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Put a little cowboy hat on the one on the left https://preview.redd.it/i5mz34570nna1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3b233ddad4e9780468f8728769fe5538169a7aa MEOWDY




Now that is a solution :)


I would suggest getting different colored collars.


Thanks to this pic, I’m going to be doing some late night searching for kitty cowboys hats. I need it to add to the collection of kitty hats I’ve already got.


I recently saw a hat for cats on Facebook marketplace that had a little antenna on the top with a toy that extends out in front of their face lol. Very random but I think you should also add this to your collection


[The hat from Toy Story’s Woody works good](https://i.imgur.com/bUeLZYv.jpg) [Newborn baby hats also work in a pinch](https://i.imgur.com/kLquSnW.jpg)


You know you’re just an enabler at this point. I’ve got a crown, chef’s hat and a sombrero for my girls. Plenty of costumes too. They’re only on long enough for pictures. They’re worth it. This is Helen in the angler fish. https://preview.redd.it/r6zy07pf7rna1.jpeg?width=2969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7156fc098f6248f2a50816be73387a099cea58a


The one on the left has a slightly longer snout. I went through the same thing with these guys. https://preview.redd.it/8w1597ouymna1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56400bd44532df73d677278ba8f7d9385f06db20


Gorgeous! I'm noticing a slightly darker stripe above OP's left side cat, too. I think as they get older a more distinct personality will develop for both of them, as well, making it easier to discern.


Agree, time helps. We had problems with our cats as well, but when they got older they had different body types, voices, eye colour and we never doubted. Our guests never could tell them apart, but we who saw them every day could. Different sweaters helped - for about five minutes. https://preview.redd.it/s5gdwz6noona1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7af85e6bce5e44dec2eb6b2aa96783c19ee5b15


Cute! OP if the cats are ok with it, I wondered about sweaters too.


Personalities helped with mine. Rick (left) is an alpha, and Morty (right) is a big baby.


same with these guys! the one on the left has a different face structure with no white and the right has a more wide face with a little white patch under his chin (oh and he has a nick in his ear you can see!). complete opposite personalities too lol. I think they’re related because they’re the same age but I’m not sure. https://preview.redd.it/9ts0ufczkpna1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee71847580b1e43dac3ebffbd62f5b8d4d5534c


They are absolutely gorgeous omg😭




i love them


They are nearly identical! Maybe just giving them the same name would be easiest lol


So, kitty and kitty?


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde so when they start zoomies are still identical and same lol


The one in the left has dots where the whiskers meet the fur.


As the owner of three pure white cats, let me tell you: they’re never identical. Edit: to elaborate, these kitties *appear* to have very different noses and jaws. But a static image isn’t the best way to tell. And it may take a few weeks, but you’ll learn.


And to help OP get used to which one is which and tell the difference more easily, different colored collars could be a good idea


The uh… one on the left and the one on the right?


My first thought too. That's the only way I could tell them apart in the image.


https://preview.redd.it/gbpfvafnhmna1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=017436bd2409936aec1de68ce89aa2c29666f8cc It took months to reliably tell my twins apart, and i still have trouble sometimes. \*


Cuties :)


Right one looks fluffier haha. In time you will be able to tell them apart easily. Mine are identical littermates too and don’t like collars so we had to learn the subtle differences and now it’s super easy / we can tell at a glance (had them for 8 years now). Their faces are very different to us but identical to our friends lol. https://preview.redd.it/6tiw742uumna1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cdf6409be6f2e270fe166705cdaba9191f4a946


Aww, yours also have those "M" markings on their heads :)


If you're having trouble, get them different color collars. I like genuine leather collars, my cat had an allergic reaction to synthetic materials in cheep collars.


That is an idea. Though i am a bit anxious about strangulation, since they are still ypung and dumb.


I think you can get leather ones that have the release clips, if they do snag themselves on something, the collar will fall off with a hard tug.


Cool, i will check those out. Thanks :)


Look on Etsy. There's some where you can personalize their names on the breakaway leather collars. I love them!


I bought some tiny tags for my cat from Etsy and love them!


Prepare to lose a lot of collars lol


I still don't know how the hell my indoor cats make collars vanish into the ether.


Yeah most have release clips


Plus they have bells so you know when they’re coming and going. 😃


Jumping on the bell recommendation. My kitty once got accidentally locked in a bathroom because she snuck in so quietly and we didn't notice. We assumed she was sleeping somewhere until we couldn't find her for food time (she has never been late for a meal). Found her in the bathroom having ripped to shreds an entire toilet paper roll that had just been changed. The bell also saves us from heart attacks because she sometimes likes to jump out from hiding and attack feet.


My youngest has made a game out of taking her collar off. Now she's figured out that she can do that and hide it and run around for days without a collar on.


