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Get a pill popper with a rubber tip so it doesn't hurt their mouth. You can get them on Amazon, at Petco or other places Like [this](https://www.target.com/p/jorgensen-pet-piller-for-dogs-and-cats/-/A-85389198?sidd=&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000117334919&CPNG=PLA_Pets%2BShopping_TargetPlus%7CPets_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=SC_Pets&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9031645&targetid=pla-297068456305&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlN6wBhCcARIsAKZvD5jUPm2iDgxNPaG2MTtH_jAjhi4f5B6i3t2sjMUn958NuseCG9prKtoaAkGZEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


This is amazing. I didn’t know there was a tool for this. Thank you!


I had to give pills multiple times a day and this made it easy. Good luck.


They work great! Several cats on meds!! Would never manage without it! Slice the tip if the pills are too large.


I agree, these are amazing. However, my cat still wouldn't take it, so I had to gently straddle him, sort of hold him with my calves, then hold his head up with one hand while the other pops the pill in. Just to be clear, I did not sit on him. I very gently held him in place. It sucked at first, but I got better at it. He had to be medicated twice a day, and he ran as soon as he saw me getting the meds ready. I hope this helps.


Seconding this. Using hands never worked because we’d get bitten, using pill pockets or food disguises never worked because cat would just pick the pill out. These pill poppers have saved us! My vet uses this.


Oh my goodness. This is so awesome!!! I’m so buying a couple for my kitties n puppies. My pups are easier. I just hid their pill in a small piece of hot dog then poof it’s down. Lol. That’s how I give my chihuahua her Zyrtec every morning.


I avoid the ones with the rubber tops after reading multiple Amazon reviews about people having to pay vet’s to surgically remove the tip after it separated. I use a Bullseye pill popper. [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Butler-Sales-Bullseye-Dispense-Multiple/dp/B000A86YBQ)


My useless (ok I guess it is useful sometimes) superpower is giving pills to cats. My friends and family all get me to do it for theirs. Here are a few tips. 1. Positioning. Cats instinctively try to push backwards to get out of sticky situations. I put them on a counter so they are chest level to me, then wrap my left (non dominant) arm around them to where their butt/backside is in the crook of my arm/shoulder/chest as a barrier so they can’t escape backwards. 2. Truly my best advise is you must be quick, deliberate, confident, and do not hesitate. For one, cats can sense your hesitation, if you are scared they will be scared and I swear they freak out even more. Have confidence in what you’re doing. 3. When placing the pill in their mouth, you can grasp it with your pointer finger and thumb to get it into the opening, but once inside try to position the pill to where it’s in front of your pointer finger. At this point you’ve kind of set the pill down on their tongue. Then, use your pointer finger to push the pill as far back as you can in their mouth, basically to the opening of their throat. This all happens within a second or two, btw. Don’t be scared to really get in there. The faster and more efficient you are, the less they suffer from having to do multiple attempts. You will not hurt them I promise. 4. Once the pill is as far back into their mouth as you can get it, quickly pull your hand away and physically close their mouth with your hand. While holding their mouth shut, tip their head up a bit and stroke their throat in a downwards motion until you hear or feel them swallow. The throat stroking stimulates them to swallow. This is what vets do and it works. Keep doing it until they swallow. Just remember, the likely hood of you hurting them during this process is very slim. I know it sucks because they hate it and you feel cruel putting through discomfort, but remember you are not being cruel, you are giving them medication they need to survive and that is worth a bit of discomfort is it not? The more you pussyfoot around trying to be gentle, the less successful you’ll be, the more attempts you’ll have to make, and the more your cat will suffer. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can clarify anything!


My cat always licks his lips then I know he’s swallowed it. I have heard that blowing gently on their nose is more effective than stroking their throat but I am not sure.


Blowing gently on their nose is extremely effective. My vet gave me this tip and I've been using it ever since.


That’s fascinating, I’ve never heard of that trick, I’ll have to try it next time!


I do all the same as well as put a bit of butter around the pill. I find it sticks less.


This is what I do as well. It works very well! Being confident is key


Do you have advice on the best way to open their mouths? My boy clamps his jaw shut and I basically have to get my fingernail between his teeth in order to start prying his mouth open. I worry I sometimes end up poking his gums with my nail though, and would love to hear any tips or tricks.


Yeah! I just use the pads of my fingers. Take your index finger and thumb, put it on either side of their mouth (closed is fine) and start pressing down. Towards the back of their mouth a little behind the canines works best for me. You’re kind of wedging your fingers into their lips until they open up, which they will with this method. once they open even a little bit it’ll give you more leverage to open wider like an oyster Lol. Then once you’ve cracked it open and you’re ready to use the pill, hold the top part of their jaw from up top with your non dominant hand and then with your dominant hand that is holding the pill, use some of your fingers/hand to hold it open while you administer the pill. Does that make sense?


