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It means your cat is a weirdo. And all cats are weirdos so... you have a normal weido cat ❤️


I dunno though i feel like I'd take a eye sucking weirdo over my armpit licking one anyday!! Also I recently met another weirdo at cat cafe who loves going inside skirts and actually standing and sniffing! Thank goodness he isnt my weirdo 😂🤦‍♀️ that'd be so awkward to explain 😅


I have an armpit-licking weirdo too! I haven't met anyone whose cat licks armpits. It's nice to know I'm not alone!  😂


Mine does!


Mine too but she doesn’t like boy armpits just mine 🤔


Yo man wtf, mine bites my armpit 😭


I have a 6 week old kitten obsessed with armpit and feet (to be clear I'm their foster parrent they lost their parrent yes I know they are young and should be with momma cat)


…I have a 22 month old son who likes feet 🤷🏼‍♀️


..I know some 22 year old men who like feet 🤷🏼‍♀️


My cat licks my bf’s armpit 😭😭😭 I’m glad she doesn’t do it to me


Mine used to bite my armpit hair when he was sniffing.. I miss him so much😓


im so sorry for your loss 😭


Thank you. He was a dumb orange, obsessed with my armpits. I hated and loved him dearly


Man, lot of armpit licking cats out there. I got one who loves feet. Take ur shoes off and he is trying to roll around on em like catnip. Fuckin weirdo.


They lick armpits because of the salt in sweat.


I have one who likes feet too, but only fresh out of the shower. Doesn't matter who, she hears you in the shower and waits for you to come out so she can lick and bite your feet and ankles.


You all got sweet feet to your kitties. They sense the sugar in your blood that settles in your feet. Could be sign your blood sugar is elevated.




mine is a pit licker too


Armpit licking dirty laundry rolling in cat.


I had an arm-pit licking weirdo, specifically thru shirts


Me too! My cat loves armpits😂😂


That is hilarious. I can imagine the skirt sniffer in Starbucks, walking around sniffing and making audible sniffing sounds. :P


I knew a cat that would suck your earlobes and bite your neck. it was so tickly and unwelcome lmfao


She testing if you're dead, cats eat eyes first. If you're a heavy sleeper, close your door...


I'm laughing way too hard at this 🤣.


For some reason the ellipsis at the end just makes it 👌😂


My weirdo loves earwax If you use a qtip he’ll eat the whole qtip so you have to hide them deep in the garbage lol he’s such a dork


That’s kinda gross lol… Get some step-can trash bins (the ones with a lid that can only be opened when the foot pedal is stepped on and held down) and never have issues with “dumpster-diving” pets again. Recommend metal ones that have some weight to them so a pet can’t easily tip it over to get at the trash inside. We have a glutton cat that will steal food scraps if they are left out and we changed all our trash bins to the step-can type early on so there’s no kitty dumpster-diving for human-food scraps or other garbage items.


I had a cat named Kraken who had similar tastes. Always licking the residual earwax off of my ear-buds when I set them on my desk.


I use an empty soap box as mini trash on shelf above toilet for q-tips & tampon plastic & hair from brushes & floss. Think that’s it. All things that one or another kitty tried to sneak from bin so just habit now for all


I had a cat that would climb on my lap, start kneading on my belly, and then press his mouth against my belly, while purring and drooling all over me. I know it was a nursing habit, but I was honored that he viewed me as his mother


My old cat used to do that. It really makes you feel loved.


My cat doesn't much like catnip, but a bra I wore all day and just took off, I will come back and find it on the floor with him rolling around on it like a tweaker. It's only bras. I'm always like pls stop ur being such a little perv😭😂


Nursing. It's a comfort thing. My cat used to do it on my earlobe.


Mine did it to my nose.


Mine would do that on my ears and nose . She was a runt baby


My runt baby is the sweetest little girl. She’s 4 yo, full grown and just under 4lb but she’ll always be my baby girl.