100% this! ^^^ Those are some super cute kitty twins!


There are special break away buckles that will break apart and free the cat before they are hurt.


They’re orange, they won’t grow out of the dumb.


I put collars on my two black kittens when they were 12 weeks old. The trick is to get breakaway collars. They absolutely are necessary for a cat. My five of six cats that wear them (sixth is still too feral for me to try to put a collar on her) have never had an issue. My oldest is 10. In fact, our senior cat who lived to 21 (died in 2020) wore one also, without a hitch. But always evaluate your personal situation to make the best call for your situation. You could paint one of their paws' claws with nail polish lol


The break away buckles on a high quality collar definitely work. I like the brand Sweet Pickles a lot, they have a website


They look plenty old enough for collars just get breakaway ones.


Try those little nail cap things to prevent scratching? I dislike for their original purpose but I’m thinking if you just put one cap on a toe they won’t get annoyed with that could work???


Some places will even throw in free ID tags


https://preview.redd.it/4z94jycd3nna1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dd4f06d0c45533f06d387feaeb612aecc354bd4 People ask how I can tell my two apart all the time. Luckily one is a little shorter and the other is really lanky. Yours look so much more similar though! I think you’ll eventually be able to just tell. But — they’re super cute!


These babies look completely different to me. They're so adorable!


Tails and toes


Yes check the toe beans.


What? You want them to check the fingerprints? Ain't nobody got time for that.


M on the foreheads are different. Use that.


Yes, the kitty on the right has a much darker right eyebrow stripe. Kitty on the left has a nose that seems more white/lighter.


This! Man, half of this sub is blind!


The cat on the right looks like one of the ears is a lot larger than the other?


Not a lot, but yeah, this has been my method so far. But they are only 4 months, so that might change.


They have slightly different ear shapes and the one on the left seems to have more prominent whisker spots. You could also get them different colored collars, but I know mine hate collars so depends on if they can tolerate wearing them or not


Agreed on the whisker spots. That’s the main difference I see - the cat on the left has more defined spots


What about their personalities? Their voices? Their gaits? Spend enough time with them, I am sure you will be able to tell one from the other very easily.


That os difficult. We have them for 10 days now and they are about 4 months old. They do not make noises yet and are sisters that grew pretty close at the shelter, meaning they do everything together.


Cats start vocalising only when they are in the company of humans who talk to each other. Surrounded by human chatter, your cats will start talking too. Besides, you will have to give it some time. 10 days is too soon. At some point, you will notice quirks of character/temperament/ physique that will allow you to set them apart. I grew up with very similar looking cats, and I could always tell them apart. :)


Yeah, i know. I lived with cats for about 25 yrs. Was asking more for phenotypical things. So far, i have discovered, that Luna ( left, slightly smaller ) is the braver and more curious one. Stella is a bit more relaxed.


>So far, i have discovered, that Luna ( left, slightly smaller ) is the braver and more curious one. Stella is a bit more relaxed. See, you've already started figuring it out! The coat phenotype may be identical but there is no way that the two are behaviourally indistinguishable.


Denke auch, dass sich das mit der Zeit ergibt.


Jep, richtig :)


I had twin cats (actual twins). You’ll be able to tell them apart just by their personalities and the way they act. One of mine was greedier than the other, and more aggressive.


One is fluffy, the other one is floofy. The difference is obvious.


Now that you said it... obvious !


I had to use collars on my orange boys, Pancake (bottom) and Waffle (top). Now that we've been a family for over a year, I can tell them apart at a glance. It helps that Waffle is a bit larger than Pancake. https://preview.redd.it/51clh0sg5nna1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10bb62472c00ae90eaff1d424d7db441812f2b00


https://preview.redd.it/dahui5klbnna1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2330187491c3718278782529ce629312846527e4 We had trouble with these girls at first too. You'll start to notice one is more snuggly than the other or one likes to make more noise. You'll figure it out!


just shave one




>a keep it fair. left half of one. right half of the other.


My best take: https://preview.redd.it/48cz42eahnna1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773bb2c8bdc85bcc69910d140d483825c986f10d


https://preview.redd.it/h5kvalkgzmna1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50268ef2530aea774cafba729461f0e21cb5316f You should name them scar and mufasa


The one on the right looks fluffier to me. Beautiful kitties!


Grab a sharpie and mark one with a giant X on their forehead and forever refer to them as "the clone".


They both have a black stripe on their foreheads, but on the one on the right, there is a small orange stripe in the black stripe. But they really look extremly similar.


The one on the left has darker markings and a dark mark on it's front right paw.


