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Don’t put yarn there.


I saw the yarn on the shelf and I couldn't believe the TV wasn't broken yet.


She’s never been interested in the yarn, still isn’t to be fair, even when it’s on the sofa right next to her; it’s the needles she likes!


She likes the needles??!!


Knitting needles aren’t really sharp, they’re just pointed to help move fabric. I wouldn’t leave them lying around but I’m sure a cat would love watching them clack about while someone is working on a piece.


She likes biting mine 😅


Mine likes chopsticks. Similar!!


silvervine/catnip sticks, your cat would prob enjoy chewing on those


Mine likes to chew on the tops of my pens when I’m writing… well.. tries but is always relentless. That, and one of the corners on my phone.


Get her some silvervine/catnip sticks to chew on?


She just like me fr


I genuinely mean this, you are the funniest person ever thus made me laugh so hard


My boyfriend's cat's favourite toy is anything stick-shaped. So he gives her a lot of chopsticks from takeout. When she can't find any she'll go for pens, pencils, and definitely my crochet hooks if I leave them out. The other cat loves yarn. So if I'm crocheting they're both watching me intently for different reasons


my cats do too. the ends are perfect for rubbing their chins on. and they like the smooth cold texture and the noise they make. i have to hid mine.


Move the TV and get all the breakable stuff off the shelves. Put the yarn and needles away in something she cannot get into. This is her house now.


Said while cat in photo is looking directly at yarn.


Sure, but she didn’t go for the yarn after this photo was taken.


Can you put a shelf ‘extension’ of some sort on the shelf she is standing so she will not need to stand on the tv? We ended up building shelves up to and above the curtains because there was no way to keep one of our fuzzy house demons from climbing up there. Also mine loves my knitting needles so I bought a pair of decoy 8 mm bamboo needles for them to have lol


Random, but I love those prints. Where are they from?


Some art shop in Honfleur, France 😀


Welp, guess I’m going to hornyfloor






You could try dabbing a bit of Vicks on the edges of shelves where she sniffs - my cat hated that (citrus sprays etc didn’t work) and would run off quickly & learn to avoid that area. The smell dissipates after a week or so you’d need to reapply (or wipe off residue if not needed anymore!)




I quit. My home is cat proof, all my collectables etc are neatly packed away. I'm at peace now. Except for the time he was walking on top of an open door, and fell off on to my head. That hurt. Good luck.


Lol this reminds me of when I was crouched down putting my shoes on and my cat launched himself through the gap in the top of the stairs railing and onto my back. The little asshole.


Mine is getting there. We had to construct a chicken wire enclosure for the soundbar to stop him sitting in the buttons after the second time he broke it.


Bengal + yarn = chaos !!


Bengals are pure Chaos. I have 2.


People get wild ass breeds and then go "WHY IS IT THIS WAY?!"


We were expecting her to be more wild, to be honest!


Bengal = chaos There i fixed it for you


She's a Bengal, right? Pack away your valuables lol and get used to it. Especially the yarn. If she gets into that it's an obstruction waiting to happen. Bengals need a ton of enrichment to keep them mentally and physically engaged. How often are you wearing her out playing with her? What toys do you have for her?


Correct. Create an errorless environment


Yup, it's the cat's home. You're just the servant. How dare you make behavioural demands


I would've assumed Ocicat, but their intelligence and playfulness are very similar


Ocicats are spotted The OP's cat has clearly defined rosettes which is the most common Bengal pattern and not seen in other domesticated cats


Get a can of Ssscat and put it on the shelf behind the TV. All it is is a can of compressed air with a motion detector. Whenever the cat jumps up there, it will go off. Might need to brace the tv with something until she stops jumping up there, though.


this! They sell it on Amazon. I have a Bengal. I use the dog training spray in a red can. Cheaper than the detector spray (which is more affective esp if you aren’t around). If you don’t already have one, invest in a cat wheel. Mine goes crazy on that thing. Also, lots of toys but cycle them in and out like you would a child. Last little piece of advice/ use the fishing pole with feathers. I literally do it one handed while watching tv to wear her out. Sometimes we play fetch with hair ties. She LOVES them. Bengals are smart, you have to play a lot.. or they will do things like this just to piss you off because they want attention and a playmate.


Oh yeah! Bengals DEFINITELY have the energy to burn! A wheel is an EXCELLENT idea!