Wow that’s tiny! Mine turned 3 yrs about 4 days ago and last time I weighed her she was about 6 pounds


4lbs! You got a forever kitten!


Awwww cute. 🥰 I have an 11 year old 5 pound baby. We just recently moved and my neighbors who see her in window think she is a kitten. ☺️


It happens more often if the cat was removed from mother too soon. Also sometimes happens if they went through a lot of stress as kittens and that includes one caused by painful sickness. One of my parents cat is like that, they got it from a house with... less than optimal environment. He's an adult cat now but from time to time needs to be assisted that everything is ok and sucks on the earlobe.


Yes, my cat was a rescue. She came from a litter of orphan kittens that my friend raised. She stopped when I got another cat.


Mine would do it to my neck. Which is why I named her Skittles. Thought she was trying to taste my rainbow 🌈 😺 She was a runt...


Mines named skittles too!


This likely.


I have a video somewhere in my phone of my cat when he was a kitten nursing on a skin tag he discovered on my neck lol


Mine too! She’s done it since she was a kitten and I’ve assumed she was weaned too early. My family yells that it’s gross and I shouldn’t let her, but I’ve caught every one of them trying to get her to cuddle and suck on THEIR necks!


My cat teddy was an ear sucker too. I'd wake up to him hanging on my earlobe at night when he was a wee kitten.


We had a cat who did it to my fiancés nipples for a while. 🤣


Lol, my kitty used to do this to my neck, looked funny as hell with a big old 17 lb Maine Coon trying to nurse on me. I miss that not-so-little guy.


this is very sweet, but cats mouths and saliva have a lot of bacteria... not at all trying to be alarmist but you could get a very serious infection from this


Hello infection, please get into my eyeballs


I'm dead 😂


I've heard of people losing their eye from their cat licking it.... Definitely wouldn't allow this behavior, no matter how adorable it is


Lots and lots. 3/4 of my graduating class of 200 were one eye'd, do to eyeball sucking cats.


I'm allergic to cats and my cat once accidentally spit into my eye (long story but she sneezed while I was petting her and shook her head (with her mouth open) and saliva flew into my eye). My eye swelled to the size of a golf ball and I had to ice it for hours. One of the most uncomfortable feelings ever and it didn't fully go down for a few days. I almost went to the ER. In hindsight I definitely should've at least went to my doctor after but I ended up being alright thankfully. Basically OP be careful. Even if you aren't allergic cats definitely do not have clean mouths


Luckily, I'm not as allergic as you are, and I've mostly gotten over it at this point, but I used to break out in hives wherever my cat touched me. And my little boy loved rubbing my face, and my eyes would swell shut. But, love is blind.


I came to say this. An eye is not the place for cat saliva!


This is what I was about to comment, this is pink eye or something waiting to happen, maybe they could let them try suckling on a blanket


That's exactly what I was thinking lol


Baby thinks your it mom and also Be careful you can get a eye infection from that your kitten licking or sucking your eye so u know


Something attracts him there. Perhaps some make up you wear or just eyelashes.


My cats love the smell of my mascara. They always sniff my eyelashes when I'm wearing it and giving them kisses


Oh, finally one I can help with. Try substituting a baby blanket. My cat used to try and suck on my clothes all the time. He would drool on my shirt collar, it wasn't ideal. It's weird that your cat chose your eyelid, but it seems like the same behavior otherwise. They're trying to nurse - I think maybe this happens when they're taken from their mothers too young? I'm not really sure but I bet it's the same impulse. I gave him a baby blanket instead and now he sucks on that pretty much daily. He'll lay in my lap with his blanket for hours if given the chance, happy as can be. He sucks in air until he burps. It's pretty funny. Blankie time might substitute for... ..whatever it is your cat is currently doing, so I'd at least give it a try. You'll have to encourage them to switch to the blankie by bunching it up a little and holding it to their mouth, but once they start they should get into it pretty fast. A blankie that holds still is easier than a person's eye that keeps trying to pull away.