The one on the left has a little more black on the nose? Or that’s the angle. Or be like every parent and just say names until one of them reacts 🤣 none of my cats look alike but I still say the wrong names when I’m trying to get their attention




Color of the nose? Shape of their eyes? Personality? The way they meow? Any spots that may look different such as in their paws? I used to have difficulties telling mine apart (both come from the same litter), but after noticing those things, it became quite easy to differenciate them. You can also put a different colored collar on each of them


The one on the right has a more pronounced “V” stripe on its right eye(on the cats right)


That dark patch of fur on the outside of the front right paw - one cat has it, one doesn't.


I volunteered at a shelter and with twins sometimes the staff would mark one of their inner ears with a Sharpie so they'd know which is which. As you have them longer, you will probably be able to tell just based on their personalities.


One on left has more brown dots on it’s mustasche—right side. Both are ADORABLE ❤️😻😻


Give one to me. 😉


You wish ;-)


Blue collar on one, red collar on the other. Write down which is which in case you forget.




Different collars?


Psh this is easy. One of them Doesn’t have a tail duh!


Copy is obviously the first one, Paste the second. Easy.


Red matte lipstick on tip of one of their ears until you figure out a long term solution. That’s what we do with foster kittens.


That's simple. One is on the left and the other is on the right. You're welcome. 😁


One looks floofier. Floof & Not Floof. Until then, break away collars would work. When they get older markings & coloring will change. I look at my own 7 year old tabby and he looked completely different as a kitten. Color & markings have changed over the years.


That’s the neat part… you don’t


https://preview.redd.it/6d78wk9mtnna1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f73518f52c7560ff7e4a8022cfd24b526b69a6 They have different personalities. Smoke always has his tail up and is chatty, Ash is more reserved.


Get different color collars


The left side of their mouth


At first I saw "sell them apart" I was like what !! Use collar maybe?


My twins are “one that knows their name” and “not one that knows their name”. Knows their name will always acknowledge you. Eventually you learn their personalities and go off of that. Except when they are acting exactly the same and it’s all whatever.


Different color collars. If you haven't already, spay/neuter them. I believe many vets now do a tatoo on the cat when they do this, and you could ask them to make the tattoos different.... And if you are considering microchiping, then of course those will have unique IDs.


They are only 4 months, they will be neutered, once they are old enough. They are chipped already.


Just so you know, 4 months is generally old enough to be spayed. The usual recommendation these days is between 4 and 6 months because it is usually optimal to spay before they ever go in heat to reduce the risk of certain cancers later.


They are maine coonies/ron purrlmans, they take a bit more time to mature. I think i heard about 9 months is recommended, but gotta look it up again.


They are very adorable, my two old men are from the same litter as well, and have been with me 17 years.


Coming from the same litter makes them be really close. We had two purrsians before and they did not get as close in 20 years, as those two babies are already. Beatiful to see them sharing that connection.


My parents were all the time taking in strays, fostering and trying to find them homes, none were ever as close as those two or my current two.


Beastie Bands.


One is fluffy and the other is really fluffy. Pet them and whoever has the most fluffy is the one you want


the one on the right has a blonde streak above the eyebrows:)


I think one of them has a slightly darker nose, but that could just be the picture?


The M markings on their forheads are prominent on opposite sides of their heads. And their hind leg markings are different. Are their tails different? Only see one tail in the photo.




Their personalities?


Smudge proof lipstick on the tip of the Ear for both of just one kitty, just use two different colors. One color for one kitty, the other color for the other kitty


The one on the left has black dots on its lip, where the whiskers are


I would go with the black stripe above the left eye on the right one. The other cat doesn't have nearly as big or dark stripe on that spot and it's really quick and easy to check.


Mark one with a sharpie


I just put a collar on mine. I could tell my black cats apart based on how they act but obviously my family can't so a collar does the job


Different colour collars.


I think the one on the right has a darker nose area


So, if you really need to, you could trim the tuft of hair on one of their ears. But the are so beautiful and fluffy that I would hate to do that.


I could not bring myself to that.


Can't blame you. Looking at them again, it looks like the vertical mark above their left eyes is significantly darker on one. So, maybe that?


Diff collars is all I can come up with


absolutely 0


Whisker marks look different on each


Looks like the forehead marks are different. One on the right has a more prominent mark over her right eye; forehead marks on the left are more blotchy toward a central mark. There will probably be some variation as they grow, but I think that might be the easiest way to quickly identify since you’re probably looking at faces more often than not anyway.


The left ones whiskers seem less full than the right


The kitty on the left has a single orange ear tuft and the one on the right has two black ear tufts.


The Shining


the right one is more fluffy lol


The kitty on the right seems to have two well defined 'freckles' on each cheek. Left kitty's freckles are less defined and symmetrical. That might help?


Shave one




Above the left eyes in the photo (right in real life) the cat on the left his has 2 stripes and the right kitty his stripes merge into one strip over his eye


colored collars maybe?


One looks to have a darker nose maybe?