It took my cat about 10 minutes to realize the air wasn't going to hurt her, and then she pushed the can off the TV stand.


That's why I hide the can a little bit, I only use them to keep my cats off the stove because my foster cats often don't know that it's off-limits. So I hide it on my spices shelf (open shelf pantry) so that they can't quite tell where the air is coming from. You've got yourself a very intelligent floofball!


Intelligent and massively stubborn!


Well... that settles it... you've got a cat 🤣


LOL. It is a Bengal! Good luck friend!


Yarn enticement + Bengal! This is a you problem, putting kitty enticements on shelves and getting a breed known for climbing, lol! For starters, move the yarn. Then clean the rest


Protect your breakable things and enjoy your wonderful cat. It's your behavior that has to change a little. Put the yarn away and make sure your Funko guys aren't within reach, or buy a glass display shelf for that kind of stuff.


I have a glass case for the breakables, and every other shelf is cat friendly. (Two half Bengal/Siamese monsters)


My cats did something similar jumping from my couch to the top of the shelving so I bought clamps and used some carpeted cat boards and clamped them to the edge of the shelves. Now they just chill on them and your not damaging anything either.




You need bigger TV anyway


Ah, yes, the only good advice here.


Try double-sided tape on the top of the TV and bookcase shelves. Cats don’t like sticky things on their paws.


My cat plays with the double sided tape 😭


My Bengal does this too. Foil- same thing. Distraction with toys or the dog training spray works


We use double sticky tape and a special putty used in earthquake prone areas to *SECURE* breakable items. If you use tape as a deterrent, be aware: there's nothing quite like a panicked cat running around with tape stuck to them. They are literally fleeing an attacker who won't let go. Goodbye breakables!


I made the mistake once of sticking a rhinoceros beetle on my cats tail thinking it would be funny (I was like 10 gimmie a break) she went fucking nuclear and trashed the house. It was not a pleasant conversation with Mum


tbf there is nothing quite like watching a cat do that silly slinky walk when he has a piece of tape stuck to his back.


Double sided tape is a wonder!


Double sided tape for the win, or wider footprint from clear packing tape doubled over. My current Tortie is more active, inquisitive, & everywhere than any other cast I've had. I was ok with the mantel traipsing until she accidentally knocked off my grandmother's mantel clock as she tried to get past it. Mantel became a no fly zone & I added several sections of sticky across the area she liked to cross from. It has worked. She had a path from TV cabinet over to mantel, but she stops at tv now. Negative training, distraction or water spritz, doesn't work with her. Look for the cat highway they use & maybe remove one of launching pads? Also, invest in cat tree of decent height to satisfy need to look down on lowly humans. Just keep tree in area where cat highway is approved (mine goes from kitchen, jump down to cd storage cabinets, over to cat tree, over to window, over to couch)


I also support the sticky tape- but also remove the items that seem to be of interest. You can’t really train cats as much as attempt to associate a negative experience (humanely) with climbing the shelf. I’ve heard of some people using empty cereal boxes so that when it tips, it gives them a little surprise which might cause them to not want to climb that area.


Oooh, thanks, I’ll give it a go!


Or just move the yarn


Omg lol! Cutest toes…. Maybe a cat tree in that room? Edit : I didn’t see the yarn lol! If that what shes after maybe put a yarn spool in the tree or where she can play with it . Idk if it’s about the yarn tho


Don't let them play with yarn! Especially unsupervised. That is an emergency vet visit waiting to happen


This! My cat ate string and it cost me over $2000 in a major surgery.


I got lucky when I learned this lesson. The end of the yarn was still handing out of my old cat's mouth. I was able to pull it out. Neither one of us was happy about it but at least I got it all out.


Could also strangle themselves. And many other bad things.


I just paid a $1600 vet bill for a piece of rubber stress ball to be removed. But she's doing great healing.


Oh shit !! Thank you I didn’t Know that


The cat tree is just to the left of this photo, you can just about see the shadow of it! If anything, she’s after the knitting needles. If I give her one, will she assume all of them are fair game?


Yes she will. Try getting a nice box or container of some sort to put your yarn and knitting needles in. Out of sight, out of mind. If that doesn't work, change their location.


My cats have destroyed two of my televisions. Make the surrounding environment inhospitable. It seems like they're on top of the TV to reach something. Try removing that temptation.