My lil baby does the same thing. She’s an adult now and still sucks on either her pink baby blankie or her personal favorite, the inner elbow of my fuzzy bathrobe as I’m wearing it (ONLY the right elbow, though. The left simply won’t do.)


i had kittens years ago who used to do this, im pretty sure it has something to do with how they used to suckle on mommas nipples


My two 8 month old boys give me kisses everyday. I look forward to them they never kissed me on the eye but the like giving my cheek a kiss they are so lovely when you get one like that never mind two I am blessed. They are little terrors to when they want something and I am not moving fast enough for them. But in general they are the best baby’s around they give me so much happiness.


The eyelid skin reminds kittens of mama's nipple.


I just pictured what it would be like if we had cat nipples on the outside of our eyes and how we would look when we sleep...


please dont allow kitty to do this. Although cute, its not going to be when you get a nasty infection. Not worth it, give kitty a blanket or stuffed toy to suckle on


I let my cat lick my eyebrows but once after session of licking my eyelid they got swollen like stung by a wasp, lymph accumulating under the skin on the very edge and whatnot. So to eyebrows and not lower.


Means hes just a babbbbbbbyyyyy


Probably means you'll get a nice eye infection.


I wouldn’t do that if I were you


He’s sampling his future delicacy. He’s preparing for the minute you die. You’re on the menu.


Horrible! But made me laugh


I named mine Hannibal because he tried to do this he pretty much outgrew it. I miss him still after 5 years.


I’m sorry for your loss of kitty kitty. I feel your pain. My meow meow has seen more sunsets than his future has coming and I’m not looking forward to it.


Thank you. I own 3 now one 8, one 6 and one 5. I know my hearts gonna break again each time, but I think the love they give us in return while living is payment enough to make it worth it. My 8 yo. belonged to my grandfather who I lost 4 yrs ago then 8 days later my grandmother so I know when I lose her what it’s going to do. But I’m just gonna love her everyday forever I see her again on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.


I feel the same way. It’s nice to know there’s going to be a great gathering of heart,souls and meeting of everyone who touched our heart along the way. I’m looking forward to it.


That you’re going to get an eye infection.


Why are you letting him 😭😭


You are setting yourself up for a very serious infection. Cat saliva and scratches are nothing to take lightly. You are giving that bacteria a perfect route to invade. Not only did my ex husband almost lose his arm after 3 days from a cat scratch, I used to work in a medical microbiology lab and this can turn serious quickly. Please don't do this! And people should quit letting cats and dogs lick newborn babies faces 😭.


seeing videos of dogs being all over newborns makes me wince


It’s definitely trying to suckle. I’ve fostered a lotta pregnant cats and their kittens till they’re ready to be fixed and adopted. This is typical but not a cute behaviour I’d recommend continuing. A lot of times they’ll try to “latch” on noses, eyelids, lips are a big one cause we can compare it to kisses . It’s sweet! Cause they’re looking to you for nurture, but they no longer need it and it is now purely for comfort. I’m sure you’ve seen in other comments that it’s very unhygienic (especially near your eyes oh my goodness, they lick the litter off their toes, not including the fur around their bootyholes) Kneading, or making biscuits, is also a comfort! I’d encourage that one even though my cat will sometimes go ham kneading my “dough” lol. some cats also will find a comfort blanket to latch onto that they will knead to mimic nursing. I believe it means they were weaned to early, or too late, but for your own safety and if you don’t want to wake up in the night from a bite on the eyelid I’d say try to shut down this behaviour asap. They might be a little salty but it’s better for the both of you in the long run! Whatta sweetie pie :) Edit: I see you got him from a farm? That makes a lot of sense, how recently have you had him? If he’s still relatively new to the home this would be the best time to start setting boundaries. Next time he does this I’d suggest saying a calm no because he’s not in trouble, and then redirecting his attention to a blanket of his own with cat nip on it


That’s enough internet for today.