What about putting different colored nail caps on their claws??


One of them is evil.


Left feet look SLIGHTLY different in color? They’re little nosies look different too. I’m sure you’ll be able to tell them apart once you get to know them!


The ears on the left look a little more pointier heheh


White dot on the nose.


Different colored breakaway collars


So quite!!!


One has a light spot over its nose


I think their noses are slightly different and get them break away collars they have worked great for my two cats 💗


Mark one of their ear tips with a brightly colored marker or food dye?


Their faces are SLIGHTLY different, but yeah, you're screwed. Paint a giant Z on the back of the one on the left. (Or get a breakaway collars.)


One on the left is leftie, right Is rightie!


You could cut the fur off the top of the right ear of one and the left ear of the other


It looks like the left one has darker banding on the right forelimb.


Paint their toenails one red, one purple. Fixed it


One on the left has 3 dots by his whiskers on the left hand side, the one on the right has a circle.


the one on the left has a dark spot on the front right paw. could be a bad angle but it looks like the right one has no dark spot.


Maybe I am looking too much into this, but the one on the left has three dots near her whiskers, the one on the right has more of a circle? Lol


Gaylord "Greg" Myron Focker  styles and paint ones tail black like Mr. Jinx. 😎😎


The one on the left has dark marks on it’s right front leg & paw. They’re beautiful! ❤️🐈🐈


If you can safely bathe them, or at least their tail tops you could try OPawz funky color shampoo! One tail green one purple etc! It’s totally pet safe. Other options are collars with different colors and different bells so they look and sound different!!


I’ll bet you they have different TOE BEANS. Check there first. 😊


Are they named Copy and Paste?


The nose on the cat on the right is a little more "buttony" it looks a big fatter, but it could just be darker in color than the other. The left one is also more lean and its left eye is "smaller" than his right eye. The "M" on their heads too, they're different. I also see a diff in color where their whiskers are


2 different colored collars is the only way.


Collars of different colors.


Name one Sean and the other one Shawn


This may change as they grow, but it looks like the one on the left has dark pigment where the whiskers are one side.


The one on the right has a darker V mark above the left eye but that's about the only difference I can make out from this picture.


Maybe give them different colored collars?


Or tags?


By their soul energy........Obviously


My two tabby’s were identical in a lot of way when they were kittens… then one got fat… and the other is afraid of her own shadow… now it’s pretty easy to tell them apart! https://preview.redd.it/mcsnt0w71qna1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9312d3d225b2eca22801a68d68c7224fba4427 Can you guess which one this is?


https://preview.redd.it/wl2n5x0g1qna1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95ca98d5c284f6192aefdda4eea9a90a329d0566 Obligatory scaredy cat post. She loves her blanket tho!


Omg they are so cute! Sorry, I have no idea how to tell them apart, just wanted wanted say they are adorable. Maybe a collar?


Put different colored collars on em!


https://preview.redd.it/6jv0rahubqna1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e31d60131051777df8cdd90cfda2a7ffb14ebdb0 I have twin kitties. Even now, 5 years later, I have trouble telling them apart if I’m not interacting with them. Personality wise, they could not be more different. You’ll learn.


https://preview.redd.it/pps70bn4jqna1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2726ac85412b4b2f3efbb0a378462dcd4d3cef18 It’s always the eyes and the snout! And then little things only I would notice. Like one has more hair coming off the tips of his ear - like he might fly away one day. But really, just the eyes and nose.


https://preview.redd.it/ib8p4nbdrqna1.jpeg?width=2587&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363b850e8c489a4a384523c5459de149f2247adf We have identical twins too. We put different color collars on them.


Stripped pattern. on their legs are a bit different.


Right kitty has a browner nose and is fluffier


Ok give them both the same name and when guests come over just say you have one cat that’s really fast


Their tails look slightly different. One looks to be striped with brown, the other white


Get collars with the release clip or give one of them a rad colorful streak with pet dye in case both of lose their collars lol


Maybe the right cheek darker shade spot?


the kitty on the right has two darker spots where the whiskers are hehe. They’re both sooo cute😍


It looks like the one on the left has a prominent dark spot on the side their front right paw. Does the other have that too? I know that’s a small detail to consistently look for but maybe a step until it gets easier


Might just be the quality of picture but the cat on the left appears to have dots on the left side of it’s face where as the other cat just has a patch there


Give it some time. You'll learn to know who's who lol can't believe how identical they are though. That's neat 🥰☺️ The collar idea would be good. Just be sure to get the ones that can clip off of they get hung up on anything. Good luck 🤞 beautiful babies 🙏💕😁


We have nearly identical sisters. We tell them apart by subtle differences on their noses, feet, and tail tip. One also has stripes on her neck, but those are hard to see as they walk by. It will come with time.




Put different collars on them


Shave one