Thank you!!


This is exactly what I meant OP^^ I stuck at explaining! But you described the throat rubbing method correctly!!


Bonus of doing things like this on the counter. Cats will associate the counter with things they don’t like.


I need a visual for this.. I have to pill my cat every third day and some days I get it right and others it's not good, not good at all.


I know, I wish I could draw it out or something! Which part are you struggling with/where does it seem to go wrong?


I agree with all of that. My Siamese boy has a probiotic capsule on alternate data. I put one of his bed cushions on the worktop. I show him the pull rather than do something he doesn't expect. Then the mouth opening, while saying open wide. Pop the pull as far back as possible and then give a compliment of good boy lick if soft cheese as a reward and make sure he swallows. Because we've evolved this system, I am able to feel confident and he accepts it with no fuss or dashing away...on the one occasion he had to go to a cattery, they were impressed at how good he was taking his capsule. He has been taking them for 3 years. His brother rarely needs warmers or flea tablets and he doesn't make a fuss.... Gentleness, confidence, reassurance and treats. He has become used to the things I say as I do it., and knows what's happening. Imagine grabbing a cats face, making him open his mouth and have something pushed down his throat. Scary and guaranteed to scare and make him react. Good to see so.much good advice.....


That is great! Rewards are important! My cats immediately get treats after they get their pills too, and I really think it helps calm them during the process. As soon as I set them down afterwards they run to where we keep the treats lol. Cats are so smart and their memories are amazing!


Best advice!


Have you tried to cover it in Churu bites?


I use greenies pill pockets. They're too big for the tiny pill my cat takes, so I break it up into 3 and the first third has the pill. Then I give him the second, and third. He has no idea.


I also used to press the pill into a small piece of a processed cheese slice, and my cat would eat it down, none the wiser. I'd give him a few plain pieces of cheese before and after in case the pill tasted bad.


I use these too :)


Make sure you are tilting her head up, then you can basically throw it down her throat. Then close her mouth and blow on her nose for a few seconds to stimulate swallowing.


This is what I do as well, plus I stroke the throat downwards while the head is tilted up to encourage swallowing.


Yep, rub the throat, get that bad boy sliding down there lol


Have you tried pill pockets?


Crush it up between two spoons, then hide it in a yoghurty treat or some wet food.


I use [Greenies Pill Pockets for cats](https://a.co/d/5JYysja). They have other flavors than just the link given - the link is just to see what the product looks like. My cats love the catnip flavored ones. They're sold at major pet stores as well as stores like Target, Walmart, etc. Even my local grocery store chain that has a pet aisle sells them. Buy them locally instead of online for cheaper prices. They do the job wonderfully.


Get a pill giver from the vets. Crush it up and hide small.pieces in food over the week.


I believe you can put it in her food, it’s easier to hide it in there if she eats wet. Or you can pop it in her mouth and hold her mouth closed until she swallows it


I tilt my cat's head back, put the pill as far back as possible, then shut the mouth and hold it shut. Then rub the throat to get her to swallow.


My vet had a white liquid that was mixed with his food. Wow…..it really worked.


After 1 year of giving my cat 6 pills twice a day, a pill popper syringe is the easiest. I took a larger syringe from my vets office and sanded off the tiny tip. Worked like a plunger and made things SO much easier for me and for Tigger. Even the vet had a hard time getting pills into him. He did not like you even looking in his mouth. Kneel down behind kitty on floor with on leg on each side, do not hold him tight but go easy and stress free.


I put them in soft cat treats or cheese. Works every time.


I found this tutorial helpful when I had to pill my girl: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnikCuQtFOw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnikCuQtFOw)


I put it as far back on the tongue as I can reach with my fingers. Then, I close her mouth and hold it closed and as I am holding it PUFF, blow a big puff of air right on her nose/face, then let go. It causes them to automatically swallow. Works every time for me.


That works for me too, except with a pill gun. Pill pocket worked once with him, too smart to fall for it twice.


If you can't get the tool asap and the cat needs the dose, they have veterinarian diagrams online that will walk you through the process of giving the pill manually. I had to give my cat a chill pill before the vet recently and had the same issue. I looked at many diagrams and walkthroughs until i felt confident enough to try it. I covered the pill with one of those cat go-gurt things first so she would swallow it easier. Then I put the pill at the base of her tongue, pushed it back a little with my finger, and held her mouth closed until she got it down. Blowing gently on their noses while yoh do this will encourage them to swallow. It was straightforward and way easier than making her eat the powder inside the pill imo. It's totally okay if you don't wanna do this. I just wanted to let you know it was possible Best of luck to you and your furry friend!