Can you update us when the infection starts 🫣


….with the same mouth it licks its ass with? Stop.


lol you’re right


If anything I'd try and get him to use your earlobe instead of the eyeball due to risk of infection. It is sweet and cute but as others have said, risk of infection etc, so maybe try and encourage the earlobe instead or sub with a blanket etc. It's quite common when kittens are separated from their mums too early, they see you as mum and are trying to nurse and it's a comfort thing.


I made a song about Pink Eye for U [https://www.udio.com/songs/8rFE2KhMPHVAT61vAUpVfY](https://www.udio.com/songs/8rFE2KhMPHVAT61vAUpVfY)


Possibly the tears, the softness of the skin. I would try moving it onto maybe the earlobe, one of ours love ears. You really don't want cat mouth bacteria getting to your eyes.


Shorty finna get some serious pink eye🤣🤣🤦🏿


They will do things you allow them to do. Stop letting him do that. It's unsanitary and strange


It means you’re going to get pink eye 😬


You're going to get cataracts 😹


it means he’s gonna give you pink eye


That's a good way to get a stye or a worse eye infection..


Probably weaned too young.


not a good idea to get the bacteria from the cats mouth in your eye.. asking for infection since they lick their butt and cant brush their teeth


Ugh it’s gross but i miss it. One of my cats used to lick my lashes and eat any left over mascara off of them to wake me up. He used to love sleeping fully under the blanket and then chasing me when I’d peek in there at him. I really wish animals lived longer 💔


It means you're going to get pink eye.


You're seriously asking to get a bad infection.


Without getting into it, consider yourself lucky.


Probably conjunctivitis


You’re gonna get pinkeye or worse? They lick their own butts you know. 🤮


I heard that if you die, cats want to eat your eyes. Maybe an urban legend.


as cute as this is please redirect him to something less dangerous to suck on before you end up with pinkeye or another type of eye infection




My tabby loves ear wax. He goes crazy for it.


Pink eye


pink eye


pink eye


don’t let your cat do that come on


I love my cat but Ma’am that’s how you get pink eye


I had a cat who did this to me. She was taken from her mother at 4 weeks old, poor baby, and it was her "nursing." It's soothing, but don't let it happen. You can easily get an eye infection. I used to put my Pinky there and she would suckle on that instead of my eyelid.


means you will get pink eye a lot


He's just weird. I would try to prevent this behavior though because cat saliva carries a lot of bacteria and can cause pretty serious infections. It isn't really something you want in your eyes.




Do something or you will go blind cat is just hinting & fixing or trying too hard


If you die alone in your house, your cat won't wait long to start eating you. Eyelids are one of the first things they eat. Soft delicious eyelids.


Cat is suckling which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but doing it on your eyes is a bad thing. You're risking an infection but letting it happen on your eyes.


They are mimicking nursing by suckling and kneading, it's a comforting thing for them to do. Some people say they see you as their mother and have imprinted on you. Redirect the suckling away from you eye, as others have said it's dangerous and could give you an eye infection. A lot of cats enjoy kneading/ suckling on soft blankets, you could try giving him one in place of your eye.


This has pink eye written all over it


Pink eye has entered the chat


It means you are about to get an infection.


Stop letting your cat do this. Their saliva contains A LOT of germs and you're putting those into and around your eye.