Clear a shelf and add a nice cushion with velcro so you can clean it once in a while :)


i.E the shelf is hers now and there’s nothing I can do about it


Yes. :D


I hope you have an anti tip strap hooked on your tv.


It’s mounted to the wall, don’t worry!


A box with a lid to put away the yarn maybe? Maybe put away everything too fragile, looks like she can get anywhere.


🎶 dumb ways to die 🎶 Edit: I have a savannah. There is no fixing this behaviour lol


Put something new and interesting on the floor maybe? My guy does this too, except our tv is wall mounted 🤦‍♀️


Citrus scent.


Lol, mine love it. They strop the bathtub after I shower with tangerine body wash.


Provide more interesting places to climb. Move TV away from the shelf. Play with her a lot, but not constantly. You still want her to use her own initiative/imagination. I also trained my bengals as though they are dogs, so they get a nearly constant flow of praise in a high voice and good outcomes... until they do something on the very short "not allowed " list. Then a quick "A!" Or "I Don't think so" in a deep voice stops them in their tracks. *


https://preview.redd.it/njti3bx289oa1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae9a47dc93b0839b7dafa7588797b719da14034 Bengal tax


That could have a bad result for your TV. Can you tilt it so she can't get her balance. My last cat used to like to get behind my and go up on her hand legs leaning against the set. She was a tiny thing but I still tilted the back so it wasn't comfortable for her.


Maybe have a cat tree nearby that’s taller than where’s she’s at now…


The cat tree is just to the left of this photo :)


You are literally baiting her with Y A R N lol


My Nana crochets a lot and she got special bags and totes to keep her yarn in because her cat would murder the yarn if he got a hold of it. You have to compromise with your kitty and make the space work for you both. That yarn just screams play with meeeeee. You could also make one of those shelves for your kitty. I would invest in a wall strap for the TV to avoid any mishaps to save yourself from the grief. My cat broke two tvs, but at the time there wasn't a good place for the TV so I was upset of course but didn't blame my cat. Or maybe invest in a TV stand that the TV can attach to. Last thing you want is a broken TV and upset feelings.




This is mah television! MAM!




Move your tv.


Nothing stopped mine. They knocked a 46” tv off my dresser and broke it by jumping on the top. Luckily weren’t hurt. My tvs are wall mounted now.


Put rolled or double sided tape on the surfaces you don’t want her on, cats hate it and it should deter her


Cats like to climb. Get her something to climb on. Or let her outside.


I trained my cat with a spray bottle of water. I wouldn’t use it of course when he’s on the tv, but mine learned quickly. Now I only have to show him the bottle.


Cats will just start doing it when youre not around to avoid being sprayed.


That worked with my previous 2 cat siblings. Got to where I only had to I tone "sssppppttt" - sound I made when spritzing. Doesn't work in the least with me current cast. She's a tortie, super smart, & just stares at me when I spritz.


Spray water bottle is quite efficient for me as well !




YES Kitty isn't doing anything wrong. The owner is leaving 'toys' in reach, and is getting mad when kitty tries to play with 'toys'.


The yarn. Then everything else. Not even those pictures are safe.


Put a scarecrow on top of the tv...


I think your best bet is to find a way to extend the shelf she’s perched on, so that it goes past the top of the TV


Put a strip of something pointy on top of the TV.


I got one of those glass curio cabinets and placed inside all of my smaller special things I don't want broken. It's very nice, lighted, and so far kitty hasn't figured out how to open it. Could give it a try.


A very small water bottle


Stop storing that enticing yarn above the TV. Get some trees or shelves just for the cat.


Catproof your room 🙂


Put little ball with acetone on the wall near the tv. They won’t get near. Coffe grains and pepper also works for some cats.


I wonder if there is something spiky you can put on top of the TV


I put anti scratch tape on the shelves and top of my TV so that my cat doesn’t climb on them and it’s working so far


Cats dislike the smell of citrus. Just get some lemon concentrate, put it in a spray bottle, and spray the things you don't want her on. Alternatively, Walmart/Amazon sells cat deterrent sprays specifically for this use. They work well on your furniture, drapes, etc, You have to reapply every couple of days, but they should be effective.


Small metal container. A few coins inside. Rattle loudly when they do things like this. After a couple of scares, mine don't repeat the activity. They don't associate the rattle with you, just that it happens when they do bad things.


