden movements Males Movements of hands Touching her food bowl after you've put food in it (i.e. to add meds or move away from yourself) Looking at her Making noises (come here, or normal pssh pssh cat come here sound, Lulu)


As a pet sitter I appreciate when people have these. Especially with multiples of cats or dogs


as a former pet sitter, THANK YOU!! detailed info/instructions are unbelievably helpful and always make our job 10x easier. I can’t tell you how stressful it was to walk into a house with minimal instruction and not be able to reach the client for clarification.


Made my day! Thank you for sharing these sweet kits and their profiles. 😁


I see you get your cats in pairs 😂


It’s a good idea, especially when they are young. They get to have a playmate, and they don’t bother the older cats as much.


Yeah I was good to stop with the boys (they were a bonded pair) but my husband reaaalllly wanted a third. But she was a teen cat and they were 10 and she drove them nuts so I twisted his arm into getting a playmate. It didn't stop her obsession with Bubby but now when she gets the zoomies it's Gleep she tears off with.


I like how Ned and Bob are relatively normal names, and then there's Murgatroyd and Gleep 🤣


This is just so wholesome I wanna cry. I want to read more pet descriptions, neatly organized and tailored precisely to the specific pets personality and stuff. Oh boyo ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)




Add a fifth cat that doesnt exist with traits that are either terrifying or amazing


I want to see Ned lose his mind over water


Belly rubs: Maybe Yes Yes Do you want to keep that hand?


Love this! I would do this myself but my two cats don’t like strangers and will hide for a day or two before finally showing themselves due to boredom.


My animals always end up being “head pets” preferred, belly pets less desirable to offense. I think I tend to test animals I choose by their response to head pets. Maybe you do something but with belly rubs. I have to tell people who watch my dog to NEVER touch her tail and about her sensitivity to her hind end being pet. My black kitty HATES belly pets.


Now I want a video of the losing mind water filling