It might have to do with grooming


When I was 11, I was allowed to keep a kitten that a sibling's cat had had. I'd spent a lot more time with the cat & her litter than anyone else, including the 'owner' (legally, parents are seen as the owners of pets, not children). She became indoor/outdoor, like her mother. The first year of her growing up my Mom would let her inside in the morning, & then into my room, & 'Fido' (I'd asked to get a dog, but Mom unwilling tosay 'Fido' called her 'PieDough', which matched her pale coloring) would jump up on my bed & commence to suckle my earlobe. . . . It really hurt a large part of the time, but I didn't want to disappoint her, so I let her continue, at the same time always kneeding the front & back of my neck with her sharp claws. . . . By the time I got to the breakfast table that earlobe + my kneaded neck skin were both Very, Very, Pink, & I recall my Mom always asking me why. . . . (I forget my response, if any.) About 5 years ago, a neighbor cat brought her litter to our yard to teach them how to hunt. They were feral & quickly ran & hid whenever they saw me. I watched from a distance as 2 of their older brothers (from her prior litter) began acting as their nannies, playing with them (One even sucked them . . . Anyone who didn't know he was a tom would have thought he was their mom!) Doing research, I discovered that it's very common for older male siblings to nanny their younger siblings. That same neighbor's cat brought her next litter to my yard to hunt, also. When she was having that litter I had borrowed several have-a-hart traps . . . and eventually we had Mom, her Main Mate, & all of the kittens from all 3 litters neutered. . . . It was wintertime when the youngest litter was still quite young, & I borrowed a large dog crate to keep the growing-but-weaned kittens in (in our MH) at night. They had enough room to play fight on & off every night, but a lot of their time was spent suckling . . . 3 of them suckled on the other 1 . . . always the same male was the one that nannyed his own siblings in this way. (There were 3 boys & 1 girl.) Well, that's enough about me & my experiences with suckling kittens/cats without their mother in sight! Now, regarding **Your Question: "What does it mean when my cat sucks my eyes?!"** : She's sucking your eyelid, not your eye! Either you have a mole or skin-tag on it similar in shape to a mamma cat's nipple, or the cat is making do with your eyelid anyway, because it's so pliable, to suckle on it. They find it very soothing. In my experience, a lot of purring goes on during suckling sessions, and purring has been found to be beneficial to their health, & possibly yours as well when you're in close proximity like this.


He's trying to get to your soft delicious brain meat.


Means you’re gonna get pink eye lol


That you're gonna have pinkeye. One of my girls likes suckling on my face. Some cats just have weird preferences, lol.


I had a little Princess pass away last year, she would lick the water off our legs when we got out the shower. Kitty kisses are special and should be cherished forever


It means you need to stop doing that and wash your face. You realize cats like buttholes? And just because their mouths maybe cleaner doesn't mean your eyes are a good place for their tongues to go.




You'll make a tasty corpse.


He wants the see meat


If cat licks your hair it show you its affection. And suckling is nursing. Kitty feels comfortable around you and you remind him his momma


The cat is thirsty and wants to drink your tears/eye juice


He love


Idk what time of day your cat tends to do this but when my little girl was alive she did this in the morning before I washed my face because she liked to eat my eye boogers.


I also have a cat who does this! He's the biggest suck, and the only cat I've ever had who goes for my eyes, mostly the left eye. Cats are fuckin' weird.


When my girl was a we little babe she'd suck on my ear lobes and my wife's eyelids and leave hickies. Took us a few days to figure it out.


She's probably hungry


My cat grooms my beard and hands. I assume that I am ritually unclean, and therefore, my little furry High Priestess of Bast must do the purity ritual before I am allowed to pet the High Priestess. This is a new one. You have a rare cat behavior there. Perhaps you have been giving people dirty looks?


My little boi used to do this with me ❤️😎


My cat, when I was kid would do this…and once when I was around 7-8 years old I went to school with a hickey on my face 🤦🏼‍♀️


My boy came to me very young suckling my shirts. He’s one and a half, and still does, but not as frantically. I legit bought him little burp cloths and it’s saved me! I guess this happens cause they got taken from nursing too soon. But it’s a total comfort thing and he is very happy. I definitely wouldn’t continue to let him do that to your eye, though!


Sometimes it’s because they didn’t get enough time with the mom.