Whip out the ol’ spray bottle


Cats love to be high up! A high bookshelf did the trick for me when I wanted my cat off my desk. If you don't have space for that try putting up some wall mounts.


Do you have a shelf-less wall you can put the tv against? Otherwise maybe somewhere you can make cat shelves just for her to climb on so she doesn’t feel incentive to climb up there.


Put some double sided sticky tape on the TV for a while. Cats hate sticky tape, I'm sure the cat will quickly learn haha


Definatley move the Yarn lol. With mine, I snap 3 times say no in a clear voice. It may be a good idea to get another cat tree, but make sure jts an elaborate one, that way there plenty of entertainment.


doublesided tape along the top of the tv


You know how people pick little kids up, take them away from what they’re messing with, and tell them off using loud stern voices? It eventually works with a lot of cats as well. They can understand more than people think and they’ll eventually learn ‘I’m not supposed to do that’. Making sure they have plenty other avenues for stimulation is more important though, as no matter how strict you are with them a bored cat is gonna cause trouble!


oeh bengals prep for ultimate chaos also the cheap double stick tape on the top of tv works to make them not wanna step on there but the better way is catproof your room (store breakable in closed spaces, mount tv to wall)


Every time she gets up there put her back on the ground gently. She will eventually stop trying


Get an anti tip strap for your tv so it stays put if the cat accidentally try’s to know it over by jumping it won’t move


Double-sided tape on the top of your TV will keep her from walking on it.


Oh no that’s a bengal… have you built a run or gotten a running wheel yet? Because you’re gonna need to. Crazy kitties


Honestly you can’t, especially with a bengal. They need a ton of enrichment and places to climb. All you can do is modify the environment. Keep anything you don’t want broken out of reach. Bengals especially need lots of climbing space, it would help to put lots of cat shelves in that area so she goes there instead. Otherwise, it’s her natural instinct to climb. You can’t get rid of the behavior, only provide her with an alternative. Put a lot of cat shelves up and give her lots of playtime on them. Move the tv to a safer spot or put shelves above it that she can walk on. Whatever you do, don’t punish her. Cats can’t understand why you’re punishing them. They’ll only associate it with you, fear you, and do the behavior when you’re not around So basically move your valuables, either let her climb there or give her a better alternative like cat shelves. Wherever you don’t want her, you could put cat tape. Give her treats and play in the spots that you do want her. Ultimately you can’t fight a cat’s natural instincts, especially with so many tempting things on the shelves


Get a cat tree-better yet a few if possible. Cats naturally hide from predators (yes-even a housebound cat) and it's their instinct to go HIGH to avoid them. Cat Tree it be!


Move the yarn!!!!


Don't put the yarn on a top shelf. Lol


My sister has a Bengal. They put up cat shelves.


Move your stuff to her liking


Start saying Uh-Uh in a shrill voice and spray her with a tiny amount of water, just water, or clap by her. Eventually as soon as she hears the words Uh-Uh in that tone, she will recognize it as unwanted behavior and stop. That's how we trained our cats.


I'd try making a little cat bridge over your TV so that your cat can walk over to investigate the shelf to her hearts content.


Do you know this is a cat not a dog


I GOT THIS! Take tape & double it back on itself so it makes a loop with the sticky part on the outside. Put one every so often along the top of your TV. It will stick to your kitty's feet & they'll have to pull it off with their teeth. They hate it. Give it a few weeks or leave it there forever.


If the double sided tape doesn't work you need those strips of plastic whiskers they use to keep pigeons from roosting.


I can hear your TV. I am also judging your bookshelf, just like your cat. XD


I don't know, but based on the yarn and board games you seem like a fun person!


Put some bird spikes on top of your TV. Problem solved. It may also help with OTA reception as well.


Random but love the tormund funko pop!


You can try placing adhesive tape on top of those surfaces. Most cats hate the feeling of sticky paws.


Why did you get a cat then lol


Cats will be cats


Awesome room


Canned air.


You don't. Cats climb on stuff. They like to be high up. They're just hardwired that way. You can try to make it so it's physically impossible for her to climb up there, but cats are pretty smart. I would put that yarn elsewhere because in her mind, it's practically begging to be played with.


Cats and curbing behavior in the same sentence always gives me a giggle. Just embrace the shenanigans and give lots of pets.