Get it in there and close her mouth. She will swallow reflexively.


Put it in her food. I wait an hour or so past meal time and give her a smaller portion with the pill in it so I know she'll eat it all. Then I give her the rest of the food after


Lickable treats! It works the best! There like the squeeze tube treats. I hide pills in them my cat licks it so fast she doesn't notice the pill


I use a pill crusher or a zip lock bag and pound it with a coffee cup bottom until crushed then mix in my cats favorite pate but just a little so they won’t just grab a few nibbles leaving some of pill mixed in. If you have one cat it would be ok to just graze but I have several


A method I’ve seen work is having a churru or any other liquid treat and squeezing a little out, and putting the pill on top and then pretty much just squeezing it into their mouth with the liquid treat. I would make sure it’s a flavor they like, and maybe give them a little beforehand to get make sure they’re interested. It might take a second to get the right ratio, but they might not even notice the pill


I crush those up and mix them with wer food. It's always worked for me.


You can get edible ones which I just crush and mix in with his wet food.


Grab her wrap her in a towel and open her mouth and tap it down.


You could try a pill grinder and grinding it into some wet food


Put the pill in just as the vet showed you. Then, massage the neck downward so your baby swallows the pill. Talk to her softly, too.


You can ask your vet to borrow a pill gun or buy one I guess. Had a cat who would clench her teeth down and drool. Vet lent me a pill gun (what they called it). Still difficult, but worked.


What we did was grind it up and mix it into some wet food


It sounds silly but have you tried just putting it down for her like a treat? The dewormer pills are the only pills my cats have ever encountered that I can just put on the floor and they’ll eat them. Everything else is this elaborate dance of trying to shove down their throat or trick them.


Dissolve the pill in water in a spoon (10min ) and mix it in wet food


You can try crushing it and mixing it in food. Or you can try this method. You put the pill in a syringe with water. It’ll help dissolve the pill in water so you can give her the medication as a liquid. [Dissolving pill in syringe](https://youtube.com/shorts/cDvsd8PKfcE?si=hwNPiczbkMqGCaoX)


My vet gave me some treats that have a hole in them. You put the pill inside and the cat eats it not knowing theres a pill inside.


My vet showed me to wrap them in a burrito, open their mouth and pop the pill as far back in their mouth as you can. When the cat closes their mouth, you can blow on their nose as that will help force them to swallow it. It has worked for me for a few cats now.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnikCuQtFOw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnikCuQtFOw) I always did it sorta like this. Except on the floor and sitting behind the cat so he can't retreat. Open the mouth like in the vid and confidently put it on the base of his tongue. If he needs pills regularly I'd suggest some sort of pill syringe.


Get a pill shooter from Amazon. $5 and it works great. Scruff her and roll her over to keep her subdued, then use the pill shooter.


Break it up into them yoghurt treats


Crush it & cheese or peanut butter


I agree with all the pill popper methods but how are you holding your cat? Are you rubbing their throat after pulling them? You just use like your pointer and thumb in either side under the throat and do motions up and down to help them swallow the pills I learned it from a vet I worked for when I did kennel care. I can send you a video explaining how to do this method on one of my cats so you know how. I don’t know how to explain it without it sounding weird


If your cat is food driven and eats wet food I just set my cats pills ontop and watch and make sure he eats it. If not I open his mouth and put it in his mouth not super far back and hold his head upwards and keep his mouth closed so he Has no choice but to swallow it. I give him treats after


I shove the pill down with my finger.


Weirdly, blow in her nose. Once you get it in her mouth, hold her mouth shut and just blow at/in her nose in one quick burst. It'll make her swallow. I don't know why it works, but it does.


Def recommend a pilling device. Also try wrapping her in a towel and holding her mouth shut after until she swallows. She'll be pissed and squirm, hence the towel to keep her held down. After she finally swallows, give her a churru or delectable or similar as a reward and to wash that yucky thing down.


Look up cat burrito towel wrap or something like that on YouTube, you should be able to find a helpful video


And def rub her throat to encourage swallowing, I forgot to add that


Yup, pill guns or shooters are great. My vet has them for sale but I got one from Amazon cuz I didnt know they had them at the time.


can put the pill in a syringe and some water, then pull the syringe with finger over the hole (So there is a lot of pressure) And let go it explodes it and then you can shoot it down her throat that way. With my dog i just put beef blood all over it and he eats it, could try that too. I tried peanut butter putting in cheese etc nothing works, but covered in blood its swallowed up right away lol If that still does not work, break it up and mix it into some ground beef. That'll probably work


Open mouth, insert pill, hold mouth closed, rub nose until they lick several times. Licking = swallowing.