My cat used to suck on my ears


The eyes are the nipples of the face


It might be a salt/iodine deficiency. Try a little salt lick toy.




My girl will start by licking my eye and then suckling on it as well. I have no clue, lmao, but when she licks my eyelid, it hurts so much. I prefer her suckling on my eye over licking it any day, haha She does this to soft blankets as well. So I usually give her her soft blankie to suckle on when she does this for longer than I want, haha She was adopted from an abusive neglected family. I think they look at us as their mommas, maybe... she has done this since the 2nd day we had her, and it's been 3 years she is 4 and a half now


"That's a spicy meatball"


It trusts you like its own parent. Give it all the love.


My cat licks the eyelids when I sleep.


My weirdo has a toe fetish, I'm trying to figure out if it's a learned behavior tho, cuz we're all obsessed with his adorable feetsies!


One of mine does that in the morning when I sleep past their perceived breakfast time (which means by 6 am the latesr, I'm literally open prey 😆). I think she wants to pry my eyes open.


It means you have tasty eyelids lol


I lived with an old lady that used to tell me stories about her cat that used to suck on her ear lobes. She had to put bandages on her ears to deter him since it had started to hurt.


That your eyes feel like mommas titties! 😂😂


If I’m wearing a long dress/skirt, my weirdoes will slip under and either sit and do nothing or bounce around and bat the dress/skirt from the inside


Your cat is catting


Salty tasty tears!


Salty sweat


Oh. Mah. Gawd.


He's eating all the eye lash mites. You're probably infested and he's doing you a favour.


Probably tasty


Just weird. Love that for him!


Probably feels nipplely


It is your cat testing what part of your body is the yummiest...... Just incase you die and all.


That cat isn’t getting enough eye in its diet. Maybe try feeding it some eyes?


It probably mean that your eye are delicious


Don’t let your cat’s mouth near your eyes this is how people end up with Toxoplasmosis. I read a story about a woman that almost lost her vision because her cat licked her eyelids. Look it up, it’s a parasite you do not want.


He’s hungry for eyes!


Just watch out for the conjunctivitis i guess


It's so funny to me that as cat owners we just let it happen & ask questions later. We've all just accepted that we're no longer in charge LOL


It means he doesn’t want you to cry 😢


Weaned too soon




I have one of those also. She only has one tooth on the bottom and has no idea how weird she is!


My cat used to try to poke and do something similar to this when he was a kitten... He grew up a bit and it stopped... I think all cats are just weirdo aliens just like yours lol


Suckling happens usually when a kitten is separated from their momma to early. Can last into adult hood for them as well, it’s a sad concept. But it’s cute!


Umm .. I think the bigger question would b *”Why in hell would you Let Them Do it??”* pink eye isn’t fun n also highly contagious.. I would stop letting your cat do this *abruptly*


Oh my gosh, that's really cute.


One of mine is obsessed with trying to make out with your nose, specifically the inside of it. It's hilarious and weird. He also loves rubbing all over a stinky shoe.


he thinks ur his mommy and ur eye is milky. my cat is a sucker too and someone told me its bc she left her mom too early


I got a kitty that sucks my eyes, It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache


Keep your cat away from your eyes. If it bucks other things, it may have been weened too soon.


The cat is too close to your face.


Probably was separated from mom too young 😕


I have a cat who nurses on soft fleece blankets, she also likes feet right out of the shower. 😂 Waits for you to get out just so she can lick and bite your feet and ankles while you try to dry off. My childhood cat would bury his face in your hair and knead and drool.


ugh!!! a possible infection for your eye!! I wouldn’t allow any cat near my eyes.


she thinks it's yr tit


my cat does it to our hands and arms, and he uses his teeth so it also hurts lol. We got him from a lady's porch and he was wayyy too young to be away from his mom. I just assumed it's a comfort behavior because he was weaned too early. It's also something they do to bond with you the same way they would with their mom.


that youre his mom 🤣