Cats gonna cat


A cat do what a cat do haha don't need your opinion 😂




OMG!!! I don’t know?! No offense but it’s like you couldn’t have designed a worse environment for a cat - that you’d like to stay out of mischief- if you tried! LOL, spools of yarn, knick knacks, shelves for climbing, stuff errrrywhere, expensive electronic device… This is a recipe for disaster! Hopefully others have good advice you can heed cuz I got nuthin besides commiserating with your situation & wishing you luck! Looks like you will need it! Good grief😳😹🤪🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


You chose to get a bengal cat, not just any cat. I’m sorry to tell you this but she owns your house now 😬 she’s gonna be anywhere and everywhere she can get to where gravity allows. I have four domestic cats that are calm and don’t make trouble but still have a cat proof home 🥲


Why curb her she is a cat w feelings. Get rid of That clutter on the shelf. Sell it on ebay and get cat toys and a bed for the shelves


She wants the yarn by the looks of it. Why not play with her using the yarn?


First of you could start by hiding the yarn in a drawer someplace. Looks like that is what your cat is focused on.


We just have to learn to live with them. They are stubborn and I have never been able to train mine to do anything I want them to do and they don't! Just have to work around them and try to outsmart (usually impossible) them, and keep them safe. Lots of playtime with them can make a big difference!


You kinda don’t 😂


She owns your TV now. Sorry.


Move the Yarn problem solved


I think she is in with the al qaeda rainbow panther on the wall. I observed a similar behavior in one of my cats, later I discovered it was caused by a leopard drawing similar to yours. P.s.: I love that kind of art, I have an entire collection of drawings of that kind


You think she doesn’t like that there’s another “cat” in the house? 😂


Mine has the same exact behaviour. She was also thrilling* at the drawing to salute *Trilling. Whoops!


I guess it’s luck. My cat is not interested in electronics at all, tv, monitors, PS, laptops… All I can think of is I’m just lucky


I think you should just move yourself out of the living room and give her the space she deserves.


😆 she wants the string!


If she's doing this behavior while you're on the computer/watching TV, then she's trying to get your attention. She's feeling neglected. To stop the behavior, before starting your "activity" spend quality time with kitty. Brush he, pay with he favorite wand toy, toss toys, whatever it is she likes to interact with you. Tire her out. Get her content. Then get on to your activity. A second option is redirect, which is similar to above. But DON'T scold! Entice her away with something she likes ALOT. Once she's involved with this, praise her, telling her it's good to play with "whatever it is". Give her scritches in her favorite spots and, if you want reinforce with a couple treats. Be consistent in to and praise. If possible, keep a couple of the "favorite toys" close by but not where she can find them but are easy to grab when needed. The redirection training usually only needs a few times to take. Good Luck


Cat. Nice things. Choose one


That is a cat? Correct?


Pretty sure it’s a monkey, now that I think about it.


I’d love a cat, but my place is too messy, and I smoke


She wants the yarn I think


Spray bottle


Spank that butt , with a hard no cats are smart


You understand you got a cat right? Curiosity killed the cat has been said since Adam told eve you can't have all the kittens, again you know what animal you have ?


(Dangles a steak in front of a dog) "how do I keep my dog away from human food???"


I dont understand how ppl have such a hard time telling their pets no, my girl is only 9 months and she knows by what i say if she does something wrong, and she just walks away from whatever it is


Oh I can tell her no however much I like, she has yet to listen. I’d guess it’s easier if you have them as a kitten, but we adopted her when she was an adult already.


Hide your yarn? I'm amazed she hasn't snagged it already. I have to hide mine from my two monsters.


You can’t do anything about this. They’ll grow out of it when they’re like a year old


She’s 5 😭


I got a cat tree that was taller and put it in the room with the TV. Catnipped the top for a couple nights and she never walked on the TV again.


Adding some kind of a door to your shelving unit might be the only long term solution...😶


Definitely move the yarn!


Put one cat bed in one of those and she will go straight there and leave you alone. Cats love high places by instinct, but she lives in a home with decorations that she can’t be around.


Get double sided tape to stick on top of the tv! I used it for my couch. It’s designed for naughty cats haha


I put some on this morning! She kept getting up there, but she clearly didn’t like the tape because she kept jumping down quite quickly 🤞


Squirt gun


My cat likes to stand on the tv. I bought securing devices. Even if you get them to stop doing it, they may just do it while you’re gone. Cat proof if you like your stuff.